Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1913, p. 3

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{-‘Montreal. May 27.~â€"Oorn~â€"American No. M yellow. 64 to 650. Oatsâ€"Canadian West- m. No. 2, 41 to 411â€"20; Canadian Went- ' , No. 3, 40 to 401-20; extra No. 1 feed. . Barleyâ€"Manitoba feed, 49 to 500; puking, 61 to 64¢. Buckwheat-«No. 2, 58 {(0 600. Flourâ€"Manitoba. Spring wheat. 1 aunts, firsts, $6.40; seconds. $430; strong - atom, $4.70; Winter patents, choice. $5.25: jutraight' rollers, $4.75 to $4.35; traight one”, ba. 5, $2.15 to $2.30. Rolleg oatsâ€" éarrels, $4.55; bags, of 90 lbs., $2 05. Mill- ;oedâ€"Bran, $17.50 to $18; shorts, $21; mid- zdlings, $22 to $23; moullie, $27 to $33. Hayâ€"No. 2, per ton, car }ots. $13.50 to i 4. Cheeseâ€"Finest westerns, 11 to 11 1-8c; nest, easterns, 10 34 to 107-8cx Butterâ€" O‘hoicest creamery, 261-4 to 261-220; aeo- ondcs, 25 to 25142. Eggs-~Fresh, 21 to 220; pelected, 250. Potatoesâ€"Per bag, car lots. 350 to 521-20. Videos of Cattle, Gram, Cheese and (mm ‘ Produce at Homo and Abroad. Ontario Wheat Outlook. . ~ ‘The Fall wheat crap in Ontario Winter- ‘Bd W811. notwithstanding the light pro- rteotiou of snow, and the early Spring Weather was also, favorable. there‘ beihg 811-49; No. 1 tough, 85c; No. 2. do“ 840; No. 3, (10., 810: No. 4, do“ 751-20; No. 1 red inter. 951-40; No, 2, do., 921-40; No. 5. ..., 881-40; No. 4, (10., 83 3-40; Oatsâ€"No. Z ., 340; N0. 3, 410., 311-20; extra Nq. 1 , 341-40; NC». 1 feed, 551-40; Na 2. do, 1-40. Barleyâ€"No. 3 4'10: No. 4, 46c; re- jected. 420; feed, 42. Flax-No. 1 N.-W.C.. ) ”1131321 31? $7176: ' Ruled Strawâ€"$8 to $8.50, on track, To- , Winnipeg. May Z7.â€"Cash:â€"Wheabâ€"-Nm 1 rthern, 941-2c; No. 2, do.,_ 911-40; No. 3. ., 871-40; No‘ 4, 831-20; No. 5I 741-20; 0. 6. 701-20; feed. 5801 No. 1 rejectedl W9, 811-2“ No. 2! c101, 84_1'-Zc;_No_. 3, 519.. W ut 756. 7 ( Oats~0ntar£o oats 531-2 to 34c, outside. find at 5'10. on track, Toronto. Western wads. oats. 391-20 for No. 2, and at 380 No. 5, Bay ports, prompt shipment. ,Peasâ€"‘I‘he market is purely nominal. insular-Prices nominal. yCotano. 2 American com, 640, all-rail, d at 59c, (LLL, Midland. . Ryeâ€"{Prices nominal. ,Buckwheatâ€"No. 2 at 52 to 55c. outside. Branâ€"Manitoba. bran, $17 to $13.50, in huge, Toronto freight. Shorts, $19 to £19.50, Toronto. ' Bacon, long clear, 151-2 to 153â€"4 per 11), case lots. Porkâ€"Short out. 828: (10.. as. $22. Hamsâ€"Medium to light, 19 to ; heavy. 17 to 18c; rolls, 16 to 165-443: reakfiast bacon, 2ch backs, 23 m 240. LLudâ€"Tiemes, 141-20; tubs. 14 540: Dailfi. PRICES Bf FARM PRUDUBTS _--v va‘u‘vu u...» uh“, miâ€"publio, those present consietâ€" ng of members of the Royal Geoâ€" ‘ raphircad Society and their friends, V ut there was not a. vacamt seat in e great hall. Lord Ourzâ€"on, in introducing [Commander Evans, said the latter Baled hayâ€"No. 1 at. 812 to $12.50, on track, Toronto; No. 2, $11. Mixed hay is . a. Poultry-Chickens, 19 to 200 per 110.: owl. 16 m 170: turkeys. 20 to 21¢. Live ultry, about 26 lower than the above. . Potatoes~0ntario stock. 55 to 60:: per bag, on track, and Delawares at 70 to ’21-2 per bag. on track. , 'A des‘patoh from London, Eng- and, says: Before an immense and 'stinguished audience in the Royal ‘” lvbert Hall on Wednesday night Commander Evans delivered his gerlyâ€"awaited lecture on the Bri- mSh South Polar expedition, which ‘oost the lives of Capt. Scott and his Bo-mpanions. Commander Evan's as second in command of the ex- edition. Lady Scott, and the Wi- |ldowgofi others of the party who FEW}; 1:13:23; (Eid’éhéése; 14 to 141.242. Beansâ€"Handfpipked $2 _50_‘per bushel; STORY OF POLAR DISASTER {perished were present. Lord- Cur- lzon of Kedâ€"lexsfoon presided. With Commander Evans on the platform Were several member's ‘of the Scott ‘ xpedibipx}; Tho occasion w:a,s.only vauuvA y'wv w-vv -..._.-...-,. mpamtively little heaving or other in- ‘ury from front. There was an unusually npld growth‘iu the latter part of April nd the first. few days of May, which gave @omd head to the plant. but subsequent 1d weather has acted as a check. Taken full together. however. the present, outlook ‘ r the crop is mast. promising, except on ‘v abersown fields or on low or pun-1y drain- ed land.~ Only a comparatively small acreage has been plowed up or resown 1th barley'or other Spring grain. Much aanteiéljury than usual from insects is re- r . PEPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE ‘3'. CENTRES OF AMERICA. 1Commander Evans. Addressad an Immense Crowd at Royal Albert Hall, London. Butterâ€"Dairy prints, choice 23 to 24c; interior, 1’! to 19c; creamery. 26 to 280 for rolls, and 25 to 270 for solids. ‘ Eggsâ€"Case lots 20 to 216 here, and at ‘80 outside. Cheeseâ€"1514 to 1371-20 foytwingha‘pd at, Toronto. May Zlâ€"F'Iourâ€"Onmrio wheat. Our, 90 yer cent. patents. $5.90 to $5.93. [ontveal or Toronto heights. Manitobas. n15 patentn. in jute bags. $5.30: second Manta» in jute bags, $49-30}.St1‘0n2 bak- I'S’. in jabs bags, $4.60. Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern. 991-20, )1 track, Bay ports: No. 2 at 96 15-40; No. . 941-2c, Bay ports. ‘Onrbario wheavâ€"No. z white and red (heat. 96 to 97¢. outside, and inferior. at times, $2 to $2.25, in a jabbing way. HoneyaExtrmted, in tins, 125-4 to 130 5! 111. for No. 1, wholesale; combs, $2.60 P 35.} per dozen for No. 1, and $2.40 for Baled Hay and Straw. Montreal Markets. W|nnlpog Wheat. Country Producc. Breadstuffs. Provisions. leountry. She is one of the five jcharming daughters of the late Duke of Westminster, and is also connected with the Coke family, her stepmother, Katherine, Duchâ€" ess of Westminster, and Georgina, Countess of Leicester, being sis- ters. The Duchess is further relat- ed to the Royal Family by the marâ€" riage of her first cousin, the Duke of Argyll, with Princess Louise, King George’s aunt. In 1894 she married Queen Mary’s eldest bro- ther, then Prince Adolphus of Teck. The Duke of Teck is a, keen soldier and a wellâ€"known sportsman. He was in South; Africa with the let Life Guards, of which he was then a major, during the South African War. One day, with several other young officers, after a long day’s work, he came upon a. war corre- spondent, Whom he asked how he liked being under the Boer fire. “Not at all,” replied the wielder of the pen; “anyone may have my share of such adventures who cares for them.” The officer, in much~ worn khaki clothes, said, “Well, we have to go under fire whether we like it or not, you know.” “Yes,” Toronto, May 27.--â€"Cattleâ€"Choice export, $6.75 to $7.25; choice butchers, $6.60 to $7; good medium, $6 to $6.25; common, $5 to $6.25; cows, $6.25 to $5.75; bulls. $5.25 to $5.75; calmer-B, $2 to $2.50; cutters, $3.25 to $3.75. Calvesâ€"Good veal, $5 to $7: choice, 558; common, $5 to $5.50. Smokers and feeders-Steers, 700 to 1,000 lbs., $4.50 to $6.25; yearlinzs, $3.10 to $3.50; extra choice heavy feeders, 900 lbs., $5.85 to $6. Milken; and springere-From $40 to $75. Sheep and lambsâ€"Light ewes, $5.50 to $6.50; heavy. $4.50 to $5; lambs. yearlings. $7.50 to $8.50; bucks, $4.50 to $5; spring lambs, $3.50 to $6.50 each. Hogs~$9.95, fed and watered; $9.50 to $9.60, f.o.b., and $10.10 011' cars. . The Duchess of Teck, though so closely related to the Royal Fam- ily, cares little for the splendors of court life and attends as few big functions as possible. She loves the simple life anddiving in the Minneapolis, May 27»â€"â€"Whea.tâ€"May, 890; July, 901-40; September, 907-80. Closing (gash. No. 1 hard[ 92 3-40: No. 1 Northern. Montreal, May 27.~Prime beeves, $7.25 to $7.50; medium, $5.25 to $7; common, 84 to $5. Milkmen’e strippers, $4.76 to near $6; calves. $2.50 to $7; sheep, $5 to $6.25; spring lambs, $4 to $6; 11086. $10.25 to $10.75. $6.25 $5.75 $3.75 9114' to 921-40; No. 2, Northern, 891-4 to 901-40,. No. 5 yellow corn, 610. No. 3 white oats, 351-20. No. 72 rye, 755 to 571-20. Duluth, May 27.â€"Wheat~No. 1 hard, 921-40; No. 1 Northern, 911-40; No. 2 Nor- thern, 88 3-4c to 891-49; May. 901-40. nom- inal; July, 911-40; September, 9158c. u. v.4; .Vu. -.-..-‘- Commander Evans’ story was told with remarkable modesty and contempt for dramatic effect. The speaker was content for bhe most part to describe the splendid photo- graphs of the expedition that were thrown on a. huge screen. There were affecting moments, however, when he told again the story of the disaster to the leader of the expeâ€" dition. The audience was enthusi- astic, and when a. picture of Capt. Scott and his party at. the pole was display-ed there was tremendous applause. was about to tell “la. tremendous tale of human adventure.” He added that the Scott expedition had resulted in a. contribution of the first imjportanoe to the world’s‘ knowledge of the Antarctic conti- nent and. seas, and that this would be a better monument to Scott and his men them any sculptured effigy or carved inscription. $1.161-2; No. 2 C.W.. 31141-2; No. 3, do., $1.06. THE DUCHESS OF TECK. U nltod States Markus. Duchess of Teak. lee Stock Markets. A despatoh from Chair-135mm, South Carolina, says: Three soldi- ers were killed and nine or more Seriously injured late on Thursday night at Fort Mo-ultr-ey, when the breech blew off a. three-inch gun which was being used for night tar- get practice. It, is difficult“) 10mm retorted the correspondent, “but that’s what you’re paid for, isn’t it?” The others in the group all laughed, and the correspondent was much taken aback to find that he had thus been making free with a prince of royal blood. The Breach of a Three-inch Gun Blow Off. THREE SOLDIERS KILLED. â€"â€" ‘ Tthfiawrmlcc Envlcstmcnt Subscriptions may be paid to any Bank of Canada, Montreal, or mailed direct to th The operations of the Company will be confined chiefly to the City and Dis is no City which oflem the same advantages to Investors seeking safety wit commercial supremacy in tha Dominion is universally known. The population 1912, 611,397. The assessed valuation of Real Estate in 1912 showed an increase < vloue year. Montreal is an Island, therefore its area is fixed. Real Estate valt still low and leave room for great expansion. The City proper 00vers an area. lest area. of any city with the same population in either Canada. or the United m no pay much onem the same advantages to Investors seeking safety with large returns. Montreal's commercial supremacy in tha Dominion is universally known. The population in 1901 wag 266,826, and in 1912. 611,397. The assessed valuation of Real Estate in 1912 showed an increase of $125,000.000 over the pre- vious year. Montreal is an Island, therefore its area- is fixed. Real Estate valuera. though increasing, are still low and leave room for great expansion. The City proper covers an area. of 18 square miles, the ritual lest area. of any city with the same population in either Canada. or the United States - MANAGEMENT. The Company have appointed Findlay & Howard. Limited, Managers. Mr. Findlay is recognized as one of the foremost judges of Real Estate in Montreal, and the Flrm's success is shown in the renulte of the following Companies managed by them, which in addition to placing substantial, amounts to reserve have paid dividends as follows:â€" J. Hubert Hon. J. P. B. anagram, President, Birnam Réélty 00.. Limited, thn‘figglfy,_Px-gsh:l_ent,findgay & Howard, Limited. w-uvnv' .nuuu: u xxvvvnru, Luann/Cu. Hié’vidr'si'fiffl'o. Lavallee. K.C.. Mayor of the City‘ leu. a. M. Bosworth. Vice-President, Canadian Pacifiz'hfikay, . .. . Director Provincial Bank of Canada. W. A. Black, Vice-Preaident.03flvie Flour _M_ills Co.,_7LAimited. was incorporated by act of the Quebec Legislature. 5 Ed. VIL. Chap.75, in 1905, having for its dbject the ex- tending and absorption of the St. Lawrence Investment. Society. This Society, formed in 1895, carried on a. successful “business on asmall scale, paying regular annual dividends varying from 5 per cent. to 15 per cent, and the assets gave the shares of the Society a. value of about $150 at its abeorption. The Charter under which the new Company is organized is a very valuable one. it being difficult to obtain a. Charter of like char- acter. The powers conferred by it, are wide and give an opportunity for the transaction of a. profitable busi- ness. FUTURE OF THE GOMEANY. T119 new Company will do1 business on a. much larger scale thnn the old Company, will operate largely in the owning of, buying and s'elling of well selected real estate, in the development of tracts of land in the City and its suburbs by selling same as Factory Sites and building lots. and in the purchase of Streementfl of sale. a business very profitably engaged in in Toronto, Winnipeg. Calgary, Vancouver and other Cities. The purchasing of agreements of sale has not. to any extent, been carried on in Montreal. and it is intended that this Company pay particular attelktion to this Branch which shown eVen better op- fiortunitiea oi profit, with a. larger margin of safety, than hose of the West, inasmuch as the values of Real state in Montreal are more firmly based. I VICE-PRESIDENTS. Hon. N. Curry. President, Canadian Cal; ’6; Foundry 00., Meredith, Mupheraon, Hague, Holden and. Fayette Brown. Royal Bank of Canada Fair and Cameron, Robson. Hill and Ritchie. (1A.. MANAGERS. Findlay & Howard, Limited, 211-213 Notre Dame Street West. Sir Alexander Lacoato 'A. c. Hutchiwu, of Hutchiaon. Wood and Millet.- St. Lawrence Investment and Trust Company (Incorporated by the Quebec Legislature in 1895 and granted Investmenhand Trust. powers in 1905-) AUTHORIIED CAPITAL, 35.0%.!)00. NOTE :â€"â€"6% Interest will be credited Where calls paid in advance. CANADIAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS: PRESIDENT. ' .nder Lacoato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director. Liverpool. London & 'Globe Insurance Co. a Bier-mans. General Manager. Helga-Canadian Paper 00., Director, Acadia, Coal Co. I Applémount Land Company. Limited, Birnam Realty Company, Limited. . Drummond Realties. Limited, . . Kenmore Realty Company, Limited, Lindores Realty Company, Limited, Lorne Beanies, Limited, . . . Park Realty Company. Limited, . Tayaide Realty Company, Limited, Wentworth Realty Company, Limited, St. Lawrence Investment & Trust. Company} 211-213 Notre Dame Street West, Montreal. I hereby apply for ...'.'.......'.......shares (or such has number as may be allotted to me) of $100 each at par in the above Company, and agree to pay for same as follows: 10 per cent. on application. 10 per cent. on 9th June. 19135. 20 er cent, on allotment. 10 per cent. on 9th July, 1913. and the ba anco when required by the Directors in calls of‘ 10 per cent. with at least 50 days’ notice prior to each call. Present Issue $1,000,000 in Shares of $100 each. 211-213 Notre Dame St. West, MONTREAL, P.Q. Occupation Address . . Signature . THE ST. LAWRENCE INVESTMENT & TRUST COMPANY (of which about. $500,000 is already privately subscribed.) Payable 10 per cent. on application. 20 per cent. on allotment. 10 per cent. on 9 June, 1913. 10 per cent on 9 July. 1913. Balance by calls of 10 per cent. on 30 days' notice. and Trust Company just now how many were wounagd scatterednamong the soldiers 010's}; when the fragments of the cannon by. ' In view of the wide and steadily increasing interest taken by investors in .the better class of Canadian Preferred Stocks, we have compiled a. booklet. giving the latest available information regarding representative preferred stocks, which are listed either on the Toronto or Montreal Stock Exchanges. ' The present is regarded as an opportune time for investment, as secur- itxes generally may be procured on an unusually favorable basis, yielding up In :1 n.- A...“ to 8 Se: cent: ROYAL INSURANCE (State whether Mi». BUILDING. MONTREAL. Fill In Coupon. mall, and we shall be glad toeenéa. copy “Preferred Stocks." Name . . . . . A, Address ‘ . . M ONT-REAL Director. wink of No‘va s‘ooui APPLICATIONS Director, Montréal True-t Coi. “PREFERRETSWGKS” FIELD OF OPERATION. 1k for the Credit of the Company’s Amount with the Royal Bank the Company who will be glad to furnish 'further particulars. Director 'Molsona hank. . SOLICITORS. Shaughnesey, NOTARIES. DIRECTORS. VALUATOR. AUDITORS. BAN KERS. FOR SHARES. Incorporated Mrs. or Miss.) A. E. AMES 5L £0. FI- li- HIVIEQ g bu. umon‘alauu Escabnehed 1889‘ BUN-“MG. Members Toronto stock Exchange. TORONTO- IRVESTMEHT BANKERS. the City 31nd District of Montreal, and there 1909 1910 1912 1909 1910 1912 1908 1911 1910 paid 55 per cent. " 80 per cent. 55 1-3 per cent.” 871-2 per cent. 165 per cent. 96 De!- cent. " 140 per cent. “ 50 per cent. " 150 per cent. 14 u u . u _ Montreal and . Montreal. Montreal. Branches. Montreal. Montreal. Montreal. Montrea). Montreal. Montreal. Montreal. Menu-ea}. Montreal. Montreal. Mbntreal. Montreal.

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