Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1913, p. 4

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That well known society paper, Saturday Night, in its last number, mixes Secretary of State Mr. J. Bryan lid for not furnishing intoxicating tirinks at tlie'stetge'ainner's at wash- lug-ton. Saturday night says:â€"“Of bourse Mr. Bryan in his priyate capa- thy. has every right in the world to idi‘lmt Water or red ink with his pals it he so desires. but Mr. Bryan, seéhetary of State of the United States America, has no right to afflict ether people, particularly as' these BEBE? people, diplomats and foreign filters, are attending Mr. Bryan’s ldin'ners not because they want to, but because it is a part Of their'routine business as members of the diplomatic ‘corps. . . “Mr. Bryan and the rest of his ilk should remember that ‘V‘yhile ginger pop may be a healthy ‘enough beverage, diplomats have not been brought upon it. and that invin- ‘sisting on such procedure he is only making himself and his' country ridi- '_culous.” * ‘ ' ' Iqq‘qmonn Bury. 0NT.. MAX an ixfei-‘fflihemi I wfiil‘ yrize fight; in Calgary {gust ggmmfig msultpd in the death of Luthgg MchrLy who receivgd 3, fatal Ejlovgf“ his opponent Arthur Pel- 1 LA" -4 Saturday Night; seems to think gbat the chief function of diplomats 13nd fiéfgigg yis’itors is to smoke cigars ae-g wamagne: twd "minutes ‘after the 19.2! Pelkey is free ‘from yet the real responsibility of the man-killing Should be placed on the shoulders of the Calgary author- ities? who allowed the fight to take place. There is no reason to think that these two men engaged in com. pat tried to kill each other, any more than prize fighters always do. Under such circumstances fighters are not sapposed to give their opponents love taps. If the recent eneounter would put an end to all'prize fights in Can- ada it would add greatly to the good 'name of this country. ' Toronto did itself credit in suppress- ing “Deborah,” a theatrical perform- ance which is pronounced immoral. Many'plays furnish wholesome enter- tainment, others are doubtful, while others again are decidedly evil in illeir tendencies. Pluyaoting may be made to do a good work for both old and young, but the performances ghouldybe such that respectable men {ind women can attend without a fear thanthey may have to hide their faces in thaxne. H 1glen. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Secrelary, has ordered that: all the liars on Manitoulin Island be closed On and after theme: of August. The Scott: act was earried on the Island a few months ago, but by 5. technical- ity the License Commissioners re- commended that Llle licenses be grant- ed another year.‘ Mr. Hanna was certainly right in not allowing a technicality to stand in the way of closing the bars. The 'anniverszn-y of the Sabbath School wm be held this year on Satur- day and Sunday, the 2Ist'and 22nd of." June. The usual games and spm't's" will take pluu‘ on Saturday; and there will he a. good hand in utLendaucm S wines will lw. hvld on Sunday at 2.15 _und 7 p.m. The ul‘ternunn address Willi“ be speciallyju clxi'ld‘rtm,‘ Pul‘tlculm-s (if the auxuiversilry'wlll be given later 'by bills. ‘ MCGALLUMâ€"At Aurora. on Thursday, ‘Mny 32. 1913, Christina; McCquun). eldest daughter of the late Archibald and Margaret McQalqull, of Strange. Ont. "" ' Funeral from her late“ residence, " Aurora on Sur‘fdayt' Interment at King City Cemetery. ” “ \1 TIME; BRYAN’S CRU ELTY ? V ictoria Square. DEATHS 29, 1913 are due solely to a diseased condition of the kidneys. There is a. quick. sgeedy cure in Anti Uric Kidney Pills. V . A. Sanderson sells them and guar- mxtees them to give the desired results. Come back and get your money if you are not; perfectlv satisfied. Be sure you get; ANI‘l-URIO PILLS. B.V. MARION on every package. 32 t-f Small Farm for Sale 'S'uitab‘l’e for Boul‘ti‘y firm Er market. gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen minutes walk_ to Metropolitan car. ‘ TOWNSHIP OF MARKH‘AM v COUNTY OF YORK On lst Concession 6f Vaughan, lot} 38. Thirty-four acres. good mugh cast house. new stone foundation, barn, new hen hnuse’. pig pen, young orchard ins} Vhpginfining toghem-L plenty of water. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said tinge my} placef.“ - ' Lax-ets 5 V a Court will be held, pursuant to the "Voter’s List Act,” by His Honor he Judge of the County Court of the ouhty of York, at at 9 o’clock 3pm.. to hear and deter- mine tbe sevei‘al complaints of errors and omissions in the Voter’s List of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the year 1913. Dated-at Uu'ionville the 20th day of May, 1913. Orders‘noyg being taken for pring delivery,'1913. Prospects ‘bright' for " the seasbn’s trade. ' Expn'igpce unnecessary. -We instruct Ollt' salesmen how to $911 Fruit Stocks ' » _ in the country and Ornamental trees In the tqwn. ‘ ' ' START NOW and have your terfiltnry reserved. weekly Pay. Free Outfit. WRITE FOR TERMS. VICTORIA HALL, UNIONVILLE court of Revisian LVVrite for our private address. OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that; Rinans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripah's Tabules: at drugglsm. DROPSICAL SWELLINGS CURABLE CASE GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Areyou a; victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending to marry! Ias your load been diseased? Have you an weaknessa' Our New Method Treatment wig cure-you. What it has done for other: it wi do for you. Coniultation Free. NO‘matter who has treated you, write for an honest 0 union .Ftee of Charge. Bookn Free- “ oyhood. Manhood. Fatherhood.“ (Illustrat- ed) on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No name: on boxes or envel- %pe-. Everything Confidential. Que-flea “It and Cost of Treatment FREE. FOR HOME 3mm & KENNEDY N c > All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- m ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire, t9 see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as We see and treat no patients in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY '8: KENNEDY, Windsmj. 09$; NERVES, LIFELESS Monday. June 2nd. I918 JUDGE’S 'AGE-NTW'ANTED Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Detroit, Mich; Apply on premise-s m" to H. APPLETON, ' C. H. SEIVER, Clerk, Markham Tuwnship. FflNTHlLL NURSERIES RICHMOND To sell for the “The Old Reliéble” 0 Sweet :9 Bl! L Cami" Bowel ’..:-‘. 1h, DEBRLITATED MEN Cnirville. the victims of early indiscret-ions and later or: cess‘es. who are; tail]; V ‘in liraâ€"you are the ones we can restore mfinh'ood‘and, reylve the spark of energy and vxtah‘ty. Don‘t. givé’ uptn despair because on have treated with other doctors. used eectric belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the bunk or des air. has re- stored happiness to hundreds 0 homes and hasmado successful men or those who were “ down and out.“ We frescribe specific rem- edies for each individua case according to the symptoms and complicationsâ€"we have no patent medicines. This is one of the secrets 0! our wonderful success as our treatment can- not tail,.for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case. Only curable cases eg- cfiptEd. We have done busineu woung Canada for over 20 You". YOUNG MEN ANDM‘DPLE-AGEDIMQ- A reliable French regulator; never fails“ These pills are exceedingly owerful in regulating the generative portion of t e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at P5 a box. or three [or $10. Mailed to any address. the Scobeu pm: 00.. St. Catharina. Ont. 46-2 Notice is hereby given that Lt INNES & SONS’ FAC- TORY and OFFICE will-be CLOSE-D SAT U R D AY AFTERNO 0 NS (1 u r i n g MAY, jUNE,- JULY and AUGUST. V Our customers will please govern themselves accordmg- Dr. de Van’s Femaie Pills May 1,1913 May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of .the farmer’s market, and by learning olffihe best method in farm ptac’cice. This' is precisely the sort of informatién t‘he Famerg’ Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal Is a Farmer-'3‘ Business Paper.’ Good farmers rely on it. For yrice see m dubbing ofiex. {an'dééniéfi 'uiu's' fid'w-E‘eilif ‘ mm '61:. 121th of any so [no journal. Terms tor Canada. $3.75 a. year. postage prepaid. Sold by all nevmdealers. ‘ MUN?! & Caugggflgugrk Bunch 0mm 635 B" ' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and (haul tlon may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an Invent. on is probably atenmb e. mmunica. nonlstrlotly confident a1. “AND 00 on Patents gem. free. Ojdeat agency for semrlnwtents..,. Patents taken t roan Munn & r t mogul, games. @9191“; urge. lathe ' A good covered buggy. Apply to a, FARM PROFITS .; L. INNES & SONS, NOTICE For Sale A. WRIGHT. Stop 52 Metrupolitan Line. Richmond Hill. J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS 0N HAND. REAL ' ESTATE 44-3 GRAVEL, STONE AND SAND. « GLASS BROS-.- Elgin Mills TEAMSTERS Every family should have their local paper‘and a, city paper. RICHMOND BILL â€"-â€"AGENC Yâ€" “'ILLV SUPPLY FINE TAILDR‘INB The Next Sitting of Divxsidn Court to N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HELL BlViSIflN .- GBUB’T. cash. 33-tf Thoroughbred Hblste-in Bull. on Lot, 28. Con. 2, Vaughan. Tenus $1 AND . J. HUME Monday, June 23, 191:; NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, Etc. RICHMOND HILL. Commenan at 9.30 2;. m. r V T. F. MGMAHON riucni: Special attention given to For Selvice Pressing Cleaning - Repairing Conveyancing, . JOHN SLINESL, s Elgin Mimi both

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