Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1913, p. 5

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Emammn HILL. Own, MAY 29, 1913 Mu G. Maudie spent the holiday with Jrelatives in St. Mary’s. $15112 :‘iziww Fire pr‘acticé and husiness mpeting nqu Munduy evrning commencing at: 7, Mr. James MacDonald, St. Max-st 's‘pent the holiday in the willuge, the guess: of Mr, A. Moodie. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mason. Professm'S.'R. CI'PI'HI'. S. P. S, and Mrs. Urémr of Turnntni spent, the 24th. ;vibh Mts. Mary E. Gmhzfm. Mrs. J. Fletcher Shaw and sun of Montreal have been Visiting Mrs. George H. Metcult'e and friends. Glass Bros. and Allisnn’s butcher shnps will close every Wednesday at, 12.30 during J um), July and August. B's-inking ’nn Fuh- ‘duy smnotlmos leads to fighting, and lighting lends M» the doctur’s snag-11y. now simyh _! ' Mrs; Noi-im‘ni G'iassfw {esterduy and twdayi a In . n . ,Mrs. H.‘ F. Hupper :md Granddaugh- Lev, Miss Gladys Williams of Tumum Visited friends‘in the village over the holiday. yéQ'tel-duy and twdayi at, u Omnentiun hem at Elm St. 1‘01 n‘uto.‘ ? Mr. James Colin-an of Newman-km spent Satulday and Sunday with his daughter Emily at Hillview Farm, Markham. Mr. and' Mrs. L. E. Hand with a. pm bvof friends motored over and spent, the holiday at. Buffalo and returned Sunday evening. , Mr. Nun-man anlv of Montrvul spent the lmlid uy with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Boyle and stalled for home Mgmduy evening. Herrings with tnmutn sauce 100. tin: Clussrd Fish Sardines 1.50. Lin; Corned Ben-f 11h. Lin 25c.; Lnbstcx 30¢. m). At,- kiusou & b‘witzer. A“ emvrgpnt meeting \viil he held n Richmnnd Lodge, A1185 A.M., next, Monday vvemng for the purpose of conferring degrees. ‘ Mr, Tnppnr- of Elgi‘n Mills has been confined to ms ‘hed Eur a Week through blood puirsnni .g which hwgax} in his knee, but is nmv xeuwering Mr. J. R. Buy/Iv. Minister of EdllCd- flux for Alberta. :Iud Mrs. Buylu, \h‘it- ed his gnu-ins, Dmid, John 14nd Mut- uww Eur u few day‘s and left for home yt'fi‘m'rduy), At the last meeting of the Board of Education the salary of the first assist- a’nn in the High Schoolwusmised from $800 to $1,000. and that, uf the second assistant from $700 ft) $900. Qhe Annual Sunday School picnic of the liendl‘nrd Methodist; Church will he held on June 14% Mr. Herb. Smith’s. "Sunnybrook Farm”. Richmond Hill Band will be in attendance. Football (inmost! and other gunms. Particulars Will, he giver, ‘oy posters. The will of the late Thomas ngge uh” divd at hi: [mule at Oak Ridges pm the secumi (If April. has been pm- hfltfid: Deceased left an estate of $25,514.23. The prnpmtv is: divided among his sons and daughters with the exception (If $50 which is to be contributed to the funds of St. Juhn’s Church. with Scallop closing in fruut. long sleeves. sizes 36 and 33 $1.00; \Vhite figure Laihu‘e-d ‘\Vaist, \xith French ()ufi's and standing turnover Collar $1.00; \Vhite Linen tailored VVuist,_ with packet and Rolwspiem-e Collar $1.50; Luce Collar and 012$ Sets 550. and $1.00. ‘Atkinson & Switzer. Rev. E. C. Qurrie 0f the Presbyterian church has a new position offered to him for consideration in connection wich (me uf the Educatinnal organiza- tions of the Dominion, wiLh Winnipeg as centre, and the texriLm-y between there and Edmonton as his constit- ilency. Mr. Currie/s many friends will be pleased ctr-learn, of the gowd offer, by}; would be sorry if he should Leave hiswpresenb field of labor. It will be seen by posters that Mr. Jgulm Hicksnn, on account of ill heallh, Will offer bv public auclion on Sutur- day, June 14. his complete threshing nupfi‘t. As‘ there is an excellent, field for a. thlesher on both sides of Yonge street it would he wvll for those inter- ested to attend the sale on the 14th of June. Everything is said to be in goodconditinn. 48-2 1,4()CA14§§ \Vhite Shh-Waist, Emlnnhlel-y Fg'nnb Fresh Cream for Sale. ARTHUR BOYLE. L2 Richmgud, Hill. FOR SALE BY AUCTIO‘L‘ For Sale EIS dt-‘h‘gate W . M .S. Chuxch, i \Vith mmiy (fibers frn'm this place I «am-ude the Riclmmnd Hui Fair on the 24th of May; and enjoyed the ,(exhihits in Lhr‘ different climsrs. Bub Visitnrs hm v rm-xsun tn 'gumplaiu nf the lack'uf swusun the gruunds. I Imticed :1 [urge numher hf lung semis pilpd up in the hall. and Wondered why the directm-s did nut have them scattered Inrm‘ the grounds where Women and ‘ nthm fired peciple emuld sit: down and rest. It is u ue; many M“ as climbed up on the grand stand, but Wuuld ratth ‘ sit on smts on the grassy field. i ‘ Yours 'I‘I-uly.__ __ I | i l : V V l To the Editor of Tm; LIBEBA l PRIESBYTER‘IAN CHURCH. ' The Annive‘r-snv services (-f last Sun» day were well. amended. and the ud- dressvs‘ of Rev. J. C. Rnlrertsnn and !Mr. PH-slrm G Orwig upm'n (“fix-rent phase-s of work amung the ym’mg, e. g. % “whefi- uur wrirk Centrvs." “Teacher ‘ Training" and "Ht‘l'tif‘s" were lmth in; l. Lures-Ling and informing. Another ‘ fmnu'e which cont: ihntvd much to \he ' su'ccess uf the occnsinn was the special music which was well chosen and well rendered; Maple, May 27, 1913. The ladies of the cnngr'egalion were we” cmnpensuted for their labors in pat-pul-abinn fm- the 24m. A large number of people came fordinner, and at, , tea time it, was almust impossible tn handle the multitude. Provisions \vs-re- also ample and on nmndny (aven- ing a [01) cent tea Was served in the Innsmnent, The I’m-Assembly Cnngrew from the Blsglnst. to June “11 in Massey Hall. and the Assembly nf t‘he Prpshv- terian Church which lit-gins in Knox Church. Toronto, On June 41h, and ihe meetings (if the W. F. M. S. and \V. H. M. 8.1” Cnuk’s Church, beginningon the same date. are great events for our Presbyterian penple to keep in mind. These meetings are calculated as a. means tu develop and sharan the life and the spiritual pmwrs at those who are in the thick of the fight. all over this grn'wing land. Mr. )un-ie will preach next Sunday mnrning on "The Mission and the Holy Spirit,” and in the evening on "Jesus Teaching Concerning Salvation". Miss Beryl and Ruswell Gould had a mu row escape from seriuus. if not, fatal injury (in the fair grounds Saturday :thel-nmm. \Vhile n hurse l'leH was in .prngiess they crossed the mek to get some spending money fmm their father ‘nud mnthvr. Ruswdl was knocked down by the first hmse. the second horse cut a gash in his head, which afterwards necessitated several stitches, and the sister who rushed on the track to Saws her bruther, was run over by the sulky 9f the third horse. which dragged her several rods, tem- ing her clothing. The Childrenweru placed in their father’s - buggy and driven home. A doctor fuun'd several cuts and bruises, but, furtunnte- 1y nut nf n sprinus natmie. Thky up- gvax‘ tn be new axing satisfm:wi-i-'ly. METHODIST CHURCH The Ladies Aid will meet, a: the hnme of Mrs. A. J. Hume toanm-mw (Friday) evening at 8 u’cluc‘k, A full uttendunc'a is desiled as there is much husmuss to transact, including the election of officers fur the ensuing yem . The Ladies Aid are very grateful to the pubhc for the patronage they re- m-ivvd on Victoria Day, and tn the congregation fox their very genemus dmmtinns for Dinner- nnd Tea. The Society also wishes to thank the young ladies for so kindly tespunding L0 the needs of the day by serving at the tables. The proceeds of the anniver- sary umountrd to $391.75. NESV- MARRIAGE A0]? The new Ontario Marriage Act came int-ofm-ce last Thursday and all June brides will be regulated thereby. An important pmvisiun is that u- nbtuin a license in :1. locality \vum‘e nuiLhH- of the parties has resided for at. least fifteen days il. notice of applicah lion lllllnt he inserth in a. local paper once a week for three wet-ks. The 0b- jvct uf Lhisregulutit-n is w preventsnd- den and secret, marriages at; border towns. Anothex' provision prmiides 11 penalty hf $500 for a clergynmn who is guilt-V nf uniting par! ies mentally defec- tive 01- under the influence of liquur; ‘ Unless the owners of orchards get busy and destroy the myriads of cater- pillar nests which the apple trees are infested WitlLthlS spring there will be a gre:1t;short-u'ge of apples this fall in this section at least. Througont the country the fruit trees are alive with the pests and'soon whole. orchards will be denuded of their leaves and any apples there may he will he wormy specimens. Orchards to bear well, ‘should he cultivated and the. trees pruned and sprayed three times each year. RESTRIUTED HOURS The new new regulations of the liquor License Act are now in force in muni- cipalities under license. Instead of opening the bar at 6 o’clock in the morning the bars now open at 8. No liquor can he sold. by hopels which is not conslimed on the premises, and flasks cannot be sold. A departing guest c-mnnt. even Luke away a bottle in his suit case. Shredded \VheettZ pkgs. 250.; Post Toasties and Cm-n Flaky-s 10c, pkg.; Tillsons Pan-(lined Outs lUc. pkg; Renniesfijant Sugar Mange] Seed 45c. fit-lfilzgifbévfinétl'vPumpan 100. tin. Canned Tmuatoes. special 2 fur 25c. Atkinson 86 SwiLzer. ACCIDENT ON THE TRACK N0 SEATS on GROUNDS KILL THEAGAT'ERPILLARS OLD LADY. ls always nntireahlv because of her hair. Saga-in is the life. (-f coarse dry unattractive hair and brings beauty intu the hair by supplying Limessentinl‘ qualities that hrm- Iwen robhedfrom the hair hydandruf’f and uLhFr deseuses of clue, scalp, Sage-i119 is the only dros- sing of its kind and is iree from the disagreeable oils etc. so common in hair tunics. We guarantee Sageine and W. A. Sandersnu sayszdlf Sageine \vnut stop itching of the scalp and stop hair falling or will not beautify the hair bring the butt-19 hack and geL your mum-y. Be sure to go to W. A. Su-ndersun’s for Sageine; other stores can’t supply you. The monthly meeting nfthe Women’s Auxiliary of the Methndist church was heldth the home of Mrs. Downev on V‘Vednesday of last week. Tea was served at. the close of the meeting and a. Bl‘ezlSitllt timg wa§ spent. 1 (V, N- .- run...” ,V The Maple Sand and vael Com- pany have commenced grading for a siding tu he built from the Grand Trunk to their pit. Mflngibullrl'rtlaas through the village are to he kept oiled thmugh the sum- mum THE SAGEINE GIRL -Q\'1ite a number of visitors were in tbgvillag}! for the holiday. .1 a: will}; peéple attended the Fair on Victoria. Day and had a. gn_(n_d timP, --- “..n um. 1,,,,,L Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Orr left last, week on n \isitm Ireland. 'It is thin ty-three years since they left their native land, and no doubt they will find many changes. Much sympathy is felt. in the com- munityfnrMyaners.R.A.Nisbetnnd family in the death of their son Mr, Bertrand Nisbeb who was drowned in Algonquin Park last: weék. ' THURSDAY, May 29â€"Auction sale of farm stuck, implements, &c., at his resident-P, Dufferin‘Grm-e, Richmond Hill, the property of Thumns Hodg- 5un. Sale at 1 u'clnck. Terms six months. Suigeon & McEWen, Aucts. SAT” May Blâ€"Cash Auction sale of 2 horses, on lot 19, con. 2. East York, rear of Mount. Pleasant Cemetery. Sale at 2 chlock. No reserve. J. H. PrentiCe, Auct. SAT., June 14â€"Auct-inn sale nf Thesh- ing Outfit, cumplete, ahRichmond Hill. the property of John Bickson. Sale at 3 o’clock. Terms to suit, pmchaser, on giving satisfactory Seem-Hy. J. H. Prentice, Auct. :18 ' l SUMMER TIMETABLE The Time Tnhle fun-the. Metropolitan Division of the - Small Folders may be secured upon application to your Local Agent or by writing the‘ Traffic Manager, Head Office. Toronto. Toronto & York Radial Railway will take effect ‘ ' {a A Gr-Odrich Sewing Machine as good i new. - _ v R. MICHAEL. 23 . Palmer Hansen Rings Tabules cure dizziness. Fnrcourses in all Business subjects lending to pasiLirms as Bonkkeop- ers(n‘SLenngI-aphers and for Civil Service and Cmmnercinl Special- ists’ examinations will he- conduct- ed in Shams Sclwols.’l‘umnto, the ((‘emml Busmess College, with four citv B1 nnch Schools) from July 3rd to August 16th this year. Students may enter any Lime fur general 001111895. No vacations. Writelfl. H:._Shnw, President. fur catnlog._. 391,. Yunge St" Toronto. WEDNESE-AY, MAY 2|;1913 SUMMER SCHOOLS Auction Sales For Sale Thornhill. '. Maple. F. S. LIVINGSTON, ‘ TRAFFIC MANAGER. gdéfid AAWLMAAAMA MAMAAAAAMAAAAAAMMAMQ V'VYVWVVVVV’VVV‘YWYYVVVVV VVWYVWVVW‘VVVVWVWW V'V iAtkinson $95 Switzer i; ,RIOHMOND HILL - “AAAAAAAAAMAAA “MAAAAAA MAMMAMMAAAAAAAAAAAA { PHONE 17 VYVVVYVVVVVVVYVVVYVVVVVV" WVVVVVVVVVVVV'VVVVWWVVV GRACEFUL AND SUPP LE - There is a full range of sizés in each model. Get the one that best fits you. Model 75 75 is suitable for slim. girlish figures. Fort» medium figures, we recommend Model 727. Model 777 is best for fully developed figures. Ever line of diows 05 the figure to the best advantage. At the same time. perfect ease and comfort is assured. ; Q¢§§§.QO§O§M§Q§§§§§§§¢404¢90¢§§§§§¢§+§++§§§§§§§§§ fl AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAA ‘AAA AAAA nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 4 . h VYVVVVVYYVYVYYVYVYVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV’VVVYVVYVVVVVVVV" fl CONCRETE HOUSE "VYVVVWVVYYYYY VVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV CORSETS The Lorne Block Furnishing Store L‘LVIJ. u vvyu ,...vâ€"_- _ , cuffs, extre fine quality from - - $1.00 to $I.5o Wash Ties, very elegant shades, extra quality from - - - - - - 25 to 509‘. Silk Ties, new and nifty lines at - - 500. Silk and Cashmere Sox, in black, tans and ~fancy Men’sSoft Summer Shirts, collar ‘0 nlatch, French shades, finest quality FURNITURE IN STOCK WALL PAPER For your Housecleaniug. it is a wom 4 be. used on all kinds of furniture, will polish as well as clean NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR P. G. SAVAGE IJIQUID VENEEZIR RICHMOND EII STOCK NOW COMPLETE it is a wonder. Can of furniture, and 50c.

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