ROSY‘ GHEEKS Should he the Birthright of Every Woman and Growing Girl. Many women and. growing girls who should have bright eyes, rosy cheeks, strong nerves and ems-tic step, and a good a petite, we seen to decline in heal . Their spirits grow sluggish, the cheeks become pale, temper mm], and the nerves over-sensitive. They must have in- heribed a. tendency to ill-health, or they may have over-worked, over- abudied or worried until the strength of the body was not equal to ï¬h-e demands made upon it. - To guard against a complete breakdown in health the blood must be kept pure. and rich. No other medicine can do this so well as Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, for they act both on the blood and nerves, ro- atom the appetite and keep every organ tong-d up. All women can- mt rest whenever they should, but this strengthening medicine is with- in every woman’s reach, and will keep them in the enjoyment of good health. And it is especially impor- tant that in every stage of woman’s life the blood supplyhe kept pure and rich. The value of Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills is well illustrated by the case of Mrs. David Cham- bers, Bensfort, Ont, who says: “Some years ago I suffered greatly from impoverished blood. I was Very pale and thin, and. had no strength. I took a. lot of doctor’s medicine without getting any bene- ï¬t, and at last decided to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, which I had bend highly recommended. It was not long before I began to feel bet- ter, and after taking the Pills for perhaps a couple of months my health was fully restored, and al- though some {ears have 'passed I have ooudsinuead strong and healthy, and I think I owe it entirely to Dr. Will'iamas’ Pink Pills. “Sometime later my daughter, flhen about twelve years of age, had been working very hard at school and her health gave way. She was weak and listless and her hands and face were badly swollen and we feared dropsy was setting in. However, we started to give her Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and. she was soon quite well again. I 3.1- Ways recommend Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills to any suffering as we did, knowing the beneï¬t our family received from them.†Dr. William’ Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a. box or six boxeS~ for $2.50 by writing The Dr, Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. The young physician threw him- self into his easyâ€"chair-and drew a sigh of relief that; the day’s work was over. “And has my little Wife been at; all lonely toâ€"day ’1†he‘in- quired of his newleWedded part~ ner. “Oh, no,†she replied; “at least not very. You see, I’ve found something to occupy my time.†“And what have you found to oc- cupy your time, my sweet?†“Oh, I’m organizing a cook class. There are a lot of young girls and young mariied women in it, and We are teaching one another how to cook.†“Good idea, and what (10 you do with the things you cook?†“We send them round to the neighbors.†“Dear little woman; always thoughtful of your husband’s prac- tice.†And he went' over to her and kissed her tenderly. in In I class by tmtho ensign running, the most substantmly built. the most satisfactory washer. over Invented. MAWELL’S Always Thoughtful. STRONG NERVES IURUNTU BURRESPUNDENGE The Two Big Polltloal Mutlngsâ€"Nuv Pro- vlnolal Treasurerâ€"Empire Loyal- Iu Assoclauon. The month of June will see the alt! turning its attention to non-political con- ventions and gatherings of religious or- Eanizations, chief of which this year will be the General Assembly of the Prest- terian Church of Canada“ It is with a feeling akin to relief that thia'yeiu‘ we turn to these more placid functions after im orgy of political discussion and meet- nfl. ’ The ’climax came with the demonstra- ‘tions in honor or the leaders of the Fed- leral parties. An indicating the height to which dpartisan feeling has risen. it; may be nsai safely that mm neyar has been in the history of Tdronw or of Canada pwo meetings held at a time wheq' no election is announced» or evsn: in light. than have been as large. enthusiastic and tempoatuoue u the meetings held, this month in honor of Sir ‘Wilfrid Laurier and Mr. Borden reapeoti‘vely. It is indeed doubtful if any city in Canada at any time, either during an election campaign or otherwise. has seen two such meetings. An observer could not, but, he impresagd with the high ieelinz; approaching bib- ternesa. which displayed itself to a. great- er or less dagree 9% each of the meeting!- At each there was 3 mr sprinkling of the opposite party to that holding the demonstrauon. but there was no sin of disorder, and indeed interjection o! evpn a harmless character were tabooed With a severity which boded ill for pereisbent INTERESTING BITS 0F GOOSIP FROM THE QUEEN CITY. This point illustrates a great difference between a Canadian political meeting and one held in Britain. In the old oountry every Speaker, no matter what his rank or standing, from the Prime Minister down, must expect to put up with heck- ling. In fact they expect it and many of the most successful speakers thrive on it. The heckling is generally to the point, but to an unexperienced speaker it must be disconcerting However. in England he has to get used to it. But in Canada the audience itself will not stand it in the apparent belief that it seems in reflect on its own loyalty to the spglker. ‘_ .. .m, 5JA_A_ 1.. repetitioxi. ...... m... _ There were two signiï¬cant‘ incidents in connection with the visit of the Prime Minister. One was the fact that the coaohman who drove his carriage on the night of the meeting had on a similar occasion performed the same ofï¬ce to! the late Sir John Macdonald. His name is John Barnes. and he is, of course, now quite an old man. The carriage. too, was the one used for Sir John. The Famous Red Parlor. The other feature was the fact that the Premier’s headquarters for a portion of his stay was made at the Royal suite at the Queen‘s Hotel. including the famous red parlor. This famous room is situated on the ï¬rst floor overlooking Front St. and the garden. It has undergone no alterations in the last forty years. The gilded Royal coatâ€"of-arme on the outer door proclaims with pride the rank of some former occupants of the suite, in- .eluding the late King Edward on his visit ito Canada as Princeof Wales, the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia. Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lorne. 0n the walls hang portraits and signed photographs of some of the former notable occupants. including side by side those of Sir John Macdonald and Sir Wilfred Laurier. and among others those of the Countess of Aberdeen. Madame Patti. Madame Al- bani and the Countess of Derby. The stair- case leading from the Royal suite to the ground floor was built specially for the princess Louise in order that she might enter the dining room unobserved. Hon. Isaac Benson Lucas. The new Provincial Treasurer, Honor~ able 1. B. Lucas. is personally one of the most popular members of the Legislature. Mr. Lucas has found it necessary to ex- plain that his initials I. B. do not stand for Isaac Brock, but for the family name of Isaac Benson. Apart from its lack of veracity he has no objection to the Brock reference, although Mr. Lucas is himself. not noted for his pugnscious or combs-l tive qualities. That is not to say that‘ he shuns a conflict. Quite the reverse. But he is not one of those who are con- tinually looking for trouble. In manner he is one of the pleasantest men one could wish to meet. That he has natural ability his friends conï¬dently assert, and they have little doubt that‘ he will make a success of his new position. Mr. Lucas was originally a Lambton County boy. When he entered the Legis- lature in 1898 he was described as the "boy orator,“ but ï¬fteen years have brought him up to the middle age stand- ing of forty-six years. U. E. Loyallsis at Luncheon. Once a year the Empire Loyalisf'Asso- ciation of Toronto gathers together for a luncheon party. The occasion is al- ways an exceedingly pleasant one. with ladies generally in the majority. Mem- bership in the Association is conï¬ned to those who can trace descent from the original Loyalists who migrated to Can- ada during and following the war of American Independence. At the lunch- eon this year one of the guests was His Lordship the Bishop of Toronto. who be- moaned the fact that while he was as loyal, he thought, as it, was possible for anyone to be. he was 4101: able to trace his ancestry to a U. E. Loyalist source and was therefore deprived from the pos- sibility of membership in the. Associa- tion. Prominent in the organization are re- presentatives of such families as the Denisons, Nevilles, Ryersons. Merritts, Keefere, Strathys and Dicksons. The most prominent ï¬gure of all is probably Col- onel Denison, who thinks, and is not afraid to say, that all that was best in United States citizenship left it when the U. E. Loyalists made their treck to On- tario and the Maritime Provinces. Only tshe sittings, he says. were left for Uncle am. Among the guests at the luncheon this year was Colonel Hugh McLean of St. John, who described how whole counties in that province were settled solidly by Loyalists, their descendants still tilling the soil. One church congregation had nuilved bodily from New York city to St. Jo n. Work on the construction of a real Anglican Cathedral for Toronto is at last well under way. As has been previously pointed out. St. James is erroneously des- cribed as a cathedral; the real cathedral of the diocese being that of SQ. _Alban’s the Martyr, the site for which was pur- chased a quarter of a. century ago toward the northern end of Howland Ave. Only the choir, however, has been constructed and in that curious, unï¬nished ediï¬ce the religious ceremonies have been car- ried on for many, years: Now, however. the real cathedral is be- ing, constructed. The excavations have been completed and the work of laying the foundations of the nave and transept Won't Tolerate Hockllng. The cathedral Under Way. well begun. When the cathedral has been completed it will have cogt half a million dellan‘s exclusive of the land which was p'u‘rchaseé in 1884. To the amount re- quired_ $155,000.13“ already been seem-ed, subscriptions to make up the balance are being-V received by Rev. Canon Morley, who has been placed in charfe of the work. It la the hope of the B shop and the Chapber that the cathedral will be ï¬nished ln 19-15, so that: 10 will be ready for the great Anglican Church Congress which will be held’ in- Toronto in that Avuow- . in" in .. 65’ feel; and the width of nave 69 feet being practically identical in tho two cathedrals. But the mighty tower which will be 0111 eight. feet lower than "Big Harry†of anterbury has been patterned after the great tower of Durham Cathe- dral. The nave. crossing and tranaept, of St. Albania. which will cover 200 square' feet. more than nave, crossing and tram saw, of Exeter Cathedral, will be exactly, thevsnme area as «than-wrmuor Here- f'ord'Gathedral'wsat. of ‘the .chanoel arch. The interior will be simple and severely classical. Completed. the cathedral will probably be the most. impressive building in the city. Impressive in its mmive design, the simple dignity and beauty of its proper tions. It will resemble. on the whole. Hereford Cathedral in England. The length of nave 165 feet. ‘bhe height, of nave 65’ feet, and the width of nave 69 feet hninn‘ nramdnnnv identical in the two year. It, is recalled that the Archbishop of Canterbury with his companion, the late Mr. J. Pier-170m. Morgan, worshipped ln the completed portion of the cathedral. The Bishop of London has also preached there and on that occasion left a sub- etwtiel personal contrlbution for the building fund. He was a very eccentric man, and set out, like Diogenes, in search of an honest man. His tub was an omnibus and his lantern a. small coin. In the omnibus he took his seat near the conductor, and always showed himself very obliging, pass- ing up the money of passengers and returning the change, but to the lat- ter he always managed to add a ha.le a franc. Then he would watch those to whom it came. They would count it carefully; notice the extra coin, and invariably slip it into their pockets. No one thought of the poor conductor, whose meager salary of three francs a day could ill spare 'such a loss. A Young Woman Receives a Fox'- tune For Her Honesty. A wealthy man died in Brussels, Belgium, leaving nearly the whole of his fortune to a young woman who was entirely unacquainted with him. But at last a. young woman passed hers back‘wiï¬h: “Conduc- tor, you have ’ givgm me half a, franc too much.†“Diogenes,†delighted, followed her home, made inquiries, and as the answers were satisfactory, made his will in her favor, though he never gave her warning that her half franc was going to bring her a. million. New Food Makes Wonderful Changes. 'When a man has suffered from dyspepsia. so many years that he can’t remember when he had a. mtâ€" ural appetite, and then hits on a. way out of trouble he may be ex- cused for saying “it acts like ma,- ' 1’ gm W. ., . v u u 1 When it is a, simple, wholesome food instead of any one of a. large number of so called remedies in the form of drugs, he is more than ever likely to feel as though a. sort of miracle has been performed. “Like magic, ï¬tting-1y describes the manner in which Grapeâ€"Nuts relieved me of poor digestion, coat.- ed tongue and loss of appetite, of many yeays’ standing. “I tried about every medicine that was recommended to me, with- out relief. Then I tried Grape- Nuts on the suggestion of a friend. WA Western,ma_x,n,â€"in the delight of restored digestion, puts it in thins way!» By the time I had ï¬nished the fourth package, my stoma/ch'was all right, and for the past two months, I have been eating with a relish, anything set befora me. That is something I had been un- able to do previously for years. “I am 56mger than ever and I consider the effects of Gripe-Nuts on a. weak stomach as something really wonderful. It builds up the entire body as well as the brain and nerves.†Name given by the Canadian Postum 00., Windsor, Ont. “There’s a, reason,†and it is ex: plained in the little book, “The Road to Wallville,†in pkgs_ Mrs. Brooksâ€"«What. operation in dentistry do you consider the most painful 'I_ _ -- . u ‘ Evar read the above letter? A new om appears from tlmo to tlmo. They an genuine. truo. and full of human Intoraat. ‘VVMrs. Rivers~My husband says paying the bills‘is what hurts the “There is plenty of self-conceit in the world today,†says Dr. .I. W. Jowett, “but we have not near- ly enough of esteem.†‘ worst. A ROMANTIC LEGACY. An lmprmlvo Bulldlng. “LIKE MAGIC.†Ah, Yes ! Kill a. falsehood by letting it die. Weddings are generally choice affairs. It is easier to tell a. fortune than to make one. If. You I Have More Cows Hard luck is often due to an ZMAGIC BAKING POWDER CONTAINS N0 ALUM ' ALUM IS ‘OMETIMES REFERRED TO AB SUL- PHATE OE-ALUMINA OR SODIO ALUMINIO SULPHATI. THE‘PUBLIO SHOULD NOT BE MISLED BY THESE TECHNICAL NAMES. . ; E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED wmmrso TORONTO. ONT. MONTREAL Proï¬t Sharin Bonds form a. new class of invest- ment destine to become highly favoured. The nominal percentage of yield is positively assured to the purchaser, who Will then participate With the issuing Company in any further earnings. Write us for particulars regardin a bond issue of this class which we 1can hig 1y recommend. Interest cheques mailed to investors twice a. year. CON FEDERATION LIFE 31.00.. you will get $15 more proï¬t from each oow per yearâ€"and this is a. low ï¬gure. Most dairymen do much better than this with the Standard. You can thus readily see that it takes but a, short time for the Stand- ard cream separator to pay for itself. And by taking advantage of our EASY PAYMENT PLAN you can pay for your Standard out of the extra, proï¬ts it earns for you. You've heard a. lot about the Standard. It's the separator that has made new world's records for close skim- ming at experimental farme.cl1eeee and butter factories, and on the farm. Write for folder. entitled “Skimming Results.†It gives the proofs. Also ask for our catalog. ‘ Ins'llenfrew Machinery 00., Limited BRANOHES: sussax. N.B.: dASKATooN, sAsm cALcARv, ALTA, AGENCIES EVERYWHERE IN CANADA. Pointed Paragraphs. it will pay ,7 you to use the STANDARD CREAM SEPARATOR instead of skimming cream by the old method. By using the Dbflx’i‘z‘ï¬mNSEéUEITIm v CORPORATIONmsz 7% Proï¬t Sharing Bonds National Securities corporation .AND’QDRRORATIONBONDS Head Ofï¬ce and Works, RENFREW. CANADA. ESTABLISHED ISOI HEAD OFFICE: 26 KING STREET EAST - TORONTO MONTREAL LONDON, E.C., ENG. JUNE BOND OFFERINGS Manici al Debentures to yield 5% to 6%. Railroad and Public Utility Bonds to yleld 5% to 5%%_. Prowen Industrial Bonds to yield 6%. shall send upon request a copy of our fame List of Bond Oï¬erings_: Go‘vemment Bonds { to yield 4%. r SUMER THE INGREDIENTS ARI‘. PLAINLY PRINTED ON THE LABEL. IT 19 THE ONLY WELL-KNOWN MEDIUM- PRICED BAKING Poonn MADE IN CANADA THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN ALUM AND WHICH I-IAs ALI. THE INGREDIENTS PLAINLY STATED ON THE LABEL. FOR THE PROTEOT10N OF THE OON¢ nnmrn THE lunnrnlrn-rn .nr LIMITED READ THE LABEL A iwolman always has great faith in a. man’s judgment the day he. marries her. effort to avoid hard work. There have been enviwb16~repu-! tations due to what other people don’t know. Two or TORONTO, ONT.