Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1913, p. 7

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‘uonn’s KIDNEY PILLS CLEAR- ED 0UT EVERY TRACE or IT. honor Said Hc (11:319ng Mr. 'David Heon, of .VNicolet 00., Quebec, 18 Rachm- , mending the Great Canadian Kid: 3 ney Remedy To His Neighbors. " > St. Wencesla‘s,‘ Nicolet 00., Queâ€" ‘bec;, May 26 (‘Special).â€"â€"“I started bb take Dodd’s Kidney Pills because ‘the doctor told me I was threatened with diabetes. After taking ten boxes I was again examined by the doctor, and he told me that, all trace of diabetes had. disappeared.” iI‘ll). 7‘ } “Why did she want to set her husband’s will aside 1” . .1 "A. dressmaker can soon he pextggvagant w_og1an up.” i “Yes; gspecially with the new ibobb’le skirts.” > “Well, if “I ain’t,” responded Henry demurely, “I’ve spent $365 1for nothing at all.” And he wept. This is the statgment of Mr. De; vid Heon, well-known and highly respected here, and he is only one of many in this neighborhood who have found a new lease of life in tlae great Canadian Kidney Remâ€" e y. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are no cure- Ell. They'zsimply cure diseased kid- neys. The’ reason they cure back- ache,.dropisy, rheumatism, neuralâ€" 'a,, diabetes, urinary troubles and right’s disease is that 8.11 of these Bare eithér'disealses of the kidneys "or are caused by disordered kidneys failing to do their work. ‘ ‘ Sheâ€"Anyhow, you must admit he is a well-bred man. Did you no- ,tiqe big kngledga Aof Aristotle? “In the nature of things, every- body ought to be delighted to.see in oculist.” “Why should they?” “Because to see him is good for )sore eyes.” mps cunan m a To 14 out. Â¥ our drug?!“ will refund money it PAZO - INTMEN ' ftfl'a. to cure any qua o! Itch. z. Blinngieedlnz or Protrndmx Piles In at to 14 dun. 500. Henry never knew stairs could ;be so frolicsome and alpine until J=that midnight. He had reached the turning point of his perilous journey, when his wife appeared, armed with the well~known candle and poker. ‘ It is cures such as this that have given Dod-d’s Kidney Pills their repu‘mtion. They am now known from the‘At‘lanntio to-the Pacific as thevremedy that never fails to cure kidney disease, no mad;th where or in what form it is found. {Minera's Linlment 00.. Limited. Yarmouth. N. S. Gentlemen,â€"â€"In January lust, Francis oolare, one o! the men em loy‘ed by me, Mot-king in the lumber w s. had a tree ‘fall on him. crushing him teal-fully. He was, when iound, placed on a. sled and taken home, where grave teams were on- rtuined for his recovery, his hips being sdiy bruised and his body turned black 71- In his ribs to his feet. We used MIN- .A D'B LINIMENT on him freely to deaden the pain and with the use of three bottles fit; was completely cured and able to re- t. urn to his work. SAUVEUB DUVAL. Elfin Road. L’Islet 00.. Que. "You’re drunk, Henry I” she ,cried vipdipfitiyfielyi “You’re drunk.” He~I did, am] if you want my 'cnndid opinion, I’don’t believe he’s ever been there. lunafd'a Llnlmam Guns Dlphtherll. Iflnard't Llnlmant Cures GRI'SOI In COW; “Merely because it was her hus- band’s, and she had not in the habit of setting it' aside.” Regretting the Cost. An Exception. Never There. From Habit. Literally. Had Diabetes ISSUE ‘22â€"’13. “So you are thinking of calling your baby boy Peter. I wouldn’t; I’d call him Paul.” “Why so 1” i‘He would have a better chance in life. It’s Peter, you know, who is always being robbed to pay ‘Paul.” Binks :‘ busy.’f and the foreman thinks so, too. lamph But, not a. word! I’m carrying up a one“ the same lot of bricks every tinge l” Ioromo. Mlnard’u Llnlmant guru colds. Eu. A lady came down from upstairs and asked the manager of the hotel if she could get a glass of wate'r: u V‘V‘No trouble at all, madame,” said the affable manager, handing her another glass. WELL SATISFIED WITH BABY’S OWN TABLETS Mrs. John Kenny, St. Norbert, Mam., says: “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets and am well satisfied with them.” Thousands 0! other mothers say the same thing simpr because them is no maiicine for little ones to equal the Tablets. They act as a. gentle laxative, regu- late the bowels and stomach, break up golds, ’expel' wonms and make» teething easy. 'Dhe Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail wt 25 cents abox from The Dr. Wilâ€" liams’ Medicine 00., Brockvill-e, Ont.‘ “Certainly, madame,” said the affable manager, “hurt could I'en- quire what you are doing. with so much water?” ’ “I know you’ll just scream when I tell you,” said the lady. “I am trying to put out a, fire in my room.” That in LAXATIVE BROMO QUINXNE, Look for the signature 0! E. W. GROVE. Cures n Cold in One Day. Cures Grin in Two Days. 250. )’ “Why, certainly, hadame, said the manager, filling up a glasg. Two miButés late} she vias back in the office again. Two minutves later she appeared again. Anyway, Ezra, you don’t require capital to start a rumor. ’ lunard's Llnlmenl Cum Distemper; “I don’t likeuto trouble you,”3she said, “‘but‘ could I get another glass of water 7” H “All I demand for my client,” declared the priaoner’s counsel, in the voice of a man who was paid for it, “is justice.” _“I am very sorry I can’t accommodate you,” replied the judge, “but the law won’t allow me to give him more than fourteen years.” Mistressâ€"“I’m sorry you are go- ing to leave, Maria. Are you go- ing .to better yourself?” Mariaâ€" “No, ma’am. I’m going to get mar- ried.” Hon. J. K. Flemming. Premier of New Brunswick. Only One "BROMO QUININE" WASTE!) ENERGY: :â€"-“You seeni to be very Lady-Like Efl‘brts. “I meant,” said Mr. Mason, disâ€" creetly moving toward the door, “that you could make a joke, but couldn’t take one.” “What on earth did you mean, Harold, by telling the Flemings that my ‘humor was positive, but not negativq’f!” ‘ Immediately Dolorez was at his side and nursed him’devoutly. Sev- eral doctors were consulted, but the leg only became worse. Art; 1331; Dolorez persuaded her lover to'wn- suit his rival, the brilliant young surgeon. He did so and Dr. Dorâ€" ado del Pozo said that amputation would alone (save his life, as gan- grene had set in. * A man, razor in hand, was caught by his 'wife assassinatng not an enemy, but a cornâ€"what ha needed was Putnam’s Corn Extractor; it’s safe, painless and cure. Try “Putnam’s”â€"cures so fast. 250. at all dealers. After the company had gone, Mrs. Mason said to her husband: lampvo free If you write National Drug g. ctgqmlcal an. at Canada. Limited, Operation Was Needfcssâ€"Damage Suit to Follow. Gomez Lopez del Navarem’oe, a weld-known diplomat of Bwrcelona, Spain, was in love with an actress, Dolorez Rive‘rode Romanonea, who is the daughter of am aristocratic Spanish family, whose name She brought, invbo great notoriety by goâ€" ing on the stage. A young but al- ready famous surgeon, Dr. Doradlo del Pozo, was aLso a. suitor for Do- lorez, and her affections wavered so unoertainly as to cause a. duel between the‘youn'g m-e‘n', in which the diplomat was wownflgd ;in the In spite of her previous proteata- tio-n’s Dollorez had now to confess that she could never marry a. man with one leg. Not long after she married the young surgeon. This aroused Navaretme’s suspicions and he visited the doctors whom he had consulted before the operation. They all assured‘hizm that gangrene was, in their opinion, quite impoasi- bl'e. He is now bringing an action for damages against his successful rival. More persuasion by the actress, who assurad’hi-m than; her affections were now fixed, was needed before the young diplomat would consent to the operation. The operation was eventually performed and Seâ€" nor Navaa-ettre provided with an arttifieiql leg. For red,” rough; chapped and bleeding Hands, itching. burning palms, shapeless nails and painful finger-ends. a. one-night Cuticura treatment works wonders. Soak hands, on retiring, in hot; water and Outicura. Soap. Dry. anoint; with Outicura. Ointment. and war old. loose gloves during the night. Cuticura, Soap and Cuticura. Ointment: are sold fibroughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-1). Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug 5: Chem. Com, Dept. 42D. Boston. U, B. A. “Afyer having tried. several remedies without success I used Outicura Soap and Ointment and from the first application I felt a. great relief. I continued the treatment taking warm baths with Cuticura. Soap fol- lowed by the application or Cuticura Oint- ment, and at the end of a few weeks the trouble had disappeared completely and I was cured): (Signed) N. O. Boulet, May 27. 1912. Lachlne Locks. Quebec.â€""I had itching commencing with my legs and increasing gradually until it reached all parts of my - . body. There were small ' ‘ pimples on my legs and arms and the skin was red and in- flamed all over the body and ltclwd and burned so badly that I scratched and made V sores. It caused me so much pain that it kept me from sleeping during entire It: for about two years. Pimples on Legs and Arms. Scratched and Made Sores. Kept from Sleep- ‘ ing. First Agplicatiqn of Cuticura ‘Soap and Ointment Gave Great Relief. Cured in a Few Weeks. \SKINNIIBHEIIR } . AND BURNEU AMPUTATES RIVAL’S LEG . Guilty of Assassination. One-Poled Humor. ( nights. I was troubled with More than 400 news items, most of them dealing with the crimes or misfortunes oi Londoners during 24' hours, appeared recently 'in the newspaper . which is circulated dwin by the authorities of Scotland xYard for rthe exclusive use of the police. The publication bears the title “Informations,” and four edi- tions appear emry, The "“copy” is send; in to Scotland Yard by officers in charge of mutual d-e- partments, and the paper 1s pri-n-tâ€" ed in the building. - Two classes of people worry about moneyâ€"those who have too little and those who haVe too much; The public has heard of wasps as pets, but it. has been reserved for Major Hurlstone Hardy, of Eng- land, to tell us that the hornet; is “a gentle, inoffensive creature very suitable as. a pet.” Writing in Knowledge he ‘.states that when Walking down Chjswick lane many years ago he discovered hornets busy around four straw hives in the front garden of a cottage. Try Murine Eye Remeay. No Smartin â€"F'eels Fineâ€"Acts Quickly. Try it for Re ,Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eye! (15. Illus- trated Book in each Package. urine is compounded by our Ocullstsâ€"not a.“Pawnb Med- lcine"â€"â€"but used in successful Physicians’ Pmo- tlce for many cars. Now dedicated to the Pub- lic and sold bg Infiglflts at m and 506 or Bottle. Murine Eye alve n Aseptic Tubes. 0 and 600. Murlne Eye Remedy Go., Chicago When a man gets all he thinks he needs he has a, large surplus. “I entered,” he says, “and asked the proprietor to let me observe them. I found that he kept these hornets for pets and that he had no bees. He lifted up a. hive end let me observe the queen at work. He said that'he felt‘no danger whatever.” Major Hardy adds that he personally has‘ "‘no fear Whatever of these innocent and use- ful creatures, who seem quite willâ€" ing to share our dwelling with us if encouraged to do so.” It .will be remembered thathr. Bates in his account of his experi- ences on the AmaZOn states that at first he killed hornets which flew near his face. But'having observed them closely and noted that they killed stinging flies, pouncing upon them as the flies attempted to bite him, {he left them alone and was rather glad of their company. “The iime may yet coins rwhen every well regulated household will keep its hornet to deal with flies, as it now keeps its dog to guard against burglars. When Your E as Heed care Eur Murine Eye Reme y. No Stunningâ€"Peels I could not throw worries ofl like other women, and those full feelings of des- pondency and weariness made me very unhappy; -There was no ‘cause'to‘ feel so", and my deotor said my liver was slug- gish, and this accounted for my poor color, my tiredness, lengour and despair. The pills the doctor gave me were too purgative, made me weaker because they were too active for my constitution. Doz- ens of my friends recommended Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills, and they were so mild and helpful. Well, I never used a pill that acted so quietly as Dr. Hamilton’s. They were so comfortable to use, I was afraid they would not help. But in a. week I knew they had been actively engaged in cleaning up my system. They did the work of a. tonic and blood medicine com- bined. I improved to a marvelous degree with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and I now maintain the most perfect kindbf health by using them Just once or twice a week." It is Mrs. E. V. Erlanger, well known at Gloucester, who relates the above ex- perience. She proved what you and all others, men and Women, can proveâ€"that Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills are best for restor- ing health and best for keeping the sys- tem in perfect running order. Don’t be misled into using anything but Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. 250. a. box, five for $1.00, at all druggists and storekeepers, or post- paid by the Catarrhozone-«Joq Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston. Qanada. “Gentle, Inoflenslve Creatures” That Kill Stinging Flies. ‘ When That Languid, Laggy, Easily- Tired Feeling Comes, Your Liver Is Slow. ’ Do You Feel Moody, Irritable, Depressed? “Even when I was young I was pot robust and healthy like other girls. I sufi‘ered from headwhel, and had sort of blue feelings that denrtved mo of the joyful spirits and pleasures other girls seemed to get. After I married I found Cynthia.â€"~â€"-Billy,» I wish to share a,_I1 9f yo'ur‘ troubles withiyoul Cynthiaâ€"Oh, I mean when We are married. v ‘BillyLâ€"I have no trou'blésrdear- est! 400 Crimes in 24 Hours. Tells How to Cure Qulckly. HORNETS AS PETS. Looking Ahead. H. W. DAWSON: Nlnety‘ Golborne Street. Toronto._ ACTORY SITES. wiTH on WITHOUT Railway trackage, in Toronto. >,ADIES,. LISEENMROGER'S MAKE.â€"» Coin Silverplate Tableware, extra- ordinary prices. handsome gift with orders, prepaid. Write quickly for in- formation. Russell Supply 00., Box 162. Westmount, Que. ‘ Wise Uncle. “Which of us do you like best, uncle, dear?”mi FRUIT, STOCK. GILKIN AND DAIRY Farms in :11! sections of Ontario. ONE HUNDRED ACRES IN OXFORD Countyâ€"Soil, sand _and black 10am‘ 2 acres orchard; number buildings. ’Phone in house. Price. four thousand. The Western Real Estate Exchange. London. Ont; OUT OF EMPLOYMENT? SERVES YOU right. Learn barber trade: always sure employment for barber. 'Qur im~ proved methods, constant practwp and Instructions qualify you for positkfil 11!: 0 er short time}. '_ Send_for_ batqlogue: “Children, I’ll write that to each of you after I have left.” uAvqu. ud.v4;.-.A- ---‘- I v A L , , h Farms in :11! sections of Ontario. Some snaps. l.‘ “iiiaifiiym‘fifikéééf '13 Tomnto. Brampton and other toan and cifiee. H, thAWSon. Golborm sn, Torongg: aéiiénéfifi (NEH; E: 1‘93!)an GALL STONES. KID-N13! AND “LAD. der Stone; Kidney troubie. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy. "Banal." price 81.50. Another new remedy for DilbeteI-Mellitus. and sure cure. ll "Banol’a Anti-Diabetes." Price 82,00 from dragging or direct. The Banal Mannin- gurin Com any 0! Candy. Limited. Winn use. an. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPR. 5T0. Internal and externll. cured with out pain by our home treatment. Wri us bejprq {90 1399: Di. Bellman Madlu ' “Efrfitéflf hhiiiny}jc§mirflan Those gloves are specially tanned for hard service and will save you money and reduce our glove cxpensc by the year. end for our descriptive pamphletâ€"The Pinto’s Shell. ‘ . HUDSON BAY KNITTING C0 7 If you want the best and longest- wearlng gloves or mitts ever turped out of a factory b: sure 'and ask' {or the famous Canada's Expert Clove and mm Makers. MONTREAL. The Soul ofa Plano lathe Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL” ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES , IN' Brampton and a dozen other towns: PINTO SHELL By The Year GLOVES MALE HELP “LAN-ran. STAMPS AND COINS. Plano Action FARMS FOR SALE; MIspELLANFng

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