Jr 1): Graham, Emhx-uidtery, Human -â€"Miss McOutchenn. 131: and 2nd, Em-L Moidery. Jeweleo'uisa. Br Fisher, A» Haistf Embroidery, 01-ientalâ€"-E.- Mc-V Venn. Lo'uis‘a Br Fishera -Eulb_lfhidtfl- 3;: Shadowâ€"[40mm B: Fisher. \ (.1 Willluot.- Emhrnidelv, Nurwegimrâ€"‘ Louisa B.â€"Fisla’err A.- Haist. Emlyn-oi- Qery, willjaebian:Missï¬Mqu/chfflu,- J. 1). Graham; Lace Bonitonâ€"Miss McCuteheon; E. MoVeim. Lace Point â€"Miss.McCutcheon, A.- Heist. Lace Dnche‘ssâ€"AJ-Iaist. Miss MeCutcheon.â€" Lace thtenbn‘rgâ€"Miss McCutcheon. Louisa B. Fisher. Luce Teneriï¬eâ€"E. McVean Louisa B.-Fisher.- Lace'Uluny dâ€"E. McVeau, Louisa. B.~Fishe‘r.» an'e' Irish Crochet-Miss McC utcheom Louisa B. Fisher. NettinguMissMcGfl-tcheon, Louisa. B.- Fisher. ' '1‘-attingâ€"-â€"M1's8 Me‘v Cuteheoti. Louisa B..Eish’er.~ Guipwre' \Vurkâ€"Louisa B. Fisher, E. McVeam Crochet iiy-Silkâ€"Miss Mch-t.cheon, Louisa b: Fisher. Crochet. in Wool-â€" J. D. ’mham, Miss McCutcheon. Crochet in Outlawâ€"Miss McCutcheon, E. McVeim. Towelsâ€"J. D. Gmheuu, lst. and 2nd. Handkerchiefâ€"J. Wr \Vil-huott, J. D. Graham. Five o'clock Tenciothâ€"A. Haist, Louisa B. Fisher. Table Centrepieceâ€"J. D. Graham, A. Haist. Table Doiliésâ€"J. D. Graham, Louisa B. Fishei. Toilet Setâ€"Miss McCutcheon, lsb and 2nd. Queen Anne Demingâ€"J. W. .\Vil|mot, Louisa. B.Fisber. /_Mexican Drawn Workâ€"A. Haist. lab and 2nd. Outline Workâ€"e Miss McCutcheon. J'. W.- \Vilmot. Bead. \Vo‘rkâ€"E. McVean. A. Hoist. Coronation Braid \Vo:kâ€"E.- McVe'an, J. W. Willmotr Tray or Carving Cloth-Miss McGutchvon. J. D. Graham. Sideboard Scarfâ€"-A.- Hoist. lst and 2nd. Sofa. Cushionâ€"4Avflaist. J. D.Grahnm. Pin Cushionâ€"Miss McGutcheon. J. D. Ora-ham. Slippersâ€"-Miss McCutcheon. Louisa B. Fisher. Wool Shawlâ€"~13. Hui-st, Miss McCutcheon. Wool Fasci-' imtmâ€"E. McVennr, Louisa. B. Fisher. Lndies’Em broidery Blouseâ€"Louisa. B. Fishei“, A. Heist. Burnt. Wood Work -â€"A. Haist, E. McVeun. Bumt Leath- er WorkmA. Hoist. 1st- and 2nd. Mo‘uutmelick Work-Miss McCuLcheon, E. McVean. Rama. \Vurkâ€"Louisa. B, ’Fisher. Reed Workâ€"-'A. Huist. Louisa WLADIES’ “’ORK†‘ Patchwï¬lï¬deilcâ€"E.McVe-an, Kuip ted Quilt}; ‘ .' M¢Veum Crochet Quilt. ~Miss-McOutcheon, E. McVem), Nu ~. kinsâ€"Ae Hu’ist. J. J). Graham. Tub e Matsâ€"Miss McCutchc-on. E; McVeam Eberqigex-y, Eyclgt-z-lewr W_i_llniot, B. Fisher. Seed'Wm-kâ€"Lohim B. Fisher, A. Haist. Fancy Apronâ€"Miss McCuwheun. A. ï¬nish Fancy Wm‘k Bugâ€"J; 1). Graham, E. McVean. Work Baï¬ket-â€"A. Exist, Louisa B. Fisher. Painting in Oilsâ€"A. Hnist. lat and 2nd. Painting Ull Satin 856." A. Hztist). 1:15 and 2nd. Painting in Water Uulm-sâ€" A. Haist. lst‘. and 2nd, \Vnnd Carving ~E. McVean, Luuisa B. Fisher. Phntu- graphsâ€"J. W. VVillumt-. J. D. Graham. Gainsâ€"Miss McUuthe-(m, E. McVeEm. P'eh‘uu‘d Ink DNWingâ€"J. D. Graham. Pencil-‘DfaWing-GJ.‘ I). - Graham. A. Haist; Charcoal meiugâ€"A. gHuist, lst,_ and 2nd. Cunvuntiunul Uhinn..Gmnp lâ€"Eduu McNair. Gruu zâ€"Edna. Mc- Nnir. Group 3 â€"Edna‘ anir. Group 4â€"Ednn McNair. Group of 3 piecesâ€" Ednu. Man'ir, :‘l‘st. and 2nd; Floral China, Group lâ€"A. Haist, Miss White} ï¬t'oup_3-â€"TA. limsb, Miss \Yl]ift;e._g'rqup V Jud esâ€"Mrs. Hulse, Mrs} Nicholls. Miss eacuck. Miss M. Clark, Mrs. Mc- M31101], M1_-_s. Leek, Miss Walkington‘, alfï¬aiÃ©ï¬ â€™qub.4â€"-Miss E, Whité. Group 5â€"Miss White». Group of 3 piecesâ€"Miss White, A; Haifa; Miss Rilssell. To PATENT Bond ideas may be secured by ourr’aid. Address, Into-TNT RECORD, . , Baltimore. Md Notice in creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH BELL'LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YORK. DE- Notice is hereby given, that all per- sons having unyuclaims or demands against; the liit'e"Elizuhthh Bell who died on m- ahuutihe 18th day of Min-ch, 1913, at. the Tuwn‘ship of Yt'l'k, in the Province uf Ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver. to the ‘ undersigned, solicitors herein- for Richard Whittaker and Angus Val- lierc executors under the willpf the said Elizabeth Bell. their names and addresses and full particulars in writ;- ing uf their claims and smLs-irlents of then-accounts and the nature of the securities, Wally; hqld by; then}. And take notice that after the 14th day of June,» 1913, the said executors will proceed tn distribute t-hg ‘nSsets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto. havingregnrd only to thecluims nf which they shall then have had notice. and that, the said ex- ecutors will nut; be liable for the said assets 01" any part thereof to any per- son of whom: claim they shall not. then have received notice. ' Dated ab'Tm-ontu thb 12th day of May, 1913. LAWRENCE & DUNBAR. 464 Aquantitypf Potatoes. on lot, 28, Cum 2, Vaughan. -. « V , K 46 U 'CEASED. Ripans Tabulos cure flatulenoa. 60 Victoria Sheet, Tut-onto. Solicitors for the said executors. (Continueq5trom pun 1) "F61" "Sale JOHN SLINE Y, Elgin Mills. . The 0mm; of Her.va for’tl‘ag Vi]: Inge 0f R’ichmymttï¬ï¬‚-L'wflkhold its uï¬l'ï¬bï¬i‘bï¬h' fn’rjhe cut-rent. yem- on «TUESDA? _.‘ JUNE 3.“f9‘13, for 1178 pm _ e‘tif heax'ing‘cmmpla-hlts and nip!- pea mininst. the assessment. of the. 'sui_¢§ \‘illggge. ‘ . n u, n‘ u“ an to- bundle fats in Parkway Hei hts subdivision, Weilanfl. Gntario. he fastest growingan in Cauadn,â€"2i manufacturing plants-«even railroads. Parkway Heights is the only high-r ~claws Resitlential Subdivision within- Lhe City limits. Seven minutes walk from the Post Ofï¬ce. Electric Light, ‘ Sewers. Gas, Water, are all uvailublm 1 Gm 1m†being extended to property. ‘ This is one of the best investments in ‘ Canada, to-duy. Appiv with references. The 08m will sit in the Council Chamber oh the ahnve dates“: 8 o'clock m the.evening undull whom it. may concern are requested to’govern them- selves accordingly. - ‘ ’ ' r " 'A. J. HUMEcmerk. Richnmnd Hill, May 14, 1913. . 46-3 LAUGHLIN REALTY LIMITED, 46-3 32 Adelaide Stgeet 13., Toronto Court 'of Revision GAS S E L L 8’ Canadian P ubi- lishing Company ’ The monthly magazines 0! the ‘above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subsuription at low rates. Cassel’s Magazine, per mmum‘ . $ . The Story Teller The Quiver Musical Home Journal The Girls’ Realm . Liltle Ful-k-S‘ Chums “- .14, . v u a r r v- It is not ‘necessary I 1 send to foreign countrie. 1 )I maga‘ zines. Read the following:â€" I ' Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL ' Ofï¬ce, " or? may be sent to Church of Englandâ€"Sgrvices at 3 mm. In: and and 4th Sunday. Thn'cl Sunday at 11 mm Presb serial: Chumhâ€"Services m- n w. m.,nuu p. m. huday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Roman Catholic Church-Services on liter nab; Sundavgrnt 9 p. u_\. emf: 10.30 a. m. 7 ï¬thoaisb Churchâ€"Services at 11.00 a.m..a.nd p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General! prayer meeting Thursday evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon-‘ dev on or before mu moon 1 CouxtBichmond. A 0 F â€".Meeta fourth Fri. ay - r v Ivy Lodge. A 0 U W-«Meets third Wednesday of each month Camp Elgm, S O S â€"Meote second and lomth Wednesiay . Hill Great Lodge. I.0.0.F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes‘ duv and third Friday of each month. _ Fire [biggieâ€"Means ï¬rst Monday 'of every month , ' Public Library (and Reed-Lug Boomâ€"Open tnesday. and Saturday evenings. meonh Leagueâ€"meets every Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets every Friday 3128 p.m. in the Church- - _ I 0 Fâ€"Meets third Thursday†of every month. R. H. Ratepayers Associating meets last ITueSdrV oi everv month. . ‘ Richmond H1“, May 7, 1913. 45-t.f. . ' I wish through the columns of the Liberal to thank my numerous friends and customers who have given me a large share, of their patronage during the past 24 years, and to infm m them that Inn) still dmng'husinessat theuld stand in the Lorne 'Bluck. Repairs will be promptly attended tn, and new harness and all hui‘se and stable access- ories will be handled as usual at clg)Se prices. 3 NOTICE'TO THE PUBLIC . 7 S ubscribe for T HE '.' » LIBERAL Every firmer should know that the rice offered by the dealexs for cattle, age, etc" is a fair one. How can he know this if he does not taken farm business paper! What doctor or law- yer or business man would be without his business paper! Therein but one farmers’ business and market paper, that is The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by eubecribing. > ‘ . LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED ~,THERF. IS BUT ONE 3 AssELLS & COM PAN‘ 42 Adelalde St. W' 7 Toronto Public iNoLic‘o Ripans Tabules cure headhchg. Village Directory Ur. A. MCDONALD. Lot 33. real- 2nd ConrMal-klmm, con- .jmining 100 acres. mm-e u;- l'ess, Guod hunk hump,houseialrï¬ï¬‚t-mimlldih ‘s. ’Nevér failing s'pring'cI-‘eell‘tlh-uugh I. e ‘i‘m-m. Also two gnud' Wells. Guml crchk‘rd and plenty of small fruit; About 70 acres cleared,' balance bush and pasture land. ' ‘ 41-8 HUNN & C0.. of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAthon unue to not as Sullclmm for Panama. Caveat: .md: Marks. Cu nights. for the Unlw-l Staten. Ida. England, rance. (-ermany. etc. Hand Book About Patents sent tree. Thirf «even 'egrs' oxueflcnce Patents obtained thrnur MUN a Co. arenofleed In the Scmunrlc AM HEM‘AN. the largeat._best, and must. widen clrculm scientiï¬c Paper. $3.203 yea: Weekly. Ewendld engravings nnd inter-ennui: in. Innnnttion. bpecimen copy of the scientiï¬c Amer- Ium sent tree. Addrw-‘s MUh N a. 30. Scumunr ‘IIEIOAN Once. 201 Broadway, New on. I -VI“â€"_-‘ â€" â€"â€"â€"_____.___7_ This title was earned becailse theVCanadiun Nollhei-n Railway névéi- lacl‘ccd com-age to build its steel into new districts, placing the railway and all that. it stands for, within easy reach of the pioneer. .me, now on to the end of OctohcrHomeseokei’s Exmlrsion tickéts to West- érn Canada are on Sale every Tuesday. These tickets arc good to i-eLurnvathg in two months from date of issue; except, tickets _sold from May to July. in- clusive, may be. extended for two month on paymenL of Five Dollars for each month or part thereof to-agent at, destination. Slop-over will be permitted at' any Canadian Northern station west, of Port Arthur. For the accommodation of passen era, a Tourist. Car for Winnipeg \‘ia Chicago and Duluth. will lea ve Toronto mqn station at 11 _p.m. on the following datesz-June 3rd, October let. \Vlite for all particulars. SOME CANADIAN NORTHERN PUBLICATIONS “A Crentnr nf Businessâ€â€"~-A saw? of the Canndizm Northern Railway. “Peace River. Alberta, and flow In Ranch It." ' «z “ “Key to Prnspt-rjutzyZLâ€"A story 01“)? Wha-attidds of ‘Nestern Canada. “35;(M)0 Free Humééteads.†-“ ' Any agent of the company wifl' gl'utfly givp ynuanyor’afl of thn "have puhIi; ‘. entitmsr m- write Gghg-‘I'ï¬l Passe mar flap»:- 9% 651Kng Sheet, Eu‘st, To- “‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘~"‘ "" "'1 I !.'bv.n nn '- . , ‘ catiï¬m.‘ 0» write (imam-3Q Passe}! 11mm. Ontario» or. 22.6 St. J. (Qua We Carry a Complete" and Up=to=date Stock of vyyvvvuyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvwvvvvwflwmflfli ii'fiï¬ï¬fï¬iéï¬ï¬dï¬ ï¬iï¬ï¬‚flï¬bflï¬m*‘m;‘ JOHN ELLIS BELL Painter, ‘7 Paper-hanger. General Decorator a RICHMOND BILL m. Minn.“ “nanny; “muu;nnnnnnuAé AAAAAAAAAA'AKAAMAAAKAAAAAA nu; AQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALA '; PIONEEiz FARMERS RAILWAY Carpet ‘mes;‘..... and 150 each“ Garden’Rakes...‘.'. .. . . ...... ..25_ to 759 each Garden. Spades. 4,... .... . .. .. .5650 to 1.00 each Canvas Gloves. . . .1. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .10c pr... 3 1012250 Ready Mixed Paints *‘ Minerva. High Grade Quality Pint Cans 350., Quart Cans 65c. ~' “LACQUERETâ€, VAB’N‘ISH STAIN, and ‘ ELASTICA, FLOOR. VARNISH. _AsK Us FOR Coma CA‘Rps ' PAINT and VARNISH BRï¬SHE-%, K‘ALSOMINE BRUSHES SCRUB BRUSHES, STOVE BRUSHES. -«ALABASTINE and MURESCO WALL COATINGS. IRE-N U-ALL WOOD POLISHâ€"Ask us" about this, it; - - is a good thing.“ ' ‘ ‘WASHING MACHINES and WRINGERS “NEW PERFEC- TION†Blue Flame OIL STOVES and OVENS - 13’ see the 1913 Pattern 3 Burner Stove, only,5u.00 $3 No Tâ€"RQUBLE.TONSHQW Goons WHETEER YOU‘BUY OR NOT, PHONE? 16â€"1312 PHONE 18 Far Sade SPRING; Manesmzs -ROC‘,E‘R I E 8 Nothing but‘the Best. . _ * OUR STOCK 0F SEED CORN JUST ARRIVED]! 000000000000000 DILMAN WIDEMAN. . - Richmond Hill. .aMoDGNALD .& SON Why wnn-y about the future of Your sons? The-Govern- ment at, Ottawa is giving nwnv this year 150,000 free home-- steads in Western Canada. The bulk of these are. located alung or near the Canadian Nurthem Railway, the line re- cognised in the West as the . 7/ YOUR BOY IS ENTITLED TO A FREE CANADIAN FARM » FROM THE HARDWKRE :‘S’TORE .. , ï¬n r†dirt-«3!,- M£Tl1l1'(Ԥli‘};Qtreh0b. EVA RIC HMON 1,5- ; H I i; L BRA-N C H ENNY'ROYAL WAFERS. 6F NORMAN BATTY, MANAGER; Wm?†' ‘ mum ‘ ~m Wk», 91593153853159 11551:“. shaming: Unionvflfes my; Loom Hill. Lapecmc mam-m moan-ma tar Innue- to restore and regulan the themes producing tree; Why and painlesl ditch-r3“. No “he: or pain: on 1.1) 8:110]: Now mod bravo: ,mhdieu ccuaed "wave-431m. "gonna. like» organ. Buy of your drugzm oniy than with our tignutnrer'gprou tu‘eoflabe'l. Avoid rut-smut»; ealod uuhru mulled 7/: stamp. $1M) J x. Adm-e“, EUREKA CHEM AL OOIPMIX. v . , DIW't-m "1G ‘ ' ..is an gdvantage sometimes to Ree :1"me acgguntin‘vthg bftw > h§,§6"{h§f may , e Withdrï¬â€˜vhls.’ I. Such“ ‘an‘ account is célIeJ a “joint gccount." we shall be pleased to furnish pat- The undersigned offers for 3:966 Muck nf ï¬ve $1000 dollar Dehcmtulear~ of the Village of Richnumd Hill. The debentures run 30 years. and hear in- terest, at ï¬ve per ce‘hl. Installment!!! nf princi )al and ian-estpaid n'nnualiy. These el‘renm‘res , may be bought singly 01' EN BLOC. Full partirmlars‘ may by bad at the Clerk's Ofï¬ce, Rich’- mond Hill, > ’ j v I 36-h“. résthes everynerv'e in the bod Phosphonm to its proper tension: restore: ____._....__ vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make on a new man. Price’ 83 a box. or two ,1 $5. ailed to any address. The Scuba]! D 00.. 8c. Catharina. Ont. Electric Restorer for Men F. J. WBDBWARD ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO; The following stalliuns “’1†he in this snctiun of country during theseusmmf 1913:-â€"‘ PROUD BARONâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. the Vprupertv of Jqsvnh Bond. l0L27‘ can. 2, Markham. .j Will 's‘t'a'ï¬ydl HQ htiml-g 2 Richmund Hill Sniurday nftulnpons. Tet-ms $10. A ' ~ ' LORD MonvENâ€"Imp. Clyt'iï¬mlul'g, tha property of T. H. Lng?, Teil'nper- anceville. 'W'ill trawl Lhrnngb’lï¬vers- ‘ lay, King City, Nipple. Elgin Mills}. (Jon. 3, Markham and VVhiEcln‘n'r-h. Aurora and Oak Rldgvs. Terms $15. DUKE 0F, YORKâ€" (ï¬yd‘vsdnle stullion. 'the property ni‘ \‘V. J. Hudgin. Jeffer- Snn will be ke‘pl. fur'servicv athis own stable. lot 61 Yunge St. Bum] Luke- Turms $ 11.. SHIPMATE â€" Standard lire-d stallion. ' (1080):.119 property‘nf W". J .' ‘Hudgin. Jefferson. will be kept foszPx-vice at » . own. stethle, lqtï¬l Yuyge 45133.13de Lake. Terms $ 11.. ,j I ' ' NESBITT MAQQUEmNâ€"Oly‘iosdfle - Stallion. 14643; the nroperty.of W. .l. Hudgin, Oak Ridges, will go in Viétoria. Square. Elgin Mills, Urn-r- VlllP, Ma le. htskny,le-pleville, Aurora. nme from Saturday till Monday. Terms $12.3 ‘ToWARD CHIEFâ€"Imported Clydes- ‘ dale, the property of D. 0. Steele. a Will stand «at, his own stable, Rich- lf m'und , Hill. during the seasun. l Turms $15. » , r ' ‘ } GREFFIERZ-Impoi-ted Percheron Stall- l ion, the property of (Glass Bros. El- ‘ gin Mills, will travel through Vaughan. King, Whitchurch and ‘ alongYongeSL. Homefrmu'b‘riday ‘ till Tuesday. Terms $15. ‘ Money l‘oan on ï¬rst mo; tgaget 4142f, I ’ x g Hmis’vs in_ the Village on Centre Stréeb east amt West; “Six més with new buildings on Mill Street. Vacant lot on every street. , I ._ 155 acres ï¬rst-class farm in every particuhuigx 'Lgs Eggn Mills. ' ' Two 160 ï¬bre farms néï¬r- Mount: Albert; best yalue in the “County of Yul-k.- “~ - " . H. A... N ICHOLLS PATRONAGE Snucx’rEn ~ , I . . .AND SATISFAC"‘ION GUARAME. Electric Light Debentures. SHOEING LAKE AND AINTERFEEING ' HORSES A: SREQIAL’I‘Y ' F. E. 'WOUDWARD. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ,Real Estate Agent ~ ‘- Richmond'ï¬iï¬ HAS FOR- SALE New Germley Stallion Register .. J. HUME, Clerk;