HDVERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ’1‘. F. Me. Glazier. Grainer and.» Paper- Hanger; maensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Balosmbtended to on shortest notice and at rea- sonable rates Patronage solicited- Is PUBLISHEDEVEBY BHURSDAY MORNING JOHN R. CAMPBELL, W. HEWiSON HOUSE PAINTER, RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HII. Y. Calls phone nr- otherwise promptly rvspundcd to. Phnne Nu. 28; Bicensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. 6m:qu and Nnrbh Tomnto. Special attention iven to sales of (wary description. Farm and arm stock sales a specialny. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest; notice and conducted by the latest i 1 Prepare-s pupils for the graded 9x-. Muinations hold at Tmontn Conserva- tory of Music and University of Tea routn. Special course in “Myer’s†Kinder:- gm‘ten Method, particularly helpful to- beginnors. _ Class recitals are given throughout the vear ‘ 42-137 LASKAY P. O. T Baizenn, Maple DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL“ ' 0' f) Bahioï¬ St , Nozth Toronto. D. H, PMKERTDN, V.S. ‘6 VOL. XXXV. $1 per annum, in advance.] MISS MILLIE TRENCH First house north of Atkinson 81 Switzer’s store. F. C. EGAN BUSINESS CARDS . T‘Iaflple, Q) at. SATISFACTION G UARANTEED. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Salgeon a: McEwen. Eur the County of York. mm grim: ’l‘hoz'uhill . ’Eiz‘ICE ‘D RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano Eamon cï¬ Paovmxron. ERINARY SURGEON, If. H. Prentice Phone No. 2402. RESIDENCE Mutual. AT THE MAHON. 3er y L M Q@ E J K McEwen Weston ONTARIO NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KINGvST E.. TORONTO. Canada Telephone, Main Cable-Address. “Dedo.†PIANO TUNING Orgms Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed LEN N 0X & MORGAN Barristers and Solicitors. [\fonev to loan on [and anucnattel mortgagasaï¬; owesv rates Ahrornofliceâ€"Removea to the old post oflioa one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Noï¬zuarket olï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the postomce I '1‘ HEBBERTLENNOX G va Mona“ Aurora; BARRIs'rEm S‘OLICITOR, NOTARY, E'rc. Tornntn Ofï¬ce. Room 328 Confedera tinn- Lifré Bldg.. No. 12 Richmond'St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liberal’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. anlbridge, Saturday fox-enoon. Mouev to 1mm at Five Per Cent (5% Minot-3593:3011. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building Our, Adehide & Victims ï¬ts" foremto. Te). M. 363]. Richmoncg. Hill COMMISSIONER. CONVEY ANâ€ER. ETC‘ A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at both. places (Indertakems & Embnlmers. RICHMON D HILL & THORNHILL ELLIOTT ,M/W/ 321013 nxrmn “Wm Danton, Grover & Field THE COST OF A BUSINESS 0R SHORTHAND EDUCATION IN TIIE W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor Yonge and Alexander 5w; H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC D0 y0u.knmv just how little it costs to secure a Lhomugh business edu- cation that will not, nnly increase your earning capacity but will en- able ynu to get a position where you will come in Contact with in- fluential people who can assist: you to further advancement? Our cat- alogue will give you full particulars. A postal cardâ€"one effortâ€"we do the resï¬. ' ' .. Cameron MacNaughton Lawrence & Dunbar, Barrister, 'Sclicitor, Notary; Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31.‘ TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING ' STREET WEST A Commissioner, Cnnveyancer. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issue: of Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNBILL 30in f7. ï¬uvz'dsou THORNHILL TORONTO. ONT. Barristers, Solictors. WILLIAM COOK EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING VVRIGHT BROS. 1mm at Five Per Cent (5%) RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 5. 191.3 “In Essentials; Unityfifl Nan-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.†mm. Phone Hun 2984 The Garden Party which will be held on the 21st of June promises to exceed other similiar events if the day is favorable. The canvassers report ad- vances in the culinary line and in cash offering over last year. This speaks well for the anniversary; The enter- tainment committee is doing its best to plovide special talent to meet the taste of those who attend the party and Sunday Services which are to be especially interestin . The afternoon sports will no don attract many lovers of football as the prize of $22 is worth competing for. Local teams willdo well to practice for this tourna- ment as it is the ob‘ect of the com- mittee to secure the est local teams. A slight advance in the price of ad- missi‘on‘ should not detract as this anniversary furnishes more than any ordinary Garden Party for. the one price. Come and bring your best girls and friends to the. best party of the season. We are giving you lenty of time to prepare, so don’t orget the ate. ‘ . i Mr. W. Scott’sbank- ‘bnrn ready for the building. Mr. ‘V. F. Nichols is also building a bank barn so there will be great days in store for those who en_j_oy 9. "raising? Road scraping has been inhaler and the gasoline trulor, owned and oper- ated by. Mr. G. Bx‘nmwell, aided ma- .teï¬ally in going th}; job. ' †Mf. Wm. Heiee is improving the looks of his farm by putting up a new wire fence' along the ‘siderond. Mr. Wes. Boyntou is also putting up a neat wire fence in front of hismesidence. Mrs: C. Brumwell 5nd Miss Margue- rite Brown represented the Mission Band at the Convention in Elm Street Methodist Church. Toronto, last week. The Mission Band meets next Sutur- day afternoon when a. report of the quvemion will_be_g‘iveqt 'Mr. P. Snider of Edgeley and his [gen have eggplptet} the stone“:qu _of The Victoria Square branch of the \Vonmu’s Institute will huld their supplementary memingat the hum? of Mrs. L‘ Stuntonhm'gh (m Fl'idnv. June 13, nL2 n’ulock. Addxessvs will be given hv Mrs. Alcenbm-g and Miss Harvey of Toronto: solos by Miss Sherlock; and a violin and piano duet by Misses B. Read and Gr. Bhyntnn. Indies will please bring baskets. Evu'ybudy welcome. "r ~W~ -" " **'>--‘ -"'J r-‘ :"“‘." Many people around here will legret to hear of the dvath of Mr. Anthony Craddock nem- Curlmn. Alta. About thirty years ago he left. here with his famil§ and n-sided iu the West until the time of his death. A \Vth previous to his death. a daughter Mrs. Ouwstun of VVinnipPg (lied. suddenly. He is sur- vived by his wife who was the eldest daughter of the late Hugh Devlin. and one so“. George, and two daughters Mrs. E. L. Bums, and Miss VViunih-ed. MI“: Carl Salgeon has taken a position as bookkeeper with the McEachren RPal Estate 00. Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Hingston with her daugh- ters. Miss Kingston and Miss Muriel Hingston is. visiting the farmer‘s Kin-other Mr. R. S. Frisby and family prior to leaving fer ,Alsas. Snsk.. whet-e Ml; Hingston and sons have taken a.- homestead. Mrs. In» Flem‘y of Toronto is also visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. ijgbyzm u 7 ‘ Mré. Wilâ€"l Hseise has been away visit- ingj’t-ien‘drs. Mrs. Chester of Scarbm-o‘arnd Mrs. Graham of Toronto spent Sunday thh Mg: and Mrs. Stngtenhqggh..fl Next Sabbath will. 169' Missiunm'v Sabbath i‘n‘the S. 8.. There will Be an address on the work and special sing- ing., There will also be the usual Mi_s_si0n:u-x _Collection. Misses Myrtle and Dell Saigeon visited friends. in West Toronto: over Sunday. ’ Divine service under the auspices~ of Patterson Lodge, A. F. & A.M. will be held in the Methodist church. on Sun- day. June 22. at; 7 p. m. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Bro. Edward Baker of Newton Brook. subject: “Language of Symbolism". The pastor Rev. Bro. J. H. Oke will also take part in the service. Mr. and Mrs. H. Flavelle and daugh- ter May attended the wedding of Miss Olive Taylor of Uninnville to Mr’. Booth of anust Hill on Saturday afternoon 3lst. Mr. \Valter Scott Jr. 6f Whodbridge wgg horn}? szer Sundqy.._ Quite a number turned out, on Sat» urdny afternoon to a bee for cleaning uputhe new cgmeteI-y pynperty,_ Word was received here last, week of the death near Depot Harbor, of Mr. Gen. Forster. a former resident of this village.‘ Mr. Milps Langstaf’f of Toronto spent the weekendat Mr. McDonald’s.. Mr. 0. 'anes has been visiting Mr. anflr Mrï¬fl‘. Fl-ishy. Victoria Square. Thornhill. Maple. Canadian National Exhibition Making Special Efforts to Encourage the Small Exhibitor The prize list of the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition, Toronto, August 23rd to Sept. 8th, is being distributed. and it shows that. the Management have given special attention to the Agricultural department generally. and to the encouragement of the small exhibitor in particular. In Cattle. more money is given to both the beef. and dairy classes, and the list has extended so that in some classes, as man aseight prizes is given. Thus the ma. 1 breeder. with 4a. good animal is practically sure of recouping. at least part of the expense of shipping to Toronto. More money is also ivpn to Horti- ulture, Floriculture an : Poultryr The entire list totals $55,000, and as no prizes are given for Manufactures. every dollar of this goes to the products of the home, the school,- the farm, and mfg-garden, L the» big spe‘étaclés of recent; yéafs in Britain; The special attractions this year are featured by three high-class bandsâ€" tbe Irish Guards, and one other £10m England, and Conway’s band from Ohlcago, while of the spectacle, “The Burning of Rome,†it is enough to say that in ya} stggedmbyjoha Hend’ex: that it, w'fr be staged by Jake Hend’er: gpn, _9f nglamj. WEED has put. on 1311 _ The most afflicted people on earth are. those who suffer from rheumatism and about one~fourth of our people age afflicted with thistenzible. time rack- ing, bone crippling disease. So many people neglect themselves and rheuma- tism followg in one form andï¬hen an:- other until they are an example of the tortures of rheumatism. Rheumo has gained the greatest reputation through being. a quick amt permanentcure for rhennmtism in itsmany fin-ms. Don’t 'put off getting a. bottle of Rheumo tn- day, it; means your health and happi- ness. Rheuum is sold in Richmond“ Hill only at \V. A. Sanderson’s (it up.†store. £1.00 a. full size bottle. The wan of Newmarliet rejected the York Radial power bV-law on Sat- urday by u majmity (if 22 votes. With the exc9ptinn of Mr. Hunter every member of the Council was in favor of the bv-law, but the vote favored the hydro-electric system. Incnnsequence of the rejection of the hy-law the mayor, reeve andull the other mem- bers of the Council resigned Monday evening with the exception: of deputy- reeve Hunter. Ab \Voodhridge police' emu-t on Thursday William \‘Vonll-(u'dj 0f Pine Grove, was charged by License Inspec- tor MncKenzie of West York. with be~ ing under the influence of liquor while on the prohibited list. Grown Attorney Geer appeared for the Clown. and the jlidginent wag against A thg defendant. Besides the regular hourly set-{'ice over the Metropolit-m Railway there is now a. half hom-ly service during several hours of the day between Richmond Hill and Toronto. North: bound can-s (special) leave the city at 6, 7 and 8 a. 111., and 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6 p. ma Special south-bound cars leave Rich- n'iond Hill“ at six minutes pasty6, ’7. 8 and 9 51.11). and 3, 4. 5 and 6.13."). This special service Is to be operated for the. convenience of the people using the railwnvs to and from the points shown. It will be advantageous to all concerned to patronize these cars in preference to the lung Distance Ours during the Rush Hours, as seating accommodation, quicker service, and ultimately, gener- al satisfaction is assured. The contin- uance of this special servce will largely depend upon the patronage the curs, used in connection with the same. receive.. Exquisitely printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of well-known people of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand; square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents acopy. Oneldollar a year. The Pic- totial Publishing 00., 142 St. PetervSt. Montreal. “CANADIAN P‘ICTORIAL†THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Maéistmte Bmihton ï¬ned him $10.00 andcosts" A REMARKABLE REMEDY T9 HELP SMALL BREEDERS SPECIAL SERVICE Wooabridig’e Newmarkeb M-ï¬MMmMa-Mwwmmeé STIVEH & HAMER {Mme-mmwwwwaoww Believing it will be beneï¬cial to not buyer and seller, have decided, We thank the public for the general!“ patronage in the past, and will earn estly strive to serve you faithfully in' the future. Coal, Flour,~ corn, Bran, . Wood, 800. AT THE c.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR Printing Stationery School Books '{« ï¬+++¢++$¢+M~§$$++++W+¢$‘ï¬k 6i“ Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., &c. GOOD STOCK OF ' School Books, Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Card's, Post Card Albums. Papetries‘, ‘ Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. ++++++++++++++*+++++++++£$ Go to the Liberal Office for Manicure Sgts flair Brushes We solicit a call no trouble to show our lines W.+A.'Sandersnn§ AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. My Stock of ï¬ne lines of PERFUMES for are up-to-date and Reasonable in prices PERFUMES [Single cOpies, 3 etc.- mmeexsr RICHMOND HILL STIVER & RAMEPL DEALERS IN Comb Sets mm: Cards 3 PRESENTS -!"£v§~-§-'§â€Â§â€˜-£"§- No; 49