Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jun 1913, p. 3

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One of the most treacherous disâ€" eases afflicting the people of Can- ada during the Winter months is la grippe, or influenza. It almost in- _var1ably ends with a complication of troubles. It tortures its vic- ‘ehills, headaches and backaches. It leaves him an easy prey to pneuâ€" monia, bronchitis, and even con- sumption. Indeed the deadly af- ter-effects of la. grippe may leave the victim a, chronic invalid. You can avoid la. grippe entirely by keeping the blood rich and red by an occasional use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. If you have not done this and the disease attacks you, you can banish its deadly after-ef- fects through the use of this same reat bloodâ€"building, nerveâ€"restor- ng medicine. Here is proof of the Wonderful power of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills over this trouble. Left Weak, Miserable and Prey to Disease in Many Forms Mr. Emmanuel Laurin, St. Je- rome, Que, says: “I was seized with a severe attack of la grippe. 'I was obliged to stop work and reâ€" main in my bed for several weeks, and while I appeared to get over T-‘the first stages of the trouble, I did not regain my usual health. I sufâ€" iered from headaches, loss of ap- ‘petite and extreme weakness. I did not sleep well at nights, and would arise in the morning feeling tired and worn out. This continuâ€" ed for about two months during which time I was taking treatmwb, but apparently without avail. Then I was advised to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and I got a half dozen boxes. By Pm. “me I nao. taker!1 three boxes there was a dee1de. ‘ nd ufJu‘uJIy before s1xth bozx I was enjoying my old-time health. I was strong as ever, could sleep well and eat well, and no longer suffered from lassitude and headaches. I have proved the value of Dr. Wil» {liams’ Pink Pills for the pernici~ ous after-effects of lagrippe, and can therefore recommend them to other sufferers”. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the trouble in 'the blood, which they enrich, and make red and pure. These pills cure all troubles due to bad blood, land if you are ailing you should start to cure yourself toâ€"day by I[taking this great medicine. Sold lby all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr‘ Williams’ Meâ€" dicine 00., Brockville, Ont. ‘When Trunk is Sawed Then You Can Tell. The sawed trunk of an oak will Ereveal the age of the tree if you ‘count the rings from the centre to It'he outside. They will tell you more’ than this. The rings vary in width. and, by studying them close- ly, you can say, “This year, eigh- teen rings ago, was a. fine one. There must have been plenty of warmth and a. fair amount of mois- ture for the tree made big growth. And this, thirtyâ€"one rings back, was a lean year, cold and with a lack of sunshine, for in that year the growth was but two-thirds of fbhe Vaverage.” In the same way ' laciers are useful. The ice shows Layers resembling the rings in a ,tree-trunk. Each layer represents Warying thickness the severity of a. Winter’s snowfall,,and_lmflthpjr lmast. winters can be roughly calcu- A SAFE ‘MEnwnjg Baby’s Own Tablets are a safe medicine for little onesâ€"the moâ€" Iflier may feel sure of that. They are sold under an absolute guar- antee of a government nalyst not; to contain narcotics of. other {harmful drugsâ€"~they cannot pos» pibly do harmâ€"always good. Thou- sands of mothers who have used them can vouch for this, and once ): mot-her has used them for her flittle ones she always keeps them fin the house. The Tablets quickly ;relieve and cure all the minor ills pf babyhood and childhood. They 'sweeten the stomach, regulate the \‘bowels, expel worms, break up polds and make baby hefxlthy, hagâ€" ‘ The C.P.R. despatched about $30,500 freight ca.le from Toronto that year, and the Grand Trunk :omewha-t more than this number. HOW TO TELL AGE OF TREE. by and fat. They are sold by medi- ‘ 'ne dealers or by mail at 25 cents P box from The Dr. Williams’ Mediâ€" pine 00., Brockvulle, Ont. Lated. LA GRIPPE’S VIGTIMS FUR. LITTLE ONES The articles contributed by "Investor" are for the sole purpose of guiding pros- pective investors, and, if possible. of saw- ing them from losing money through placing it in “wild-cat" enterprises. The impartial and reliable character of the information may be relied upon. The writer of these articles and the publisher of this paper have no interests to serve in 'connection with this matter other than those of the reader. Shares Depend for Their Matkot Price on the Amount of Divldands They Can Produceâ€"Bonds Cannot Pay More Tha I-Ixau nan: u: uuwluau ov uvvu can“ WHY SHARES RISE OR FALL SHARPLY .WHEN EARNINGS ARE GOOD 0R BAD, WHILE BONDS MOVE NARROWLY. (By “Investor.”) Even if, as was pointed out last week. shares involve no promise of repayment, they usually command a. readier market. than bonds. Shares listed on any of the large stock exchanges are always in de- mand at some price. but unlike bonds of proportionate merit. the price is subject at times to wide fluctuations. This constitutes one of the chief weak‘ nesses of shares as investments. The share depends for its intrinsic value first on the amount of the assets of the com- pany left after the amount of bonds and other liabilities are deducted, and sec- ondly, on ’the amount of profits which are resulting from the human Lei-7 carrier! on. llr profits are poor as a, re sult of an oi? year, the shares decline in the market; if, on H," Nun-ary, profits "flat: the price. of shares tends to rise. In the case of bonds. however, even those of a company whose shares are subject to sharp fluctuations, the price is usually unchanged, except, perhaps, a matter'of a point or two in extreme cases wunless the bonds are of an unusually speculative nature. MAKING SAEE INVESTMENTS The reason for this is often overlooked, although the fact itself is a matter of everyday knowledge to anyone interested in investment matters. A bond, as readers of these articles know, is a mortgage bearing on its face a promise to pay a. certain rate of in- terest at certain times. Whether the com- pany does well or ill. 50 long as it makes ample to provide for bond interest, “the bondholder is secure. Of course, most. good bonds are backed by earnings, run- ning from double to many times the bond interest. Therefore, an off year cannot affect the bonds' value materially, nor can a good year offer any hopea of a. greater return on the investment. In the case of the share, however. con- ditions are reversed (we do not speak of "preferred" shares, which will be consid- ered soon at some length). The share does not involve a promise to pay its face value back at any time, nor does it promise any income to the shareholder. If the company makes substantial pro- fits the directors may consider it wise to “declare a dividend”â€"~i.e., divide the profits pro rata among the shareholders, usualliy on a- basis of so much per cent. on the par value of each share. In this case the share tends to rise in price, ir- respective of whether there are any as- sets behind it to make its intrinsic value greater or not. As a rule. the market price of shares (not the intrinsic value, remember, which alone depends on the value of the assets) depends primariiy on the company’s ability or not to pay divi- dends. Take a concrete case. A few years ago a company was formed to manufacture a. certain well-known breakfast food. At that time the product was not well known. and its market problematical. The 0011‘ an WAS or “Enigma fioa e ' m’léhgéfand on s were 60m eqfia‘hxfig in amount the total value of the visible assets. The stock that was given away with the bonds at the time had~in the usual nature of bonus stock~no intrinsic Value...“ um nnmnnnv nrnsnex‘ed. The V‘rfllpe‘ume the company prospered. The stock sold at 40, and the General Man- ager of the company advised a friend to purchase, “What. assets are behind the stock," asked the friend, who was of a nature not given to taking such “tips” on trust. "Not a dollar,” said the G. M., lngs Cannot Help Bond Holder Beyond Adams to His Security. Hiéil ’r'mw w' I “but the company is earning enough to lay aside a gubstantial sinking fund to pay off the bonds before maturity, and to provide a very fair dividend on the stock.” The next year two dividends of 1 per cent. each were paid; the next year the return totalled 3 per cent, last year 4 per cent. was paid in regular dividends, and, in addition. a bonus of 1 per cent,‘ additional was handed out. This year the company should pay 6 per cent. Now, if this company were to go out of business its bonds would be retired at par and its stock would be represented by assets chief of which are included innder the head of “good-will.” Good-will may be properly reckoned as an asset only so long as the company is doing business. In the case of liquidation its value van- ishesâ€"and so from a strictly investment point of view the company's shares J“- done. while bonds are not subject to such mnvombulfi, exuepn to a V6131 --4,‘,.“te degree. intrinsically worth very little; their quo- tation of between 80 and 90 representng their value merely as sources of dividendu. It is easy to see from this extreme case why stocks fluctuate violenggjghfipg- ,, ,7 ~â€"-\- VKSIIIL Beautiful French dressed doll, 15 inches tall, with eyes that open and shut; rolled gold locket and chain. or solid gold Signet ring free to any girl. Send us your name and we will send you thirty sets of beau- tiful Easter and other post-cards. to sell at ten cents a set (six cards in each set). When 501d, send us the money and we will send you whichever prize you choose. For selling 40 sets we will give you a. rolled gold extension bracelet. We pre- pay all charges. Address HOMEIRJ WARREN 00., Dept. 122, Toronto. ‘ v Customerâ€"“Have feet 2” you pi GS Shopmanâ€"“No sir. It’s a bun- ion that makes me walk in that way 1 Mrs. Willisz suppose that in heaven we will be disappointed in fiffill‘figé’i’fiis‘;m“fiffi“‘19vefhmfi‘e more disappointed at finding cerâ€" tain other people there. LOW COLONIST RATES TO THE PAClFIc COAST, Via, Chicago and North Western Ry.. on salt) daily, March 1st to April 15th, from all points in Canada to LOB Angoles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver and many other points. Through tourist; sleepers and free reclin- ing chair cars from Chicago. Tickets via. variable routes with liberal shop-overs. Full information on application to B. H. Bennett, Gen. Azt, 46 Yonge St. Toronto. “Why are ships as ‘she’? It is bec along so gracefufly “No, newt at alt}. It’s because their rigging costs so much!” Poetical Husbandâ€"“Ah, Mame, toâ€"morrow Ls our wooden wedding.” Practical Wifeâ€"-“I know it, Hank. I ordered a load of kind- Ting; come home early and carry it into the cellar.” SHE HAD NOT FORGOTTEN. and decline to accept anything that looks to be an imitation or GlLLETT , that is represented to be “just as good" Pzflruméo or “ better,” or “the same thing.” In our “’OWDEF‘ED experience of over fifty years in business we have never known of an imitation article that has been a success, for imita- tors are not reliable people. At the best the “just as good” kinds are only trashy imitations, so decline them with thanks every time. FREE TO GIRLS Put a strong glass onqthe label and examine it clnsnlv am-M - Always l°°kuf°r .miEfiB‘FwiiiGigt'é‘é'iifeiisively advertised, Glllett’s Lye is frequently and very clasely. imitated. In some instances the imitators have actually copied directions and‘other printed matter from our label word for word. Be wise, and refuse to purchase imitation q articles for they are never satisfactory. m Insist 0n Getting Gillett’s Lye l7} Used in Canada for over half a century â€"â€"used in every corner of the world where people suffer from Constipation and its resulting troublesâ€" stand higher in public estimation than any others, and their ever- increasing sales prove their merit. Physicians prescribe them. ' . Dr. Morse’s MISUNDERSTOOD. India}! Root Plus. EXPLAINED 25¢. a box. ships all referred to is because they glide 2)) WINNIPEG. TORONTO. ONT. MONTREAL. E.W.GlLLETT COMPANY LIMITED CAUTION. poor working girl and also because she is the most beautiful working 5"“ i“ all Austria-Hungary. Thengirl is lloua Vardis. She is 20 years old: and until she became a great heiresswn“ w rked in a. fancy goods shop in Bu ape“, 4m Hungarian city so famous throughâ€" out the world for the beauty of its women. Ilona’s parents were of the great masses, and nowhere are so- cial distinctions more closely drawn than in Austria-Hungary. Ilona had to toil twelve hours a day in the shop, and if she dreamed of the fairy prince who Seemed beyond reach she did not allow it to inter- fere with her work. Though she earned only $5.20 a week, that is good pay for a shop girl in Hunâ€" gary, and her parents needed the money to help keep the pot boil- ing. The great event in Ilona’s life which meant the change in the whole story of her life came two years ago when a rich old man, Jean Kronyl, entered the shop to hl€fif“fi‘e“ Wfiesfifiia’ted' ny‘her beauty, and he came there again and again, each time buying eome- thizlgugsuiu Blistezéwanl‘gma‘g iich, for he wore paper cuffs and col- lars and a. shabby coat. He was old, with deeply furrowed forehead and unkempt hair. Neither 110m 01‘ any other girl in the shop knew that he was Kronyl, the great milâ€" lionaire, who owned vast quanti- ties of real estate. Kronyl made 1] Many of Canada’s shrewdest and best informed investors have bought ‘vVestern Canada Power Co. Bonds. At their present price of 90 they pay over 5%%. The plant is located 35 miles from the growing cities of Vancouver and New Westminster, BC. and has secured perpetual water rights from government.» Can develop 100,000 HP. as demand increases and should earn this year three times bond interest. Engineer in charge, R. F. Hayward successfully constructed Mexican Light Heat &-Power Co. In addition to high rate of interest bends should appreciate considerably in next year. Directorate includes Sir Max Aitken ; C. H. Cahan; A. R. Doble, Secretary Bank of Montreal ; Jno. Hendry; Wm.‘ McNeill, Vancouver; Mr. Campbell Sweeney, Manager Bank of Montreal, "is- ..--A.. Tm, k an nvrnntinnal‘investment Opportunity from standpoint of PTOFITABLE POWER Emgm Aitken; C. H. Cahan; A. K. Dome, Decretary mm m "wuuw. , Wm.‘ McNeill, Vancouver; Mr. Campbell Sweeney, Manager Ban] Vancouver. This is an exceptional‘investment opportunity from both security and interest. Write us for full particulars. b I: L; U l1 ROYAL CORPORgfi'QIâ€"ifi. BANK OF MONTREAL BUlLfiiNé D meYEI-rn A FORTUNATE GIRL. Miss Ilona Vardis. SECURITI S ULVLD, uuu LVMAA“ unwv -..,-.... nnr,AL_f"wrvchqu and fil‘glllmgan a remarkable quest. He travelled all over Hungary modest- ly. Quietly he'poked around in ob- scure corners of Budapest, and he even went to Vienna. discreet inquiries through date-0‘ tives, and found that'LIlonaerqa‘sEâ€"a}, He had few friends, and they did not lznnw +l1A Obiect of .ourne which did not leak ouu un'ln his death. The object was to find MW inwudaah,workingpgirl in Au: Stl‘iaanngary; forfhavmgfi’nb‘nflear relatives of his own, he had then and there decided to find the fair- est of all working girls and make her the heir to his vast fortune. For twe years he prosecuted his search, and then when he died he left a will bequeathing all that he possessed to the beautiful young shop girl. And now she is the rich« est heiress in Europe; and if she has not been wooed by all the eli- gible men she soon will be courted ,by most of them. Kronyl’s reason, as given in his will for his strange bequest, was that he wished to enable the pretâ€" tiest shop girl to marry whomever she desired; for he said that it was unfair that she should be deprived of a. suitable husband for lack of a. owry. am no - Let “Dick” bird’s seed dish afresh wit h t h o a a a d yo 1! have b e o n mung, then put some of BR 00 KS 11 l t h l in reach. and a e o h ow quickly Dick picks out " Brock'a ". NAMI... v 7 z 7 v ‘ YONGE AND QUEEN STREETS TORONTO mun:Hing-QLIEBECâ€"HALIFAX-DTTAVIA LONDON (ENG) F“!!! Choose LIMITED

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