Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jun 1913, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL, ONT" Jmm 5. 1913 The Public school was closed Tues- day. the birthday of King George. @3112, :{yibcraL , .Mr. A. G, Savage is on jury in the Gitv. Mr. M. R. Grant of \Vinnipvg paid a flying visit. to his‘parema lush Thurs- Mr. Scott 'nnd family of Torqnto have taken Mr. Todd’sresideuce for the summer months. Mr. Percy Godwin. a bruther of Mrs. (Rev.) Currie, has taken the Guld Med- al at. the (Jul-coral) Arts School, \Vasb- ingtou. .Mr. A, Suddaby and family of To- route have. mnvcd in!» their home known as the Siver’s property opposxte the concrete store. Mr. Samuel Slugs, formal-W a cunâ€" ductor on the Metmpulitun Ruilwny, died at his humc in King township after a. shm-t illness. , - ‘ Men’s Llama half hose pr. 25m; Out» ingCnllars’ with from; supan each 250.; Cal-hurts Overalls and Smacks. blue stripe, each $L45. Atkinson 85 Switzer. Ladies’ wash belts 25c.: Ladivs’ long Muck silk gloves 15c. puir;Lnng black llsle gloves, pail-50m; Blue and \Vhite check gingham aprons with fxill 25c. Atkinson & Switzer. Carpet, hmnms made of selector} brush, hamhqo «w Wood handle, light. and strtmg each 55c.; A Good Broom wire finish. 4 strings, each 30 and 40c.; Whisks 200. Atkinson 8: Switzer. Mr. nnd‘Mrs‘. L. J. Ashloy and Master Jack Ashlov vismeu Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Palnwr. Mr. Ashley angl Mastm-Jmk Ashley cuntrihan 30105 M the Uhureh of England on Sunday. _Mrs. B1~e(l~iTI“W-d.-L;Lsyg 0 While brushing caterpillars h-um h “P919. tree, fell frrm the chair on which she “Ins standing, and it, is feared tactured A bone in her arm. -Mrs. BrI-din is .94 yt-ztl's of age. " Cmsse a: Blackwell’s Orange Man-- malade. jur 20¢; Tickler’s Raspberry Jam. lav 2Qc.;;fl‘apioga, 8m Ran- Q2125; iiii-ef‘sliIliiE‘Javd Rice, 10c. 1b.; Italian Prunes, 21b5, for 25¢. Atkin- son 6‘5" Switzer. . Rev. J. C. Spear, D. 1)., pastor of High Park IVIPUIUdiSb Church, and Miss Ella Louise Rnlwx-ts ware on Monday evening united in marriage. The CPl‘t-lnuny was performed by Rev. J. T. Morris of Chuthmn. Mr. G. A. McConaghy has received flrsbclass honors in Mathematics and Physics ac Toronto University. third year. He has also been awarded the A. A. A. S. Scholarebip in Mathe- matics and Physics. At the meeting of the Council Tues- day evening a. petition signed by busx- ness men of the village asked the Cuuncil to pass‘n by-hw obliging the shop keepvrs and store keepers my close their places of business every Wednes- dny afternoon during June. July. and August. The petition, was referred to the by-laws Committee. Mr. Donald Atkinsnn is to‘he con- gratulated on the excellent stand he has taken all through his college course. In the examinations, Faculty of Education. ublished in Tuesday’s dailies. he too first-class honors in the advanced course, and he was given 2!. specialist‘certiflcate in Classics. Mr. V A - - 4:“:LI.‘ AA». D-uhnn,” Grand Lodge. A.F. 81 A.M. will meet in Victoria. Hall. Uninnville.‘ on Wed- nesday, June 11'. for the purpese of layâ€" ing the corner stone of the Anglican church, which ceremony will be pet-- formed by the Grand Master, Aubrey White, at 5 {MIL Richmond Lodge has received am invitation to be present and assist in the ceremony. The editor was pleased to receive a card from his old friend Mr. George anie, shortly after his arrival in Glasgow, Scotland. The trip was just eight days from Montreal to Glasgow. Mr. Cowie referred to the magnificent; sail up the Frxth of Clyde, and judging by the tone of the writer Bonnie Scot- land still has a. warm placein his heart. Mr. Cowie promises a. letter for The Liberal in the near future. â€" 7 7 High School teaching in the Provmce of Ontario. an: ....°._', ____, in“: ~ . enctv condition of the farmer's market, and by learning of the best method in mm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Farmer! Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal :5 a Farmer’s Business Paper. Good tanner: rely on it. For price set w: clubbing ofiu. .‘ Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. FARM PROFITS A case which has created a good deal of interest among horsemen was settled in the (bunny Court on Thursday. afterthe‘exuminntion'r»? a huge number of witnesses. (0 hearts that oh the 5th of Fabian-y Alfi‘efl Gm‘don, a dealer in horses. mum a. mare from John Sheurduwn, gi’ving a cheque, $200, and took her «way. I‘he next day Mr. Gordon took the animal to the sales stable in Toronto, olfered her for sale. but did not sell. The same evening she was returned to Mr. Shem-don't: a stable after dark. A neighbor hearing that the animal wils returned informed Mr. ShéaidoWn of the fact. Mr. Shem- down went to the stable. and thinking that. she had been abused and over driven called in avetermnry the same night. Afterwards the animal was at- tended by' both Dr.Kelly and Dr. Shud- cx‘son. As Mr. Gordon stopped payment of the cheque, Mr. Shearclown sued for th§§ellins prim-L3”. “W uursWthe claim an the ground of "Fraud and M isrepresenmtion". The case was tried by His Hnnnm- Judge. Danton and :\ jun-v. Jud ment was given against Mr. Gordan 2’75 and casts. .Mgssys, Lemmx 65 Lefinox acted for the Plain? tit! and Messrs. Rubiuette. Godfrey a: Go. for the defendant. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Executive Committee of the Fire Department met June 2 after the regular meeting and placed the firemen us fullmvs;-â€" linsegnngpany ' Hook}; Lgdder Nu. l. A. E. Metcnlfe. Forounu. Russ‘en \Vihmn. Lorne Pntterenn, Fred Hopper. Geo Sims. Arm. Savage, \Vesley Palmer, Sydney Griffin. All other firemen will he placed on the enginv. There will be a. special practice Monday. June 16. All firemen are requested to he on hand and take their places at. 7.30. A quiet hnuse wedding took place 'y‘cdtg’.da'y' «Jon-mum name name of the bride’s father, Richmond Hill. when Miss Florence E. Maudie. daughter of Mr. Alex. Moodie. was united in marriage to Mr. James Macdonald of St. Muiy’s. The bride who wa‘s‘ unab- tgnded was dressed in pnlegray corded 43W ceremony was performed by Rev. E. .‘Gurfierflnly‘theimmediate Rev. EDICUrfier theimmediate relatives nf the bride and g1 :11 were present. These included Mr. nmei-s. Macdonald, Mr. Wm. WM Ml. Roy Skinner, at brother-in-law. of St. Mm-y's. The presents to the bride were beautiful and useful, including a lovely watch and chain frum the groom. Aftei supper the bridal couple left for a short trip. On their return they will spend a short time at. Richmond Hill after which they will take up residence on their farm at St. Mary’s. Mrs. Williams who with her husband and little children reside in Mr. M. Buyles's nnx-Lh house at lob 40 happenâ€" ed with an accident Saturday evening. She had been to Thm'nhill, and coming up asked the conductor to let her off nt. Boyle’s gate. As the car did not stop she iglparentlv became excited. and walke out of the door though the car was gning about: 20 miles an hour. She struck the hard road, receivmg severe bruises about the body. She was placed on the car and taken tn Dr; Penbhmd’s office and cared for. The doctor found that no bones were broken. and she was driven home a few hours afterwards. TbeJune meeting of the Richmond Hill Branch of the Women‘s Institute will be held at the home 0f Mrs. J. Rvan, stop 52, north of Elgin Mills, Thursday, June 12, at3o’clock. A pro. gramme of unusual interest: will be presented. Mrs. W. Harvey and Mrs. Altenburg of Toronto will deliver ud- ‘dx'esses. Instrumental by Misses Orril. vocal solo by Mr. Donald Atkinson. Refreshments will be served at the close, and a social hour will be spent. An invitation is extended to the public. It will be observed the date has been changed from Wednesday to Thursday. the Industrial Home Commissioners, paid an official visit to the Home Monday. They Were driven up from. Richmond Hill l)y,Mr. M. Boyle and Mr. R. Scott who also gave the old people at the Home an automobile tide, which the latter appeared to enjoy very much. The commissioners found the institution and surroundings in fine condition, though the number of inmates is gradually increasing. The June Meeting of the Alumnae Association of the Richmond Hill High School will be held Friday afternoon. June 6th, in the High Shoal. at 4 o’clock. The poem for discussion will be Btownings “Saul” on which a paper will be given by Miss I. M. Car- penter. Several short poems will be read by members, and at the close (if the meeting afternoon tea. will be served. Wantedâ€"An Idea Protect our {dear “106 may hr! 3 you wealth Wme J EN wnmSnnB an a: co. Paoent Actor- naya Waamngwn. D. enter their .imo pt‘le one: And in: or two hundxod Inventions wauned. VISITED THE HOME. Mr. Cornell! neeye _qf _Scm-horo,_a.nd HORSE CASE SETTLED. MACDONALD-«MOODIE. ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION. ' VVALKED OFF UAR. Branch. F. S. TY‘NDALL. Secy. F. S. Tyndall. Will Tyndall. . MattieMurtsun. Bert Meek, Raymond Rumble Vern Walders. ’ Fred Lynett. Foremtn. ~Who caulking or somTBImple thing to Dually) Very often we meet an old friend whuse looks has changed so that we hardly know them. Some look better and snme look mid and uncared for. We always feel badly to see a friend going down hill in appearance for looks count, for so much these days; and we enjoy seeing the person who keeps young. Being cared for is the secret uf keeping young and Sageine i9- Lhe secret. of cnriu for the hair. Sngeiuepures dandry , brings life an ‘n 1,; I,_!_ beauty into coarse dry and faded hall: and makes the hair luxuriant and at- tractive. Sageme keeps men had Women young looking and Why should anyone allow themselves to become old appearing when they can get Sage- ine and a guarantee to find'satisfno- tory results. Saigene is suld' at W. A. Sanderson} and if it don’t do all that is claimed for it your money is refund. ed. Be sure to go to W. A. Sunder- mn's for Sageine as other stores can- not supply you. Don't neglect your hair_unother day. Sage‘meis bnly 500. a large bottle. The Palmer House in this village is to rent. The houseris solid brick. 3 stories. 25 rooms, and is being re- modelled. decorated and 'wired for elecgric lighting. S ucious lawn and fine éhadenees. a joining house to south. Very centml property, well situated to cater to automobile and commercial trade, and also private boarding. Good stabling and (shed mmmown. Immedlute possess: Palmer House to Rent 49- M ion. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH BELL. LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YORK. DE- OEASED. Notice is hereby iven that all per- sons having any c aims or demands‘ against. the late Elizabeth Bell who died on or nbuut the 18th day of March, 1913. at the Township of York, in the Province of Ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersi ned, solicitors herein for Richard W ittaker and'Augus Vul- liere executors under the will of the said Elizabeth Bell, their names and addresses and full particulars in writ- ing uf their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the secm-itiquif any. hgld by‘ them. Notice to Creditors And take notice that after the 14th day of June, 19.13,‘the said executors will proceed to distribute the asnets of the said deceased among “the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims nf which they shall then have had notice, and that, the said ex- ecuturs will not be liable for the said assets or any Dart thereof to any per- son of Whose ‘claim they shall not then have received notice. AN ’OLD ACQUAINT- v ANCE Dated at. Toronto the 12th day of May. 1913. ' 4.64 v as!!!) are sauce. batman wno wflh Sunson a Ce..Porfla.nd, Malawi“ reoein free, full information About work which they can do. and live M hommhn will pay than: from $5 to $25 per any. Some luv. uruwl over 554‘ in a day Either sex. young or old. Olplhl not required. You nr aned free. Thgsawho nut It once ‘ ‘ * 7 All i n... no! rcq'uruu. lUu mama-um "w. n.” m .bsomm: Inn of um: um. (onus. In i an For courses in all Business subjects leading to positions as Bookkeep- ers or Stenogmphers and for Civil Service and Commercial Special~ ists’ examinations will be conduct- ed in Shams School.Toronto'. the (Central Busmess College, with four citv Branch Schools) from July.3rd to August 16th this year. Students may enter any time for general courses. N0 vacations. write’VV. H. Shaw, President, for catalog. 391 Yonge St" Toronto. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. SUMMER‘ SCHOOLS LAWRENCE & DUNBAR. 60 Victoria Street, Toronto. Solicitors for the said executors. Apply to O. A. SKEELE. d/b ijrmfl “WWW WWMMAMA 3 99M??? HOUSE: AMAAAAAMMAMAMM“ MAMAAAMMAAAAAAAAAAAMA iAtkinson & SWitzer i RICHMOND HILL": fivwmwvvvmvvvwvv’vw' wwwvvwmvvmwwvvvw'r ‘ f.. * . 5, VVWVVVVWVVVVWVVVVYVVVW VVVVVVWVVVYVVWVVV 1 “AMAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAA‘AAA AAAAAAMAAMMAAAAAAMAAAA ‘ o There is a full range of size: in‘each model.” Get the one that best fits you. Made] 575‘ a. “mm; for Jim. girlish figures. . For" medium figurés.”"w.e; _Model 727. I Model 7777 is best for! {uni developed 633:9.“ ‘ FVVVVVVYVVVVVYVYVYYVVVVWV VWV'VVVVVVYVVYVVWVVV' CRACEFUL'AND . .SUPPLE oi? the figure to the Bee! “Manage, At the game time, perfect ease. and comfort is ave'rxiinc o! AAAMALAAAAMAMAAMAAAAAAtAAA ALLA-ALMAMMAAAAAM Q4§+§§§§§+MQO§§N§§§O§§§+O§§§§§§+§+§§+§+§¢¢§§§§§ VVYVVVWVVVVVVV WVVWVWVWWVVVVVVWVVWVWYVVVVWI The Lorne Block Furnishing Store Men’s Soft Summer Shirts, collar to match, French cuffs, extre fine quality from - - $I.oo to $I.5o Wash Ties, very elegant shades, extra quality from - ,- - ~ - - . - 25 to 50c. Silk Ties, new and nifty lines at - - 50c. Silk and Cashmere Sox, in black, tans and fancy shades, finest quality ' .- - - - 50c. CORSETS FURNITURE IN STOCK For your Housecleaniug, it>is a wonder; Can be. used on all kinds of“ furniture, andf . 'will polish as well as clean. WALL PAPER NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR P. G. SAVAGE . TRY. . M LIQUID VENEER RICHMOND EII STOCK NOW COMPLETE

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