Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jul 1913, p. 1

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AT THE UB'EML Panama & Puausmue HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Gla11er.'Grainer and. Paper- Hang-er. '1‘. F. McMAHON. JOHN R! CAMPBELL. DHURSDAY MORNING RESID ENCE‘ RICHMOND HUI. Gulls phune ur ntherwiso prompth respr‘udcd (Lu. w. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Licensed \uctioneera for the County of York. Bales Ltuended no onshortesc notiue and at rea- Iorible rites Patronage solicited Phone Nu. 28. Licensed Aucuoneer for the Counties 01' York. Oumriu and Nunh Tumnm. Special attention given In snles of ever}’ desbripbion. Farm and arm stock sales a ureuiallcy. Farnm bought anu sun! on commission. All sales attended to on Shul‘hest notice and conducted. by the latest: up-.u-date menhods. Address: 239 Balliol 51;, NOLbh Toronto. Prepare-s pupils for the gmde 9X- la‘minntimm held at Tuluntn ()rlnsm'var tury of.MI.1sic and Univexsitv of 1‘0. rum”. Special course in "Myer’s" Kinder; gnrten Method, panlcularly helpful to hnzinnvrs. ” Glass recitals are given throughout the Year 42-1v LASKAY P. 0. DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL 'l.‘ Svugeon. I K M - Map}. We: Salgeon & I'lcliwen, it per annum, in advance. ‘3 I). H. 'PINKERTUN, V.S. VOL. XXXVI. first home, mu-Lh of Atkinson & vaibzer’s stare. MISS MILLIE RICHMOND 1:1ng Teacher of Piano VETERINARY SURGEON, ’1‘11 0 Pull ill . F. O. EGAN 1‘! 31310, ()nt. BUSINESS CARDS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LICENSED AUCTIONEER mm 311122311 IS PUBLISHED EVERY OFFICE mo RESIDENCE For the County of York. Emu-on a Plonlnon. J. H. Prentice Phone N0. 2102. ‘ wrtcriuarg RESIDENCE “gaefijmi. I K McEwen Weston ONTARIO Money to loan‘on land mortgagee“ owest rates Auroraumceâ€"Removec no the old: post ofliea one door west 0! thevencrauce to the Ontario Bank Newmarket Dalesâ€"Three doors south of the prism mfice T ELBBERTLENNOX G s-rv MORGAN Barristers, Solicturs, &c. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 3.. TORONTO, Canada. Telephnne, Main Gable Address. "Dado." LED 'Oi‘gma Repaired und Exp'efb Work Guaranteed BARRISTER. SOLICXTOR, NOTARY, E'rc.‘ Turnntn Office. Rhnm 328 Confedern tiun Life Bldg‘.. NU. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofiice (“Libel-111’ Office), every Thursday fore-noon. Muplq, Thursday afternoon, PIANO TUNING i." fibhibâ€"J Tel. M. 3631. Barristerlfiolicitors. Notaries. Re. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide 6: Vietnma. Ste“ I‘uronbo. M¢ Riohrnono. Hill NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEY AN’ER‘ A large stock of Funeral] Furnishing kep at: both places. [7nd (El-takers dz Fmbalmers. RICHMDN D HILL & THORNHILL Benton, GroVer & Field H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY pUBLm - OPENS SEPTEMBER 2. 'fl ELpio'rr A’W ' TORONTO. ONT. ' .. Cameron MacNaughton Lawrence 39 Dunbar, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. l8 KING STREET WEST Strictly Fu-st-Class in all depart- ments. j None Bttterin the Dominion. Enjoys extensive patronage and graduates readily getgnod positions. Open entire year-r Enter now. Oatalogne'freeg Commissinnex, Cunveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issue: ul Marriage Licenses. - W. J. ELLIOTT. Princlpfl. Cor Yongegnd Alexauilu sa. REAL ESTATE. ETC. I 1: ORNHILL Barristers and Hollclmrs; FALL TERM NNnx. & MORGAN .7051: .7. fiavidsoh THORNHLLL WILLIAM COOK VOICING AND . . .. . ACTION REVGULATING EDWARD FRANCIS, WRIGHT BROS. RICHMOND *HILLgi'eNT-u THURSDAY; JULY1711913 “ In Essentialv,Unity; :N0figfimwtialk, Liberty; in dll lhiigs, Charity." Aurora. mm. G STV MORGAN Phone Main 2984 Examinatiqnin..Ndl-th York. _ 7 ' At Richmond Hill-firBlanchard, Gem? Glubine. Majoriez‘U’Onhell. Leta, Ham; Gurrie, Helen; Darling, John: Eukm-t. Charles; Ellis, Kathleen; Gould. Ber I; Handing, Orville;Horan Tessie; Kel y. grew; MpCongighy. 79mm; Ham; The folluwing u ils have been suc~ gesafu! ap_the_ ig _Sgl_loo_l Entrance At Woodbridgeâ€"Andm‘son. Gordon; Bailey, Rub ; Bland. Gem: Burton. Ethel: Ouw vv. Violet: Flemming. Bessie: Hoover. Gordon, Hon.; John- son, Jnhn;Johnson. William: Kel'sey. Annie; Laurie. J van; Maynard. Bertha; McCallum. Jenn; Stephensnn. Louis: Ste-waft, Mary;_ VYlgitnlqt-eE Ethgl. At, Kleinburg» Smith, Alex.; Smith, Charles: McCluskie, Erie; Thomas, Edith; Bernath, Everton; Agar. Dun-a; Topper. Tillie, Horn; McGutchenn, Marjorie; Snell. Nox'nlaz'l‘rain, Rem; Bernath. Yprnf; Shaw._William. At V King Public Schnnlâ€"Camphell. Rettn; 7111!, Frank; Gillir-s, Mildred; Gray, Willie; Putts-1. Anx:iv;'Ross, Clara; Rutherford, Ruby; \Villiums. Richald. 7 1101).: To per. Kelsie. At Nob ebonnfluover. Ruby; Larkin, Juice; Malloy. Lorne; McTaggm-t, Elm- er; Snidgr, Miniam. ~- _ ' "At Mtiple Public Schick-Blair], Jean; Farr. Olive: Jarvis, Irtuie: King, Jume§_Mu_nmng, finyvmd. » At Suttonâ€"Arden, Max-ion; B1 euls, Mortey; Cronslm-ry. Nelson; Crons- lm-rv, Elsie; Dalhv. Harry; Homer, Flussie; Morrison. Mabel; Brant, Mae; Railton, Audrey; Riddle, Bessie. Hum: Spmgue, HazelgvSIiles. Allen; Stiles. Finn-gee; Tnqur, Ejhel. The report of the other three centres; Newman ket, Aurora; Bethesda will he u’blished us soon as recrived from the epartment. Mackie. “711).; Mafia? ‘Bert: Nichols, Ella; Nichols. \Vinni red; Oke. Glare, Honors; Palmer, Clarence; Patterson, Hector: Ryan. Gnrdnn: Sim son. fielsoni Smith, gunmen Talbot. has" At Scho'mberg â€"- Glm-k, Gladys; Deacon, FledarDeacnn. Irene; Doyle. Olive; Harris. Jean; Harris, Rom-mm; Kitchen, Myrtlp: Lennard, Han-y; Mc- Kinley, Pearl: Riddle, Herbert; Gall~ whatnomz- .. At QuéensGilleLâ€"Donn, Elva; Fletch- er, Llewellyn; Greig, Albert; Linskill. gal-ion; Marribt.’Juy, Ham; McIntosh, 4F". ‘ A: Mount Albertâ€"Guyler, Alex; Cupples, Allan; Degeer, Nellie; Flalh, Verna: Gihnev, Mary; Lapp. Lyla; Leppani. Dm-n; Main rize, Lon-n9; Rowen, Ben; Ruwland. ‘tlmrt: T0010, Lila, Hum; Vanda-water. Olhxl. Hum; Wane", Lizzie; Willlwe. Russell. 7 Vaughan Municipal Council {net at the Township Hall. Vellm-e, on Tues- day, Jlfly 8. __ Mhnhérs all nresent. Reeve J. A. Gammon in th chair. Minutes an last meeting wele mad and fidOpth. A large number of road and gravel accounts were read, and on muuun wgre ordered tho be Bflid. Accounts fnr Thnrnhill village, atnuuntinglto $188.50, Wl-‘l’e also order- ed tn be paid; also the fullnwiuggener- al accounts:â€" T. F. ,McMahon, prmting 200 Auditors' Reports for 1912, advertising Court (nf Revision. printing legal envelopes, etc .5346 05 R. Jarrett, work, nails. posts etc . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 45 McNair â€" VVhitmore â€" That Mr. Frank Barber be instructed to pma are plans fol-ouncrete abutmean fur ut- tun bridgn, lots 5 and 6, con. 8. Carriedi ' ‘ Gameronâ€"McNuirâ€"That Mr. Frank Bax-her, O. E.. be instructed to build the cement bridge at; Pine Grove ac- cording tn plans and specifications ap- prqve‘d of l>ylthis Council. Carried. l A. deputation of several ratepayers from Kleinhurg Villnge and vicinity waited on the Council. complaining of the impossible condition of the Kleinhurg hill, and asking Council to have the smne attended to at once. The deputation was informed that the Council.lmd no control over the road in question; that it would be necessary to lay the complaint before the Good Roads Commission in To- ronto. V 7 ‘ The Council ndjnurned to meet. nu Tuesday, the ,lZLh day of August, at 1‘ o'clock. _ All ho e of any resumption of work on the ewmarket Canal. which some of the townspeople and North Yorker’s have always cherished, are now dis- elled. a. railway angineer having éen in town during a good part of last week superintending the removal of the plant, which has lain idle for two you! s. The locomotive cars. steam shovel etc., used on- the canal will be loaded, on Metropolitan flat car's. run down to Richmond Hill. and transfer- red to Canadian Northern for ship- ment to Chaplean, to be utilized in the work of double tracking the O. P. R. um‘n‘schonkffimnmca EXAMINATIONS. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. News Notes. ' The, friends and scholars of Buttonâ€" } ville 'Public Schuol to the number .of ‘ sixty five or seventy spent a very en- . juynble day’s muting on the 3rd ufJuly ‘ when the popular teacher Mr. L. L. ‘ Nichols took them to Rivet-dale Park. The above Council met as a regular meyt‘lng at Sutton’s Hotel, Schomherg, on Saturday, June-28, and as an a - Eumed meeting at the Clerks Oflice; ing City. on Suturdgy,r.]uly‘5. . ’Membem were all present at each meefiri‘g.‘ Minutes nf 1mg; legular meeting read and coflfii‘medl ' Several communications were re- ceived and read. On motion Council went into committee of the whole. A large number of bills were passed and ordered paid. ' 3 ‘- ., Watson-Wellsâ€"‘J‘hab’ the Reeve ur- range for a surveyor to survey propos- ed deviutkm uf roads namely:~opposite lot 19 rear of Con. 9. and oppnsne lots 24Aan 25 in the rear of Gun. II. McCaheâ€"Lemuuâ€"Thatvlhe Clerk be and is hereby instructed to send out. Tenders for construction of u‘ Cement, Bridge on the Townline het‘veen 4 and 5 Concessions. said Lenders to close on 19th dgy (if July ut_l>2 o’clock noon. McOabeâ€"~Watsonâ€"Thut Reeve Mac- Mm-chy. Deputy Reeve Wells, and Councillor Lemon'mid. Watson be a committee to examine and make a thorou h test of a Guava! Pit on the farm 0 Daniel Cnsev. with a. view of obtaining the same for roud put-poses, should gravel and terms be satisfactory. The said committee to report to the Council at July meeting as to quality and quantity of gnu 9] in said pit and thfILeiâ€"rns of__s_ecuring the semeu > Council ndjt-{Irlwd to meet at Arm- stmng‘s Hntel. King City, in lie-u of Isaac McBl-ide’s, King Stutivm. \Vexléâ€"IemanJrEa'n ‘fhlfs éiiifiis he pilifl $15.34 being Q value of sheep 0 mm. Watsonâ€"McGuire --That the bill ‘nf Dr. Kay re attendance on Mrs. Mc- Culloch for $12.00 be paid pmvidiug he_accept.s gtgidAsum in ml! of account. Lemunâ€"McOabeâ€"That the Treasur- rer be hereby authorized maccepb from Archie McCullum $3.60 for cement tile urchased. and also 750. from Arthur lgyd‘fqr mggjile purchased. - ' McUabe-Watson:ThatthisCouncil pay John Duggan the sum of $15.00 as full cnmpensaticm for having his horse injured an a defective bridge on 8th Gun. . Lemnn-â€"-McCuheâ€"~That this Council grant $25.00 to grade and improve Hill un the 12 (Jon. opposite lnts thirty. Edward Elmer. Commissioner. A number of the Maple Boy Scouts with Rm. S. U. Ruhinsun are cunping enumej-lgggber nejnr Lugyayy; Mr. D. VVaLsnn has sold his property here Ln Mr. Merrick of Toronto. Mr. Merrick is a market gardeneran florist and he inlénds to build four but houses in the fall. Miss Olive Graham of Toronto is staying wiLh her aunt. Mrs. S 0; Rob- inson at the Manse. Miss Florence Nixon a pupil of Miss Nellie Jones passed her Sm). II Piano examination wnth houmu's, ah- the College of Music and also «tunk First- clnss honours in Sr. Rudiments. Mrs. \V. Huw‘u‘d of Markdule and and Miss Mun-risen uf Barrie were visit- ing their sister, Mrs. A. Duffy last week. ~ ~ Miss Bessie Hall of Park Hill spent, a few days lust week with Mrs. W. Mylks~,, Misses L. and M. James of Thurnhill visited from Friday till Monday with fx'i_e_nds'iILthe vill;age._ ' Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeun were visiting friends in Maxkh-tul nu Sun- day. ' Mr. J. B. McLeafii is in Ottawa this week attending the annual meeting of the MusonimGrand Lodge of Canada. M13. W. Mylks spent several days in Tmontu last, week; Loads left, the schoul at. eight. o’clnck a. m. Dinner and Supper were served at, the pan-k. The loads left. the park about six n’clock for home. The day was enjoyed very much by ex ex-y one. A team of horses belonging to Mr. Cherry of the Elevator run away Mom- duy. The driver, Mr. Ground of the 3rd concession, was thrown out. and was bruised and injured in the buck. Dr. Pentiund attended to the injured man, and nothing serious is feared. An ice. cream social. under . the ausgice's of the Ladies’ Aid, .will be 1391 op. themgrougds of the Cart-ville Methodist (film-ch on \Vednesday evening. July 23rd. All are welcome. KING TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Buttonville Gormley uarrville Mame. 9AAAAA£AAMMAIMAAAAAAA_A m vvvmvvwvvvvvvvvmv’v STIVER &. RAMER We thank the public for the anPY‘OIYu patronage in the past, and will earn estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Goal, Flour, Corn, Bran, wood, 800. AT THE C.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR Believing it will be beneficial to out buyer and seller, hrwe decided. +++++++++++++++¢++++++$+++ Printing v Stationery I School Books Bill Heads, V Letter Heads, ‘ Wedding lnvitaticns, Envelopes, Programmes, " &c , R10. GOOD STOCK OF School Books. Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums. Papetr‘ies, / " 7â€" Rubber Balls, ," " ‘ ‘Etc., Etc. _, 4 r+++‘1°+++'1"3‘+++++++++++++++f LPur'e Paris Green,’ 1 r ""hBug'Death, Y L Arsehate of Lead, 1 ‘ --A1~zD-â€" , Bordeaux Mixture 1 I All guaranteed strictly ‘ ' Pure And prices right; ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. Sanderson Go to the Liberal Office for AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO; BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. ‘ [Single copies, 3 cts. BUG TIME RICHMOND HILL STIVER & RAMER. DEALERS IN #ééok-kfi-fi-é' DRUGGIST

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