Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jul 1913, p. 4

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Thousands of people {throughput Canada who have been-subscribers of the Montreal Witness will regret gto learn that that great family news- ‘paper, a newspaper that always took highground on temperance and all moral questions, has been forced to well out to another firm. A year or two ago the then Publisher of The Witness made'an urgent appeal for the support of friends of moral re- Jorm; and plainly told its readers that if financial help ,was not forth‘ coming he would be obliged to close acme doors and give up alosing bat- tle. Many well-wishers hoped that- .the paper would weather the storm, that in spite of an honest trial, fail- rhre was the result from a financial lpoint of view. _ To say that The Witness Was J‘nnrrow" in its policy and principlee might sound unsympathetic, yet had git taken a. “broader” view asa news- ;paper it might have continued for :many more years. its valuable as- asistance in fighting the drink traffic, ;and kindred evils. The Witness ‘was probably the only Metropolitan daily in Canada that refused to pub- lish reports of prize fights; horse rec- fing, theatre plays etc., and would not insert what is known as liquor ad- vertisments. To exclude the above from a church paper or other religions journal Would appear to be the pro‘ perthing, but in ordinary newspapers, me believe more latitude may well be taken in giving the newg of the “day. Surely 3. Publisher can con- eistemlv condemn in its editorial columns, gambling on a racetrack, and report a horse race in its news columns. “(Elm “fli‘fiflai; RICHMOND HILL. _ «Tue W knees is succeeded by The Daily Telegraph, and judging by it: saluoamry on Saturday last. the new paper will be worthy of its predeces- sor. The Telegraph will stand for Liberalism in he broadest sense, and the following paragraph in its open- ing number will indicate the stand it Will take on moral questions. “We shall enlist heartily and for the whole war in every crusadt against Social and moral evils, and for the elevation of human character both by humanising its environment and inculcating Worthy principles. We propose to been active ally- of all we progressive religious and social reform movements which promise to make ioi' it more-moral Montreal and a cleaner Canada. We shall stand for financial honesty, for commercial .pluin dealing, and against monopoly in every formlj .. ' “ Iy information convinces me thatl the result in North Grey was due to the open combination between the Whitney Government and the liquor interestewith unlimited financial re- sources at their disposal. ,For the wharf Mr. McQLmker who was an exceptionally tine type of candidate, and the workers who stood so valiant- ly by him, I regret the result. The loss of the seat, however. will have its compensations if it helps to an'aken the people of the Province to the. un- mounted fact of an offensive and de- fensive alliance between the Whitney Government and the liquor interests. When the people realize that this gombiuution exits I dor‘not‘~=believe that _ they :‘will; stand fer it. This bye election. isbut an incident in {tho rho-jth Which Will go on with unabated vigor for a'progressive Government and the, abolition of the bar: We need the "crusading spirit, It may require events .like North Grey to awaken the people to the situation and develop'thig spirit,” NEE. RO‘WELL’S COMMENT ON T1113 NORTH GREY BYE- ELECTION. LI‘HE WITNESS’ SUCCESSOR ONTJ 38L? 17, 1913 Colonel Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, has been dealing in some very plain talk relative to seine of his officers indulging too freely at a din- ner gii’en by the Colonel. It appears that the minister gave orders to the hotel management that no liquor was to be served at dinner, and none was to be brought into the room (on the private order of any guest. In spite of his order, however; waiters took whiskey into the room, and la jollifi- cation followed. The act Was consid- ered a breath of good taste, and ,in all probability resignations will follow. o The North Grey bye-election on Monday went Conservative by a majority of 278. The general policy of} Sir James Whitney’s Government was the subject .of discussion, but the foremost plank in Mr. Roweil’s plat- form was the abolish-Lhe-bar plank. The result; is somewhat discouraging for the Liberal party, indicating is it; dOes that in too many cases party politics are placed before principle. For the table or for canning. Eat-1y or solicited. - ' Hay rack alnmst new. timothy. F. R. OLIVER Domestic Wanted Good girl as Mother's Help. Sleep at home. ' 3-1 A :Six-mnme-d Home on Richmond street, nem- Itme’s’s Mill. ' Apply to MRS. "D. S. REAMAN. Carrville P. 0.. A re‘iable French regulator: never fails. These oills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the :enerative portion of the female system. Refuse l“ cheap imitations. Dr. do Van’s are sold at Sf) 11 hnx. or three {or $10. Mailed to any address. the Soobell Dragon” 81:. Catharinel. Ont. 9r. de Van’s Femaie» lels (Md; no metres. bu! thou wno mo Slnmon A Caron-thud, Malnemill receiu (roe. fun infurmmion Ibout work which I vhev mu do. and liven home.thlt will pay hum from $5 1.0 $13 pet day. Snm'e hp vs ‘I nvw S 'in a dav Either sex. young or old Capilal ~- “MM Ynu are sun-Rd free- Those whom"! n! one! “hum ~ «me a! mug mu- fortunea. Al' it uni. Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures Dare Marry": Patient No. 16474. "The spots are all gone from my legs and arms and I feel good new. I am vary grateful to you and shall never forget the favor your medicines have done for me. You can use my name in recommending 'it to any sufferer. I am going to get mar-' rled soon. Thanking you once.moro. etc." ~ Vie treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS NE VOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND hLAD ER DISEASES and all Bisque: .- nu- .v “Av-.- “EONSULTAHON ma BOOKS mum. u unable to call write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. . _ ‘ Dns.KENNEDY&KENNEY Patient No. 16765,. Age 23.* Single. Indulged ln immoral» baits 4 years. De- posit ln'fiurine and drains at nlght. Varicose Veins on both sides, pains in back, weak sexually“ He wrltes:â€"“I recelved your letter of recent date and In reply I am pleased to say that after taking two months‘ treatment I would. consider myself completely cured, as I have seen no signs of them coming back (one year). Patient No. 15923. "I have 'not had a. regular Emission I don’t know when and am iteeling fine. The world. seems altogether diflerent to me and I thank God for directing me to you. You have been an honest doctor with me; THE WORLD SEEMS DIFFERENT. Raspberries 01- phone 1519 Maple Exchangv. Ccr. Michigan Ave. 3nd Griswold Sh, Detroit, Mich. - CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY yleygagjqiquyAmcosa vamshmggypus DEBflJj‘Y. 31.9013 AND MRS. HARRISON For Sale To Let Apply NOTICE SEQRE 1'3 @F HERMES l.le MRS. MOW AT, c/u Dr. ‘Pelltland. Richmond Hill. Richmohd Hm. Few loads AII letgen from C_nnada_must be addreg-gd to out Can- BEECH-6533133328 ifiiétT-u'eiii B'féfléfii: ' " V a . ans. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. WINDSOR. ONT. In Mm-hleanranito. Goad wm-k. reasonable charges. Tuwn m Country; \Vrite. - - \V. A,, JONER, ~ Tombstone 51-3 m. The undersigned is pre- pared to supply customer: with BottledMilk, deliverer every morning, Sunday in cluded. Orders also ,taken for cream ‘ ,JAMES RUMBLE, Richmond Hill} D airy. 1-Lf. PHONE 37 ‘ Patient No. 13522. This patlent (aged 58) had a chronic case of Nervous De- illty and Sexual Weakness and was run down In vlgor and vitality. After one month's treatment he reports’as tol- lowa:â€"”I am feellng very well. I have gained 14 pounds in one month. so that I will have to congratulate you." - Later reportzâ€"“I am beginning to feel more like a man. I feel my condltlon is gettlng better every week.” Hls last re- portzâ€"“Dear Doctorsâ€"fits I feel this la the last month's treatment that I will have to.get, I thought at one time I would never be cured but ,1 put con- fidence in you from the start and you have cured me.” W' ‘TBADI: Mums Dasm’ns 7' COPYRIGHTS ac. x Anyone sending a sketch and descflgtlon any ulckl ascertain our opinion {we 27 other ll! nvent on is probably utentub mmunlcu- “omen-tot] confident a]. “MOD 0 on Patent. cam. free. 0 den: 3 ency for :e atenta. Patents taken-t. roux): Munn & 0. facet” may! 20”“. 311919“ “£86: mule. Vvâ€"-â€"-‘-â€"-v -_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" w .- handsome! illustrated week] . Largest ctr- ; anon of may schntlflo 10mg}. Terms 101' made, $3.75 a your. postage prepaid. Sold M II] newsdealers. Mm co.*°'=mmxgrk on“. 626 3' 8L. Wash new depart- ment has to do with the. C o u n t r y Home and itsj sun'oundingsr Terms: $4 ayear, $2 fox six ‘months: with - ‘V “ us twenty-five cents for four weeks trial trip. A large illustrated weekly , )oumal of shooting, fishing, natural his- . ’ tory and yachting. A We send " - free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of » ~ » t h e b e s t- " ‘F books on outdoor life arid? tecre‘atiofif ' â€" eriences ofan ler: Ers and campergs, 0 Adventure FOREST AND PUB. 00. 346 Broadway, New York. “FOREST AND 0 . STREAM,” or send us twenty-five cents w . If you SpOrt the ex- Monuments. Men-1:918 and Corner Posts. 'ismfiéiitiiiéfjfiiifii'img) Bottled Milk ‘l-tcfested in countr life, I ask your newsdea er {or pericnces of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- 22 Buchanan Sf"; Lettering jng; or If ypu :are m- Tux-nut“ . , â€"â€"â€"A_GENCYâ€"â€"â€"- J". H. SANDERSON. REAL ESTATE \‘ MANAGER ,VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS ON HAND. Daily Mail,.York Go, ' ' Uo-UU Daily Star, outside], of V , P’ towns and villages Every farmer should know that the price offered by the dealers for cattle, hogs, etc., in e fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper! What doctor 0: law- yer or business man would be without his business paper! There in but one farmere’ business and market paper, that in The Weekly Sun. - Start 1910 right- by mblcribing. ‘ . The Weekly. "Sun Daily. News The Daily ~Wor1d .THERE IS BUT ONE; Every family should have both their local paperand a, ‘ city paper. - V'RICHMOND BILL FINE TAILURING RICHMOND ,H’lLL The Next Sitting 0f Divvsmn Court to N0. 3, County of York, Will be held in the Com-t Room. DIViSIDN - EfiUBT; AND I I" HUME} RAT E8 NOTARY PUBLIC ‘ - Tuesday, july‘zg. I913 Special attention given to; Leases. Wills, Etc. RICHMOND HILL â€"-ON-â€" ' Pressing Cleaning Dummencmz at 9.30 n. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Conveyancing, 22.50 1.75 350

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