RICHMOND HILL. ONT.y JULY 17, 1913 Miss M. Harnsun of Belmont. Man., is home fur the summer vacatmn. Elie 93$“th Mr. Gen. Unwie arrin home Thurs- dny vvvning after a two months visit in Scotland. -- Dr. and Mrs. Wilmobt (If Toronto spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton, Elgin Mills. ' Miss Hattie Judge .is s ending a. few weeks with rvlatives in ochesber and Fair Port. N. Y. M). and Mrs. \V. L. Smith of Snsk~ ulq‘nn spent, last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mchnald. ' Servic» will he nnndncted nth Sun- day by Mr. Fred Graham at Headfurd at, 10.30, and Victoria, Square at 2.30. Mr. H. A. Nicholls has disposed of the Breakev prnpm-LV at; 'l‘hornhill switch tn Mr. Nathan Chapman of Langï¬talff. ‘ ’ It is estimated that mhro Ihnn 10, 000 pmple attended the North York ‘Junsvrvutive picnic at. Jackson’s Point, yesterday. ' Mrs. David McKenzie 0f Richmond HM, and Mrs. Gale and Master Morris Gale 0f Tornnto have left to spend two weeks in Olean, N.Y. ' Mr. Percy Hill and Miss Eva. Hill mnmred to 'Elmvale on Monday and will l-enmih-fI-r a few days with Mr. and Mrs. James Hill. Mk‘tgt/Assie Hamilton of Elgin Mills is spending the huliduys with her frivnd Miss Gunstance \Vilmntb at Bulan Bench. ’I'bmntn. The pastor. Rev. Dr. Smith. will preach in the Methndist Uhuroh Sun- (lr.y nmrning. and Rev. \V. Uinwuudie of Unlifmuia in the evening. t6 Sphï¬knw Lake tu spend two weeks with Mns. E. Startup. Mrs. Mapps and lum- duughtm‘ Mrs. Grant and [he latter-’5 two childxeq Mr. Peter Kennedy, thw‘Musical Dire-mm uf the Ualmdian Academy hf Music, Tmuntu, sppnt the week end \uth Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Newton. Quart, bottle of mixod pickles 250.; large bottle nf Que-en 0|i\ vs 280.; Man- wmilln OHVPS 22m; Red VDnts 156.; \Vhite Onions 30¢. 'Atkinsun & Swit- ZPI'. Mr. Hany Li‘ggt‘ loft 'l‘upsdny even- ing fur the annual Musnnic Grand Lodge. nwe'ing at, Ottawa. carrying wilh him the pI-uxy from Richmond Lodge. \Ve are now carryng afull line of Harvesting Gloves and Working mitts and gloves nf nll kinds and would hke to shuw you what we have. Norman J. Glass. 2-3 The Richmond Hill band played at an Orange Dvmonstmbiou at Mount Albert, on the lZlh of July. They also plaved at. the Lemmx picnic yesterday at Jackson’s Point. The man who gets angx'v at what, thu newspapers any about, him should pussiny return thanks three times a. day for what, Lhev knew about him but, did not say. Mr. and Mrs. Armand Savage and WW) sous haw gnne tn Butternut’Bay, nonr-Brnbkvilh'. (m the St. Lawremm River. tn spend a fr-w weeks with Mr. and Mrs. \Vycï¬tfeTrenuh, the latter-'5 summer home. , The Liberals of East Ym-k will hold a. picmc on the Fair G;-<mnds, Mark- ham Village, on Saturday. the 26th of July. The speakers will include Wm. Proudfoob, K. 0.. audflnn. Wm. Lynn MacKenzie, King. , - ' Children’s Dresses. pink and blue chambmy, trimmed with check 85c. and 1.00.; Grin-Rs Middy’s_l.35 and 1.75,; VVhit-c Ratinu collars with Balkan em- ,»bl'oidery 50c.; \Vbibe Orppe Collar and Jabot \viLh shadow lace 55c. Atkinson 8: Switzvr. ' a -Flve‘hoys 10ft Richmond Hill Mon- ‘day morning tu go into‘the Toronto ’M. B. Campat szu-rnwLnke for a. ’nmnth. The boys were in charge of 'MI-. Frpd Graham. Altngether there _Will he IOU huvs in camp. _. Theflboys who left. here are Gordon PauLVBHJId- win Ransom, Kennenh Blanchard. Clarence Palmer and Oucil Glass. Buys Khaki all-111,8, sizes 12%. 13, 13%, at 75c.; Buys twaed bloomers at 1.25; Boys knickers at, 1.00; Buys Balhriggun ,ShilttG, short, Shit-9V9... size 26x28 at 25c.; 'Boys summer jmsé‘vs. white with sky blue, short, sleeves, 25c.; Navy with .red. long sleeves, 30c. "'Mer. Brilliuger repurts having a Plvmouth Ruck hen that; made her nest in a 6an mow. sat un 27 eggs. and hatched a. chicken from every egg; Twenty-six of the chickens are stil[ ï¬xing. . Jonathan’s Plymouth hen can certainly spread hex-self. - . 14()C AIJS Ontm-in will have 832 new teachers as a result, of the Nnruml School Ex- aminations held from June 12 to 19. Mr. Hulmes‘Gmshy who with his mutht-r spent the wink-rand fuil‘nwing months in [ms Angels-3‘ Gain is spend- ing a cuuple of Weeks in this s‘ectiun of Country. Mrs. Crosby who was injur- ed in an nasident a. few months ngn is nuw able. to walk by the aid of ac! utch. IRISH GUARDS BAND The Band ofvthe Irish Guards. who feature the music at the Canadian National Exhibition this year-,‘neéd no introduction to Canadian music lovnrs. They ware hrbughtover to the Canadian National Exhibition in 1905 and so enthusiastically were they received that it was decided to tour them from Atlantic to the Paciï¬c. The tour was carried out and its success marked the Irish Guards us the most popular of the splendod British Militsny Bands that have Visited Canada. Visitors to the Exhibition that year will still remem- ber the selection from Il Trovatore and the col-net solo Ihrlt cumi- floating in from a dis not part. of the grounds, 1The smne Soloist. Sergeant. Hunt. is sis still with the Band. Then you’ll renimnlwr "Baby Sweetheart.“ The wholv Country w-ns whistlingnnd hum- Iming it. " July issue of Rnd and Gun in Canada uhlished by W. J."l‘uylnr Limited. Vundstock. Ont. is nut, with em "inter- esting and uppmpnate list ufcnnteuts. The illustrations in this isaue are par-- Licnlnrly clear and Well placed from the envex-cut, which depicts a typical old fly ï¬sherman. on throughout the issue which leprndnces outdoor life In the varinus ganadian proviqgos.‘ By szne and Portage. inl the Northern Wilderness. The Call of the suennus Life. Fishing in the Ktmtenays. Fish- ing off the Unnst of Newfoundland, are smne of the leading articles while thuughlful sportsmen will be interest- ed in reading E. R. LaFlvghe’s art-nigh- (hem, of the Ontario and Quebec Intel'- plnvincini Fish and Game La ws. The regulardepartments are well maintain» 0d and the issue a gund one for the summer’ Sportsman’s reading. A large. il'mount of electric power isl now being need in Richmond Hill. Mr. ‘ Stirling s’nme time ago installed a 10 hnrse owe-1' motor in Trench’s Unr- liage mGs, which is a great im- pruvement on the former system. Mr. Lawrence now waters his flowers and plants in his greenhouse by an electric pumping outï¬t, 5 horse power. the mutor being operated at a voltage of 550. Messts. Endineés Snn who pui- chnsed the 7ncres from Mr. _T. an- per, has a similar pumping (unï¬t. fur watering his perennials and small flowering shrubs. The outï¬t wurks nun-umticully, starting and stopping at certain pressures. The water is pumped from a well intn high prrssure tanks. Mr. Stirling also has Cami-act's for installing similar.irrigating plants for the Dunlnp and Mills greenhouses. Mr. Ban-At. a young man whuse home is in King. returning to his Work at, Newton Brook Munduy morning, was jerked from a light wagon, and was severely injured about the head. The tail-board being down he was sit- ting at the back with his feet out of the wagnn when the driver struck the horse with a whip. Barnett was jerked out. striking his head ml the stone mad. He bled freely from the our and was taken to Dr. Pentlund’s ofï¬ce where his wounds were diessed. In the evening he was conveyed to his boarding house at Newton Brook. and We believe was afterwards sent. tn the hospital. If you have any newsâ€"personal or otherwiseâ€"u ll the Publisher of your local paper. In case you do not happy to meet him, use the telephone or the mail. “Live and let live†is a good motto. “Help and he helped" is anâ€" other good one. By helping. your lwnl paper you will help to serve the community. If members of your family go away on ayv‘visit. do not be- ufraid to speak about" it. If friends visit you let the Publisher know; Good citizens are always interested in the doings of their neighbors. MORE HOUSES NEEDED. It is a rare thing to see "House for Sale" or “House for Rent†signs in Richmond Hill. That. is proof of growth and prosperity. but it, is also an indication that, more homes oughtlo be provided for the peuple who would move here, if they could buy or rent, a. hnuse.‘ A number of cozy and at.- tmctiw cottages is very much in need here at the present. Lime. It, is true a number uf hnuses are in cmlrse of Plectihll. hut sum-es uf other hnuses cuuld be rented us suun us they are built. CO\V KILLED A mnnhn-r of Mr. \\' m. (Jurtia’ cows broke nut nf tlwll- ï¬le Suhduy and strayed “Way. The mvner ln-gud nu Cl‘llvsduy th-It‘thvy were up Yangt- street, and wan to bring lln‘lll hunw. Just ahm‘e Elgin Mills lhv-y were struck by the 8 o’clnr‘k (‘zn- frmn New- nmrk-r-t. One cow was killed, and am- uther wus lmdly injm-vd. Large crmvds are being aim-acted tn Seal-hum Beach Pal 1.; these days. The acrobaLiu pedurumnues, the parallel bur acts, the moving pictures &c.. fur- niah an enjuyable entertainment. and the Queen’s Own Band furnishes a. musical programme that people are willing to go mlles to bean; HIS HEAD INJURED SPREAD THE NEWS. ELECTRIC POWER , RGD AND GUN. UARBOBO BEACH. LINEâ€"At ‘giifsundnyé‘huly 3th. 19131.0 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Line a daughter. I > - RUTHEREORDâ€"LmYD-Jn Town“). on “’ednvesd‘ny, July 9. 1913. by Rev. Vantm-Anms J. R. Rutherfmd. M. _ D.. to Mabel Emin Ll’éyd, bulb of Aurora. ; I Burma-At Buttnn'vllle'; Tuesday, July 15,1913. Mrs. ‘Vm. Bun, in her 74th year. V Funeral from her late residence, Thurs- day. 17th at 2.80 lutenucnb at Heudford Cemetery. ’ When you pull down the. («mm in which 18 your home; yuu me pulling duwn yum-self, and When Will build up yuu are building up yum-self and yhm- Iwighhm-L‘ :l‘ry bind Imnish frum your mind the mislnkwn iulwl that, all gnnd things are away off in some other lmrallty. Uh‘t‘ your lawn all thr- praisv it, ("an lpgilinmwly he-ur. It. certainly will do you no harm and will cost, you 'nuthing; and abuve all patronize your hmne institutions. Ghnir rehearsal nn Fridav evening nf this week at the home of Mr. J. E. Newton. The Electric Light, was .turned on last. Sundav night fo'r the ï¬rst service and the effect was much enjnyed by all pwsent. The clvï¬rer light should do its part. in increasing the Sunday even- ing attendance whlch could easily stand to be ilupruved. 3-1 ,’ A nnmher of water barrels. W111 hnld from 75 to 150 gallons. Apply at The Creamery J. DARLING, Between Presbyterian Church and Dr. Pentland’s. Gui-f Link With Chinese chagacter. Please leave at, Dr. Pent- lnn ’s. The undersigned is prepared to pay A good plain cook. Satisfactory wage_s. 3-2 VOTEBS’ LIST, 1913 Notice is herth given that I have Lmnsmitted or delivemd to the. persons mentioned in Sections Eight and Nine of the Oanu-io “Votm-s’ List, Act.†the cupies required by said séctions to be so transmitted or delivered ml“ the List made pursuant to said Art nf all pet'- snns appearing by the last Revised As- sessmpntRnll of the said munil-ipulitv to he «mtitled to vote in (119 said muni- cipality at. Elvctinns for Members of the Lugislative Assembly, and at Muni- cipal Elections; and that the said List was ï¬rst posted up in my oflice at the Village (If Richmond Hill on the 5th day of July, 1913. and remains there foLinspectiun. n1 . ,,,s $5.50 A DAY FOR FIVE TEAMS \Vork guaranteed for six weeks. LOU STONG. RICHMOND HILL -u. ...Vr‘ -7» .., Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or any other errors are fuund therein to take immediate prnceedings to have {he said errors corrected according to aw. A. J. HUME. Clerk of the said Municipality. Dntvd this 5th day of July, 1913. Teams Wanted PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 2-2 PATRONIZE HOM E For your Buys and Girls is up for mmsidemtiun justnmv. , Send for a can of nun-curriculum. It \Vl“ present some facts ' you should know. A Term 1n one of schools insures a good salary. Enter any time. SHAW’S SCHOOLS TORONTO AppLy. Municipality of the Village of Education Head Oflices. Central Business College" Yonge & Gerrard Sts.. Toronto. w. H. SHAW. Pflnclpal. THE RIGHT KIND OF THORNHILL SPRINGS, Thornhil). For Sale MARRIAGES Wanted Countv of York DEATHS ï¬lBIflS. ‘ ' ‘ ];ost Domininn House Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. ‘AAAMAAAAAMAAAAAKAAAAAAAA “AA‘A‘AAAAAMAAAAAAAAMAMA :4 Lb. tin Imperial Laundry Starch ............................... 250% :6 Lb. tin Silver Gloss Starch .......................................... 55c ’ ‘ Plain White Cups and Saucers, doz.... ...........-...900{ Breakfast Plates,'plain white, doz ................................. 1.00 I Wheat pattern bowls, small size 8c.,‘mediumvloc., E large ......................... Ioc : 3 White bowls with blue stripe, small 7c., large ............. Ioc i' Linen, yd ................ _ ' ‘ Black and Cardinal patent leather belts, ea ................ : 1 Collar and Cuff sets of Lace, per set .............................. a Brown holland suitable for dresses and children’s suit. A -A I- --_I.‘._ --,1 2 Balance of Summer Millinery at 25% reduction. IL “A ’ 30 in. wide, yd ........ , Fine white Lawn Blouses, made with wide tucks and j VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVV’V VVYVVVVVVVYVVVWVVWVV GROCERIES LAAMAAAAA“ P. G.‘ Savage & son RICHMOND HILL VVVVVYVVYVVVVVVVVVYVYYVVV'VVVV VVVVVVVVYVVVVYVVVYVVW DRY GOODS . Pillow Slips, free from dressing,’ spoke hemstitched fl AAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: hems’33 x 42 pr ......... ' { 40c Fine honey comb Quilts,,ready hemmed,size 66x80 ea. Loo Bleached twill Sheeting 32 in. wxde per y'd .................. 40c 72 in_. ‘Semi-b1eached Table Linen, a good wearing A‘AAA‘A“A“‘A‘ We bought a. large number of ready-to-wear Suits. Clearing lines of just two or three suits in each pattern which we bought at greatly reduced prices, and are giving buyers the beneï¬t of same. Il‘he Suits are of extra quality and away below reguâ€" lar price at. from $10.50 up. AAAAAAAAAAA RMAN J. GLASS" PROPRIETOR vvvvï¬ivviivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvivivvvvvvvvvy€VV .NO J AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA“AAAAAAAAAA kAAA~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAl You iike flood Things Powdered Borax . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c Handy Ammonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5c Tip-Top Soap Chips . . . . . . . . . 5c Dominion Silent Matches . . . . . . 5c 1 Doz. Jar Rubbers . . . . . . . . . . .5c Pickstones Washing Crystals .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;....-.2f0r5c PHONE 17 V VVVVVVV 'YVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVTYV‘ VVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVV Fire, Life & Accident CONCRETE HOUSE The Lorne Block Furnishing Store PHONE 8002. Your Insurance will be well looked after if letb to Atkinson" 82 SwitZer frill of Lace down front, each ............................... Consult Us F‘or Rates WE ARE AGENTS FOR Plate Glass Insurance We supply .thgiBest E 000000000 00906090 Pure Gold Baking inder.tin 10c Favorite Shoe Polish. bottle. .10c Pure Golq _Quick Puddings_'_ assorted fla'vors . . . . . . . . .3: . 100 16 Oz. pk. Seedless Raisins. ...lOc Cottams Bird Seed,1 lb. pk . .10c Sculuh Cured Herrings in g‘o- { mato Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10c ; 55C 1 r>_ '3 20c E -35 F