No season of the year in so "dan- gerous to the\ life of little ones he ’ ‘is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby my be _ beyond all human help before the ,mother realizes he is ill. Summer /1 is the season when diarrhoea, chol- ,era. infantum, dysentery and colic are most prevalent. Any one of I’t’hese troubles may prove deadly if /'"not promptly treated. During the ' summer the mother’s best friend is Baby’s Own Tablets. They reguâ€" 4 late the bowels2 sweeten_the stom~ {SUMMER HEAT _ erï¬v Although the germ of rabies hes not been demonstrated, it is gen- erally conceded the disease has a speciï¬c germ. Rabies never oocuns in the human» spontaneously, but always by inoculation. It is also moderately well demonstrated that dogs and other animals likewise room/mot the disease through inocu- ‘Jation. Many more male than £6â€" male‘do-gs go mad. The reason given for this is that male dogs iï¬ghfl; among themselves, but a male seldom bites a female. The pro- portion is seven mad males to one mad female. Contrary to popular belief, rabies is more common in a {temperate zone- hhan in the tropics or the Arctic regions, and in fepring and fall than in summer nd winter. ‘ ml A __1__ _.._.. u--..nuJ-:¢yn Lkum {or arid,keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by mediqine dial- era or wt 25 cenrbs Va, box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockâ€" vi-lle, Ont. The poison should then be sucked out and the wound claurterized as soon as possible. If it is believed the dog was mad 'the Pasteur treat- ment should be resorted to. Only two-tenths of one per cent. of those who take this treatmem develop hydropho-bia. Here Are a ‘Few Simple Rules 0n » What to Do. If you should bebitlten by a. dog suspected of rabies, don’t get scared, \put gct‘pgopxptly. Immediately apply a, tourniquet above the wound. No tourniquet being at hand, use a handkerchief or necktie, twisting it tightly with g a. stick. ' The only sure preventive thus far Immd for rabies is through muz- zling,- which is another proof that the disease has its origin 'in inocu- nation. ‘ There is a disease called lye-so- phobia, which closely resembles .hydrqph-obia, and is bmught on by nervous dread. It has been 00n- tended by somewhat there is really Y 0 difference between these dis- ‘ wees, and that hydrophobia. is ï¬maginary. This claim is refuted [by the fact that. animals and very ‘g‘oung children, knowing neibher lInquiirlafoion, dread nor fear, do $1100le to a. disease exhibiting the ‘iinmistakable eymptoms of hydro« ‘bhobia. 1-,, 1, _ 1--“ WHEN MAD DOG BITES YOU. 7 These- ~symptoms are, ï¬rst, a. fear 33f water, from which the disease A Sweet, Delicious .“B‘ite -To-Eat†Dainty bits 01- pearly white born, perteotly eo'oked and toasted to delicate “brown.†0r, Sprinkle_'l‘o:sstiés over it saucer of fresh berriesâ€"then add the cream and sugar-4. dish! to remeniber. POSt . Toasties Post Toastles are sold by Grocers everywhere. Canxdian Pcnmm Can! 00.. MG. Windsor. Ontario. ' Usually eaten direct from gimp-\with c‘ream and gar. HARD 0N BABY Crisp, Superintendent J .V E. Rogers, of the Ontario Provincial Police, re- late-s an amusing incident of‘hi-s ex- periences in passing Canadian money in the Illinois metropolis. It was about the time when he was despatched to Chicago to ï¬le the extradition papers in the case 0‘? Dr. Beattie Neebitt. He sought to pay his hotel bill with Canadian bank currency, but was informed that a ï¬ve per icent. discount would be charged on all bills, With the exâ€" ception of the Dominion one and two-dollar notes. Mr. Rogers had tendered the amount of his account in Bank of Commerce bill's, Some- what exasperated, he began to thumb‘ over his “poll.†Theiclerk derivgs its name; then the muscles stiffen and an attempt to drink waâ€" t’br brings on convulsions ; next the mere sight of water is euï¬icient to bring on a recurrence of the conâ€" vuLsioms, fever sets in and death en- sues in about a. week, generally from exhaustion. There is no known remedy - for rabies, though opmtes are .freely used to alleviate the. pain. “We will take those Without dias- 'counvt,†he observed, pointing to a. ï¬ve-dollar Dominion Bank bill. Mr. Rogers smiled, paid his ac- count in Dominion Bwnli bill’s, sve- cured his receipt, and then had his revenge by pointing out the ridicu- lous ignorance of the wise accounâ€" tant of the metaropolitan hostelry. watched him meanwhile. Six Sets in an English School Cause Much Confusion. > ’ The Woodend Infants’ School at Shipley in Yorkshire can lay claim to an English record in having no fewer than six sets of tiny twins 3.1;- tending school at the some tim9. All the children. are under eighd; years of age, and in only. one inâ€" stance are the twins boy's: wuuv v.-- ..__- V“ The mothers of the twins take great delight in dressing their little ones so as to resemble each other, and as in three cases the girls are also very much alike in build, there is often much confusion. “It is often impossible to tell who is who,†says the head mistress, and the incidents While sometimes amusing frequently lead to little tragedies. One pair of twins, Eliz- abeth and Sarah Mo‘ums‘ey, were lamong the performers for a school ‘concert held recently, and each was to sing a. little song. But somehow their places got' mixed up, and when Elizabeth was asked to sing her sister got upend, said she was the real Elizabeth, while the wrong Elizabeth bunst into tears. because rs-he song. The little things thems‘eIVes get confused. Cross-examination to ascertain one from the other often proves futile, and the mothers have "1,.AAJ- It is no use allottin particular seats. They get mizgadyp,‘ IUVW luunc, aauu uuv m‘uuAuAu .._ to be summoned to disentangle them. Even that does not always prove effeotrive, for the mothers themselves have difï¬culty in recog- nizing them sometimes, as the chil- dren may, purposely or by ecciâ€" d‘enxt, change the strings of beads and ribbons of different colors they are required to wear. The twins all seem to have a, cur- ious instinctive feeling [for each other. They a‘l'erdevobed to 68011 other, 2‘ when one) of the twins, Albert; Firth, happens to cry, his twin brother Edwaer 3.1m bursts into tearsâ€"#the'sympamhy of twin- ship. * Either take tHings as they come or turn your back and let them go. Some people have a. way of say- ing things to hurt the feelings of others just as if they were getting pay {or it., TWINS ARE A PUZZLE. could" ‘sing Elizabeth’s “Dominion†Notes. Inspector Rogers. use allotting the twins are 511 re The Bulk of It Comes From Syria â€"-Its Uses. Very few people have any idea‘ where the familiar licorice root comes from. As a. matter of feet, the bulk of it hails from Syria. Here it is gathered and piled into great stacks, Where it remains un- til it'is thorougher dry. It is then taken to the factory to undergo certain processes. The ï¬nished product is 11‘5in for flavoring 00n- lectionery .amd beer, as well as en- itering into the make-up of many brands of tobacco. Some idea. of the industry may be gathered when it is stated that on an average 8,000 tons of dry licorice root is shipped from Aleppo annually, while yields another 6,000 tonasg With the exception of the Damascuzs output, the whole trade is in the hands of a. single ï¬rm. PlMESSPREAfl‘ ‘ . [HUM 'AR’MS Tl], - ‘ WHOLE BODY Also “Face. ,Began taOoze water- like Matter; Torture of Itchin'ess. Pimples Festered andyEnlarge‘dJ Cured In Two Weeks, Thanks ta' Cuticura Soap‘and Ointment. Mt. E13111. Ind. Institute, Muncey. On-f tario.â€"“ I suffered from skin trouble for two months before taking Cuticura. Remedies.. The trouble started from. itchiness on the back of the hands. When irritated. this itchiness turned to pimples. These pimples soon began to spread up the arms, from the sums to my whole body. They also came up on the (we. Having 'Dread over my body they became irri- tated by my clothing. They began to ooze water-like matter. Then began an elmogt killing torture ofitchiness. WhenI scratched I mined to scalp the pimples and make them extremely sore. They hetemd and enlarged. then they opened and left sore spots. These spots became scabbed and flare beyond expression. ' .“I sent for a. sample of Cancun-mm and Ointment which I received quicker then I expected. I was much relieved at the ï¬rst application. I continued appiylng the Outicura Remedies for two straight weeks. then I was completely cured. thanks to Cuticura. Soap and Ointment." (Signed) John Jamieson, Mar. 6. 1912. Out/mum Soap and Cuticum Ointment are sold throughout the world. Send to Potter D. 6: C. 0011).. Dept. 55D, Boston, U.S.A.. for free sample of each with 32-pase book. “Father,†said little Ruth, ap- pealingly, “Why don’t you stay at home to work 'as other little girls’ fathers do ’3†/' Father, who, as the business man- ager of & great corporation, has to travel extensively, smiled fondly at his little daughter: “I’d love ’90,. Ruth,†he an-swared, “but you, see I have to earn a lot of money to take care of my little girl and her‘ mother, and I can’t get enough work to do here at home.†“O father,†cried Ruth, reprov- ingly, “I don’t; believe you’ve ever tried hard enough! Why, I have seen a. sign out, ‘Man Wanted,’ lots and lots of times. There was one over in front of our grocery- srbore this very morning.†In Sir Walter Scott’s diary for 1827 there its this passage. Amid his terrible misfortunes, when be ac- tually contemplated taking refuge in the Isle of Man or in the sancâ€" tuary of Holyrood to escape relent- less creditorsyhe wrotezâ€"“But I will not let this unman me. \ Our hope, heavenly and earthly, is poorly zmchor‘ed if the cable parts upon the stream. I believe in God. who can change evil into 00d. and I am conï¬dent that what eï¬aJ‘l-s us is always ultimately for the best.†Mlnard's Llniment Cures cargo: In Cows. Sir Walter Scott’s Faith. LICORICE ROOT. Man Wanted. ISSUE 29â€"’13 ed "{qhe I _ government [,servioo. {He started for the East'in good health, but on the voyage he was lost at ’Port Said, and as nothing was heard of him for months he was supposed ’to have been killed._ After many months his friends heard that he was in a. state of des- titutiou far from where he had landed. He could give no account of' his/Seon'duot' or his experiences. He returned to England, and after careful nursing and rest he was ready-and willing to work. He had lost his government appointment, *but family interest got him a. pri- vate secretaryship in: the colonies, where "be rapidly showed his abil- ity, and was valued‘ highly: Suddenly he wwslost again, and was absent for many months before he was discovered in poverty and distress in another quarter of the World. A second period of rest reâ€" stored him, and once more he start- m-ekemhis way. This time he started a. ranch, and with ‘a. bailiff, made it a. great success; till once more he was lost, and turned up weak and ill in another part of the world. f‘It was then,†Sir George Savâ€" age says, “that I wa'as consulted, and I was to see him on his return to England. I next heard that he had been placed in an asylum. The doctor who consulted me died, and I never heard the sequel.†TALE 0F DUAL PERSONALITY. Man Who Lost Himself and Was Found Three Timgs. A rémrkable story of a, duel per- sonaJitty is told by the famous brain specialist, Sir George Savage, in the Pmctidziuoner. ' ï¬mn who had passed a brilliant school rnd university career entir- Names of the parties are Come and Toes â€"both were unhappy till the trouble was remedied by Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Any corn goes out of business in 24 hours if "Putnam’s" is appliedâ€"try it, 250‘. at. all dealers. “Father,†asked the girl whd was going to marry a poor man, “do you think I ought to take a course in household economics? They of- fer a. lovely one at college for three hundred dollars.†1345‘ Minard’s Linigxeni (30., Limi HALIAwA‘An ... “fly..- Gentlemen-ï¬e“ August my horse was] bwglly cut. in eleven galaces by a baa-bed wire fence. Three of t e cuts (small ones), healed soon. but the others became foul and rotten. and though I tried many kinds of medicine they had no‘xbeneflclafl result. At. last a doctor advised me be! use MINARD’S LINIMENT and in four weeks' time every sore was healed and the hair was grown over each one in ï¬ne condition. The Liniment is .certainly‘ wonderful in its working. T JOHN R. HOLDEN. 'Witnese, Perry Baker. you are marriedJ ' Very Quarrelsome Neighbor 5 “Noâ€"5’ fl replied pater ‘ grimly. “You will get one for nothing after Some Reasons For Boasting. “What’s he bragging about now ‘1†-;;¢Something somebody else has just done that he could have done so much better.†Try Murine Eye Remedy A quaint legend attaches b0 the tract of land about 15 acres in ex- tent which has subsided in West» phalia, Germany. According b0 the old tale, a convent stood on this wooded heath some centuries ago, and one night this building was suddenly swallowed up in a subsidence, which was followed by the fonynaï¬on of a’lake, to which was given the name of the Holy Lake» Gradually the waters dried up' and ï¬nally disappeared, but even when the lake no longer ex- isted the ground still bore the name of the Holy"LakeL Now the lake has reappeared. ‘ ' If you have Red, Weak. Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn’t Smart *Soothes E e Pain. Drufgists Sell Murine Eye engedy! Liqui , 255i, 250¢. H‘V‘r’rf‘héh wfiy don’t more of us suc- ceed better 2†' Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Iyo ‘l'onlc Good for All [youth-Inuit can Murine Eye Remedy Co†Chicago Unwelcome Caller. ’ “Opportunity really knocks at many a dooflr.â€7 “The trouble is that opportunity wants us to go to» work.†Two 013,559.23 of peopl‘e worry about moneyâ€"those who have too little and mhose who have toq much. Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Dlphthorla. Mlnard's Llnlmon! Cures Colds. Etc. Holy Lake Is Reï¬lling. Needless Expense. Digby, N.S. FRUIT, smocxfemm AND mm V Farms in all sections; 0L Ontario. Howardâ€"“Why do you term your wife 'an angel?†Cowardâ€"7“Be- cause she’s always ready" to fly, she’s continually harping, and she hasn’t an earthly ,fohing to wear.â€- H. w. DAWSON, Ninety Golborm Strut. “Toronto. ‘ v ; Some maps. YOUNG MA-N BE A BARBER. 'I TEACH on quickly, cheaply, thoroughly and urniah tools free. We glva you actual shop at rienoe. Write for free cuta- 102118. oler College, 219 Queen St. East, Toronto. , ACTORY Sims, WITH on WITHOUT Railway trackage, it; Toronto. Brampton and other town: and cities. "High living never qualiï¬es one for the higher life. ’waaidfvï¬ou, comm-no St, Toronto. MEN WANTED MEN VWANTE‘D STAMPS FOR. SALEASend us '25 cent: and receive a. set, of 30 different foreign stamps. This is an exceptional offer for a limited time only. Address Nova Scotia Stamp. 00., Frankville, Nova. Soobia. '1 TAMP COLLECTORSJHUNURED Dw- b (cram Foreign Stamps. Camlozul. Album. only Seven Cent... Hun Stun. Company. Toronto. CANCER. TUMORB. LUMPE. ETO‘ internal Ind OXMtDIL cured with. out nun by our home treatment. erw as before ton labs Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. (huh-mood, om. “ BLUE FLAMEâ€. & SPECIAL Mlnard's Llnimant Cures Distemper. RUSSELL MOTOR CAR C0., Swedenbor 'a grcat work on Heaven and Hell and thy life 3 er death. 400pages. only 25 cents postpald. H. Luv. ‘88 EIcIiIWAvrel. Tu , 0m. RICHEUEUE 0W0. um amqwea: NIAGARA rm To ' THE- SEA ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 'IN Brampton and a dozen other «fun. “'flERE T0 GO Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thou- sand Islands, St. Lawrence Rapids, Montreal, Quebec an: the Saguenay Riverâ€"one of n a t n r e ’s most impressive scenic wonders. Ltmlted. ACCOI‘OHOI Dopt., WEST TORONTO MALE HELP WINTED. STAMPS AND COINS. FARMS FOR IALI. HI‘GELLANEOUS. To Lower our stock by Judy 31m~0ur stocktakingâ€"we of- fer these exoclLsn ' Plugs at?“ ‘ “BLUE FLAMES" give perfect igni- tion and will give a. hot-tor spark than w plug _a,t thi.‘ Per Set of Four