@312 336“; "in and: $333 Enzï¬mo "(3; $5. Maile *0 any address; he Soo’bell Drug Comic. Gunmen. Ont. TORONTO 113 "I Start at; once an] seem-e exclusive territory. \Ve snpplv hamdmme free outfit and pav highest, commissions. Write fur full particulars. Special list of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. phosphono] restores every nerve in theribbtil; to its proper tension ': restores V3!!! and vitality. Ptamature decay and all sexual We- A @2134? 02:9. thsphonol wjll Exquisitely printed on fine coated paper. Pictures ofwell-known eople of current events, (If things eunti- ful and curious About one thousand, square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Nun political. Ahsnlunely no axe to grind. Its aim sulely to please and to inform. Must. be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. One dollar a year. The Pic- tmial Publishing Cu., 142 St. Peter St. Hausa with 1.} acres of land on West aid - of Lucas St., facing Mill St. On Luv premises are a well. fruit, trees. 8w, Applv on the premises, MRS. HENNESSEY, lay bo largely increased by knowing tho amt condition of the farmer’s market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the left 01 information the Farmers’ Weekly 'Sun the: in every issue. It has no equa'l g: a Famer'a Basins Paper. Good “CANADIAN PICTO RIAL†THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Montreal. Electric Restare'f for Men THE '- LIBERAL Plans and speciï¬cations may be seen atMr. J. G. Cornell’s, Kin slon Road. Scarboro, or Mr. J. S. Mc «it"s, Elgin Mills. Commisioners. at the ofï¬ce of the County Clerk, Toronto; 01- at. the Homg Newmarkeb. Bulk tenders pre- ferred. Tenders to be sent to Mr. J. G; Cornell. Scat-bore P. 0., on or befote thgkï¬rgt of August. By- the County Industrial Home Commissioners for all the trades in cunnection with a building to be erect- ed at the Home, Newrparket.« 7 The lowest 61,- any tender not neces- §agily accepted. 3~2 GOOD LOCAL AGENT Corn Flakes. 3 boxes for.t.25 Rolled Oats? lbs. for. .. . .25“ Ro'llea Wheat '7 lbs. for. . .25 Cream of Wheat 6 lbs. for. 25 Grape Nuts 2 b0xes for“. .25 Shredded Wheat 2' boxes .25 Jelly Powder 3 pkgs. for. .25 Baking Powder 2 1-1b.t3‘ns.25 Seeded Raisins l6-oz‘ boxes 3.25 Black Tea. 1 1b. for. , .. .. ..25 Green Tea. 1 1b.for...... ..25 Knox's J elatine 2 boxes . . .25 ’SWS‘72‘5e-a:ILINE For Hidhy’s Buflflg Tenders Wanted OLD AND RELIABLE Fomhill Nurseries SPECML Redpath Granulated ZO-Ibbng $1 Redpath Yellow. 22 lbs... . ...$l Red path Granulated 100 "15.4.70 FRIDAY ONLY. TERMS CASH. STONE & WELLINGTON Subscribe for VVanted F. E. SIMS GROCER at once to represent the FARM PROFITS For Sale Richmond Hill. ONTARIO 32 t~f {ï¬â€˜etiéï¬iéi didioï¬LEAiViéoé'ai p. m. Sunda School at 2.30. General payer meeting Thurs a.y evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M Meets Mon- day on errbefore ful-l Inogn __ _ A 7_ __ _ ‘1160’i.nn..a.nd Oamp Elam, B O S â€"Meets second aid (earth Wednesday Hill Great Lodge. I.0.0.‘P.. meets ï¬rst Wednes- dav and third Frxday of each month. Fireh Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every noun Public lerary and Reading Boomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets every Friday ate p.m. in the Church. I 0 Fâ€"Meets third Thursday at every monlh. R. H. Ratepavers AsaociaLiou meets last 'I‘ggadzy o! everv month. 7 "fly Lodge. A0 '6 Wâ€"Moetl third ‘ 'edneldny of each month ,, Victdr'ia' 'LI 6? LTzééélMaets 4th Wednesday of each month. Small Farm for Sale Suitabié for hnultl-y firm [:1- market, gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen minutes walk to Metropolitan cur. Wire]ng cii'iaii'Cbn'x-éhâ€"Berviceh if 1i i; £11.]an p. m. unday School at 2.80. Buyer meeting l‘llursday gvgpiqg. Church of Englandâ€"Services at a pm. In mg aqd m; Suggny._ Tlgjrd Sunday_gt n s..m_ :C'ofï¬t iiiéhmoid, A 0 F -- Meets Jourth Fri- ‘ 9y . _ ‘ .___ _- A- 0n lst, Concession of Vaughan, lot .38. Thirty-four acres. good rough cast house. m-w stone foundatinn. barn, new hen house. pig pen, vmmg orchard ins; hyginlning to_hea1~1 plenty of wager. Gassel’s Magazine, per annum . $ The Story Teller The Quiver . Musical Home Journal The Girls’ Réalm . Little Folks Chums o x I c a u o n a Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COM PAN‘ 42 Adelalde St. W Toronto Roman. 655235133 Churchâ€"Servioba on alter “to Sundavs at 9 a. m. and 10.30.41. In. It is not neCessary t ) send to foreign countrie. t )1 maga- zines. Read the following:â€" The monthly magazines oi the above company 'cover every variety of interest, and 'can now be obtained in Can- ‘ada by yearly(s¢~ubsnriï¬ption at low rates. CASSELï¬Â§ Canadian, P 11 b - ï¬shing Company You can earn one too, easily. .You only have to do three things. FIRST. Rig-ht awaySnowâ€"take a post card or a sheet of paper and wrlte out the full namea (Christian names and surnames) and full ad- dreszes 0t TEN boy ‘friends or chums whom you know would like to earn some pocket money. (Boys between 8 and 15 years of agoâ€"- no two in the same family.) SECOND. Sign your name and address at the bottom of the card or sheet so that we will know who lent the list. our Canadian THIRD. Man the list complete with ï¬ve cent: In coin or stamps to, us right away. addressing your letter to Sales Division, the 'Witness.‘ 'Wltness’ Block, Montreal. Your list of names should be mailed within seven (7) days after you read this splendid otter. We don't tell you why we want the namesâ€"because perhaps you don’t care: hf you do, or M you omen want to earn good pay at work for uarâ€"why tell us in a letter and we will explain our whole money-making plan to you wad besides you will learn ‘Saleamanvhtp.’ 0 THE ‘WlTNESS,’ 'Witnou’ Bl’ock. Montreal. Should your chums have had ex- perience in magazine or newspaper sellingâ€"so much the betterâ€"send THEIR names. Just as soon as we get your 1m of names, we will send one of these beautiful Souvenir Pins to you and you will like it immense- MAPLE LEAF MS Village Directory ANY of our boys and girls have just received one o" Apply on premiss-s or to H. APPLETON. [7‘12 EE Cai-rville. PHONE 18 ' NORMAN BATTY, MANAGER. V," 4 1 .‘ VWYVYVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV" YVVVVVVVVVVYWYVWVVVWWV j AAAAAAKAAAAMAAAAAA‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IAMAAAAMAAA vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvwvv" vvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘ If you keep the Flies out you wont need to Swat them. SEE OUR LINES OF Screen Doors and Window’s Doors from" $1.10 to $2.25 each. fl AAAA AAAALAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Here is your chance for a proï¬table investment. ‘ Choice lots close to Radial an C.N.O. Ry. Statidn ' ' 50-Ft. lots at $6.00 per ft. on build- “ ers terms. Working Men’s Houses ’ WANTED AT ONCE Furnished in mudnm skylv. Owner gung to the Slates. Anp‘x. A Fresh Milk Cow on lot 28, Gun; 3. Vaughan,» . {3021124930 Maple Egchango. SERVICE The kind of Goods that 'are so Good as to have a nation- wide sale. Don’t forget that the Sizo uf your Order ddesn’t matter. Big or little we always give it the most prompt and careful attentinn. Riphns Tabules cure flatulenoa. moans Tabule cure headache. Ewan: Tabm’es: at druggmts. G. A. MCDONALD & SON THE RICHMONDHILL HARDWARE CU. “3" Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stove 3 Burner Stoves $11.00. Ovens from $2.00 to $3.00 each. Minerva. Paint for all purposes. . Lacqueret and Chinamel Varnish Stain. RICHMOND HILL IS‘BflflMINB Tentvfor Sale PHONE l6â€"R 2 RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 80. WE SELL THE BEST GOODS QUALITY. IJiberal Discount for Cash. GOODS THAT GIVE SATISFACTION IN COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. ‘Fansate Screen Wire all Widths, 123. to 300'. yd. Hammocks...u .v. “$1.50 [,0 $4.00 each. Lawn Mov’vers...‘.. “$4.00 to $7.00 each. Garden Shears, Rakes and Hoes. WANTED Agents for Columbia Grafonolas mid Records. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY DELIVERED O§§§§§§§Q§§§§§§ APp‘y W M . CLEMENT. APPLY OWNER W. J. LAWRENCE, U. 'H. DAVIES A GOOD TIME NOW TO BUY A NEW APPEARANCE, Richmond Hill. Wi‘ndowé 25c., 30c. and 35c. each. Florist, Richmond Hill. Mu ple. ‘0’. Notice is hereby given that‘s dividend at .the‘rate of THIRTEEK PER CENT. PER *ANNUM upon the, capital. stock of this Bank has been declared for thg quarter ending 31'st July, 1913, and that the same will be payable at the Head Oflice in this city and its Branches on and after Friday, the ï¬rst day of Aï¬gust, 1913, to shareholder; of record of 25th July, 1913. I x PRICE, Toronto, 17th June, 1913. By order of the Board. r .. OF CANADA a Quarterly Dividend, Notice No. 91 VILLAGE PROPERTY. MONEY T0 Lomwi 414d. , 7 A. Â¥ . . I Several small farms close to‘ Yonge’ Stltset. AL Shel-Wondâ€"One acre. all kinds of; fruit, trees. with comfortable house in} ï¬lst~class repai1-.,Inake a good home‘ for any person wishing to rem-9. Qn good roads system. Easy terms. 1913:â€" PROUD BARONâ€"Imp. Clydesdaln. tlw [)ran‘LV of Joseph Houd. lob 27. con. 2. Markham. will stand a! hnnlv. Richmond Hill Saturday :ifu-I lluulm. Terms $10. ‘ LORD MORVENâ€"Imp. Clydesdulv. ‘1.le property of T. H. Lnggr. Tempr nncm ille. \Vill travel through Erprs- luy, King City. Maple; Elgin Mills, (Jon. 3, Markham and \Vhitchnrus‘h. Aurora and Oak Ridge-s. Te-uns $1,}. DUKE 0F YORKâ€" Clydesdnlp stalliq‘n. the property of W. J. lindgin. Jeifor- son will he kal forsr-rvicmit his (n‘l‘l) stable. lot 61 Yonge St. Bond Lnk’e Terms $ 11. ; SHIPMATEâ€"Stnndnlfl bred stallil’m. (1080) the propt-rty of W. J. Hudgin. Jefferson, will he ke‘pl, for service at. own stable, lot 61 Yonge Sn, Bond Lakv. Ternutli ll. ‘ 5 NESBITT MACQUEENâ€"Ulydusdall, Stallion. 14643, the propm-Lypf \ w‘ J.’Hudgin. Oak Ridges. will go Victoria Sqrmrr. Elgin Mills, ()ni' villr, Muplv. Luskay, Purplm‘ill Am'nm. Home from Samidny t1- Monday. Terms $12. l TOWARD CHIEFâ€"Imported Clyd dale; the pioperty of D. 0. Stevie will stand at his own stable. Rich-i mond Hill. during the seasonlJ Terms $15. ‘ GREFFIERâ€"Imported Percheron Stail-‘ ion, the property of Glass Bros, El- gin Mills, will travel through Vaughan. King, \Vhitchurch and along Yonge St. Home from Friday till Tuesday. Terms $15. KELSTONâ€"â€"Thr)rnnghbred stallion, the property of Dale & Dulziel, will stand at. his own stable, \Villowdnla. Terms, thoroughbred mares $30. mares other than thoroughbreds H. A. NICHOLI. The undersigned is prepared to tgke contracts for house puiuung during the summer. Ten store hogs. on lob 28, can. 3. Vaughan. ' 52-†ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. 52-6 The following stallions m" be in thi3 ggqtjnn of country during the sonsun‘uf, F. J. WOODWARB GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, TWO good farms near Mount Albert. $10. HAS-FOR SALE PATRONAGE Snucmm; ,AND SATISFACTION GUARAng SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A 81’ECIAL'IY House Painting F. J. WUDDWARD GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley Real Estate Aggw Richmonï¬ H111“? _ Stallion Register For Sale A. E. \VRIGHT. , ‘ Stop 52. Elgiu Mills P.0. General Manager. 149 JOHN SLINEY, Elgin Mills, st/r’