Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jul 1913, p. 4

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.~ ~ 7-Sitime‘x, 4C6fisefiative newspapers -=’mid speakers are most uhjust when I they charge Libemls with disloyalty and a lack of patriotism when ' the {latter decline to sanction the hand- ing over hfi:L$35,'000,000' to be ex- i‘pe Ithefhxi‘iibish (parliament. .as that body sees’fic. Mr. Churchill’s speech a few days ago makes it; _ ,‘plain that in his opinion both politi- rcal partiesin Canada am willing to assist England in time of W'ar; and to help bear the burden of defence, Aunt they merely dimer in their meth ,hdt ~ ,..‘@’In fiihemi. f‘Allslnmlgh' the Naval Aid bill was m‘ejecmd the question of Canada par- _;1ticipp,ting in her o'wn defence‘and in? :‘mhm of bhé'Empire is by no means ~.«dead. Whether we read the speech- .«es Of members of nbevGovernment or ..«of the Opposition we. see that, al- ‘though there are differences of meth- .()J, and although the matter is one of gparty disputation, there is an over- xwhclming consensus of . opinion that :action should be taken, and that; ~ :soon." mauuoiifi min. 01m. JULY 24, 1913 -The following paragi‘aph is taken :xfromnMr. Churghfll‘s recent speech:â€" Irate T. H. Brunum. Mark Lipping- Inn. n burLendvr in the Lamptnn Ilnuieat Lampt'nn, was fined $40 and m~ts or thirty days in jail. ' Lipping- 10’! paid Eh? fine, TWO Pl'qx‘inoial Liquor Di-tr-cbivesfrmu Inspector Ay- rurst’s staff, swm'e that they bought; Wu lmltlfisvuf beer fmm meingtnn on July 3. Lippingron could "not, ve- . gngg-mlwr the incident but. declined to give. gvjdvncm The MW covers- pimple- \\'hhpm-bc_nse the ~iiquor, but as in > Ithis cuée; two Gnverniuent men made . we. purchase, 'and they are exempt flax-u prosecutiou.- ‘ Everybody knows the Liberal par- ty stands for the 'policy that was unanimously carried in Parlia- ment by both political parties in 1909. The Conservatives afterwards «elmhged their policy to one of con- tribution in order to satisfy the Na- tionalists of Quebec. The Liberals believe that Canada. should handle and ekpend’ her ‘own money. The Conservatives are willing to hand it over to England; It is fiiflicult to see that the latter method would be more patriotic than the former. Mr. Rowell’s abolish-the-bar pol- icy did not seem to win over many Conservative votes in the North Grey election. Men will attend a meeting of the Dominion Alliance, hold up both hands for a policy look- ing to the curtailment‘of the liquor traffic, and on the very first Oppor- tunity they {will‘cast a vote against a candidate who is .a total abstainer, ,1! sound temperance man, and a man standing on the very platform they helped to erect, on the ground that they must be‘loyal to their own polit- ical party. 'TO-CIOSe the bars from one side of the Province to the other would be the greatest moral reform of modern ‘times, but it cannot be done as long. as men show a deter- mination to vote for their 'politiehl party before their temperance prinâ€" ciples. . ‘ ‘ V Mrs.Mary McDougall who~nassed the century mark u'mnntb ago died. at her home at. Edgpley, Vaughan Township, Jast Thursday. Interment took place at Maple Cemetery. ' Mr. W. D. McPherson, M. P. P., To- rnuto. was elected Grand Master of the Masonic Ludge of Canada, and Mr. S. A. Luke of Ottawa, Deputy Grand Master. George D‘Alesandr-o, a young musi- cian. lust his life Monday morning at about 3.45 by the 2mm in which he was riding coming in contact. with n heav- ily luade wagon. Francesco Nicol- etti. the driver of the car. was arrest- ed for criminal negligence. The late Senntm- Campbell, a former M, P. for Centre York. left; awestate of $260, 806. Mrs.>Campbell, his widow, is made the sule benefimary. The first, conviction in York County under the new Hanna amendment of. Ami! last. for selling liquor to be con- suuwd off thH premises, was make in the Countv Pulit‘e 001131,, _by_ _Ma‘gis- 31mm, Tahulgs: for sour stgmach. AH 'UNFAIR cfiAR‘GE. IS IT PART-Y FIRST? News Notes. Considered to havethe most luxur- iant and beautiful hair in New York. Miss Rector says: “I find a. certain pleasure in recommending Sa eine as I know Sngeine is a. Ieal bene t to wo- men. I had a. very hard time tryin to dress my hair nice before I use Sageine. It; didn’t, matter What style the hair was being Worm my hair was always'too dry and-lifeless to dress properly. I suffered‘with dandruff more orless and my hair fell out until it was thin and ragged. My mother urged me to use Sageiu‘e as a number of persons had recommended it to her. I used it finally andwas‘ only sorry that I had not learned of it long before. Sageiue has made my hair just; as nice and soft. and thick as on see it. I have been * commente . very much on its unusual beauty. Sageine 18 now sold in Richmnnd Hill' and costs only 500. a. large bottle. Be sure to go to W. A. Sanderson’s drug storeâ€"â€" other stores don‘t have Sageine. The following shows the number who wrote. the number who.passed, a'nil the numhér taking honours at the different centres in the County for Entrance tome High Schools:'â€"- -No.who No. , Hon- Wrote passed ouu Sutton"... 24 14 1 Mount Albert...... 20 14 2 Sutton . . . . Mount Albert. Queensville.. . . Newmarket. . . Aurora. . . . . . . . King . . . . . . . . . Scbomberg.. . . Nubiletnn . . . . . , Bethesda . . . . . . Richmond Hill W oudbridge . . Kleinburg. . . Maple . . . . . . . . wrote at Richmond Hill will get the Richmond Hill scholarship. Miss Cun- uell stands highest, nf all the candidates in the N (er11 York Inspector-ate. Gladys Fiex-heller won the scholar~ ship from the Tuwn of Newmarket. and Leta. Cunnell of Buttmlville who PRIZE WINNERS. The frillowing nre the. prize winners in the Standing Field Crop Cbmpeti- Lion in connection with the R16hlu0hd Hill Agricultural Society. The crop, Barlev, was judged by Mr. D. J.‘ Gub- son of Newcastle:â€"lst Wm. Glubine' 88; 2nd Robb. Tyndall 83; 3rd F. A. ngge 825; 4th F.'A. Clarke 82; 5th J. Brillinger 81:6th J. S. lVIcNuil-SO; 7th Jas. McLean 77;. V MISS RUTH RECT’QR Erik; for our private addpgei. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED on NO PAY Are you a victim? Have you Ion ho ? Are on intending to many! Has your bloo been is‘easedt Have you aufi weaknessr Our New Method Treatment}! cure you. ‘Whatit has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter whp has treated you, Write for an honest 0 1111011 Freq gf'Chu-ze. Books Free- “ oyhood, Manhood. Fatherhood.“ (Illustrat- ed) on Diseases of Men. No NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No name: on box“ or am!- opea. Everyth ' ential. Que-Hon Linux! Cost of '1'th FREE FOR HOME W“ awn“ Bus-.KEEENE @116 ' A11 lettei-s {tam Caneda must be addresaéd . V to our'Canadian Correspondence Depart- , . e, r, . em ment in Windsor, Ont. desire 'to see 418 personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we. see and treat no patients in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only.. Address» all letters as follows; DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Windsor. Ont. NERVGUS, LIFELESS (3033' Michigan Ave. and Griswgld 5%.. Detroit, «Mich; H. S. ENTRANCE DEBILIfATED MEN 18.3 12 YO G MEN AND MIDDMGED MEN. the vime of early indiscretions and later ex: cesses. who are failures in liteâ€"you are the oneswe can restore to manhood and rele the spark of energy and vitality. Don’t give up in despair because {on have treated with other doctors. used eectrio belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of desgslr, has re- stored happiness to hundreds-o homes and has made successful men of those who were “down and out.“ We "Jrescrlbe specific rem- edies for each lndlvidua case according to the symptoms and complications-we have no patent medicines. This is one ofthe secrets of our wonderful success as our treatment can- not fall. to:- we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case. Only curable cases ac- cepted. We hgve dong business throw Canada for over 20 Years. ' "nu: STANDARD is the National Wéekly Newspaper of the' Dbmimbn of Canada; ‘Iyis. national! in an It: aims. V ' H I " 7 K ‘V It uses 'the- most expensive engrav- ings, procuring file photographs from all over the Whrld. ' . Its' articles are carefunyselec’ted and its'7 editorig poli‘gy is thoroughly indepefident. ‘ ‘ ' ' A 're‘iablo Fre'fich’ regulator; never. fails, ‘ The“ pilla‘are exceedingly owerful in regulating the generative portion“ of t e fen-sale system. Refuse allcheapjmitations, Dr. 0 Van'- are sold- at Eabsxuo Befortlor MaiEdjSQ'aFX-p d The undersignéd. is. pres. pared to supply customers with Bottled Milk, delivered every morning, Sunday in- cluded. Orders also taken for cream. JAMES RUMBLE, Richmond Hill Dairy. l-t.f. ' PHONE 37 Dr; deVan’s Female: lels A subscription to The' Standard costs $2.00 per year to any addreu In Canada or Great Britain. 36 a box; In. 800 . thieofor 1 .» mailed many. address. 1361! mm: 0.. at. Guam-mayo“ In Marble or Granite. Good work. reasonable charges. Town 01 Country. Write, v ‘ W. A. JONES, 22 Buchanan St” 51-3 m. Tombstone Myth-cal Standard Publishing 00.. Limited, PuSliéhom. ' _ Tana: Mum I DESIGNS 1 COPYRIGHTS ac. ‘ In one aendln a sketch and deaori Ion mu, Funky]! ascertain“ our opinion w ether u: nvent on in rehab] ' mm b mmunloa- uonsamm gonadal-3&1. HAfin figfgnl’mm gent, free. 0 dent a enay for aeou ta. e m Patgntq Meg; rqugh Mugglficg. mocha ' Patent: taken throu' 1: Mann 4 & mam game. without. urge, mm .. A- â€" a V v - v - v vâ€"â€"â€"v -â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€"â€"~~- V- ndaomel illustrated weekly. Largest cu!- g'umlon 01' 51y scientific journal. Terms for Canada. $3.75 a. yeflmostase prepaid. in newsdealers. mum m “W‘MNQHQJK Bunch omen. 635 F at. Wuhlnzt Monuments, Markers and" Comer Posts. ~ gtfifififfiéfliiiéflim "Bottled Milk TRY IT FOR 1913’ MONTREAL Lettering Tin-onto REAL" ' ESTATE MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS 0N HAND. Daily Mail, York Co, .tvowns' and. villages Daily News _ ' ‘ Subscriptions for weekly daily paperstaken with ‘The Lutheran: at the folloWing rates:-- ‘ Family Herald and'Week?" _ .l ' i , 1y Steal year‘ _ f Weekly Globe ‘ I y Weekly Mail andaEmpire 1 Rn hnmin5hh 'Dmfltwv Guide . weekly Mail and iEmpire &: DominiOri Poultry G-uide Farmer’s Adecate Daily S tat", ‘, 0 upas‘ide of The Weekly Sun The Dain .World Oanadian Farm Every .fannet should know that thc' price oflered by the dealer's for cattlo, hogs, etc” is 3 fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper! What doctor or law- yer or business man would be withbut his business paper! There in but one farmen’ business and matket ptper, that ii The. Weekly Sun. (Stat 1910 fight by subscribing. - . Daily Globe, York Co. QTHERE IS BUT ONE Every family should have both their weal-paper and a ‘ City paper. “ " .'-â€"AGENCYâ€"-â€"_ H. SANDERSON. V. S. RICHMOND HILL FINE TAILBR’ING The Next Sitting of Divisithou'tttd No. 3, Countymf York; will be held. w in the Eourt Room. - A. J.’ RICHMOND HILL D‘IVISIDN ‘ WURT’. AND RATEE Tuesday, July 29‘, 1913 Omfimencma (at-9.30:». m. NOTARY PUBLiC Conveyancing, Leases. Wills, Elbe; RICHMOND HILL ,_0N~ Spe‘ciifl'attention given to, Pressing . Cleanifigil Repairing T. F. McMAHON 0mg

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