RICHMGND HILL. Ohm. JULY 24, 1913 Miss J. Palmer of Chicago is home to spend part of the summer hex-e. Mr. Coleman of Tommi) spent 'over Sunday with Mr Elmore Reaman. 331w vigihcml. Men’skstraw hats regular $1.25. $150 arid $2.00. to clear- at $1.00. N. J. ass. ‘ “Mrs. F. Gibson and Mrs. R. Van- derburgh sppnn a week in Barrie with Mrs. Mullny- Bmwn. Miss Mm-ie‘ Morgan of Niagara-0n the-Luke spent, a few days with Mr. émd'Mrs. H. A. Nicholls. MisSKyh and Miss‘ Margaret Kyle, Toronto, spent Vesterday afternoon with M15. '1‘. F. McMahon. Rev. J. J. Redditt and st. Rodditt of Toronto spent Saturday afternoon and evening with the Misses Redditt. - Min. and ,Mrs. Ashford \Vnght and two daughters luck a trip across the Luke to Niagara Falls Tuesday. The man who is always borrowing is 1191; a desirable neighbor, but the man who never lends as less so.â€"Ouwa.rd. Dr. and Mrs. Huntley of Maple have gune t0 Musknku for a, month. While away the pmctiuu will be taken by Dr. Keflt'exa Miss Lillian Ashley 0f 'I‘m'nnto, has been spending the past, Week with M 1-. and Mrs. John Palmer "Fail-flew Villa.†"‘ Miss Fraser who has been Principal of the Cm‘xtinuatmn School at Snuth- ampton spent the Week end and Sun- day with Miss Heise. Express~Herald~â€"Mr. F. \Vilev and daughter. MKS. F. \V. Graing‘vr of Richmond Hill spent Sunday WILD Mr. auJ‘ï¬in-s. Jas. Build, vNewnmx-ket. Mr; R. Rumble of Toronto visited his daughter Mrs. \Vm. Palmer yes- lvrduy. Mr. F. W. Rumble of \Vinbi- 'pe-g :dso visited here u few days ago. Men’s tan ‘0:- hlncksilk hose. pr. 35c.; President suspenders. pr. 500.; Men’s cough-s3 sluspendemkybitqfpr. 450.; Pun-is gartefs. pin 25c. Atiiï¬son 8g Switzer. " ,- Rev. F. Elliutt and Mrs. Elliottsnent Sutu’rday and Sunday with friends at; Newman-km. Mr. Elliott cu’hducbed syn-vice ab-the Industrial Home on Sun- A haselmll match was played in the Pill'k Sal-gluday afternoon between the Glenmuuts uf Toronto and Richmond Hill. The home team won by a. score of 15 6. ' We are now carrying afull line of Harvesting Gloves and wot-king mitts and gloves of all kinds and would llke to show you what We have. Norman J. Glass. 2-3 Miss Eva Hill left Saturday for atwo wee-ks’ trip on the Northern Lakes. At, Meaford she was jnined by a cousin and went, to Fort William on her uncle’s hunt. Another Travelling Library has been received through th? Ontario Govern- ment at the Public Library here. The books must be returned to the Educa- tional Department in three months. \Vhite bath towels size 2?. 'x 44, each 150.: Bath toWels cream with red stlipp 22 x 45. each 25c., Unbleached twill sheeting 72 in wide; per yd. 350' At- kinson & Switzer. ' Mr. F. McUunaghv _}ltt01)ded the funeral of the lube Jnhn Drury in To- ronto last Saturday. The Drurv family formerly lived at Patterson. Deceased 'who Was in his 81st year was mterred in Prospect: Cemetery. Blue Bell toilet soap 3 cakes in box, 250.: June Roses 3 cake in box 15c.; Large bar shell brand Custile soap 25c.; Snone cracks with covers 1:}. 2, 3 and 4 'gals; Fruit jars all sizes. jelly jars with covers. Atkimon & Switzer. The annual excursion of the Fire Brigade will be held on VVPdnesduy, the 13th ,of August. to Hamilton, where the Fiqemen’s Association of Ontario will hold their Demonstration. Our own little‘Brigade intend taking part in the races, and want all whu can, to go and cheer and help them to win. Any person who wishes a, good muting should not miss this trip. See further particulars on posters in a day or two. ‘uy. The Ladies Aid Sewing Circla will meet in (he school mum of the church Friday afternmm. July 25th from 3 till 5.30A0’cl0ck. Also the next; Ten Uen‘t 711:; Qï¬i‘ï¬Ã©béiééi; 'ih’é'éaiiiévéaï¬té’frérhï¬ tn 7. 30. ‘ " It was decided to have the church bell rung ut5.30t.0.1'emiud the congrega- tion and friends of the ten, and we hope to see a large attendance present. 140C) AIJS RICH’D HILL FIRE DEPT. METHODIST CHURCH WELDRICKâ€"In loving memor of our dear mother. Mrs‘.’Berwick 'eldrick who departed this life at Lungstgfl. July. 25:1{1912 - The remains of the late Mrs Man McDongnll of Edgeley were interred here last; Friday afternoon. The de- ceased celebrated the 100th anniversary of her birth on June 17th and Was in good health until a week prevums to er death. _ The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Snider took place here on Thursday afternoon of last Week. Rev. Dr. ' Carmichael of King wurhed in St; Andrew's church on unday. Mrs. Dr. Lngan and her two children of Niagara Fulls'are spending the week wi_t_h friefldsjh‘the_village. ’ Miss Myrtle Sinig‘eon entertained her Sabbath School class last, Saturday afterri'oon. ' . . MajurBeckett, of the 9111 Mississuaga Huyse \viLh his family spent. Sunday at Mr. G. Norman’s. 1 Mr; and’Mfg-s. Me'd'cz‘tlfe of. Hawkstone. spent, over Sunqu at the home at" Mr. anihlmz YV. quyp. 'A ' '_ Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Devlin oanmntn nailed on Mr. L. Richardson and fum- ileme gay Iqs_t_wee15.‘ ‘ _ __ ' ' The raising of Mr. A. Killuugh’s barn hy block and tackle Look place last, Friday. Quite a number of men were pr‘ef‘ent, to assist; yRev. P. Emd Mrs. Campbell are visit- ing at, Shumberg. The Rev. E. A. Enrchma'n, B. A.. of anonto will preach hereand at Thorn- hill on next Sunday. Mr. Em-chman is a. capable prvacher and has recenLiy resigned his charge at Ilderton, Ont,- m-iu in order to prosecute post graduate stggly; Du>nnt_fail to hear him. Mr. Currie wishes to announce to his people that be has declined the position offered him by the Reading Camp As- sociation as Secretarv fur Winnipeg and the Prairie Provinces. He also wishes to acknowledge the nmnv kind expressions of appreciation of so many in his charge and that these have help- ed him to his ï¬nal decision in the matter. Dont forget the choir rehearsal on Thursday evening. Not many church- es enjoy the presence and services of an accmnplished organist and instruct: or in the summer months, but Mr. Newton gives two hours on practice night, and most wxlling service on Sunday. which does much for the Clllloir and should be appreciatéd by a . ‘ Some people are inclined to smile when they hear that women have n. hubil: of rendinlg advertisements in the newspapers. here is really no cause to smile. By reading the ndvs. they are acquiring kno'wled’ e. and as this women do most of theï¬mying for the home and for the children they are in a position to spend their money more wisely than the men do. \Vomen who read the adVertisements know the best stores, the best goods and the best val- ues. They are enabled to shop more economically. and make the money go farther. Is you save a dollar it is just as good as earning or ï¬nding a dollar. 0ft we think of ybu dear mother; Alld (ill_x-_heart§ are gagijyith min; Oh. this earth Would be a'fleaï¬'en Could we but hemï¬yuur voice again. 'Just,‘ one year ago you‘ lefpgm; Now we miss yuuflovl’ng face, But you left us to remember Noneon earth can ï¬ll Your place. HUSBAND AND FAMILY. Mr. George Elmore Reuman M. A.. has received Word of his appointment to the staff of the new Saskatchewan: College at Moose Jaw, Sask.. as head of Modern Languages 'Depurtment. Saskatchewan ()(Jllege IS the only res- idential college in Saskatchewan. The corner stone was laid by the Duke of Co‘nnaught in 1911. It is to he opened in September of this year to students. It is planned to make this the’ educa- tional Institution of Southern Sus- kntchewan. The position hem-s with it the initial salary of $1200, plus boardnnd room. GUN VVAY’S BAND Patrick Conway’s Band, which comes to the Canadian National Exhihibion this year has suceeded Gilmore’s Band in the hearts of the American people. Many of the leading soloists of the Gilm 31-‘e Band organizatiun 'oi'ned the Conway Band and the con uctor has followed Gilmore methods With‘mnrk- ed success. With Conway’s Band and the Irish Guards Bank both giving two concerts daily on the Exhibition grounds a splendid opportunity will be given to compare the best. English and American Bands. The Markham Village brancli of the East Yurk Liberal Asmciatitm will hold 3 Picnic on the Fair- Grounds, Markham. on Saturday of this Week. Snoeclws will be made by Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, \Vm. Prnudfunt. M.P.P.. H. H. Dewux-L. K.(}. and oth- ers». There will be lacrosse and base ball matches. and :1. good band will he in attendance. All are invited to go and bake their baskets. The secretaries of Exhihilions ‘flnd Fall Fairs are already publishing the dates of the‘cyming'events. The Car.- zldizm National will 'be held in Turnnlo from August 23 to ,Sept. 8. Sutton Fnif will he held on the 25th and 26th of September, .Mm'kham ou‘ the lat, 2nd and 3rd ()f Octoberpand Newmar- ket un the 7th, 8th and 9th.. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PICNIC AT MARK [IA M. READ THE ADVS. A GOOD POSITION. IN MEMORIAM~ Maple. FALL FAIRS. ' The tunnery has a large force ' of men on. these days. The problem L3 to ï¬etthem board and lodging Sim-.9 the hotel is closed. 'Mrs. Klinck of Bran- aide is, however. npgnimz her house for limited number. and this should make a a. comfortable home for those who secure rooms. ' Elgnh' Mills can'now boast Of a prize baby; Mrs. Kerswill being in the list, of successful competitor-s at the Ounser- vative picnic at Jackson’s Pointlast' week Mr. A VVx-igbt is doing a. rushing business thissummeras a house painter. Good work is sure to bring new cus- tomers. ' "Mrs. W. Powell of Winnipeg is vigï¬j’ng pggsister, Mrs._ \Vefllggn. 3' MI-..John Hamllbon, Manager and Proprietor of the \Vm'kin Men’s Hume, Turontn. spent. last ' hursday at his mother’s Mls. John Hamilton’s. The Victoria. Square brunch of the \Vomeu’s Instibuw will hold their regular monthly meeting at ,the home‘ of Mrs. R. L. Nichols on VVednesdny, Jilly 30, at 2.30 o’clock. Programme:â€" Mornl and Social Reform, Miss Ratti; Vocal Duct. Misses Bruce; Recitation Miss Jean Scott; Vocal, Miss Gilmys. Everybody welcome. 4-t.f. A‘ Sow with 6 pigs. on lot 28, Got). 3, Vaughan. All petitions for side walks must; be presented to the Council not, later than 'l‘uPsday, August; 5th, 1913.‘ Peti- tions must be signed by two-thirds of» the ratepayers representing one half of the value of the property in the section petitioned for. The cost. of cement side walk will be about. $1.25 Der s uare yard, of which the property bene Led will pay 60 per cent in 10 annual payments. Four boar pigs and three sows, thm-oughbx-ed Taulworfths, a. month old. H. W. BOYNTON. Boarders Wanted The undersigned is prepared to take half a doze'n boarders. ' r' A number of water barrels. W111 hold from 75 to 150 gallons. Apply at The Creamery J. DARLING, V 7 44f Seven pigsaboqt 6 weeks uld. ,Half-a-duzon Beef Ringers, on lot 28, Con 3. Vaughan. . Hay be largely increased by knowing the exact condition ‘of the farmer’s market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Farmers’ Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has nOequal u a Farmer: Business Piper. Good tumouâ€" uly on it. For‘prlce m “I dubbing of“. ‘ l ' .- .»..y- 4. ,u. _-. iuwm- ' For your Boys and Girls is up for consideration just. now. Send for a, copy of our curriculum; It wxll present. some facts you should know. A Term m one of schools insures agood salary. Enter any time. - SHAW’S SCHOOLS TORONTO Education Head Ofllces. Central Business College. Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. W. H. SHAW, Principal. V ictoria. Sq‘ name. THE RIGHT KIND OF ROBT. MICHAEL, Elgin Mills. ’ ‘i: ,1 For sale NOTICE FARM PROFITS For Sale MRS. J. KLINCK. For Sale For Sale For Sale JOHN SLINEY, JOHN SLINEY. Victoria Square P. O. A. J‘. HUME, Palmer‘ House, - Richmondjiill. Richmond Hill} V illage Clerk. Elgin Mills. Elgin Mills. Elgin Mills. v ‘DRY GOODS ’ * * > - .‘ , \l . I. _ v E ‘ V ‘ “T 2‘ 1 Pillow Slips, free from dressing, spoke Iiemstit‘ch‘ed ' I 1 hems 33 x '42 pr ......... . .l 40c» a Fine honey comeuiltsgea‘dy hemmed,size66x80 ea.I.ooE 1 Bleached twill Sheeting 32 in. Wide per yd......,...'...§i...4ocE 372 in. Semi-bleached Table Linen, a good wearing : Linen, yd ................ ‘ _ " - ' 55c! ,l Black and Cardinal patent leather belts, ea ............ '....25"c: 1 Collar and, Cuff' sets of Lace, per se‘t....;..;..,..‘.; ....... j........5sc: i Brown holland suitable for dresses and children’s ‘suit : 30 in. wide, yd ...- ..... 20c I 1 Fine white Lawn Blouses, made with wide tucks and E 1’ *frill of Lace down front, each ................................ 1.35 : {Balance of Summer Millinery at 25% reduction. E ymnnmununnAngmnnuxmnnnnnng 3 Atkinson &' Switzer 3P; r- ‘SaVage Son I ‘ ‘ i VVVYVYV‘IVVVVVVVVVVVVYYVVVV VVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVV GROCERIES j “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAA MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA£ 4 Lb. tin Imperial Laundry Stafch.;.f.,..a....;;...;y'...§.a..,§'.g..250 6 Lb. tin Silver Gloss Starch...‘ ....... ...... - ..... ' ..... 55c Plain .VVhite Cups and SauCers,.doz.... Breakfast Plates, plain white, doz ................................. I.‘00 WheAat pattern bowls, small size»8c.l, medi'um_10c., .“AAAAAAKAAAMA We bought a a‘ large number of ready-to-wear Suits. Clearing lines of just two 0r three suits in each pattern which we bought at: greatly reduced prices, and are giving buyers the beneï¬t of same; The Suits are of eXtra quality and away below regu- lar price at-fro'm $10.50 up. ' ' Â¥ i vvvvwvvvvvvvvwvvvwvvvvï¬ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘vvvvvvvvï¬ large . . . ............. Whit? bowls with blue stripe, small 7a., large AAAflAAALAAAAAflAA“AAAAAALALA tAAA~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAl vvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvwvvvvvvW vvvwvv’vvvvvmvv'vvv" PHONE 17 ‘ r - ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' l. ’ >1 VVVVVV" 'VVVVVY VVVVVVVV'V'VVYVVY‘ VYVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVV You iike Good Things Fire, Life 8: Accident Powdered Borax. . . .. . .' . .50 Handy Ammonia. Q . . . .7 . . . . . . “50 Tip-Top Soap Chips . . . . . . . . . 50 Dominion Silent; Magches. . . .5c 1 D62. Jar Rubbers. . ; . v. . . . . . . . 50 Pickstones 'Washing' Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. .2 for 50 The Lorne Block Furnishing- Store PHONE 8002. Your Insurance will be Well looked after if lett to NORMAN J. GLASS PRCPRIETOR’ is Consult Us For Rates RICH‘MOND HILL WE ARE AGENTS FOR Plate Glass Insurance; +§+o§+¢ov Wiféuppl)’ thesfleist R 0000090“ Puré Gold Baking Powder. tin 10c Favmite Shoe Polishrbottle. 3100 Pure Gukj _Quick Puddings__ ‘ iiésoï¬Ã©dv fla‘vkixQ. . . film 16 Oz. pk. Seedless Raisins. ;..1oc Cnttams Bird Seed,1 lb. pngJJOc Scolch Clix-ed Her-rings In 0-4.“, .u... v-.-“ --‘. a- ... _. mate Sauce..\............10é IOC IOC