Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jul 1913, p. 8

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Corn Flakes. 3 boxes for. .25 Rolled Oats ‘7 lbs. for. .. . .25 Rolled Wheat 7 lbs. for. . .25 Cream of Wheat 6 lbs_ for. 25 Grape Nuts 2 boxes for.. .25 Shredded Wheat 2 boxes.25 Jelly Powder 3 pkgs. for. .25 Baking Powder 2 l-lb.t3'ns.25 Seeded Raisins 16-02. boxes 3.25 Black Tea. 1 1b. for. . . . . . . .25 Green Tea. 1 1b.for...... ..25 Knox's Jelatine 2 boxes. . .25 By the County Industrial Home Cummissioners for all the trades in connection with a building to be erect- ed at the Home, Newmarket. Plans and specifications may be seen at Mr. J. G. Cornell’s, Kingston Road, Scul‘bm'o, or Mr. J. S. McNair’s, Elgin Mills. Commissioners. at the office of the County Clerk, Toronto; or at the Home, Newmarket. Bulk tenders pre- fer-red. Tenders to be sent. to Mr. J. G. Cornell, Scam-bore P. 0., on or before the first of August. SIMS’ 25m LINE 4-4 v Thgibviiesb 0'1" any tender not neces- §arily accepted. For Friday’s Buyjng A good plain cook. Satisfactory Wage‘s. “CANADIAN PICTORIAL” THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Exquisitely printed on fine coated paper. Pictures of well-known people of current events, of things cauti- ful and curious About one thousand, square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Calmdizms as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must, be seen to be appreciated. Ten cgpt-s nu THE - LIBERAL “06:; (iiijlll'arx: 7:: year. The Pie- torial Publishing 00., 142 Sb. Peter St. M ontveal. Special list; of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. Start at, once and secure exclusive territory. We supva handsome free outfit and pav highest commissions. XVI-ite for full particulars. TORONTO 1-3 m GOOD LOCAL AGENT Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make on a new man. Price $3 a box. or two for $5. ailed to any address. The Scobell Dru: 00.. 8t. Calharlnos. Ont. Electric Restorer for Men MUNN & C0., of me SCIENTIFIC AHERH‘AN con. tinue to not us Solitutnrs for Patents. (invents. ’I‘mdn Marks. Copyrights. f-u' the United “flutes. Canada. Er: land, Franco. (xermuny. etc. 11 1d Book ahoufi mm mm. mm. fl‘hirt ’ experience Tenders Wanted P ‘tentso Airwd thrmmh MU ' CO. mo noticed in the Scum Tum: A HHRICAN. the lamest. best. and most widely drummed sciemiflc paper. $31021 your Weekly. Splendid engravings und_iz1t.o_mstiug in- formation. hpecimen copy of the Sclouufic Amen icun sent, {rem Address MUNN & 30.. Summit?“ HERIOAN Olflce, 201 Broadway. New York._ PATE%?S Fonthill Nurseries Redpath Granulated ZO-Ib bag $1 Redpath Yellow, 22 lbs . . . . . . .$1 Red path Granulated 100 1bs.4.70 FRIDAY ONLY. TERMS CASH. OLD AND RELIABLE Subscribe for STONE & WELLINGTON F. E. SIMS GROCER Wanted at once to represent the THORNHILL SPRINGS. Thol'nhill. Wanted SPECIAL ONTARIO Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3 pm). lat 2nd and 4t}; Suggayn Tlgjrd Sunday.” uranga’ Cassel’s Magazine, per- annum . The Story Teller . . The Quiver . . . . Musical Home Journal . . The Girls’ Realm . . . Little Folks . . , . Chums . . . . . r.- as gggggéfl Hrrr- Presbyterian Churchâ€"Servxces at 11 a. m.,and p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Thursdav evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on ulcer mute Sundang 9 _a.. 113. anfi 10.30 a. m. 7 Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 11.00 a.m..and p. m. ' Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M ~Meets Mon- day on or before full moon :1 CourtRichmond. A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Fri- fly Ivy Lodge.A0 U Wâ€"Meeta third Wednesday of each month Camp Elam, s O S -Meets second and fourth Wednesday. Hill Crest Lodge, 1.0.0 .F‘.. meets first Wednes- day and third Friday of each month. Fire Brigade-Means first Monday of every month Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets every Friday ate p.m. in the Church. I 0 Fâ€"Meets third Thursday of every month. R. H. Ratepayers Association meets last Tuesday 0L every month.» Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to CASSELLS &_ COMPANY It is not necessary 1:) send to foreign countriez. {or maga- zines. Read the following:â€" ‘VEEYSr'icI'L. o. Liaiseâ€"Meets 4th Wednesday of each month. Small Farm for Sale On 1st Concession of Vaughan, lot 38. Thirty-four acres. good rough cast house. new stone foundation, barn, new hen house. pig pen, young orchard just beginning to bear. plenty of water. Suitable for poultry fax-m or market gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen minutes walk to Metropolitan car. The monthly magazines oi the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subsnription at low rates. " C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian P u b - lishing Company 32 t-f LVI. have just received one 0* our Canadian 7 You can earn one too, easfly. Ion only have to do three things. FIRST. Rig-ht away now-Calm a post cud or a uheet of paper and write out the tun names (Christian names and surnames) and full 'ad~ drama: of TEN boy friends or chum: whom you know would like to earn some pocket money. (Boys between 8 and 16 years 0: ago;- no two in the same family.) SECOND. Sign your name and address at the bonom of the card or sheet» so that we will know who sent the list. Mail the Hat complete with five cents in coin or stamps to us right away. addrwsing your letter to Sales Division, the "Viiness.' ‘Witness' Block. Montreal. MAPLE LEAF MS Your list of names should be mailed Within seven (7) days after you read this splendid offer. Just as soon as we get your list of names. we will send (me of these beautiful Senvm’flr Pin; to you and you will like it immenseâ€" 1y. Should your chums 1m 10 Pad ex perlence in magazine or mwspaper sellingâ€"so mud. the bonerâ€"slaw THEIR names. We don't tell you why We war the names‘iewnse 30:'!.s;us yo don’t care; If you do, or‘ H yg yourself want to mm gnod pay for work for usâ€"~'\"n\' 19!] m in 2 letter and we w exuhin 0‘;- Whole money»ma‘:e‘.ng y-‘nn :n‘ 4 â€"-and PF ides you wilw 1w;- Salesmanshipl 42 Adelalde'St. W Toronto Village Directory J~ THE "WETNEF‘X' 'Witness’ Block, Mow. ANY 0! our boys and girl: Applyfln premisvs or to . “nv “MA‘T FREE H. APPLETON, THIRD. Gait-ville. Working Men’s Houses WANTED AT ONCE ‘ RICHMOND HILL IS BDUMING Here is your Chance for a. profitable investment. Choice lots close to Radial and O.N.O. Ry. Station 50-1%. lots at $6.00 per ft. on build- ers terms. : AAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAMAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA , ‘ ‘ 7 7 b AAAAAAAAAAAAAA vvvvvvvvv-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv" vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘ If you keep the Flies out you wont need to Swat them. SEE OUR LINES OF Screen Doors and Windows Doors from $1.10 to $2.25 each. xAAAAAAAAA ,Minerva, Paint for all purposes. 4 _ _ Lacqueret and Chinamel Varmsh Sham. Agents for Columbia Grafonolas and Records. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM ‘ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VYYVWYW VVYV VVVYYVVVVVVVVVYYVVYVVV Ripans Tabules cure flatulenoa. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: at drugglsta. The kind of Goods that are so Good as to have a nation- ‘ wide sale. Dnn’t forget that the size of your Order doesn‘t matter. Big or little we always give it the most prompt and careful attention. Fear of having a tooth extracted Is unneoeeeary under our epeelal treat- ment. We often remove four and five at one eit- ting~imposslble if at- tended by pain. THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. PHONE lGâ€"R 2 PHONE 18 RIBHMU‘ND HILL HARBWAHE GU. WE SELL THE BEST GOODS QUALITY. . A. MCDONALD& SON ‘3" Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stove 3 Burner Stoves $11.00. - Ovens from $2.00 to $3.00 each. GOODS THAT GIVE SATISFACTION IN COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. Qiberal Discount for Cash. Screen Wire all Widths; 120. to 30c. yd. Hammocks.. ......$1.50 to $4.00 each. Lawn Mowers»... “$4.00 to $7.00 each. Garden Shears, Rakes and Hoes, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY DELIVERED §§§N§§#Q§§§Q 90 A GOOD TIME NOW TO BUY A NEW APPEARANCE, ‘. J. LAWRENCE, Florist, Richmond Hill. APPLY OWNER Winaowg 25c., 30c. and 35c. each. via ‘ i "5* BANK Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANN UM upon the capital stock of_ this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending Blst Jhly, 1913, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1913, to shareholders of record of 25th July, 1913. By order of the Board. NORMAN BATTY, MANAGER. PRICE, Toronto, 17th June,’ 1913. OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 SERVICE The undersigned is prepared to take contracts fur house painting during the sum mer. 52-6 ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE - STRICTLY ATTENDED TO. GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, The following sLnlliuns wxll he in this section of country during thesuusun n! 1913:â€" PROUD BARONâ€"Imp. Clydpsdale. the property uf Josvph Hand. Int 27. Cull. 2, Markham. will stand at hnnw. Richmond Hill Suturduynfu-x mums. Terms $10. LORD MORVENâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. the property of 'l‘. H. Logge, Tempt-xw :mcvville. \Vill travel through Eve House Painting lay, King City, Maple, Elgin Mills, Gun. 3, Markham and \Vliitclnn-ch. Aurora and Oak Ridges. Terms 9513. DUKE OF YORKâ€" ClydeFdale stullimi, the property (If \V. .l. lhulgin. Jeffer- sUn will he kepL fursum iceat his own stable, lot 61 Ymige St. Hand Luke Terms $ 11. SHIPMATEâ€"Stnndurd bred stallion. (1080) the prnpt-rly (if \V. J. Hndgin, Jefferson. will he krpt for service at own stable, Int (31 Yonge St., Bund Lake. Terms 54 If. . NESBITT lllACQll‘EENâ€"«Clydvsdalu Stallion. 14(343YLIH property (if W. J. Hmlgin. ()uk Ridges, will go t»; Viutmia Square, Elgin Mills, (inn-- ville, {\lnplv. Luskuy, Pnrpleville, Ann-urn. Home from SaLuxduy till Monday. Terms $12. TOWARD CHIEFâ€"«Imported Clydes- dale, the property of D. 0. Steele. will stand at his own smhle. Rich~ mund Hill. during the season. Tun-ms $15. GREFFIERâ€"Imported Percheron Stall- ion, the property of Glass Bros, El- gin Mills, will travel through Vaughan. King, VVhitchm'ch and along Yonge St. Home from Friday t-ill Tuesday. Terms 3515. KELSTONâ€"-â€"Thr)rnnglibred stallion. the propvrty of Dale & Dulziel, will stand at his own stable. \Villowdnlp. Terms, thoroughbred mares $30. $112895 other than thoroughbreds AL Sherwoodâ€"Que acre, all kinds of fruit trees, with comfdrtable house it}, filst-classlrepair, make a good home" for any persnn Wishihq to retire. 013‘ 1 . good roads system. Easy terms. x VILLAGE PROPERTY. MONEY T0 LOAN; 4;1-t.f. ' ‘ H. A. N ICHOLLS Several small farms close to Yonge.‘ Strset. r ENNY ROYAL VJAFERS. PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION Gummy”; . J. WWBWAHB SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY 'l‘wo good farms near Mount Albert. "é F. 3. WUUDWARD. HAS FOR. SALE, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill ' Stallion Register A specific mommy mediva for hth to restore and mguluu‘ tzho mnusea' producing tree, healthy un-l psinlen dlschargfl. No Aches'or paint: on up {womb Now and by over 30,00013‘119. )neousod wmuaoagnlu. Invlzoxm the:an organ. Buy at your (ll-“1‘s; only those with our lignntnm acron- {mo of label. Avoid substitutes. Sealed articulnrn mauod 2c stamp. 1.00 ‘ox. Adam”. EUREKA CK Ml AI. COMPANY. Dinon. I!“ A. E. \VRIGHT: Stop 52. Elgin Mills 19.0. General Manager. x49

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