LIBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE BIOHMONDHILL,0NT. ’1‘. F. McMAHON. IS PUBLISHED EVERY .L‘EU‘RSDAY MORNING HOUSE PAINTER, _ Gl zzier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HUI. ‘Inlls phone or otherwise promptly respvnded to. hicensed Auctioneers for the County of York. 83.103 Amended bo on shortest; notice and at rear IOI‘lble rates Patronage solicited Phrme N0. 28. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Onmrio and North Tmanto. Special attention i given to sales of every description. Farm and ‘ arm stock sales n. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales [wounded to ‘ on shortest notice and conducted by she latest » ugng‘oqs VOL. XXXVI. PL-Ppures pupils for the graded PX~ aminutinns held at, Tmuntn Cnnservu- tnry of Music and Univelsity of 1‘0- rontn. Special course in “Myer’s†Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginnvrs. _ $1 per annum, in advance.] ‘6 Class recitals are given throughout the year 42-131 DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL IgAsKAY P. o. ’L‘ 81.126011. J K M Maple ' Wee Saigeon a; NlcEwen, am R. CAMPBELL}; D. H. PII‘IKERTDNJ VS. kidr'é'sié: 239 Balliol s15 , Numb Toronto. Fu’s: hnnse north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. MISS MILLIE TRENCH BUSINESS CARDS . VETERINARY SURGEON, Blaple, ()nt. F. C. EGAN SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. @112 gamma LICENSED AUCTION EER OFFICE AND RESIDENCE For the'County of Yurk. Eamon a Psornnu'on. ’lf‘hornhil]. RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J; H. Prentice Phone No. 2403 Wmmaw aaedital. RESIDENCE AT THE J K McEwen ' Weanon ONTARIO Money to loan on [and cum) mon mortmoln ‘ owes: rates Aurora (raceâ€"Removed to the. old post on!“ one door won or the entrance to flat Outano Bank Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the post ofï¬ce T HEBBERTLENNOX G STV MORGAN PIANO TUNING Organs Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed A. GE. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Barristers, Snlictors. 850. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST FL, TORONTO, Canada. Telephone, Main Cable Address. “Dedo.†Barristers , Solicitors , Notaries, are. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide & Victor-Ia. Sts.. Poronto. LEN N 0X & MORGAN Tel. M. 3631. BARRISTER, SOLICITbR, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce. Rnnm 328 Confedern tinn Life Bldg., N0. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liberal’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoun. Maplï¬, Thursday afternoon. \Vnudhr-idge, Saturday forennon. Monev to 1mm at, Five-Per Cent (5%) Richmona Hill COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN"ER. ETC. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at, both places Uud ertakers an Embalmers, RlCHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Benton, Grover & Field Lawrence & Dunbar, .. Cameron MacNaughton H. A. NICHOLLS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST _ ELpIo'r'r ,W/ ’moaomo. our. Commissionex, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer 01 Marriage Licenses. Strictly Fn‘st-Glassin all depart- ments. None Better in the Dominion. Enjoys exténsive patronage and graduates readily getgood positions. Open entire year. Enter now. Catalogne free. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHI LL W. .l. ELLIOTT. Principal. Cor Yonge and Alcxandez Sts. Barristers and Solicitors. VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING Eaï¬n :7. 91m idson THORNHILL FALL TERM NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK EDWARD FRANCIS, OPENS SEPTEMBER 2. WRIGHT BROS. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL, ONT.. THURSDAY, JULY 31. 191.3 mm. \lfl‘hl‘a In Essentials, Unity; in Non-EéSerLtials, Liberty,- in allthz'ngs, Charity.†Phone Main 2984 (Continued from last week.) There remain less than ten miles of track to be laid between Ottawa and Toronto" The grading is practically completed, and the bridges ï¬nished.. That; lme connects Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. From Sudbury west. 90 miles of rails are down and the grade completed ahead sufliciently for to allow of steady track-laying. From Port Arthur east- ward to meet this. the steel is in place for 1%) miles and the grade is in shape for 165 miles. Then from. Oba, a point almost midway between the towns of Sudlmry and Port Arthur, gangs are working both east and west, and steel has been laid for 22 miles toward Port Arthur. There are only two bridges considered bigâ€" one crossing Nipigon River, famous as a trout stream, and one at Kapuskasing Lake Nearly all of the structures remaining are up and ready for the rails. The G. N. R con- struction men state very positively that this entire line Will be ï¬nished be- fore December Slat. Work is actively proceeding at several points along the right, of way from Edmonton in Alberta to Van- couver in British Columbia, Canada’s Paciï¬c Coast province. By the end of July it is expected steel will be laid to. the Albreda. summit. through Yellow- head Pass. That point is 350 miles west of Ed- monton. Eastwurd from Port. Mann, the C. N. R. city, down at. deep water on the Fraser. grading and bridge work is 5'0 far advanced that, track- layers should be at Kamloo s. 243 miles of the way to Yellowhead ass by the eud‘of December. Track is being laid east, from Yale. More than eighty per cent of the grading between Kamloops and the line reaching VancouVerward fmm Edmonton has been ï¬nished and lift percent, of the steel is laid. Early in uue active work commenced on the in Ju‘ue active work commenced on the line from Pmb Mann to New West- minster. f (This is but. a short distance and a put of the railway into Van- cuuver'. the; entrance wrwhicb city will include a- tunnel four miles Ion 4:0 15..qu Creek Flats Where. [ng C. Paciï¬c » , er termilials will be located. Wï¬dd be mentioned here: that the company xS'Secut-i'ng‘e'htrunce to Montreal in Eastern Canada also by a. tunnel bored through historic, old Mount. Royal to big terminals located in the heart; of the business district of thg C_a_nadiau Meyrllpclis. " In Vancouver the-company only re- cently secured the consent, of the people of Vancouver to go on with the work. at False Creek. Engineers axe sugveyqu the areas npw. So 'thi; great; work is approaching completion. Its ï¬nal accomplishment will mean much to Canada. in parti- cular. and to the North American) 00n- tinent in general. To the business man the G. N. R. will have to offer one of the best, if not the best, mad in point, of average gradients on the con- tinent. That, means the expeditious handling of the freight. To Lhe nonr- ists and general traveller it will supply a uplended scenic poute from one. side of the continent m the when Immediately on leaving Quebec the way lies for 40 miles along the base of the beetling crags ot the St. Lawrence and from the point it leaves the river till Montreal is reached, it travorses the heart of the old French habitant country. From Montreal to Ottawa thelineskirts theOttaWa River. From the Federal Capital to Toronto the Famous Rideau Lakes district is pierced with its lakes and waterways and then along the shore of the Bay of Quinte and on through fertile Ontario. Also the main transcontinental line of the} Canadian Northern â€"- from Ottawa. westward to Capreol on the Torontoâ€"â€" P01 t Arthur line, cuts across the north- ern part of Old Ontario, and throws. open to the tourist the hitherto inlc- cessible portions of Algonquin Park with scores of unï¬nished lakes and rivers. The line north from Toronto to Port Arthur lies right through the heart of the Muskoka Country, with wharfside stations at Bula, Park and Lake Joseph to facilitate the prompt distribution of tourists and on through ‘ the Georgian Bay hinterland to Sud- bury. From that point to Port Arthur - it will open to the. lover of travel, lakes ' and rivers almost innumerable, beauti- ful. but now practically unknown and I all unï¬nished. Between Port Arthur and Winnipeg the U. N. R. follows tl.e old Dawson trail. traversing Quetico Park. a mighty pleasure reserve of one iniilliou acres, where canoe trips are laid out in plenty. and big game and ï¬sh abound. To Edmonton the line goes through the valley of the Saskatchewan River. \Vestward from Edmonton it traverses Jasper Park, a new Dominion Pill'k comprising 5000 square miles of new and unspoiled scenery, and down the valleys of the Thompson and Fraser Rivers, through the Rockies to the Paciï¬c Coast. A route always interest- ing from beginning to end. Ripans Tabules: tor sour stomach. PROGRESS OF C. a. R. TRANSCONTINENTAL Mhmmfle A letter received by Mr. Gardiner. Principal of the Ontario School for the Blind, ï¬rom the Sn erintendent of the American Mission chool for the Blind at Bombay, India, mentions that the estimated number of blind people in India is 500, 000, of whom certainly not more than 500 have had any oppor- tunity for an education or training along industrial lines. Reports from many places in the United States. as ‘ well as from several European coun-‘ tries, indicate that blindness is decreas- ‘ ing in the most highly civilized com- munities, largely as the result of great- er knowledge, and more attention to preventive measures. on the part of physicians and nurses. While the re~ turns of the last Dominion census on this subject have not yet been tabulat- ed and published, there is reason to believe that a similar statement is ap- plicable to Canada. Nevertheless. it is probable that there are nowâ€"as there always have beenâ€"many young people in Ontario who ought to be en- rolled as pupils in the School at Brant- ford. but are not. Some parents of blind children have never heard of the School; others are sensitive about let- ting 'Lt be known that their children : are afflicted; many, from what might be described as excessive affection, do not like to be se arath from then children. even for t e children’s good. To get into communication with the parents of those for whose beneï¬t the School is maintained. the Principal depends largely upon the kind inter- vention of neighbours. teachers, mini- sters and municipal ofï¬cers and he will be glad to get from any reader of THE LIBERAL. the name and post ofï¬ce ad- dress oi any persbn under twenty-one- years of age. who is blind. or whose sight is so defective that attendance at the local Public School is not practic- able. By the methods in use at Brant- ‘ford, a good English education can be acquired by the sightless, and instruc- tion is also given in such trades as are available to enable the blind to become selfsupimrting. There is no charge {or board; [tuiton or books. Address H. F. Girhiner. Byantafgm. L , The. Liberal Rally and Picnic held' on the Fair Grmmds, Markham, Saturday afternoon, under the auspices of the Markham Village hranch of the East York Liberal Aesrwiatinn was a most sucsessful event. The weather was ideal, and the attvnd’ance, about 3,000. was much larger than the mnst san~ guine could have expected at this busy time of the year. The baseball match between Union- ville and Mark ham teams. fnllnwed lly n lacrosse match lwbween the Maitlands of Toronto and the home team, were watched with much intexest. Later in the afternoon Mr. P. P. )rnshy. President, of the Markham Lihprnl Association, who presided. cullPd Mr. F. C. Inwund to the platâ€" form to present; the prizes which had been offered in competion. Mr. Wilson of Stnuï¬ville, 91 years of age, got the prize for the oldest Liberal in the grounds. Mr Alfred Ireland of Unionville for the large-st family in the grounds (ten children). Marguerite Gowland the youngest, Llheml Missie. and Master Silver-thorn, the voungest male member of the Grit Party prigent. _ The princi a] speechPS'were deliver- ed by Hon. Riackvnzie King. and Mr. Wm. Prmldfoob, K. 0., M. P. P. Hon. Mr. ng took up several political questions, and raised much enthusiasm in hjgrpfeljences to the Canadim} Navy. Although people have heard much about, the charges against. Hon. Mr. Hanna and Sir James \Vhitney the large audience seemed to he intensely interested in the exposition given by Mr. Proudfoob. Short and interesting addresses were also given by Mr. R. J. Gibsnn, Mr A. Eckalt and Mr. Qeorquï¬ngsdpn. Plenty of music was furn‘i'shed during gm afternoon by the Markham 1.0, OF. 2m . Before dispersing, the chairman an nounced that this was the ï¬rst. of a series of annual picnics to be held on__tlhe last Saturng in July. _ The meeting cloéed Witt; the usual cheers. Last May. following disputes as to whether loc‘nl option had been carried in Aurora. by a three-fifths majority. the three hotels in that town were granted an extension of three months to allow the Provincial Secretary time to investigate the matter. Nut having any instructions from Hon. Mr. Hanna. or the department the North Yoxk Commissioners met a week ago. and decided to grant the licenses for the balance of the license vear, next: May. We understand that after- wards Hon. Mr. Hanna. ordered the licenses cancelled. CHILDREN WITH DEFECTIVE SIGHT LIBERAL PICNIC. Aurora. “MAAAAAMMMAMAAMAMA Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, i†' .. Wood, ' 850;. AND ELEVATOR? . “nun Pure Paris Green, Bug Death, Arsenate of Lead, 1‘ m k w. A. Sanderson; V“ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVWVVV STIVER 8!. RAMEB Believing it will be beneï¬cial to not, buyer and seller, have decided. We thank the public for the generous patronage in the past, and will earn estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. ‘ ++++++++H+M+++$++++++++¢ Printing _ Stationery , School BOOkS Bill Heads, better Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes,_ Programmes, &c., &c. GOOD STOCK OF School Books, Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums. Pa petries, _ Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. $ééé¢+++++++++%+++++&&++¢§ Go to the Liberal Office for *ANDâ€"T Bordeaux Mixture All guaranteed strictly ' pure And prices right. ‘ ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. BUG TIME [Single copies, 3 ctt. RICHMOND HILL STIVER & RAMER. DEALERS IN DRUGGIST ï¬Â¢Ã©~+°§°++~9