No doubt Mr. Michnell’s reference tiso them was sarcasm. If he is im em and can induce the Con tserva‘ï¬m pamt-to‘ join hands with tithe Libérdlstho'Senate can be abolish- aflwvithouit much} difï¬culty. The Senate is,-an unpopular institution. It ’has few friends but it would be difï¬cu’tt for one political party to abolish it if the other party fought for (continuance. The World in reporting the pro- :eedings of the Conservative picnic held at‘Queenston Heights; when Sir Ian Hamilton and Colonel the Hon. ~Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, were present, says that Mr. Ciande Macdoneii. MP. for one of the To- sronto tidings, in his address “used a gatling gun and took sight at the Canadian Senate, his arrows last year ibéing aimed at the Germans." Mr. .Macdoneli further’ said in referring to the navy quesnion? “we shail hear imam-of the.S_enate, that great bui- ‘wai‘k o’f iiiberties of the Canadian gpeople.†v _WVe believe that picnic 'speakers :sehould employ their time better than telling their audience anything that might irritate Germany or any other ï¬foreign power. At the present time .many nations are armed to the teeth ready to fly at each cther’s throats, 'and one never knows what a hasty word may lead to. The biggest and best man to-day are those who are engaged in furthering the arts of peace. ' The British Navy willrbe increased by a new destroyer every two weeks for the next nine months; by a light cruiser every thirty days for the next year, and by a super-dreadnaught every forty ï¬ve days for the next eighteen months. It is also worthy of note that every one of theseships will be fully manned and'ofï¬cered and ready to meet any possible foe the day they are put into commission. With such speedy preparation for every eventuality, it is not likely that -.the British people are lying awake 'oâ€nighte worrying because they have not got Mr. Borden’s three empty dreadnaughts. Rxcimoun HILL. ONTu JULY The House of Commons in England, the representatives of the people, pass- ed a bill on the 14th of July, to abolish plural voting at elections in the Brit- ish Isles. The majority for the measure was 71. Ten days later the bill was rejected by the House of Lords by a majority of 124. Surely it must be humiliating to the voters to ' have their:will"7fmsti‘ated‘ year after your by a 'body of men who were lords, and therefore rulers of the; realm. Canada abolished plural voting years ago. ‘ The Council met on the 23rd July in the Clerk’s Office. Present; the Reeve and Couneillors Shea‘rdown, Sims and Typdafl. _ A petition from Mr. W. J. Lawrence Wns lead requesting the Council .to build, as a. local improvement, side- walks along Rnseview Avenue and Church street. The petition was re- ceived. The Clerk stated that he had received frOm Mr. Lawrence deeds of a strip of land eight feet wide on the east side of Yonge street, which he donated to the Village for the purpose pf widoqiqg the said Istregg. Moved h‘y Councillor Sims. second- ed by Gnuncillnr Tyndallâ€"“That the thanks of this Council be tendered to Mr. \V. J. Lawrence for his gift nf eight feet of land along the east-Aside ul' Churzh street, and that, this Council guarantees that. the widening of Chm-ch street. shall he continued to the nm-th limit of Lame Avenue. and that lhz- centre of the said Church street shall not he nlteled. - Also that acopy of this mulutinn wbull he transmit/ted to Mr. Lawrence.". SirnsL-Tyndal] 1-â€"._ 'On. motion the agreement with the O. N. 0, Ry. re~ sidewalk was accepted, with the exâ€" ception at clause 3. - 'It was decided tn advertise for tpnd- ms for building a quantity of eemPnt sid9\vnlk.. thé plans and sppciï¬cat'wns to be sewn) in the Clerk’s Ofï¬ce. We 4%1‘12133‘1. PICNIC SPEECHES. VILLAGE COUNCIL 31, 1913 We will give one hundred dollars in gold to any man, woman. or child that cannot be beneï¬ted by Sageine hair tonic. We are anxious to have every- one tvy SAgeine for We know it is the greatest hair tonic that has ever been discovered. Suffice will positively cure an itchy sca , bring life into dull faded hair and ad inches to its length. Sageine is now obtainable in Richmond Hill and is'sold under a guarantee to please. A large bottle of Sageine costs but ï¬fty cents. Be sure to 'go to W. A. Sanderson’s drug store for other stores don’t have Sageine. ' ufldl If! ammo. bu‘ than wno wrfll su nlon tCo..Porunm‘L Mullen!“ race!" free, full information Ibont vork which “my cum do. and live n boma.:hn will pny them from $5 to 57.5 per dsy. Sam h-vo mned over 551i) in I dly. Either sex. you»: or old. Clpllal not required. You Ire tuned fr“. Thuu who mm 1: one: tn Mum: ulu of mu. Huh fox-Inn. All I m. v Mfumdmaumm G.‘ CJIERRIAII C0..Nlflon.Spri-gfldd,ln-. www.mnrm a not «Wu-m. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. nus. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Window. 0m. LWrita for our mlth address, I ‘ mu PAY WHEN ‘GUREH Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a mature grave- thrqugh Early lndiscreuom, Exceues and Blood Diseases. It you havgrgny of the fol. lowmg 53mpooms consult us before it in to; late. Are you nervous and weak. despon- dent on gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidne s irritable, palpitatlon of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine. Pimp es on the face efles sunken, hollow cheek careworn expression. poor memor . ifeless. dlstrusttul, lee energy and strength, tire mornln . restless nights, changeab a moods, week manlmod, premature decay. bone pains, loose, sore throat, etc. YOU WILL BE 'A WRECK _ Our New Method Treatment Can cure you and make a man of you. Under its influ- ence the brain becomes active. the blood urifled. so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers dlsa pear, the nerves become strong as s I, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des- on enc vanish, the ego becomes bright- the face full and clear, ener returns to the dy an the moral, p ysical and sexual s stems are invigorated; a rain: ceaseâ€"no more v1tal waste tram the system. 'Don’tle quacks and fahra rob you 01’. your had earned dollars. We will cure you or no pay. 7 ~ EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND conmnmm. READERL No matter who has treated you, write to: an honest opinion Free of Chum. Freeâ€"“The Golden Monitor", (InuStl'ath) on Secret Djigues ofï¬Men. Dns.KENNEDY&KENNEDY it is the only dictionary Became with the new divided me. A “Stroke of Genius.†it is an encyclopedia. In Ln†l single volume. it is accepted by the Because Courts, Schools Ind Press as the one supreme au- thority. ..,- he who knows Wins Became Success. Let us tell you about this new work. it deï¬nes over 400 000 Because Words ,- more than ever before appeared between two covers. 2700 Pages. 6000 11- mutations. u All letters from Canada must be addressed ‘ to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- “v ,ment-in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us gersonally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patent. in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as bum: it is a NEW CREA- Beflue TION. covering every ï¬eld of the world’s thought, action and culture. The only new unabridged diction": in W NO NAMES OR PHOTOS, USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT @ $100.00 IN GOLD Drs. K. & K. TAKEiALL RISKS Cor. Michigan Ave. 'and Griswold St. Detroit. Mich. QUESTION LIST Fox" HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST NERVOUS DEBILITY éuéga has. ï¬g}: Marga Tmmeï¬ A re‘iable French regulator: never fails. These pills are exceedingly owerful in regulating the generative portion of t e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do 7313'. are sold at I5 3 box. or three for 810. Mailed to any address. the Book]! Drug 00.. as. Wines. Ont. 1-t.f. Dr. de Van’s Female Pills 51-3 m. In Marble 01* Granite. Gond wnrk. reasonable charges. Town 01 Country. Write, W. A. JONES, The undersigned is pre- pared to supply customers with Bottled Milk, delivered every morning, Sunday in- cluded. Orders also taken for cream. JAMES RUMBLE, | flake and Save Hour to You. bod ghouldjoin the nu al tar Mu» llo cm a! motion. There is nothln else I kc lt‘ anywhere. It costs olmostnotm s so oln and the beneï¬ts II: given are wondeflul. tenable: you to‘ ‘ venue bookund periodicals. unwound musical 1 natrumoutl at spec“! cut prices; I: new: reg ‘duoed rates at. mnny hotell. It anmen questions tree or ohm-go. n oflen loholanhlps and valua- ble cash prises tomemben. I: maintain club‘ roomn In many cities lot It: members. In addition,{ ever-anemia: rousin- the ofï¬cial m no enti- tled EV' Mann" nfubucatlon n Bolas: by immune“ ng apnoea o high-clue vocal and In- ltmmcnnl Inn-10mm use) each month without; QX‘LBJPE'EQL 7!.Pl_m_. J! 9104351,!!! A"; Y0! Tombstone 9 ml your]: membership fee in Onenonar for w on you get all above, and you may with- draw as: time wag: three month. it you wan: to o no and ct y 111- dollar back. It you don‘t care to span $1.00. sand 25 cents to:- three months membership. Nobody can anal-d to' ass thin ofler by. You will Â¥tlÂ¥onr money bnc in vnue man time: out. In particular: will be sent tree charge. but it you are wine you will send in your toque-I; tor‘mombenhip with the rope! tee at once. 'i‘bazï¬ eta. three month. mem- enhip otter will soon change. Write at once: ad- dresslng your mm- and enclosing 81.00 for tun year’s membership or twenty-ï¬ve cents to: three on %13&L LMABY mmsm cum No. 150 N aunt! 50.. N. Y. (My. extra char 0' 72 "lam ln’oné 70:1- 1:: all; “36 CAN GET KLE- 0 1mm BE WITH F03 AL- MQSTNQTEING. _ U _ 7 , , * Anyone uehdlng a sketcio‘dd'dékflguon my quick? ascertain our opinion tree w other an O Invent nls robabl a. “tab mmunioa- nonunion gonfldenytfa‘zl. AMBER!wa Paganini races†lent free. 0 am ency for no Patents taken t. rough Munn mega! game. without 0 use. Inch! v ~ ~ â€" â€" v - .. mason:er illustrated weekly. largest cir- gngtlon of pny scientlflo journal. Term to: Canada. $3.73 a. year. postage prepaid. Sold by all newadeelers. MUNN & co SB'BWW'Nergfk Branch 0am. 525 F et. wmmmon. Monuments. Mm-kers and Comer Posts. 'Sï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬fiéjï¬ï¬llï¬calhi @9109 A19_Jholnp_(_:lub '12“:me Bottled Miik Richmond‘HiH Dairy. ‘ PHONE 37 22 Buchanan Sb, Lettering Toronto Daily Mail, York Go. _ t'owns and. Villages Daily News ‘ The Weekly Sun. The Daily World Daily Star, Moupsjde ~ 0f Farmer’s Advocate Canadian Farm â€"-â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"â€" J. H; SANDERSOI‘T. REAL ESTATE MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS 0N HAND. Subscriptions 'for weekly and" daily papers taken with "The Liberal.†at the following rates:-- Family Herald and Week; - » * 13’ Star, 1 year . .b'e . Weekly Mai-I and Empire &Dominion Poultry Guide ' =- I) Daily Globe, York Co. Every farmer should know that tho price offend by the dealer: for cattle, hogs, etc., is I. fair one. How can he know thin if he does not tskor a. farm business paper? What doctor or 13w. yer or business man would be without his business paper! There is but on. fumen' business and maxket‘paper, that in The__Weekly Sun. iStnt 1910 right by subscribing. .THERE IS BUT ONE j Every family should have both their local paper and a. city paper. ' RICHMOND HILL FINE TAILGRING IIIIIISIIIN - [IIIIIIIL ': The Next Sitting of Div xsion Courtto No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court, Room. RlCl-IMOND HILL Monday, October 13, 1913' Commencing at 9.30 a. m. T. F MCMAHON CLERK AND . J. HUME NOTARY PUBLIC Special attention given to; Leases. Wills; Etc. RICHMOND HILL __0N_. Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing, 2.40 1.90 3.50 2.50 1.75;? 3.50