V Mrs1 F. Lyneu: and her nephew Mr- ..2,‘ JrDOYIQ (ALTOx'onrto, Who: ifugpeydving- ' ’a' mhnl‘h‘ i‘nv Rich'mand Hi '1‘ Wéï¬t‘ to' ï¬lévelabd Saturday to spend ï¬x few 'Tdayswith Mrs. Lynett’s brother, Mr. - JnMcWilliams. - . ' Kippered Herring plain or in toma- to sauce 12c. tin‘: Mocha and Java. cpï¬ee, fresh ground 35am! 400. 1b.; un-: bdlm-ed Japan tea. 300. 1b.; Choice Black tea 300. lb: Fruit sugar 8c. 1b.: Pu‘re rGuld Jelly powder 3for 250. Atkinson & Switze-r. The ladiesvf-St, Maryfs (3.9.) church hav‘Ie arranged to give aux-Ice cream Social in the Park Saturday evening of this week, Mimic will be furnished by theaRichmoml H111 Band. Ice Cream and “cake, cool drinks. and other, re- freshments>wil~1 be'xseDVEd. V * Quarteny religions sexvices will be held i'tf'the Methodist, church next Sunday commencing at 19.30. The business meeting will be held the fulluwing day at 2.30. Mr. Chu'once Skeele left. Tuesday for a trip to tke West. He will visit, his meher Mr. VV‘iH‘Ul' Skeele at. La Jam, and will spend some time at Medi- cine 11m. ' The ï¬remen have commenced prac- Mue on Richmond-street, and hope to capture a piece .rf the prize money at the flremen‘s tournament at Hamilton on Wednesday. the 13th of August: Ladies print blouse dresses black and White check and navy blue stripe large sizes $1.10 and $1.40. Ladies sli on night. gowns lace trimmed $1. ,v embroidery trimmed 75c. Atkinson & Switzer. ' . ‘ ’IIhenWomen's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. W. A. Sanderson on VVednesdey, August 13th, #163 o’clock. £d‘dre’ss by Mr. L. E. Hand, “What \Vomen should know about Banking.†V-io‘h'n’ Solo by Mr. Sanderson. Afbe'rnqon‘devdbed to fancy work. " i' 'Robent visitors at the“ home of Mrs, B, McDonald are Mrs. Henry McDon- ‘a‘ldi' and' ~Mastei‘" Jim "McDonald voï¬ Ban-vie; Mr. and Mrs. A. -E. MucLean unfldlMiss Alice MacLeanIQf Toronto: and Mrs. Wlllmd}, and two {and daughters, Ruth and Helen, . up} Beach", p; ‘ - A large number of lady friends from: Queen Street, east Methodist; Church came up Thursday a d spent the after- noon With Mr. and rs. Hagemn‘fan at Crosby Ha". Thursday’s visit was theirannnal outing. " The Village Clerk is asking for tenders for the building of a quantity 3 "of cement sidewalk; Tenders received I up to the 5th of August. - ‘ The. Palmer House is rented. The new proprietor will _take possession ahnub the 9th of August. The house has been rapaiube’d and re-papered, and now presents a. very ï¬ne appear- «nee. , Mrs. Wakeï¬eld, Toronto. is spending a week with Mrs. J . Woods. - Children’s print. anpe1s45 and 50c..- Ladies white blouses open in ’fmn‘tovor lace trill trimmed with ï¬ne embroderv und crochet; buttons $1.35. ' Ladies Black Silk hose 550. Atkinson & Switzer.‘ . .2 < . . Mrs. Dnhsun and Miss Nona Dobson of Chmhnm :u'e making a. visit- with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMahon. Mrs. A. J. H'eise and Miss Velma, Heise of Hamlin, Kansas. are visiting relatives and friends at Gprmlev and vicinity. -' Mr. Wm. Cook. barrister, who visits Richmond Hill prufgssionally every Thursday will heawuy on his holidays fmug August 15 until September 1. Mr. Foster Hicksnn fell frum a'build- ing on Wednesday of last week, aiight- ing on his shoulder. ’ Fortunately. huwvver. he was soon able to return to wok-k uu the building. Men’s straw hats l'egular;8l.25, $1.50 and $2.00, to clear'at $1.00. N. J. Glasa ' I _ Miss Marv Dean of Headford is spending a. week with Miss Madeleine Cooper. ~ UV 5’ I U E 5 fl' *0 ’ Tyesdny’s Globe contained the fol- . - ‘ lmvmg 'histm-y of the Smiles family, formerly of mi; htcezâ€"Dnniel Sunle, Rkéaxrmn HILL. 0m. JULY 31, 1913 ‘8‘"; of Danigiil‘n mii‘dsnn of Gan-29 I’._.,::,_ ,-__J,A,-.I ï¬gulA h. I Rev. E A. Eau-chman. B. A.. 'of T0- mnto will "préach in the Presbyterian Church next, Sunday. '_:Ml's.:J. M.‘ Lan-ence, Toronto, was iu'the village Friday and called on a. number of old friends. ' Thé'Misseé Agatha, and Edna. ATcoml brac have. been visiting friends in' Kingston during glue past, fveek. 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Ailan Hill and tWo daughters of Everett, and Mn; Gowen of Aurora visxbed with Mrs. D. Hill. Rev. Mr. Manning 01' the Maple circuit, preached in the Methodist; church'last Sunday morning. Ire-mu ,The list. of successful candidates for Entrance to Normal Schools was iven in yesterday’s dailies. Those for 01k Count, are as follows:â€"-B. Armstron . A. M. aldwin. S. Barker. H. E. Bee - ett. E. C. Bogart (FL), 0. P. Bruels, F. L. BulT. F. L. Busswell, K. W. Camp- bell (H.). C. R... Collard (H.). S. W. Donnell (11.). R. H. Cook, E. J. Gun-y, E. K. Ego, E. A. Fursyth, Ewart For- syth(H.). H. Gellatlv, E. K. Gudfre $1.), H. E. Goaldin , N. l-l_. Green, . . Hamilton. G. ax-rington. H. B. Heise. M. Hoover. FrM. Jourdan. H. King. H. D. Langford (1-1.). H. G. Loa- myd. E. Gladstone Lloyd (IL), I. M. Lloyd (14.), O. R. MacMux-chv, D. V. ; Mahnney, 'H. L. Major (H.), N. J. Mc- [ Fax-land, E. M. McQuarl-ie (3.). C. M. .Meek, McL. Miller. E. Milroy, ‘M. lMoore, B. W. Morton. R. H. Non-is, ‘0. R. Pr'atb (3.), E. Raymer, G. E. ‘ Richardson, J. Short, (H;), F. W.Simp- son. J. C. Smith (PL). J. L. Smith, H. 1 B. Steckley, A. G. Stewart. L. Stokes, ‘ S. B. Thompson (H.). M. H. Timbers, lL. M. Treolar, M. F. Vanda-burgh. M. '_Wa‘%g. J. A. Wales (ll). D. Watts. G. .RI «Ellwood. A. B. \Vestern, R. E. 1 Wilson (H.), M. E. Wright, H. G. Young. Mr. John T."And'erson, of .Wést Tn- ronto will be in the village “this, week to tune pianos. Any orders for Work left aL-th'e Rustic Inn willzb'e promptly attended t6. Rev. J. M. Simpson, afrmx-nlet-highjy: esteemed’pastnr of the Richmond Hill Methodist circuxt,“diéd at his home in Toronto, lust Thursday. Deceased had reached his Blsb year. . He is sur- vi'vvd‘ by he widow; daughter (if the Rev. Joseph E._ Sanderson, and fun!‘ daughters of his ï¬rst marriage. namely Mrs, “7.. H.-.Pnst, Mrs. John, R. Rnhin- soq,.Mrs. John‘B, Eycy andflMrs. A.D. Wright. , ‘ : V _. _ L Mr. Madden, one of the carpenters working on Ml“. Crowhnrst’s new house directly backvol‘ the Stnndarngank, had a.severe_fall Friday afternoon. The ladder on which he was, standing tipped, and he fell to the cement float in the cellar, a. distance' of twenty feet; His work mate, Mr. Sam Scholï¬eld scrambledfrom the roof as soon as ‘ nssibie and found him unconscious. he doctor was» at once' called in. and he found that although he suffered from a severe pain in the hea‘d no bones were broken. After 0. few hours’ rest; heuv'ras able to walk tn his hoax-ding 'hon'se'. he spent Sunday with'n sister in Newmarket. and. yestexday. heâ€"ree turned to»his work on the house; \Viiliam :Suule was captain 0f ,Can- adian militia. in the war of 1812 and fuught in the battle 01.: Queenston Heights. W’hen’Geum-a Brock Was killed William Souie and his brother- in-luw. Bernard Vandal-burg. helped toeggrï¬hiqlmdyfrqm thg field. A Elizabeth A'chsah' ‘Hniii’agshead, widuw of Daniel Soul'e, was living in, 18§2, aged 93 years. It' w‘és said. by a granddaughter of Thomas Soule,‘ twin brother of Capt. William 801119, in 1912‘that, descend~ ants of Daniel Soule ,wereuliving on the lands at, Thomhill, 'near _'~1‘nmntn. The updex'sngned wishes to cox-respond With- all descendants ofmheir family. REV. G. T. RIDLON, 5911., 159 Clark Street, Portland. Me., U. S. Upon the Wall,†by Ed. Oahu, possess- es flue nap ‘and A good plot. "The Homecoming of Jim Saunders,†by Lloyd Roberts, introduces an ex- citing log hiriing contest as an incident to a; love affair. “Regnn's Del," bv Rene Norcross, dispinvs the heroism of thaifgbreed girl in British Ouiumbin. “Her Point of View," by George W. Hall, is a good Westei-u'storg of rivalry and love, while ‘f’J‘thab it." by D. Dougias Eppes. is an extremely strong and absorbm tale of sacriï¬ce an stem “sense 0 duty. There is a‘ ï¬ne sketch ‘0? "Changing. Halifax]? by Archibald MacMechan. with pictures by Gyrth Russell; poems by Isabel Ec- cles‘vcone MacKaV. van Bruce. Mac- Kinnon and Violet, Orerar. with repro- ductions and paintings by the Canadian painters John Ruaseli."J.' W.‘ Be'atty, and Gertrude Des! Clayes.’ and Lydia Ho'wlmldenle. was burn in Nine Partners, Duchess County, New York. and being a Ruyalist at the close of the revolution (1784) went to Nova Scoï¬'a, and With his eight anus and three dau liters, as nireward for his loyalty to ing Geommj-eceived a large tract of land on the Bay of .Fundy. He sold this and removed to Ihornhill, Ontario. twalve miles-north of Toronto. where he died. His wife was Elizabeth Achsah Hollingsheud and his children as follows:â€"-Hunnah. m. Bernard Vanderbilt-g; John, ' m. Eliza. Sturgis; Elizabetb,'m. Samuel Luann; Sat-ah. m. --, Williams; Daniel, (1. single; George, dreinglegDavid. m. SAHY "Yeomuns; James. II). Jnne Graham; William, m. Hannah Grah- am; Thomas. m.,Elizabel.h Wilder; Peter, m. Susan Fultnn. AUGUSLI1 CANADIAN. The Canadian Magazine for August. is particularly strong in short stories by Capadrian writer-5.. "The Edict Drs. Ralph and Lillian Langstnï¬ .5v;ho havebeengrestmg in Muskoku, for the past few weeks expect to Tami-ii the AXVeflnesda‘y {Sven-ling 'the_ 6th cf August. v ' ’ ' ' REV. J. M. SIMPSONS DEATH ms. souua's FAMILY. DANGEROUS FALL. EXAM. RESULTS. PIANO TUNING.» TurFmâ€"At Richmond Hill on Wed- lwsduy, July 30. 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Timn, a son. . f ' p A hnmbér of miter barrels. Will held from 75 to 150 galslons. Apply at- The Creamery There “gas ‘a, Serious wreck ’at 'the Grand Tï¬mk station at Maple Satur- daynighb. Brakeman J. Wilson, about) 23 years of age, was instantly killed in the caboose, ï¬reman: A. Hutchinson who failed to jump in time was very seriously injured; and engineer Har- man sustained severe injuries when he jumped from his engine just tiefore the collision. All three men were from Allandale homes. A way freight train was standing on the track when another southgbound freight; train crashed into it. ‘An engine and-15 cars were derailed. and all traflic had to be suspended. The accident is said to have been directly due to the failure of the way freight hands to protect their train. The ï¬reman had both his legs broken, and oï¬Ã© of them {had to be am ututed. Medical aid was secured, an the injured attended, and after- wnrds conveyed to the hospital. An inquest. was held on the body of Wilsan. 2 V , , Two good large cows, fresh :calved, lot 57, rear ls}; Com, Vaughan. '. 5 , V IR.»B. 'McNAIR 5-2‘ . Jefferson P. O. SNIDERâ€"At Elia, on Wednésday. July 16. 1913, Leela. Pauline, beloved daughter of Chm-lea and Anna Snider, aged 5 months, 9 days, CLIFFORDâ€"At. J efferson, early Monday morning, July 28, 1913. James Cliff- ord, aged 72761113.“ ' ‘1 Interment, in Richmond Hill Cemetery VVedn’Seday. "- 'i- A Good b1 ick clad house. in ï¬rst-class condition. on Centre street; west, Rich- moud Hill. Also corner 1013' No.‘ -1, Roseview Gardens. V 4-t.f. 3-3 All petitions far side walks must be presented to the Council not later thnn'Tuesduy, August 5th, 1913. Péli- tinus must be signed by two~thirds of the ratepayers representing one half of the value of the property in the section petltioned for. The cost. of cement; side walk will be about $1.25 net-square yard, of which the property beneï¬ted will pay 60 per' cent m 10 annual payments. . . r A. J. EUMEL; A Sow with 6 pigs. on’lot 28, 00!). 3, Vaughan. ’ JOHN SLI_1§IEY,~ w; Four boar pigs and"'it:hr4ee sows, thoroughbred Tamwortbs, a. month old. _ . 'H. 357. BQYNTON, g .The undersigtfed is prepared to take half a dozen boarders. '_ Boarders Wanted For your Boys and Girls is .up for: consideration just. now. Send for a copv 'of our curriculum, It wfll resent some fagts‘ you should Entnv.’ A'Térm In One of schools 'ihsur-‘es agood salary; Enter any time. : ‘ - ~ ‘ - sums Sawflle fonoNTo -- Education Head Olflces. Central Business Collegp. Yonge & Gerrard Sts.. Toronto. w. H; SHAW, Principal. - THE RIGHT KIND OF v' _ MRS- Js; KLINQK' NOTICE For Sale For Ska-lo For Sale For Sale For Sale For? Saleâ€, 4 DEATHS "BIRTHS. M83316. . Apply J OHN -â€"â€" Victdria. Squat-é P. O; A. HAISLOP. .1. DARLING, Richmond Hi1]. ‘ Elkiih'ï¬ï¬‚lls‘» Richmohd Hill Village-'Cierk . Elgin Mina. __Vâ€"_.___â€"_â€"â€"7â€",_â€" â€"- ---â€"â€"---F- LCONCRETE AAA mvvvvvv-vvvvvvvvwvmvvv vvvyvvvvwmvvfl W V . .1 1. wt 1 YWVWVVVVWVMWYVW'VV' VWVVVVWVWVVVVWVVVW ‘ .,We put in stock Only suoh 3 goods as We "can recommend gwhen the selling: Priqe» is con- , asidere'd, come and see the ï¬ne idisplay of things you really needé 3W6 expect your trade and» are; i‘prepared to merit it. 4 ‘ ' E LAA. .~ "RICHMOND --HILL Lorne Block furnishing ' Store j Annunmnnnnnnn “Anunnunununng ““‘““A‘A“A We» bought a.- large number of ready-to-Wear Suits: Clearing. lines of just two orythree suits in each pattern which we bought- at greatly reduced prices; and are giving buyers the ben'éfltfpf Same. The Suits are of extra. quality and away below regu- lar price at from $10.50 up. ‘ rvvtvvvvwvvvh {LumAmmuthtmmunnMAum VYVVVVVVVYYVWVVVVVVVVWVV VVVVYVVV-VVYVVVWWVVWVVVV' VWVWW VVWVVV V'VVVVVVVVVVVYVVV‘ V'YVVV'VVVVYVVVVVV' That~iswhére_ the’real test of good ' 'comes†MLLLAAAAAHAAAAAAMAAAAAAMM tAAA :AAAAAAAAAAAAAAM "VVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVV VVVVWWWWWWWVVVV" Fire, Life ,8: Accident PHONE 8002. Ybur Insurahéé will be well looked after if lelï¬ 1:6 Atkinson & S‘Witle’r NO :MiiSt,be' ' ' Con‘sult Us vFor Rates VIRTUE ‘ "-IN VALUES ' PROPRIETOR WE‘ARE AGENTS FOR Plate Glass Insurance? OOOOOOOQO OOOOOOOM