Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Jul 1913, p. 7

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V BREADFUL ITEHING ' AND BURNlNl} White Blisters Spread All Over Head. Scratched Until Mass of Sores. Hard Crustsl Lef’t Raw ' Flesh. Had to'Cut Hair Away. Heaied by Cuticura Soa and Ointment. Hair Growing hick. 139 Romaine 50.. Peterboro.‘ Ontario.â€" P'My little? girl's head was in a. fierdble state. It started with little White blisters. ’ which would break until it 1‘" ’ spread all aver her head. W The bumm- amt itching i The' Consul made inquiries and reported the matter to the German Ambassador; the Ambassador made ‘inquiries and reported the matter tothe Foreign Minister at Berlin; 1th»; Foreign Minister made inquiries and reported the matter to such good effect that there was a. threat that diplomatic relations between Germany and the Argentine would the broken off if the whole truth :were. not disclosed at once. (1120 Which" this communication was itaglgendid not agree that there: was phy causeIIOrfldelight. ‘ Instead -he ,confiscated-‘the telegram’wafid in- ‘fomwd the German Consul at Bueâ€" ‘nos Ayres of its contents. _, at niche when she would scratch it until it; was one mass of some all over her ‘ head and the pillow would be covered with blood. She »' could get no rest at all with the p . She would beg of me tompuh anew: on to (299! the burning and Mutton. Hard crusbs would form on her head whlch when she scratched it. would leave the raw flesh underneath. and’her hair came oi! with it or would be in such a dreadml state that I would be obliged to cut the hair away. Being_a-n5tura1§zed German, the )telegqupAhex-fit the litth pqst office a, telegram to Don Pedro’s son in the. following terms: “German kill- pd and eaten; we shared his body; i}; was simply delightful.” “I tried several remedies but time of thun- seemed to do any good. I then out her hail-gum close, washed it‘with Cublcura. £031) and bandaged is using Outicura Oint- ment; It is new quite healed withoub a mark on the skin. Her hair is growing nice and thick again." ‘ (Signed) Mrs. M. Saun- dem, Fee, 13. 1912.; ‘ ' Hunters Feasted on the German’s Dead Body. -Don PedrolLopez, an Argentine Jportsman, has been the unwitting nause' of an international “inci- den ” between the Argentine Reâ€" puk‘lie and Germany. 11’,‘_L____ ‘ He imported stage from Hamburg two years ago. One of them was known as the German. One day a. stag was released on the Argentine plains, hunted and after three days’ chaase killed. The news was sent in “CANNIBALS” IN ARGENTINE. ‘ » Intense excitement was the result in Germany and the feeling of re- pulsion and indignation grew. ,Meanwhile Don Pedro and his par- ity, knowng nothing of the agitm ‘itiOn they had caused, continued ",their sport in the remote forest. It )was only after a. fortnight had massed that the mighty hunter re- ;tuljned to Buenos- Ayreé to find! him- §se1f the ,victim of much execration, and he was promptly arrested. The truth was then brought to light. v Soap and Cutlcurn. Ointment are sold py drusglsts and dealers everywhere. A alngle “set in often auflicient. Liberal sample of each mulled free, with 32-1). Skin Book, Address post card Potter Drug & Chem. Com, Dept. 36D. Boston. U. S. A. The teacher was reading the his- itory of England to some of the little lpupils. When she came to the state- ment that Henry I. never laughed after the, death of his son, she no- |ticed one of the little girls had rais- ied ‘her hand and seemed very de- Ieirous of attracting her attention. “Well, Amy,” said the teacher, “What is it?” “Please, ma’am,” .eaid little Amy, “what did Henry ‘1; do when he was tickled?” ED. 7. A Poser For Teacher. ISSUE 3lâ€"’13. Britain’s foremost living drama.- tist, Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, has just celebrated his fiftyâ€"eighth birthday. As'uhis name indicates, he is partly of foreign extraction, for his father was; a Portuguese. His mother Wos 'Misa“',< sisâ€" ter of a, noted Trinity’ Pilot of Gr‘avesend, and it was in that dis- trict Sir Afihurspen’fithe days of his youth. He was at‘one‘ time in- tended for a, business career, and studied at; Birkbeck College, but the call of the stage proved. too strong. He made his debut before the footlights as a. general utility actor" at a,«salary of one pound a. week, but the experience he gained has proved of inestimble value, and there is no living playwright who is his smperior in stage tech~ nique. One of his earliest effortsat writing for the stage was a. curtain- raiser for the late Sir Henry Irv- ing, but it was with his striking play "The Magistrate” that Sir Arthur gained his first big success. Sir Arthur Pinero’s method of writing a. play is certuinly unique, for he first devises the final scene, and from that works ba‘ck to his opening. When he is about to reâ€" hearse a play he has planned out the minutest detail of business. He is a, kindly autocrat; at rehearsals, and the actor or actress who does not follow his direction is soon brought; in task. A KEEP CHILDREN WELL K DURING HOT WEATHER Every mother knows how fatql the hot summer months are to small children. Cholera infantum, , diar- rhoea, dysentry and stomach trouâ€" bles are rife at this time and often a, precious little life is lost after only a. few hours’ illness. The mother who keeps Baby’c Own Tabâ€" lets in the heuse feels safe. The occasional use of the Tablets preâ€" vent stomach and bowel troubles, or if trouble comes suddenlyâ€"as it generally doesâ€"the Tablets will bring the baby safely through. They are sold by medicine dealers â€"'â€"*v or byfimrail at 2!; cents a, box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Fifteen Years in Transvaal Limit of WOrkers" Activities, ‘ The minifl‘g of ‘gold in South Africa. produces a mortality roll which is appalling._ ' on his return/to this country,” Dr. Haldane told the British Depart- mental Committee on Industrial Diseases in 1907, ‘fhe will probably be dead within a year or two.” “Howe;g;-Whe;itahy a. Transvaal rock-drill man may appear yo“be Miner‘s’ phthisi's is said to be due to the inhalwtion of 'fine dust, which arisesnot merely from rock drilling without the accompaniment of water spraying but also from blasting operations. Last year more than 1,000 of 3,000 men- exam- ined by the Medical Commission were found to have phthi-sis. N0 rockâ€"driller could work in the mines for sixteen years and escape it. Death Occurred as a rule before the age of 40. ‘ 1 a A a» u ‘ Years’ servx‘ce: Here is a table which showed at that 'time how inevitable is the doom of any man who undertakes this work: GOLD MINERS’ LIVES SHORT. Six- Arthur Wing Pinero. Pinero’s Methods. Percentage afiec’oed. 25 40 55 70 80 so 100 I WANT to prove it to your aatistaotioz}. If you have Rheumatism, mute’or chrome â€"â€"no matter what your conditionâ€"awer 10-day for my FREE BOOK on “RHEUMA- TISMâ€"Its Cause and Cure.” Thousands call it "The most, wonderful book ever written.” Don’t send a stampâ€"it’s AB- SQLIJ'DELY FREE. J§S§E A. CASE. Dept. ‘4'7'6, BrocktofifMaba; U.S.A.' Chas. ‘G. Davies Will Erect Hotel . for Unfortunates in Chicago. A hotel for “down and out” men,- to 00th $100,000, will be erected by next winter by Charles G. Dawes, president of the Central Trust Company of Illinois, as a memorial to his son, Rufus Fearing Dawes, who‘was drowned in Lake Geneva, last year. Eventually Mr.. Dawes will erect a. similar refuge ‘for woâ€" men of 2the same class. ' .v. "w-.. -â€" ‘_‘In memery of my dear son, Ru- ful Fearing Dawes, who met’ his death last September,” said Mr. Dawes, ,“I shall during the present year inaugurate the work which we. had often planined to carry on th- gether, and to which for the rest L my life I shall deflate that part of my time not required by business duties. These hotels had been projects which the father and son had plan- .ned to carry out together, and Mr. Dawes, in a. statement given out recently, pledged himself-to devote all his spare mime ’00 carrying out the work his son had long looked forward to, ~ . “A18 the first step I shall erect on the west side a, hotel at an expendi- ture of $100,000, to be known as the Rufus Dawes Hotel. Lodgings will be- furnished at cost, not to exceed five cents. .The doors of this hotel will never be closed to those outof employment upon their promise to pay when they find work again. It will extend credit to the unfortu- nate upon their promise alone. A free employment agency will be run ‘in connection with . the hotel. I ‘ehall hope later to establish a, simi- lar hotel for women.” Misses]. It. “Atkins,” said the Sergeant, an: grily, “Why haven’t you _sha.ved thig mgrniggfl” - ' --.. u 4. ..1v y...» ng.‘ _ W7, “Ain’t T‘Ehavedz” askea Atkins, in apparent surprise. ‘ “No, you’re not,” inslsted the Sergeant; “and I want to know why.’r’ _ ‘ N rial 1) _‘ .. .._, . “Well, you see, Sergeant,” re- plied the soldier, “there was a doz- en of us using the same mirror, and I must have shaVed some other Exactly So. “Embroidering letters on hand- kerchiefs is a. very non-progressive business.” “How so ‘2” “Because 1t never gets beyond the initial stage.” Mlnard's Llnlmam our” Gargot In com. ‘ URI'G ACID_ NEVER CAUSED RHEUMATISM Mlnard's Llnlmant Cures Colds. Etc. IN MEMORY OF HIS SON. This has been used a short time in one 0! our dapartmenrbs, lately discontinued. Our branches and Sales depots are already equipped, and we cannot. place thiaTank in our own Company. 50 gallon capacityâ€"one gallon to the stroke. Pu .961! registering. Mounted ’on rubber- ti wheels-Can be mo’ved anywhereâ€"300 the sidewalk and back to» any car in the garage. , ’ The best investment, you ever made'.» It. will save your gasolineeyour'timeâ€"your money; yRegulgl-‘Prlce ,. . . . . . . . . Special Price Russell Motor Car ‘Co., Limited, THIS BOWSEB TANK. IS A BARGAIN In Good Shapeâ€"Almost as Go'od as New waiting on [customers should investigate this tank to be sold at a. sacrifice- GARAGE OWNERS and others who .roquige a. cpoiap and convenient For 82110» Cheap * , WILL MAKE HONEY FOR YOU .IIIIOIOQUO'O'I' M. 'Sghamd-Roy Wentito St. Hel- ena? the Emperor’s Prison. ‘ ' There‘ is still a, Frenchman alive who saw and spoke with Napoleon_ and in his childhood playéd with the King of Rome. M. Pierre Schazmel- Roy went to visit his father», who was one of the “caged eanglefs” at~ tendants axt St. Helena, and there was presented to' the Emperor. T‘SAWSNAroLEON; STILL ALIVE, His most touclfirg reminiscence is thatNap‘oleon showad him a. doll which had belonged tb'his little ‘son, remarking, “It is dirty, as you see. But they were his little bands which soiled it.” M. Schamel-Roy is a. handsome old 'man of .strdng features, though 'sunken face, with a, ‘holok-ed nose and a. flowing, silky, snow white beard. Haw-as for many years cos- tumer'at'the Opera, Paris; He has now a pension from the State _of some twenty-sixtean a. day. M. Schamel-Roy is nearly 106 years old. His father was a. soldier’s or- derly who spent his life in close personal attendance' on the great Emperor. ' Causes widespreag; _sertowfli;xewise a”, lively corn‘dauses mach painltfié cure it. “Putnam’s.” the” 0111’ reliable Putnam’I-- Corn Extractor, that never failmand al- ways cures; try it. 2.50. at all dealers. ' ___;Unr‘éasonabié’. f , “Jphn, you. never- 115mm to Salt the things I say to you,” she com- plaineq: ___ _ u. a- 1 “1'1, __ “Wefi, dear,” he replied, “I have to work part of the time.” My mare, a very valuable one. was badly bruised and out. by being caught in a. wire fence. Some of the wounds would not. heal. although I tnied many diflerent medicines. Dr. Bell advised me to use MINABD’S LINIMENT. diluted at first. then stronger as the sores began to look bower. until after three weeks, the some have healed. and best. of all 21,118 hair is growing well, and is NOT WHITE as is most always the case in horse wounds. ~ 1‘. M. DOUCET. “Is he fond of peace and quiet?” “I guess not. He’s giving his three daughters musical educa- tiohs.”â€" ’ Try Murine Eye Egmefiy If. you have Red. Weak,‘Wgtery,_Eyes ‘01- Granulated ,E lids. Doesn't Smart â€"-S'oothes Eye ain. Dru It: Sci! Murine E Remedy. quui , 25c, 50c. Murine ye Salve in Aseptic Tubeg. 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. MlyoncooodtorNIlyI-Mmcpn Mun-{no E1. Round! 00.. Chic-u The Way Of It. Some men make fools of them- selvesvfor a, pretty girl and a, lot of others don’t even have that excuse. Heâ€"I pxpect to die' in harness. Sheâ€"Then I take it for granted that you have a stable position. Weymouth. A FRIGHTFUL FIRE Mlnard’o Llnlmunt Gui-u Distemper. Evidently Preférred Noisef Wire Wounds. Aoogssorles Department, . VOfiioer (to recruit who-has missefl every shot)»r‘“G'ood heavens, man", where are your shqts goigg 'I”_ "â€"Bjécirurit (nervously) :V “IH don’t know, sir; they left here all right”: JAOTORY SITES. liaflway_ gym Don't “into meet trouble,» Jt will meet you soon enough; . I "i‘flinab‘HEfi-{fil V'sâ€"eaiona Some snaps. . ‘aULUJâ€"VJ- “$4.18”, It A-.. vâ€" naflway traqkageg In ‘ and other towm: and citlec. AIL ORDER MEN. Save 30 per cent. mailing expenses by our safe, sure. business-getting method of mailing and distributing catalogues, circulars; samples, etc. Particulars free. Results certain. W. G. Lawrenm,‘0rillia, Ontario. GRAHAM 3308.. FUR RAN HERB, will pay highest price for Bl k. Sil- ver, Cross Foxeg, Mink, Marten. Fisher. at all times. Dougal. L. Graham. Btrathroy. RR. No. 1. Ont. H. w. nAwsoN. colbdrm 8L, Toromg. ‘ Inur Uvuuuv-v-u â€"vâ€" , 5 term: .1" rsign Shaun» Cnulocul. Album. on! Seven Canal filfi‘l Btufi. Company. orontn. / you quickly, cheapg. thoroughly and tnrntsh'mola free. 6 give you actual flop ex Hence. Write to: free «ba- lozuo. 0131- College, 219 Queen St. East. 'l‘oronw. / MEN WANTED Internal Ind extend. cured I'vltllv out nln by our home treatment. er 4 us before too Inc) Dr. Bellman “edlo ' Limited. Uolllnnood. Ont. CANCER. muons. LUMPR‘ mo- ALL STONES. KIDNEY AND “LAD- der anel. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred Iilmontu poniflvplr cured with the now German Randal. "lanai." prlce,$ Anothernovzmmo 1 hr DinheteI-Melmna., tnd um cars. 10 "Sanol'a Ann-Diabetuflfi Price $2.00 Iron dragging 0: direct: The Snnol Mnnuha 1nrlng,.0cngyuny o! Ounndu -~Ltm_ml. iir'fififibei: ii In YOUNG 14421 By A_BARBER. Lwnmn‘ MEN WANTED Mlnard's Llnlment Gurus, Dlphtherla. J um: cqnbmo'roigfnqpnusu mt- r:_ .-I--_- 5.511%; leeifié'ra-eEI-HI‘." V4-(b @111 y 25 cents postpald. H. Luv 4863!le An..'l'aranto. 0| ESIDENTIALV PROPERTIES m. Brampton and a dozep othmt (mun. Sfiydggborg's greap work-on Heaven and Hell 1,, 15 “_A._ S'fAMPS AND COINS. MALE HELP WANTED. FARMS FOR SALE. West T0ronto HISO‘LLANEOUL Well Begun. wrrn on wgaoim

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