17-21.]?- . MC M A'H'O N; I 4 ~13 runmsnnnmmgx ' ‘ _, PHURSDAY MORNING Licensed Auctioneers for tha County of York. Sulosahteuded to on shortest: notgce and at real notable rates Patronage solicited - j Spédiul course in “Myer’s†Kinder- gnrieh Method, particularly helpful to lwrzi liners. - “Gyms recitals are given throughout tlï¬fyéar “ ' - 42-13? __. «.u... ‘ 1" . ‘_ . I . . 7' i ' a’ ‘ amiuu‘tmns held at :I‘montn Cnnserva- tm;y 191‘ Music and Univejsity of 1‘0- rump; Lin!!de Auctmueer for the Gounyies of York. Ontario and Non): Tarantm Special attention given in sales of evary description. Farm and arm onck sales _a. apeuiulcy. Farms bought umumd on commission. All sales attsnded to on s‘hortesï¬nqtioemnd conducted by she latest npetbzd'a'te methods; ‘ - : .Adareas: 239 Balliol St . North Toronto. .i’UHNB. CAMPBELL. Calls ’ phone or otherwise prompth _ respnuded tn. ‘ Phone No. 28. '_-» _ AT’TH‘E ' EQEMLPRWTING «I PUBLISHING HOUSE " 3 -""“""'ntoauoun ammo“, CliziÃ©ï¬ "Grainei‘ and Paper- “ Hanger; RE‘SfQENCE, RICHMOND HIU. ’1‘ 852139011, Haple We;HEWlSON *ï¬'OU‘sEIPAINTER, .u-Ps pnnils‘fgr the. gilded PX: MISS MILLIE THENCE D. .H. » PINKERTON, V.S. DR." W.- R. PENTLAND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Fig-st .hnnse horth of'Atkinsnn & ’ . ‘ Switzer’s spore. VOL. XXXVI. 5 I per. annum,‘in advanta] gm: 3' VETERINARY SURGEON, L Thornhill. Blaple, ()nt. LICENSED AUCTION EER 3USINESS CARDS. For-the quï¬ty 0f~Ym'k. Salgeon at)“: Ewen , OFFICE' AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL . \. Teacher of Plano J .1 E. Prentice RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE En'u'ou & Pnoulun. Phone No. 2402. watermam mea’igfl. GAN J K‘ McEwen ' Wesison ONTARIO ‘ J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC ' COMMISSIONER. coxvmawnmm ET! Righmonc; $1111 A large _stock Undertakers & Embalmers. RICHMOND.HILL& THORNHILI BARRISTER. Somcx'ron, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce. Rnnm 328 Gonfedern tion Life Bldg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill om‘ce' (“Liberal’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. oodhridge, Saturday forenoon. Monev.to loan at. FivexPer Gent (5%) Monev to loan on 1 and anuonnttel mortgagent » - owust rates , Auroraomceâ€"Removed moths old post omoa one door west or the entrance to the Newmmlger ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the pastolï¬ce ' '1‘ Emnnnkm LENNOX G swv 141mm}? Tel. M. 3831. LEE NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS .20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Telephdné,Mui-n 1 A . Cable Address. “Dede.†‘ M 'W. .I. ELLIOTT. Principal. Cor Youge and Alexander Sts. Strictly Flrst-Class in all 'depart- men‘tsh. None Better in the Dominion. Enjmjs extensive patron'nge: and graduatesreadily gebgood positions. Open entire year. .Enter now.' Cutalugnexfrep. %EL‘LIOTT ' ; “TORONTO. ONT. - 1.Laawren.ce &- Dunbar, ' Swamflï¬oflmm. Noam}; kc. Home Life- Bizilding' Cor. ' Adelaide 8: Victnrm SL9" Toronto. A.G.F'. Lawrence 'F'. :Dunbat Org-ms Repnixjad and Expert Work Gun-Mile“ PIANO TUNING REAL ESTATE; ETC; TI-IO RNHI LL Gommissinnez, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate , Issuer M'Marnage Lxcenses. Danton, I‘vaér &‘F1e1dx .."Ca1ï¬eron MacNaughï¬on Barrister, Solicitor, Noam OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING ' _ STREET WEST FALL TERM Barristers and solicitors. ‘ NOTARY PUBLIC- max. & MORGAN . A. NICHOLLS OPENS SEPIEMBER '2. 970511 .7. flabidson ' THORNHILL WRIGHT: BROS, WILLIAM COOK Burkiste‘ra. 301$“on 8m. stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at; both places ~> vdmm'a Anni. .. . . acrmu‘ HEGULAT1NG RICHMOND HILL. ONT;:“THURSDAY:AUG’UST‘I? A 11mm mm. “ 1n Essentidic, “Unity; V is s-rv M03913 Pumas Main I93! 'ER. ETC; The beauty of the mountain scenery appeals to one who has all his, life re- sided upon the plains, the qnninbness yet neatness’ of the mountain homes. the use of cows instead of horses, for motive power at these snme mountain homes. Cnnstant ï¬nk-ling of the bells, the green’ness of ‘verdure, and tlie sound of Water-f:_tlls,"0ascade 01- Cuban act, the pure-mess offï¬he air, and charm of all {revent home (Jr-any other kind of sichwss. In fact .er5. James and myself are so busy that: we have hardly any time left for Ordinary things so much extroa-rdinurv, that fo'ot.‘ eat- and eye were never so fully employed! ' - ' I am Yours ,Vé‘t-y Truly . _ ' * D. J. July 18, 1913. V The reception held by Bishop and Mrs. Nuelsnn who resides at Zurich and has charge of the Methodist Epis- C(Ipnl work in Europewas attended by ï¬ve or six hundred mp‘mbers of the de- legation; The work be 18 doing xs well spoken of and the church he représents are ï¬tting citizens for residence either inyurppe OI‘ AyneriCan ’ ' The childxen were largely in evidence on Sunday when a‘grent. meeting""was held afthe Tonhulle. F'ullv tWo thou- sand children participated in the meet- ing. followed by an open-air meeting in the park when they sang familiar hymns to the delight and proï¬t of manvvt’housands whognther'ed to hear them. A word about the Concert. given under the. direction of Prof. Bucher. director of the Convention music. The Chorus of 450 voices‘.- sang in Ger- man. and were assisted bvan orchestra of 42 pieces, which hnswthe reputation of being one of the best in Europe, also a company of ten SWiSS yodlers, who gave several selections that created wild enthusiasm. Everv seat in the Tonhalle was occupied and; hundreds remained standing during the two hours of the Concert; The tiékets were $1.50 and $1.00, proceeds to he. applied towards expenses ofxthe Convention. “The End of the Convention is the bee ginning of efliort,.’f ’ ~r i' The decorations in the Tonhaile where the Convention washeld were simple yet expressive. Above the plat form was suspended a large Globe tn remind the audience of the wmld’s cape of the Asswciation’s endeavors. and above the glnbe was st‘blood red cross..which when lighï¬ed was a most ins iring sight. Back at the platform an: hgainstlhe organ in the center, was the White: Crass flag of Switzer- land:'with.rthe.flags of America and‘ Great? Britain on either side, Two large pictures of the the Twingle and the . Pestalnzzi . mnnuments were striking reminders that Zurich was the Scene- of the great labors of Ulrich, Twinin the Refnrmer. and the. birth place of Pistalozzi. the found“ nfmod- em educational methods. The secret- aries reported that the S. S. army mm- eisted nf 28.700.000 members in 297,000 Snndav Schools which is the largest Christian army in the werld marching under one banner. The singing 'of the conventionwas inspiring. The addresses .good,_ each thought the last one givenv'me the best. The evotionnl exercises conducted by the Rev. F. B. Meyerand the Rev. Mr. Glitterywere almost. wm-th coqug will the way to get such high views of our; privileges and meeting each strong desires to attain to them: these were}; great uplift. to all._ Two- - 'i'eetlngs in dï¬ferent buildings were V eld each morning {(9.00 a} m.."wheh ‘othe seats Were fully occupied.‘ The, interpreter was a. Wonderful. man, speaking twenty-seven langua†es. but he was not called to" use pn ‘ icly so manï¬.’ only French. German, Scotchi bind nglls‘h. and not always these as ‘ there Was not time. Time seemed the great. need of the convention, so much to say by so many people. and the hours of the days limited. Nearly 2700 delegates registered; More than half of these were from North America. Canada. according to population, Was the beat represented country, althon h on an average, of the Canadian de e- gatlon each would have to travel 4000 miles on the round tt-ip._- Every Prov- ince in ,Oanndavwas represented but Manitoba. Some‘240‘speakers took part in the forty-ï¬ve sessions held due-r ingï¬hese days. V . The Moslegii filoi-ld; t'iié'é'ï¬ly .1wa “£6 Christianity, is showing signgof weak~ neggin {may wayq._-. ' halt. who has been attendingn Sabbath So on] Convention 'in Bavaria, Mun- ich:â€"â€"The World’s S. S: Convention has been .anwst. wonderful success. The interest, Was held to the last moment.» Although lasting over a wéek'the building at last. Session was crowded to over-flowing with over 310(]‘[)em‘)le.~ 4 At one session $100,000. was raised in a. half-hour. This-was supplemented further by $250005 morecwhich will agaiq be supplfmeqta -JL_ Ayn Ann “an RIpaus Tabules aséist digestion. ed 17850.000. "Thé‘é‘iiiiob’k‘ib’ï¬Ã©iEgan}; 1m- ito ‘Ohristiapgty [rhineyer betper. '[he following paragraphs are taken from a letler sent. to the publisher at ‘Llli‘s page; by_Mr. D.-Ja[nes of Thorn~ LETTER FROM HAVANA prz’aEvsAsentials; Liberty ; {nail tfzings, Charity." D. JAMES. Several diSastt-uus ï¬resnccurred in Toronto Saturday and‘VSlindayq, ,. The Sheep" buildings at Exhibition†Put-k Were burned Suï¬daj‘i wftei-nnon. Invol- ving a lass of ne MK $100, 000. On Sat- urday in the nort end of the.city. Robert Orean’s hat factory, and nine hpu/ses’ on Balmuho' street were de- stnyedpr damaged, to the extent. :of $200; 000. _ ' ' ' The adjourned inquest to inquire into the cxrcumstances surrounding the death of G.T.R. Brakeman, John VVil. son in the Maple vards on the 26th ult. Was-heldhere Friday evening. After heal-mg the evidence the jury placed the nnus nf the‘fatality on Conductor Parker for failure to protect the end of his train which was left on the main line. Conductor Parker did not put in an appearance at the inquest, but he was represented by counsel. Engineer Robert Harman told the court that he did not see the tail lights of the standing t'vain‘ until he 'wus about .eighteen .car lengths aWay. Although he had gnod a’ir brakes he washunable to stop in such a short distance. When the crash came the train was movingat about 20 miles an hour. ‘ The licnnse question is still unsettled. The commissioners issued licenses to the threehhotels, but Hon. \V. J. *Hanna, the provincial secretary, order- ed them cancelled 6n the gimmd tha‘t they wereissu‘ed without, hisauthorit . An oflicialsba‘tementhas been ma e by the Ontario License Department, announcing that'the legal situation was to be deï¬ned by the- Cum‘t of Appeal. Until the court judgment 18 rgude’red the liccnse holders will con- tinue to sell.‘ ‘ The eiectc‘ws uf‘Aurom carried two money by-laws, submitted to them Monday. by huge majorities. The ï¬rst. authorized nni expenditure (if 315.000 (Ill new electrical equipment. The st-cnnd was for $5,000 to be spent. unne'w pumps for the waterworks. A new lighting system wiil‘naw be in- stalled. and every street will be proppr- 1y lighted. , The townhas an agree- ment with the Metmpolitan Railway 00. for a supply of power and lighfc for ï¬vquqrs. siecifl to In: Dianna: Both Conservative and Liberal tem- Eemnce men in Meafm-d feel that they ave not been treated fairly by the Governmentvwhich has reversed its decision and re-issgeq licenses in Meuford. “We have been deceived" ami “Thejidenses'wsm cancelled for political effect only? were .statements openly made _ Wetivem These men say that: e' Temperance Commit. tee did agree to the Gngmment’s pm- poe'al but that they did so‘ under pm- test and became they could get nothing better. They still think that if the Govezmnent had do 9 the fair thing they Would have a hex-ed to their ï¬rst decision and not renewed the licenses after August the first. It is all.~right to have a local option vote next January but possession is nine gum-ts of‘the law and as thiï¬ie- std‘nd.‘ efore Mr. Hanna and the Provincial Secretary’s Department changed their minds, there would have been no bars in Meglfm-d Ln-dayv instead of that they arenpen as usual. Ottawa, J My 17. 1918; We are’sendingv You tinder sepiiatg covet-a souvenir of 06th» City the centm of our' political system 11nd national life which We. believe Wm be inssae.a&ixz&t9»you. . »Wiiti{fflï¬i;éeastjwregurds‘ and best wis‘hes,~ we are, 1 , . The following letter was received by Mr. Thee. Newton of this village from the Masoniu' bréthten while in session at the. Annual Meeting of the Gland Lodge aEOttqwak- - _ ’ V. W; Bro, Newman _. ‘ |We. the-undersigned deeply re- tgrel; your nbsenee on this occasion, he 55th Annual Communication of Grand Ledge. .We- have ‘met on many similar occasmns. renewed our ac- quaintance and spent a. few pleasant hours mgethen 'We'wrenlize your in- ability to be, via as, but sincerely trust that. 'whï¬n we meet. at, Niagam Falls next. year your. health will have improved, and you will again berwit'h the {Justin-en. and take part in the pm-s ï¬eedmga of the" Lodge '80 .dent to. your earn. 7 V. ' A FRATERNAL‘ LETTER News Notes. Tononmunak Mame; Aurora; Fmtemnil y Vain-s, H. J .“ CHAREES. ELI BRAUND. .8. 0.. (Human. :W.r'H.. Luann. 1913 +Mwm~ézmtw GOOD STOCK OFV School Books. I ’ r . ‘Standard Novels, f Souvenir Pést, Card‘s, Post/carqubï¬ms-a- Bill Heads, _ 7 Letter Heads, r - \Nedding Invitations Envelopes; ' . Programmes, &c.., 8:0. We thank the public for the genemuu patronage in the past, and win mmr estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. ' +~g+++++ï¬++++++éï¬+m++wao Printing 1 " JSta-tioneï¬yfa ‘ ' SchoOl BOOKS Believing it will be beneï¬cial to 066 - buyer and seller, haved’ecided. STWER -&v. RAMEB Coal, Flour; 5 Corn, Bran,~~ _ . W00d1’;&5< AT" THE ci-N.i0. Sig-$1011.. » AND‘ ELEVATOR » 31631;:an Hm; , , . l . I ,v :w. “anagram 9“ '_ In; 3:44! Go to the Liberal Office for Pageparis G‘rééh, I *- I 5 Bug Death, 1 . _ _ Arsenate 01 Lead, AFTERncrï¬Ã© . T0 DOEBUSTNES'S 0N - CASH BASIS.†guargnteéd gtgigtly 'A‘ï¬a pHaéé ï¬g ISSUER MARRIAGE UHENS’B‘ â€â€˜ ‘- [Single cuï¬Ã©ï¬s‘cuf STIVER. 8: FAME-R; DEALERQ’iN‘ ‘M‘v-E-é-é'é'éd' Noii ?