'Rmmmxn Him. Om. AUG. 7. 1913 Scarcer a year passes without an unpleasant flag incident of some kind. The latestoccurred at Saskatoon a *few days zigo when a; young woman from the United States foolishly and ignorahtly waved a flag of her own country in the faces of a. Canadian Tegiment marching past in military order. The thoughtless act might well have been left to the ignorante 40f the young woman, A young €Canadian bugler, however, piqued by nthe supposed insult showed equally bad judgment in grabbing the flag of d). friendly nation and trampling it; beneath his feet. The incident will doubtless pass by without further atrouble, but it; should be remembered ithat, such follies in years gone by I’nave often plunged friendly nations iinto deadly War. Young blcod is hot :and easily irritated, but every citizen :should be taught; to honor if possible :the flag of a neighboring nation. MURTSONâ€"Ih Richmond Hill. on Sat- m-ddy. August 2. 1913, to the widow ul mu late .1. A. Mnl'isnu u sun. _ DEATHS OAKLEYâ€"On Tuesday, July 29, 1913, .u, ms sun’s residence. Strzmgv, AbnunUarlej'. in his TULh year. Internwub Thursday in King City Luann-Le: y. I{EEELER~â€"At 213 Paelï¬c Anznue, Tu- ' mum, on the 3mm «If July. 1913, Adelaide M.- Keeï¬vr. in her z-lst year. 1nqu of M. H. KEcflt-r, fm'lumly (f BLchmond Hid. ,On Lord’s Day. August 10, Mr. F. M. Junes. evun‘gvlist, wxll speak. in the morning aL 10,30, subject, “The way mun uses certain muttey, the wny God uses same aifaixs.†The subject in the evening at, 7 n’clnnk will he, “The (inference benween servmg mun and Slfl'\'lllg'_G0do†Come and bring your fw-it-nu. Vaughan Council (:2 1‘ue next meetmg nf 016‘ Council of the Muni mpqdbv of Vangnun will be held in the Town H 3,“. Vellore on t‘UstAY, AUG. 12, "19:3 Thwc fresh milk cows with culve (y sidv,_ nu†-‘. --.~nv\ .‘y ANOTHER FLAG INCIDENT. THE SAGIENE GIRL h’Hllf 5' For Sale therwood. GEOt \V‘ MURRAY ' ‘ Vellum: I: BIRTHS. at l p.111 J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk L Sweet-to F Wrifeforourprivatoaddress. ‘ A ' ' 35%;: . ' ¢ f" "*- Sweet-to Ea! Harvest is in full swing in this neiphboxhood. Crops are very good, and there are some ï¬ne ï¬elds of pot- atoes. Mr. Petv'r Jones, of Potato King Fann.has an excellent crop. In order to save time he has urchased from the company’s a em; _r.v John Weldx-ick, an ‘Aspiuwai Potato Digger which is giving him every satisfaction. A few days ago Mr. Jones’dug with his new machine a 40 bushel load in two hours. It does better Work than could be done in the old way, and it is a. wonderful time ~saver. Mr. Isaac Balesrhasitlgq hgught an Aspinwull Ema Mr. Weldrick. From the premises of_tbe under- signed, lot 10, rear 2nd con. Vaughan, Five black faced sheep. PRICE E. EVANS; _ _ Lot 35. lst Concession of Markham. c 2 ‘ Enquire on premises. Dr. de Van’s Femaig Pills A re‘iable French regulator: never fails._ These pills are exceedingly owerful in regulating the generative portion of t e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Ynn'l are sold at us a box, or three for 310. Mailed to any address. the Saab“! Drug 00.. 8t. Catharina. Ont. mm- In sum. bu! than mm m Sn nm 3 Co. . Pom-ad. Minn!“ "cum 1. hen, I'nll Informnion Ibout work which they can do. and “we :1. homeJhn‘ will pay them from $5 to $25 per any. Some h-vo named (Ivar $50 In a day. Either sex, young or old. 03pm! nnl runny-ed. You try nmod free Thom wbn Ill“ It can m... n__.___. All I. mu, nnl ruq‘n'en. qu llcrunuwu .u... \u shmlum: Inn of um: um.- fommu. 111 h mmwnwmmn rm 5 at 01pm mam, G. & C. MERRIAM C0.. Publisher-,Spï¬ufiald, Man. agikmwmsm Farm to Rent it is a NEW CREA- Because TION, covering ‘ every ï¬eld of the world's thought, action and culture. The only new unabridged dictionary In many years. it deï¬nes over 400,000 Because Words,- moge than ever before appeared between two covers. 2790 Pages. 6000 Il- lustrations. v it Is the a Became with the page. A. “Stroke of Genius.†it is an encyclopedia in Becuue e linzle volume. it is accepted by the Because Courts, Schools and - Press as the one supreme au- thority. N E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- m ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to See us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our’Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS, KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont; he who knows Wins Because Success. Let us tell you shout this new work. THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? Mfumdmavldndpsgo. MEN 4033 HEEB NERVE " NEW _ INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY eréerful‘Nervous System Eon Michiganâ€"Kw. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. Strayed it Is the only dictionary with the new divided Hope. bbEémld no. Box 15. The nerves control all actions of the body so that any-f thing that debilitaï¬es them will weaken all organs oil the system. Early Indiscretiom and Execsz have mined thousands of promising young men. Unnaturnll Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never develop to a. proper condition of manhood. They remain weak- lings, mentally, physically and sexually. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weal: back, kidneys irritable, palpitatlon of the heart, bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine. pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, poor memory. lifeless, dlstrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change- able moods. premature decay, bone pains, hair loose. etc. This is the condition-tour Neinr Method Treatment is GUARANTEED TO CURE EARLY _INDISCRETIONS AND ’ EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- ' MINED YOUR SYSTEM We have treaicd Diseases of Men for almost a life- time and do not have to experiment. Consult us and we will tell you u-Béther you are curable or not. We guarantee curable gases of NERVOUS 'Dtémrv. VARICOSE VEINs. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET. BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on Dileases of Men. If unable to write for QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT I In Marble 01‘ Granitu. Good work. reasonable charges. Town 01 Gummy. | Write, _ . ‘V. A. JONES. £5190}? 51-3 m. Tombstone The undersigned is pre- pared to supply customers with Bottled Milk, delivered every morning, Sunday in- cluded. Orders also taken for cream. 1~t.f. Tana: MARKS Dsslcns COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and donor! Mon m-y quickly asoertnm our opinion w ather an invention as probably Pat/ante!) mmnnlca- “on: strictly conï¬dent ul- HAND on Patents pent tree. Oldest a ency for securinan Patents taken At. rough Mnyn mom wit 3:: Rod for four and large _ “335335 322': €ï¬Â¥3§iï¬"ï¬3’£ï¬'im“iï¬ï¬m mega! gecko. £193“ 0 use. in the v-vâ€"v '--v - ___'__- v V â€" . r . _ andeomely illustrated weekly. Largest. cin- eAulhetion of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms tor Canada. 83.75 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by an newsdealere. MUN" & Copemgmoglgk Bunch Omen. 625 F S ' â€" periences of anglers shootâ€" er: and campers, or, achtâ€" mg; or Adventure STREAM." or send f fus twegty-ï¬aï¬e cénf‘s or our wee stri trip. an large illustrated Weekly - journal of shooting, ï¬shing, natural his- tory and yachting. A new depart ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surroundings. Terms: $4 ayealf,’ $2 for six months. ‘ We send free on re- quest our catalogue. of t h e b e s t _ books on outdoor 'lfe and recreation. FOREST. AND STREAM PUB. 00. 346 Bgoadway, New York. Monuments. Markers and Comer Posts. ' ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬‚ï¬iï¬lï¬ï¬ï¬‚h Bunch omoofézs w an. wmliizt'oi'. ï¬. FREE OF CHARGE Bottled Miik JAMES RUMBLE, Richmond Hill Dairy. PHONE 37 If you . , like to tead of the ex- periences of anglers, shootâ€" er: and campers, or yacht- (crested in countr life, ask your newsdea er for 22 Buchanén Sh. ‘TOREST AND Lettering are in- Toronto â€"â€"-â€"AGENCY~â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V.- S. REAL ESTATE MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARwM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS ON HAND. Every fame: should know that thc rice oï¬'ered by the dealers for cattle, ogs, etc" is 1. fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper! What doctor or law- yer or businesetman w0uld be without his business paper? There is but one farmera’ business and market paper, that in The Weekly Sun.‘ - Start 1910 right by mbccribing. Every family should have both their local paper and a, cit-y paper. THERE IS BUT ONE RICHMOND, HILL (FINE TAILBRINB RICHMOND HILL The Next Sitting of Divxsmn Court to No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. ' DIViSIUN - ï¬ï¬‚UBT. Monday, October 13, 1913 Commencing at 9.30 n. m. _ T. F MCMAHON CLERK ENNYROYAL VJAFERS. AND LL HUME NOTARY PUBLIC Special attention given to: Canveyancing'. Leases. Wills, E‘ RICHMOND HILL _ON__. Pressing Cleaning - Repairing Asper-me monthly mndit arm for fluke: [,6 nature and rank n nha menses- produqu free, hut-11h;- mm punks! ausuhurgu. No ache-s or gains nu! up much Nnm used by over 311,090 htde mumwa wulusemmln. Invigo In. “1955 0th Buy of your druswng only cause with our piqnv .rc Mva [moorlasz Avoid suh WI. (23 Sealed pm‘twulax a mall». M‘tluulmsmalleu mm). :1. war )01. Address, Puma†.cnrmdm. lmemX. UII'BOIL ï¬lm Etc.