Corn Flakes. 3 boxes for: »25 Rolled Oats 7 lbs. for. .. . .25 Rolled Wheat '7 lbs. for. . .25 Qream of Wheat 6 lbs for. 25 Grape Nuts 2 boxes for... .25 Shredded Wheat 2 boxes.25 Jelly Powder 3 pkgs. for. .25 Baking Powder 2 1-1b.tins.25 Seeded Raisins 16-oz. boxes 3.25 Black Tea 1 lb. for. . .. .. . .25 Green Tea 1 1b.for.... .. ..25 Knox‘s Jelatine 2 boxes. ...25 "SIMS’ 25c. LINE For FridayfshBuyinp; 'tz’mmmn 4L4 lftHE’S'rANDARD is thé Nausnal Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion b; Canada. $11: is 'nafl'onal in all its 'aims. ! It.fuse3' thé most 'expensive' ’engrav- lngs, procuring the photographs from all over the World. Its articles are carefully selected and Its adiporlal policy is {thoroughly Independent. l A subscription t6 The‘ Standard tests $2.00 per year to any address in [Zanada 01‘ Great Britain. * THE NATIONAL. ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE “CANADIAN PICTDRIAL†Subscribe for THE - - LIBERAL Exquisitely printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of well-known people of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand, square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. _Ahsï¬lutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely tn please and to inform. Must be seen tn be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. One dollar a year. The Pie- toxial Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter St. \Mgntreal Standard Publishing Co“ Limited, Publishers. Montreal. Special ii<t 0f fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. GOOD LGCAL AGENT Start at once and SOCIII‘P exclusive territory. \Ve supplv hnnrhnnm free outï¬t. and [my highest commissiuns. VVx‘ite for full particulars TORONTO 1-3 m Electric Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the body phosPhonGl to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make {on a new man. Price 333 box or two for {5. L ailed to any add ress. The Sco’bell Drug 00.. St. Catharine’s. Ont. May be largely increr by knowing the exact condition of the farmer’s market, and by learning of the best method in farm practicé. This is precisely the sort of information the 'Farmers' Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal as a Fumer’a Business Paper. Good famen rely on it. For price see 1111‘ {dubbing 0hr. ’ Fumhiil ï¬ursgries SPECIAL Red path Granulated 20-lbbag $1 Redpath Yellow, 22 lbs. . . . . ..$l Red nth Granulated 100 lbs.4.70 F [DAY 'ONLY. TERMS CASH. Wanted OLD AND RELIABLE FIVE. SIMS STONE & WELUNGTON .TRY. IT FOR 1913 . at once tn represent- the FARM PROFITS " GROCER MONTREAL. ONTARIO Gassel’a Magazine, per annum . 8 The Story Teller The Quiver Musical Home Journal The Girls’ Realm . Little Folks Chums o Hrrrwv . 1. 9389498394 It is not necessary I.) send to foreign countrie; 1 )r maga- zines. Read the following:â€" Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASï¬ELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelaide St, W , Toronto Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3 pm. In: End and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at 11 mm Presb terian Church-Services at n I. m.,and . m. undny School at 2.30. Prayer meeting hursdav evening. Roman Cathoho Churchâ€"Services on alter ngtp __Sm_1§iq.y§_a.t 9 p. 12. 511.6 10.30 a. m. A u A..- _- -_.: The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained if) Can- qda by yearly subsuription at low rates. O A S S E L L S†Canadian P ub - lishin‘g Company uuuv uuuuu. u ...< _..-V , .... .. .. .._. w. M. 7 Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 11.00 a..m.,a.nd, p. m. r - 7 Sunda School at 2.80. General prayer meeting Thurs ey evening. . Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- dev on or before full moon 7 a OourtBichmond. A 0 F - Meets fourth Fri- ey , , Ivy Lodge. A0 ‘0 W~Meets third Wednesday of each month Camp Elam. s O 8 â€"Meets second and fourth Wanesdny. V . Hm Crest Lo e, I.0.0.F..meets flrstWednes- dev and third 13‘ day of each month. Icringe?“Indemnity-Means ï¬rst Monday 0! every on . Public Librar and Beading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and as; urdev evenings. ~Epworth League-Meets everv Monday. Presbyf-erigp Glgildâ€"Meets everv Friday MB p.m. in the 011mg)!» I 0 Fâ€"Meets 1rd Thursday of every month. R. H. Association meats lust T185611 ol_ avgr! month." ---- . .n, m_s__--j--. a.uwuav u- vvvly mun...- Victoria. L. O. L. Nelle“: 4th Wednesday of each month. * Small Farm for Sale On lst Concession of Vaughan, lot 38. Thirty-four acres. good rough cast, house. new stone foundation, barn, new hen house. pi pen, young (ix-chard just beginning to ear. plenty of water. Suitable for poultry farm or marth gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen minutes walk to Metropolitan 3. a t-f Ci‘ll'. Ion can earn one too. wily. you on}: have to do three things. FIRST. Right away nowâ€"take a post card or a sheet or paper and write out the full names (Christian MM and surnames) and full ad» dresses: of TEN boy friends or chums whom you know would iike to-‘eam some'pocket money. (Boys betwa 8 .and 15 years of ageâ€" no two in the same famuy.) SECOND. Sign your name and address at the bottom or the card or sheet so that we will know who sent the list. Mail the list complgte with ï¬ve cents in coin or stamps to us right away, adï¬ressing your 1&7}? to Sales Division. the ‘Witnesa,’ 'VVl‘tness‘ Block, Montreal. Your list of names sh :m he mailed Within seven (7) drug afier you read ihis splendkl offer MAPLE LEAF M3 Should your chums ‘1‘:1'.'P perience 1n magazine or He: éellingâ€"sp much the berm THEIR names. Just as seen as we go of names. we will 35m these beauuful Souveni: you and‘you will Hie It 1y. -We don’t tell you why we wan the namesrAlecause g-mh don't Care; if you (:0, or H" yourself want to earn g‘mfl for work for LIEâ€"Why :(H us ‘n. ‘ letter and We wiil ‘fxiq Whole monormaking m _‘" â€"and besides you will 3‘ ‘Sa1nsmzmship.’ Village Directory THE “WITNEV‘J Wiihï¬E-S' Block. Montrtai ANY 0: our boys and girls We 11m received one M Ap'pl on remises or to’ yl‘l. EPPLETON, FREE THIRD. e go! your Ca ("I-ville. (Inf! O i 41-t.f. H. A. NICHOLLS At Shel'“'ondâ€"'One acre, all kinds nf fruit. trees. with culufortu’lyle house in first-class repair. make a good home for any person wishing to retire. 0n good roads system. Easy terms. Several small farms close tn Yang» Su-set. ‘ VILLAGE PROPERTY. Moan T0 LOAN ALL BRANCHES OF. THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. Two good farms near Mount Albert. ‘1ch W PATRONAGE Soucrmn AND SATISFACTION GUARANTE Chance ta 07M“ 9- i at» ‘5“: 13$ Will Make and Bars 1;“ my far V510“. Ever had shouldngin the mm W Literary L’u- r Ch} of maria. Thereis rainingelse like It ywhere. It costs almost nothing to join and the ï¬ts m Rives are woudorfu}. Itenables you to ruase bouksand periodicals music and musxcul .ruments at Special out pr cos. In secures re- duced rams at many hotels. In answers quoluons free of cha‘ . s offers scholarships and valua- h pl 5 tpqumbf-rs. It mumnlnirclub . J. WUDDWARD seams in mtu c} _ its mem hers. In addition. very member tecuives tho ofï¬cial magazine enu r‘ad “ Ev’ry Month†3 Ubllcadon m a clans ‘0 ixzelfJncluding 6 pieces: 0 high-class voca! and in- mueuml musicflull size) each month My. charge: Knees In on u n m . T . 723mm“ .5. . (try. charge: 72 Knees In one yen:- tn ail. XOU "AN GET ALL 0 THESE BENEFIT?) FOR AL- » 3T NOTHING. _ Th‘e fu 11 yearly member-snip fee 19 OneDcHax for which you gen all above, and you Inqu with- 'ï¬cxu'.‘ any lime Withi‘n three montmz it you want. to do so and oh your dollar back. If you don‘t; care to span $1.00. send 25 cents for three 1.4mm; membership. Nchady can Miami (0' as: ‘. is ofler by. Youle Eat your money has: In flue man times over._ .‘ullparticulm-s wxu be ‘ free 0 charm. but if you are wins you v.11) a m your requeet In» membership with tho ruper fen at, once. The 25- ers. three months mem- “ ’1) oï¬â€˜or will anon C‘iallf‘é. “True at once ad- » your “ï¬re. ‘guol «momein mm for full 2 ; Liv-«'l‘shh,‘ or twenty-:1- w came for three ,x‘ name to MUTUAL_L{"‘ VAR? mzï¬slgjï¬mvn SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY HAS FOR SALE tionory in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every ï¬eld of knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia in e 2 single book. ~. llike OnIy Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Goat nearly half a million dollars. - Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. " " Write for sample A, a set of ‘~ Pocket F. J. WUUDWARD. GENERAL BLACKSMITH‘, Fear of having a tooth extracted I: unnecouury under our special treat- ment. We often romovo four and ï¬ve at on. ult- tingâ€"impooslblo if at- tended by pain. New Gormlef Ripans Ta bulesture bad breath. Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill THE Working Men’s Houses , WANTED AT. ONCE ' Here is your chance for a proï¬table investment. Choice lots close to Radial and (1ND. Ry. Station 50-Ft. lots at $6.00 per ft. on build- ers terms. Fray antns corned beef. tin. . . . Libby,> sliced dried beef. jar. . .. Umssed Fish. sardines, 2 tins. Hurse Radish sauce, bottle. . .. Whethey’s mince meat. pkgs , . . . Pure Gold jelly powder. 3 pkgs . Invaluable assistance m concei- OF ï¬ap‘n FICE ing drafts, etg. ' .33 'TORONTO‘ ‘ I RICHMOND HI‘LL BRANCH L. E. HAND, 1 AAAAAAAAAAAM tAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA ALLALAAAAAAAALAAAA ‘AAAAAAAAAAAAL 3 Burner Stoves $311.00. Ovens from $2.00 to €58.00 each. Minerva Paint for all purpo es. _ _ Lacqueret and Chinamel Varmsh Sham. Agents for Columbia Grafonalas and Recnrds. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAKALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘ ‘1 YYYVYVVVVVVVYVYVÂ¥?VVVVVVVV V'YVYYVVVVVVYVVVVVYYVYYVYY BANK If we haven’t What you are looking for in stock, we will get it for youâ€"that’s what we’re in business forâ€"t0 supply yuu with what I you want at reasonable prices. VV'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWW VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘ If you keep the Flies out you wont need to Swat them. ' SEE OUR LINES OF Screen Doors and Windoxvs Doors from $1.10 to $2.25 each. { G. A. MCDONALD& SON RI‘BHMUND HILL [8' BDB‘MING- ©F‘ @ANADA THE RICHMOND HILL‘HARDWARE CU. PHONE l6â€"R 2 PHONE 18 WARE 88. %{ Rlfl‘HMDNB HILL HE? m1), 5 z] m ' Manger. Bunches II†It Maple. Markham, Stouffville, Unionyille Hill. Iiiberal Discount for Cash. STANDAERD Screen Wire all Widths, 120. to 300.3701. Hammocks . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 to $4.00 each. Lawn Mowers . . . . . . . $4.00 to $7.00'each. Garden Shears, Rakes and Hoes, Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stave . APPLY OWNER W. J. LAWRENCE, Florist, Richmond Hill. 933288333 A GOOD TEME NW! TO BUY A NEW §§§¢§§§§O§¢§ON Window; 250., 30c. and 351:. each. 100 100 A‘J . E business'man who has customers in various Darts 1 customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will [find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. ' .3 Litsters L minute puddings, pkg. 10c LitsteI-s salad dressing, powder- ed fox-m. pkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Lindnex-&Beuners fx-uitjzun 2jnrs 25 Robertsons jt‘llies, jam or mm.- | mulude, jar . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 NORMAN BATTY, MANAGER. Mimi“)? mm