Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1913, p. 1

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AT THE newt. PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE 3103mm ammo“. ' Licensed Auctio'zeers for the County of York. Salostbtanded to on shortest notice and at rea- sonable rates Patronage solicited W. HEWISON HQ-USE PAINTER, Cl‘xzier. Grainer and Paper~ Hanger. T. F . Mc-MAHON. Siwcial course in “Myer-’5” Kinder» gnu-ten Method, particularly helpful to ln-ginnvrs. (Ila-55 recitals are given throughout Licensed Auctmneer for the Counties of York. (‘mo trio and Numb Tomuto. Special attention given (:9 sales; 9f aw iv a; 'ipbisgl‘ Fm_'m 3,136. LASKAY P. O. Plume N0. 23. L 111 stock sales a. speomlsy. Fa-rms bought: mm mm on cammissi-m. \1‘. sm’ms attended to (m shortest notics and conducted by the latest up- OHM!) m (achnds. ' I’l-opnrps pupils for the gmdw‘i PX- zmlninmimm hu‘ld at li‘lllUntAl(LINS91'VH’. (my 01' Music and Univexsitv of Lu- Hml‘n. ’ the ~Ve‘ RESID ENCE‘ RICHMOND HIL". ts PUBMSHED EVERY BEURSDAY MORNING '1‘ 81.1290“. Mipfe 'Address; 239 Bulliol St, Nolth Toronto‘ DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. MISS MILLIE TRENCH (I 4'5 I per annum, in adv‘anceJ VOL. XXXVI.r Fns: hnuse nnx-th nl' Atkinson & Switzer’s store. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 31511310, ()nt. BUSINESS CARDS . HN R. CAMPBELL. LICENSE D‘ AUCTION EER, ETER NARY SURGEON, ’l‘horuhil] . Saigeon «£2 fileEwen, For the County of York. ill' We Qihml ’FFICE Ale Eamon a Pnonuroa. J’. H. Prentice gmno 0r uthorwisebI-umptly respl‘ndcd Lu. Phone No. 2402. RICHMOND KILL etcrinarg RESIDENCE filediml. RESIDENCE J K McEwen Weston ONTARIO v .1: can “anus Auroraotficeâ€"Remoxeu w Lhe old post 01110.1 one door west. of the enn‘ance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket omegaâ€"Three doors south of the paficulfir‘e/ HEBBEWA' meox G S'rv Mona“: Richmona Hill COMMISSIONER. CONVEY A N"E LENNOX & MORGAN Barristers n and Solicitors. Mouov to loan onland anacbattel mortgagesat owesb rates BARRISTER, SQLICITOR, NOTARYuETC. Tux-unto Oflic a. Rnnm 323} Confedern film Life Bldg.. N0. 12 Richmond St:E Richmond Hill ()flficé I“Liberal’ Office), every Thursday forenoun. Ma p10, Thursday afternoon, \Vnudm'idgv, Saturday fm-enoon._ Monev to 102m at Five Per Cent. (5%) Barristers, Snlicmrs. &c. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E" TORONTO, Canada Tell-phone, Main ’ Gable Address. "De-duff Tel. M. 363]. A large stock of Evan-:1] Furnishing kop at both places RICHMOND HILL& THORNHII]. Organ 39mm and Expert Work Guaranteed . Bnrristersfioliciton. Notaries. am Home Life Building 00:. Atlt-luide' & Victzfirm Sta... foronto. PIANO TUNING _. numn fi'kT'l'“ - W. J. ELLJOTT. Principal. Cor Yonge and Alexander Sts. Su‘ictl'y [first-Class in all depart,- ments. None Betier in the Dominion. Enjoys extensive patronage and graduates readily getgood positions. Open entire year. Enter now. Catalogue free. ‘ Una] (anal: ers dz Embnlmers Danton, Grover & Field REAL ESTATE. ETC .. Cameron MacNaughton CommiSSiune-x, Cnnveyancer, 6 Insurance, and Real Estate __ Issuen of Marriage Licenses. TE-{ORNHILL Lawrence . -& Dunbar, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.~ OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR, BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST FALL TERM [. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC 50$: .7; fiavidsén VTHORNHILL ' TORONTO. ONT. SPENS SEPTEMBER EDWARD FRANCIS WILLIAM CDUK VVRIGHT BROS VOICING AND . . . . IGTQON REGULATING RICHMOND HILLyONTq THURSDAY. AUGUST 14; 191.3 NOTARY PUBLIC Aur'n'a “In Essentials, Unity ; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things" Charity mm. G STV‘ MORGAN ‘mxcex‘, etc. Plume hm 2984 The Olllcott House, North 'I‘m-ontn. on the site of the 0111 Montgomery tavern,‘ purchased some time ago by the Duminion Government, will b9 re- modelled at as ezullv 21 date as possible for a post, offiCe. W'ork will commence at once. One of the York county pioneers died Fiidav at, his home on Yonge street north of Aurora, in the person of Mr. Daniel Phillips. Mr. Phillips \\'.'|S 1mm and llVPd on the fun“ all his iifoâ€"vreiglIIy-three years. He claimed tn he the (wily Quaker living on Ymige street. Mr. R. \V. Phillips, County Ult‘l‘k, is :1 son, and there is a daughLei', Mrs. J. \Vntson, living in New York. Interman took place in Newnmi-keb Cenu-tery (m Monday. ' Span-0w Lake was the scene oi Hie druwning of twu Tux-out“ boys on Sat- urday. The cause was [11v upsetting of a canoe in a, squall. Creighton Rubin- snn, aged 23, of 308 Robert street. and Edwaid Vl'uhumn, aged 14, (If 177 Hm-bm-d ereet, were the victims. Both \w re members of the Massey Camp uf the Fred Victor Mission. The success of apple growing as an industry depends to a great eant on the securing of a gland market. It is no uncommon occurrence almost, evm-y fall for great quantities (vf apples to lie about under the trees Ln rat. or to be fed to hugs because no good market is accessible. \Vhile the fruit is thus gu- ing to waste lhere are thousands of hulIse-huldors more especially in the Prairie Pim‘inces that are lnnging for fresh fruit, vi" a sort that can be stored and dmwn upon dining the winter months. The dilficulty of the uue class is‘tu reach buyers fur the fruit, and of the. uther tn find a supply at, a moder- ate pxice. Tu hridge the gulf that sup-«rates these twl- classes, and there- by do both an invaluable service. the Dairy and Cold Sam-age Commissioner has issued a list of the whales: 1c and retail apple dealers inJManituba, Sask., Alberta and sections of New Ontario whose addresses were available. These which number about 275. dealers and firms, \\ ith few exceptions are said to be in alpnsitinn to huv'nt least onecar- load of fruit. This Sinful matinn is giyen in Circular N0. 8 of the Dairy and Cold Storage Branch. pries of which may be secured free frqu [he Publicatim‘ls Branch of the Departâ€" ment of AgriculLul-e. at Ottawa. ' Watsonâ€"Welis-Thnb the Reeve be instructed to send for" the Township Engineer to examine conditions on certain streets in King City regarding drainage and 1-9pm t., . I VVqlisâ€"Watsonâ€"lhut we place an "IR der WIth the American Road Machine ()0. through their representative Mr. W. R. Scott for'one of their Nu. 4 Steel Rock Crushers with elevator and chute semen to be deliverd at. Aurora Station by Aug. 20th. Pnce $1150.00. Carried. The above Council met at 'Arm- strong’s Hotel,King City, on Sammiay, J uiy 26th. ; Membgrs all resent. Minutes of laggmeofitjug r9" A and confirmed. Watsonâ€"McCal)e~Thnt Dr. Dillune’s bill for attendance un Mrs. Welsh and B of H re Laskny be paid amounting (“$26.00. MoCabeâ€"VVellsnThat M iss E. Tinline Elfnpaid' $10.“) re gravel re Tile for 1912. VVntsonâ€"McCuheâ€"That the Reeve. D9puty Reeve, Walter Buvair and Lorne Case, euch recuive $4.00 for attendance re anud of Railway Com- missinel-s. re deviation of side-road at Railway crossing near Ynnge St. ‘ Wells â€" Lemon -â€" That. John N. Pringle be. appuiuted [{(Iadoverseer fm- Div. 2, Gun. 9, in lieu of Jus. Aruwur remnved. On motiun Cmmcil udjmu'nvd to meet, at Temperance Hull, Keitleby, un Saturday August 30111. Wells-Lemoxiâ€"That the Tender of \Vm Williams, for construction rein- fm-ced Concrete Bridge, between Lots 85 & 38, Concession A at 855011),- be accepted ‘ W'utsnnâ€"McOaheâ€"That we ask Bul- ton and the Bell Telephone Companies to give thg Municipality better and cheaper communication_ within the limits Hi the Municipality. and-if noth- ing is done we appeal to the Board of Railway~ ()ggnmissioners. Wutsunâ€"McOabe-That the Council accept. the offer of \Vm. Rumey and Robert Weir of Seven hundred dollars each for deviation of mud surveyed on Lots 24 8: 25 rear Gun. II, as agreed Egon betWeen commissioners appoint,- nnd them. The Co'u‘x'acu in coinmi'iéé’Bt the whule, undated a. large number, or accounts-tobepeflgi. ’ ' i It. .. . ‘. ' _ - > _ Rinans Tabules: pleasant laxative. RIMES Tabules cure constiyatwn. APPLE DEALERS IN WESTERN , CANADA. News Notes. KING COUNCIL fihmmflg 0f the whole class 9 iuvstll who wrote. for either Senior Normal Entmnce or Matriculation 7 pns>ed and an appeal for it re exsunimrtion is being made for one reported failed. This is a very high percentage for these. examin- ations. For Junior Normal Entrance of 11 recommended by the Principal ‘ 8 passed, and an appeal is heng made for one, other. The average percent- age of successful candidates fol the whole province lust yearns shown by the report of the Minister of Education ‘for this exal’uinntion was [3. Our School in comparison has made. excel~ lent showing in this examination also. There were four had spellers not re- commended who wrote and of course failed. No blame, mu be attached to any member of the stuff for de- ficiency in this subject. Had the spell- ing been up to the standard of the ‘ other subjects Richmond Hill High School would have made :1 record this ' year. Taking the results as they stand our High School has made an excellent showing this year. It, may be noted further that of all who passed only 2 wrote before on these exaunin~ atmns. ‘ Huuwâ€"Bmwnâ€"I‘hat the. sbcretary he. nu‘hm-ized tn write Markham Township Council and request; an answer to a previous cun‘mmnicntiun as to whether that Council. purpose: continuing the $15 annual grant to this Bamrd, and if not. that the Librarian notify residents of Markham Township that the privileges of the Lihmry :md‘Reading Room 'must be disr‘ontinnedâ€"Curried. ' All the matriculation candidates in the Richmund Hill High Schtml passed infill]: (CAL-159' I) this year. . The secretary’s :xcenunt fm‘ printing, pustnge, telephoning &c. sim'e October, 1911.‘ arm-tin;ng to $8.00 was ordered to he paid. ‘ Members p1-esent-\V. H. Pugsley, S. M, Brown, A. J. Hgnw, W. A. Si[![d(’l‘5(fill, T. F. McMulldn. ' ’ Brnwn ~1VICATEIIIOI'Pâ€"Th‘dt} this Bnurd expend $125.00 for books and maga- zines for the coming year- and that; the citizens he requested to suggvsb Lo the Purvhusiug Committeeâ€"Messrs. Hume, Pugs-Ivy, Savage and Allen-4 thv names uf anv gund hunks they wish Lu have added to the Public LiM-m-v.â€"Ceu-l'ied. It is persistenly rumored that Alex McGowan M. P. P. for East; York is to be appointed Sheriff 01" York County. In thlS case there will be a bye-election in the Constituency. It, is believed that the writs will he issued without delay and that, the election will be held at an early date. In Toronto recently the wine clerks of seven R. a: O. boats were fined $200. (Xlnpiece for selling ll nor with- out a. license. if this he. been the first offence there would not. be so much ground for criticism, but the truth is that steamers runnin out of Toronto have been fined reg“ arly for the same offence since 1907. This nint was brought up in the House by RIP. N. W. Rowe" and the. Opposition last Session. They asked for an oflic- ial return showin the‘flnes levied and this report revea ed the fact. that a long list of steamels had been selling liqour without a license for yeme. Each season the wine clerks are fin- d and the practice goes on. It is intel- esting to note that, the fines have al- most quadrupled in amount. In 1907 they averaged about. $65. They are now a_ssessed {it :3 flag rate of $200.00. Such a. methnd of dealing with an illegal sale of liquor is farcical on the face of it. It. is a. glaring case of mm- enfm-Cement of the license laws. These boats, to all intents and purposes. are licensed, and that, too, illegally, but it; is done by the millet-hand method of yea rly flues. Minute-s of last nwvting were ‘read and confirmed. Mr. A. J. Hume and Mr. \V. H. Pugsley Were appumted dplvgntes to attend the annual meeting of the York Distru'c Lth-arv Institute at Runny- mede- un \Vedrwany and Thursday, the 20lh anfi 215k uf A_ugust. Humeâ€"Brown -â€" That, the Village Council be requested to make an assessment of half a mill on the (lullzw for Library purposes for the current yeahâ€"Curried. A- meeting of the Public Library Board was held Friday evening, August 8. 1913. ‘ Tomfitvo. August 11, 1913 mmem LAW Ewmncnmnm‘, W ,. Does the Whitney Government en: force the license laws? They say they do and always take redtrcl'edit. to themselves for this en m-cement'. Let us examine in nnswar to the question one set of facts. Special m TEE Imaqu The-“Board udimu'ned. PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OUR HIGH SCHOOL ToRoyT’o LETTER EA§T YORK. éfi**ifi++*+f+*i**+?3$$$£?fi Printing, . Stationery ' - School Books Go to the Liberal Office for Bill Heads, ' Letter Heads, \N’edding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., &c. We thank the public for the gvneruuq patronage in the past, and will earn estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Believing it will be beneficial to out buyer and seller, have decided. ++++++++++++++++++++++Â¥$ZI GOOD STOCK OF , School Books, Standard Novels, . Souvenir Post: Cards, \ Post Card Albums, Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. STIVER & RAMER v" vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘vvvwvfi Goal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, 850. w. A. Sandersun ytunAumumnuAm AT THE E.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR Pure Paris Gregg, Bug Death, Arsenate of Lead, ‘ â€"ANDâ€"' ‘ , Bordeaux Mixture ~All guaranteed strictly pure _ And prices’right. lesusa MARRIAGE LICENSES AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. BUG TIME [Single copies, 3 0th,, RICHMOND HILL STIVER -& RAMER. DEALERS 1N ~§0§++v§vi~++ DRUGG [ST ‘ 7

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