Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1913, p. 2

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.‘A despatch from Ottawa says: Highly satisfactory conditions in the/Deminion finances are indicat- ed by the financial statement for July and for the four months of the fiscal year ended with that month. It was issued on Friday evening. ’The revenue for July totalled $15,- 811,914, ms against $14,619,207 in July, 1912. In the four months the aggregate was $57,080,604, an in~ crease ‘of five millions over the cor- ‘responding period. Expenditures outrvleongsolidated ‘arccou'nt totalled "$17,622~,464xin July, aiml- $28,400,376 in the four month-5’ period, as comâ€" pared respectively with $15,916,140 That of Chrysler’s Farm and Moraviantown. A despatch from Ottawa. says: Considerable preparationsnre be: ing made for the centenarylof the Battle of Chrysler’s Farm, which occurs on August 27 next. The military display will be consider- able, and will be furnished by troops drawn from Eastern Ontar- io. In all, gonna twelve or fifteen ~hundred militia. will ’be present, the r corps to be present including the 2nd, and 23rd Batteries, Ottawa, and the Governor-General’s Foot Guards, the 413t, 42nd, the 56th and the 59th. Another anniversary which will be celebrated this Au- tumn is that of the death of Tecumi seh. The great Indian ‘ehie'ftain fell at the Battle of Moraviantown on October 13, 1813, and a. military‘ ceremony will mark the hundredthl anniversary. Colonel Hodgin‘s, thel oflicer commanding the First Divi- sion, has been directed to spare no pains to arrange aeommemoration that will be adequate and dignified. Statement of Revenue for Four Months Shows Increase of Five Million Dollars ' Ontario’s Exhibit Captures Sweep- .stake at Cleveland, Ohio. A despatch from Toronto says: Ontario bo-dsay holds the premier position on the North American continent as an appleâ€"producing country. This was settled on Thursâ€" FINANCES OF THE DOMINION BATTLE FIELD ANNIV ER SARIE S Oatsâ€"Canadian Western, No. 2. 41 to 411-243; (10.. No. 5. 391-2 to 400; extra. No. 1 Toronto, Aug. 12.â€"Fl‘outâ€"Ontario wheat .floura, =90 per cent., $4.10. Toronto or Mont- real-frei ht. Flour made of new wheat. 33,60,_ sea card, for September delivery. Manltobaa; first patents, in jute bags, 85.50; second patents, in jute bags. 85; stggng‘bgkerq', in 3131» bags, $.80; ‘ Bacon, long clear. 15 3-4 to 160 per 1b. in case lots. PorkHShort, cut. $28.50 to 829: do., mess. $24. Hamsâ€"Medium to light. 201-2 to 210; heavy. 19 to 200; rolls. 16 3-4 to _17c;__breakfast bacon. 21 to 22c: backs, 24 iig’isq.‘ ' Béied strawâ€"Good stock $8 to $8.50. on track. Toronto. Honey-Extracted. in tins. 121-2 to 130 per 1b. for No. 1. wholesale: combs. $2.25 to $3.00 per dozen for No. 1, and $240 63.25 (oz- No. 2. .Poultryâ€"Hens, 16 to 17c per 1b; turkeys, 18 to 200. Live poultry. about 20 lower than the above. Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern uuoted at. $1.02 on ‘track. Bay ports; No. 2 at 81.00; No. 3.360. Bay ports. - . On‘tario wheatâ€"No; .2 white and red wheat,‘99o 1031500, outalde, and new wheat. “‘85 870, outside. " Oatsâ€"No. 2 Ontario oats. 35 to 360. out- tide. and? at. 571-2 to 38:: on track, Toronto. Western Canada. oats 390 for No. 2. and at. 380 for No. 3. Bay ports. Peasâ€"The market. is nominal. Barley4Prices nominal. Cornâ€"No. 2 American com. 770. Toronto. 1x551 atjs. to 731â€"49. (3.1.1, Midland. Baled hayâ€"New hay $12.50 to $13.00. No. 1 at_ $14, on track. Toronto, and No. 2. at. WPotdtZés:Jbvl{bing lots of new $3.25 per barrel. Lard~Tierces, 14c; tubs. 141-20; nails. 14 34¢. / Butter~0hoice dairy. 21 to 230; inferior, 17 to 19¢; creamery. 26 to 261-2 for rolls. and 24 to 250 {or solids. ’ . Eggsâ€"Case lots of new-laid, 24 to 250 per ilaown; fresh, 20 to 21c. and seconds. 16 to c. - Cheeseâ€"New cheese, 15 3-4 to 140 for large, and 141-2 fo'r twins. Beansâ€"Hsnd-picked, $2.25 go $2.30 per bushel; primes, $1.75 to $3, 111 a jobbmg 'Bédnsln‘fid-b‘iéiéa, $2.25 bushel; primes, $1.75 to $3, my. OUR APPLES ARE THE BEST. 7 Bytrâ€"Pricea nominal. Buck‘wheat4Market is nominal. Branâ€"Manitoba. bran. $19 a ton. in bags. Toyonto .freizhte. Shorts, 320. Toronto. I'“Grain, Cattle and Chccsc’ Baled Hay and Straw. Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets are Here Recorded Montreal Markets. Country Produce. Broadstum. Provisions. potatoes, For the same reason the net debt during July was increased propor- tionately. At the end of July the aggregate was $298,069,678, which, however, is $21,000‘000 less than at the end of July, 1912. Capital account expenditures show a. material increase. The toth to July 3131; was $13,014,270, as compered with only $3,897,358 in the same period of 1912. The in- crease was attributable to $6,516,- 705 paid in railway subsidies, main- ly to the Canadian Northern, and to a, three-million increase of pub- 110 [works expenditure, including railways. ' and $28,398,071 in the correspondâ€" ing months of 1912. Announced That 24,000 Prisoners Were Amnested. A despatch 'from Berlin says: In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the» Kaiser’s accession to the throne, marked recently by great festivities in'Berlin,’ it is announcâ€" ed that,24,000 prisoners were amâ€" nested . day at the exhibition of the Inter- national Ap:pleâ€"sfl1ippers’ Associa- tion at Cleveland, when the Presi- dent’s Cu‘pâ€"a sweepstake for the lentil-e ‘shnwâ€"was awaTxded to On- tario. ‘Wond was received on Thurs- day afternoon of the welcome news by Hon. J. S. Duff, Minister of Agriculture, from Mr. W. F. Kidd ‘and Mr.’ S. F. Palmer, assistants in the Fruit Branch. \who have charge of the Provincial exhibit. The Win is doubly significant, for it means also that Ontario won first in its own- class, where it was grouped with‘ Nova Seotia, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu- setts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Thirty varieties were shownâ€"fifteen winter apples, five summer and ten fall. In re- gard to the summer apples allow; ance was made for the early season. The cup is awarded by Mr. Ed. Loomis of New York, President of the association, and is open for an- nual competitibn. Montreal, Aug. 12.â€"Medium stock sold at 33-4 to 6 cents: common,.21-2 cents; cows. $30 to $65; calves, 3 to 6 cents; sheep. 41-4 to 41-2 cents; spring lambs, 71-2 cents. H225. 10 to‘101-4dcenfw. _ A Toronto. Aug. flâ€"Cattleâ€"Export, $6.50 to $6.755. choice butchers. $600 to $6.50; 200d medmm. $5.25 to $6.00; common $4.75 to $5.00; canners, $2.00 to $3.00; cutters, $2.50 to $3.00; fat cows. $4 50 to $5.25; common cows, $3.00 to $3.75; milch cows, $40 00 to $65.00 each. Calvesâ€"Good veal, $6.00 to $7.00; choice, $7.75 to $8.50; common. $3.50 to $4.00. Smokers and feedersâ€"Steers. 700 to 800 pounds, $3.25 to $4.15; extra. choice heavy feeders. 900 pounds, $4.75 to $505; rou h, light, $2.50 to $3.25. Sheep and lam â€"Light ewes. $5.00 to $5.50; heavy. 4.00 to $4.50; bucks, $3.50 to $3.75; spring ambs. $6.75 to $7.50. Hogsâ€"$965 f.o.b.; $10.10 fed and watered, and $10.25 off cars. feed, tough, 530; No. 1 red Winter. 88c: No. 2 red Winter, 860; No. 3 red Winter. 840; No.4 red Winter. 76c. Oatsâ€"No. 2 O.W.. 550: No. 3 O.W., 34c; extra No. 1 feed. awe: 159.- 1_fe_<2d. ac; Ho,_zreed. 311-49. u-vrnu, mu. 1 AM, u-vu; nu. a Law. 0; 1-K}. Barleyâ€"Nb. 5, 46c; No. 4: 441-20; rejected, 42c; feed, 420. Flaxâ€"No. 1 N.W.0.. 31281-2; No. 2' C.W.. $1.241-2; N0. 3 G.W.. $1.121-2. Winnipeg. Aug. 12.â€"Cashâ€"Wheat-â€"No. 1 Northern, 961-40; No. 2 Northern. 95 3â€"4c; No. 5 Northern. 89 5-40; No. 4. 80 3-40; No. 5, 720; No. 6, 6801feed, 600: No. 1 rejected seeds, 881-20; No. 2 do., 851-20; No. 3 4:10.. {41.29; no. 3 _toi{g1}.‘ 821-20; No. 4 ggggh. Ell-k; No. 5 tough. 821-20; No. 4 ten 11. 250;. No. 5 joqgh. §§1-2_c; Np._6__tough1_60 1;_ ; ,Duluth, Au . 12.â€"â€"Wheatâ€"â€"No. 1 hard. 893-40; No. 1 orthern, 88 5-40; No. 2 North'- ern; 863-4 to 870; September. 853-40 bid: December. 903-40 bid; Ma , 955-4c bid. Linseed. $1.42; September. 1.42; October. 31.42.14 b‘i Ngvember. $1.421-2 asked; De~ feed. 401-2 to 410. Jarleyâ€"Man. feed. 51 to 520; malting, 62 fio 640. Bupkwheatâ€" No. 2. 58 to 600. -Flourâ€";Man. S run: wheat. patents, flnsts. $5.60; seconds, 510; strong bakers’. $4.90; Winter patents, choiqe, $5.50; straightrollers, $5.10; ~,straighb rollers; bags, $2.40. Rolled oats. barrels. $4.45; (10-.- bags, 90 lbs, $2.10. Bran. $19 Shorts. $21, Middlings. $24. Moulllie. $26 to $32. Hay. N43.“ 2. yet hon, car lots, $12 to $13. Cheese. ~â€"F1nest weeterns.\15 hp 151-40; finest east- erns. 1234 to 15c. Butterâ€"choicest cream- ery. 24 to 241-40; seconds. 231-2 to 24 3-40. Eggsâ€"Fresh, 290; selected. 270; No. 1 stock, 23c; No. 2 stock, 18 to 190. Minneapolis, Aug. 12.â€"â€"W‘heatâ€"Sepbember. 875-80; December. 901-2 to 905-89; May. 95 3-40: No. 1 Northern, 881-8 to 89 5-80; No. 2 Northern, 861-8 to 81580; No. 3 yellow com. 71 to 720: No. 3 white cats. 39 5-4 to 401-40; No. 2 rye, 561-2 to 58130. Flour and Vbran unchanged. ember. "filial-é; THE KAISER’S JUBILEE. united States Markets. Live Stock Markets. WInnIpog Grain. {Judge Sends Two Men to Stony § Mountain for Long Period. A despabch from Winnipeg says: For holding up and robbing a. steamship cook, Stanley Smith, from whom they took $2 on a. back street in Fort, William last Wednes- day, George Baker and William Pearson were sentenced to serve four years in Stony Mountain peni- tentiary on Friday morning. Big, Number at Canadian National Will Be a Novelty. The musical surprise, “a. tuneful medley of marching and music, is one of the big novelties prepared for this year’s Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. That it is a big number is evidenced by the fact that eight bands, 100 Cadets and 100 Boy Scouts will be worked into its inhricecies. ' John Henderson of London will stage irb,, and that means it will be artistic in every detail. FOUR YEARS FOR-THEFT 01‘ $2. 0?0,000 mbre than a, year ago, iri- ouding $5,000,000 in cotton tex- tiles. Exports of Manufactured Goods $20,000,000 More than Year Ago. A deISpatch from London says: The July statement of the Board of Trade shows increases oi $17,436,500 in imports and $25,880,000 in ex- ports. The imports of foodstuff-g in- creased $8,875,000, and raw mater- ial about $5,000,000. The principal gain in the exports was in manuâ€" factured goods, which showed $20,- Mother Country Is Taking More Canadian Canned Meats. A d-espatch from Ottawa. says: Canada. is selling more canned meat to the Mother Country this year than heretofore. The Canadian Commissioner at Manchester, re- porting on importation there, states that in the last year 13,308 boxes were forwarded from St. John, Helifax and Montreal as as against 6,000 boxes in the preâ€" vious year. Six Women and One Man Meet a Watery Grave. A d‘espabch from East Grey’oon, Mas.s., says: Six women and a man were drowned and three others were saved when a. motor boat eank in Long Pond Saturday. The res- cues were made by Frederick Maâ€" cey, treasurer of the Soule Mill, of New Bedford, who has: a. cottage at the pond? Responding to the éries he was able to pick up four persons wit-h his motor boat. One of these failed to revive. The party was bound: for a. dance at Lakeside Park. 800'!) after leaving rshore the boat sprang 'aleak. Some reports said the bottom» dropped »_ out, throwing all into the water! The Fire Believed" to Have Been Started By Her. , A de-spatch from Brockville says: Margaret Sullivan, a. patient at the Eastern Hospith for the Insane, was burned to death Friday night in a. fire, believed to" have been started by her, which destroyed the barns on the Stagg farm, north of Brockville, purchasedby the Govâ€" ernment some time ago as an addi- tion to the asylum lands. The wo- man was found in flames at a. cor- ner of the barns, and died of her injuries a, few hours later. The barns were entirely destroyed, with their contents, 3. large number of horses being saved with difficulty. The Loss is $4,000, with no insurâ€" ance. . WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH. BRITISH TRADE RETURNS. This is the “New Zealand,” the fine. 18,800-ton battle cruiser built by the Island Colony in the Pacific to _ aid Britain on the sea. She carrles axcrew‘of 800 men, has eight 12-inch and sixteen Linch gun‘s. BRITISH IMPORTATION S. A LEAKY MGTOR BOAT. MUSICAL SURPRISE. SUPER-DREADNOUGHT BATTLESHIP “NEW ZEALAND.” Sir Wm. Olsler: revg‘iusflprofessor of medicine at Oxford University, on Wednesday night gaVe a dinner The British House of Commons By ‘a. large majority ratified the Government wireless contract with the-Marconi Company, Another attempt of the militants to take Premier Asquith’a house by storm was frustrated by the police on Saturday. The farm of Mr. W. A. Vanw A1- lin at Morriabur‘g, on which the Chrysler’s Farm monument stands, will be sold. at auction on the sec- ond day of the celebration, because of scarcity of labor. 001. E. S. Cody, the Anglo-Amér- ican aviator, was killed in England on_Thu_rsday. I ‘ Investigation is being made at Sabas Kong reserve, Kenora, into the murder of Wago‘nda-sh, an Inâ€" dian said to have been murdered by a half-breed while hacking at a. tent. Miss Mary Meade, reported to have been killed with her brother in a rupaxway near Radisson, Sask., has confessed she spread the ruf mor_to escape a. marital tangle. Albert “Edward Ferguson, who went from Glena‘rm, Ont, to Moo‘se Jaw four months ago, hanged him- self in a, barn near Bounty on Wed- nesday, pwlixyg to religious mania. Charlotte Meeks of Kingston, arc- cused of bigamy by 3. Rochester man, her former‘huxsband Whom whe thdught dead,‘ was let go on sus- pended sentence. James Easterman of Bay City, Mich., was sentenced a4; Parry Sound to three years in the Kings- bon Penitentiary for theft of motor boats, firearms, etc. Athabasca. Landing Council will ask the Government 'for the loan of $100,000 toward rebuilding the burned district. ‘ ‘ Creighton Robins-on, aged 23, and Eddie Vohman, aged 12, residents of Toronto, were dmwned at Spar- row Lake on Saturday. John F. Bryant, 3. California aviâ€" ator, was instantly killed at Vic- toria, B.C., after making his Sig: hundredth flight in the same ma.- chine.’ Arrangements have been made for supplying more and better fish to Montreal and Ontario‘from the Maritime Provinces. Wm. E. Garlou‘gh of Cornwall was killed by a. load of shingleg falling on him when his team ran away. ‘ Reports have reached Ottawa. of a. scheme rho bring thousands of Hindus to Canada, direct from Cal- outta. Ernest Mason, emplbyrée of a, Toâ€" ronto firm, was drowned at G'od- erich through a,_ boat} capsizing. Montreal Enoving pictu§e progrie- tors want children under 16 rbo be allowed to attend without guardâ€" ian-s. The G.T.R. wiTI build a. fine, new grain elevator to replace the one burned at Point Edward. Mrs. Jennie Foster, aged 79, of Granzbon, was fatally burned when an__oi1 g‘bgye caught fire. J. F. S. Martin has 'been appoint? ed Crown Arttorney for Sault Ste. Marie. Some 700 miles oi colonization roads have been constructed this season. A $25,000 libel suit is entered against L’Action Socials by G. Deâ€" saylnieng, KtC., of Montreal. ’ Items- of News by Wirc [Notes of interest as to What Is Going \ on All Over the World ' Great Britain. Canada. Natural Deposit DiScovered in Bay of *Quintc Region. A de'spatc‘h from Kingston says; Natural gas was discovered ctrâ€"file farm occupied by Robert Smith, of Amherst Island,' on Tuesday. The men, who were digging for a. well, were very much surprised when they found gas escaping. It is sit- uated about five miles from Stella, on the Bay of Quinta. Store at Owen Sound Damaged by Blaze Caused by Rats and Mice. A despatch from Owen Sound says: Fire on Friday afternoon in the third flat of the store occupied by Brewster’s, ‘Ltdq caused dam- age to the extent of several thou~ sand dollars, chiefly by water and smoke. The cause of the blaze was probably rats or mice gnawing matches. The blaze originated in the stairs leading to the third flat, and before it was discovered had made considerable headway. New Regulations Take Effect Un- der Statute of Alberta. > A despatch from Edmonton, AL berta, says: According to the new ‘Mines Act, which went into effect on August _1, the employment of wo~ men'and girls and boys under 16 years of age is prohibited in Al-' berta, mines. For Isafety’s sake the, age on managers and pit bosses has been raised to 25 years, and that of firemen to 23 years. Under the new order of things men Will he paid twice a. month instead of every 30 days as formerly. RODENTS GNAWED MATCHES. Dr. Sun Yat Sen, forme'rly'pno" visional president of the Chinese Republic', and a. leader of the south ern revolution, has fled the country on board a. Japanese steamer. The famous rebel Chinese regiJ ment, known as the “Dare-to- Di‘e‘s,” were mowed down in a d-eém perr‘ate fight among the rebels them‘ selves at the Wu Lung forts: Over\250 factories in Barcelona. are affected by thegeneral strike,} and some have mounted machine. guns. r ' The MexiCan situation is fast b8coming very serious, and Wilson"! friends predict failure for ex-GovJ ernor Lind. ‘ A widéspread political revolution has developed out of the metal walkequ stgrike» ip Mil‘anLIbgfly. _ The Balkan peace treaty was signed at Bucharest, Roumania, qni Saturday. Senator’J‘oh-nston’é death has re- duced the majority for the Demow cratio tariff bill. , v x The Widow of Graham Taylor, of Dallas, Texas; who was killed at Tampioo, Mexico, will demand $25,- 000 from the Mexican Government“ Peace was concluded by the deli;- games from the Balkan States at Bucharest. ‘ President Wilson has adopted the, Micawber policy in regard to the" Mexican situation. i American relations with Mexico. Mg fast approaching a. criis. to the medicine section of the media}. cal congress at London. GAS 0N‘ AMHERST ISLAND . N0 CHILDREN IN MINES. United States; General.

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