Chm-log Glnverï¬vus up again before 'I‘. H. Blunthn, Pulice Magistvnle, on Saturday. cl urgvd with indulging in ahqu 'dvl"uk while an the pmhihiud 'liet. "His.- jfhdl‘gi‘ was amended Ln th..t ‘1 1’ being iiitnxic-In-(l in a public place. "I'M dvl'eliflémt. did nut appear, but «evidence WM: hike-11 in his uhsermu. T. Bu‘ ns. T. Allisnn, \V, Hui-ding and, Syrups, .slzlte’d that dePndunt- was *x‘un-su- uf liqum- in lhe Palmmj Hmme, and J Glnés and E. G13‘ngerwvhu saw him In the lreet. with :1 lmmul-hgmght 1w was inï¬nitmtvd. The Magistrate did not enlex- a mink-tin†as he. said 1|u_-n-__\\'as “IL-au- pns‘sihility that, the C. frhda'ml "might have been drt-uilu‘d, but 1w adiégm “Pd [he (:usv. {ind mdvied 2. “am-rant iiiwf'. [m- his arrest in muse 1,10. can bc [(7. {id} "A A hy-law was pnswd appointing tax Cnilecbdrs'fhr 1913 rmd hlunké filled as fullMVsuâ€"West, H-u‘lf, W’. F. Nichols; East half. Wmu.‘-Pingle. Collecbuns‘m give suretigs 1m- $2Q.000 (mph. _ A large number of road’ accounts and general accounts were ordered to he paid.» " Ger. and indul-u'ial H\y.11)5pllx’j;)rwes uud Cuuflj Hâ€"l'u 3e Deheutui'i's; $3972;78;’ mm 2.15 mime. a- =1 ' 3 ' - W‘Tuw‘ï¬Ã©hi‘p... purbué’e‘s, $10,503.23; . rate 2.50 mills. V: 3 ._ ‘ .. Unionvillé Police Village, $363.90; rut/e 4.00 mills: IV Mount; Joy Police Villagï¬, $356.35; rate 4.00. ' Padgetâ€"Razeserâ€"That the clerk he and is hereby authorized to pay to the Treasurer nf the. Markham Agricultur- al ngietv th'Sum of $50 to be ap- plied lowm-ds ilan-Qving‘ the grounds. - Uulmcil adjouer toï¬uet 611 Mon- t1:1y,.S+~pt. lst, at, 1 p.m. “ OmuumnicuLi'nns wide received‘frmn Supt. Clark uf Ton-(mm Gvneral Hus- pitml stating thnLGm, McLean a resi- dent nf 'l‘h u-nhill h-Id Inn-n $9111; to the hguspisul by Dr. L P. Johns Of Thom: A hy-lgtw,.\vus .pfhsnd ,u) levy rutes ï¬nd cunt-2L taxvs;_£nifthe current, year, with the 'bhuiiu: filled as fullOWs:â€" - Gimd Roads Deï¬arrture‘und Interest $_' 58.79;}?th .57juriHs.» - » llilI: ' Councilr metat‘ Unionv'ille on Mon; day. Aug. 4. Wth all the members px-glsent KY“! Réf've Nigh in the chair; ' Mr. McKenzie was ‘n’ppuinted a coni- missiuneer to m-pqir or build a new Culvert betwuvn luts 20 and 21. con. 5. Very uft‘en we anPb an old friend whose luuks has changed so that, we hardly know them. Some look better and snme lunk old and uncured for. \Ve always feel- badly to see u ~fxiend gull“; dmvn hill in appearance for luoks count for sngnuuh Lhrse days; and we ,e'njuy seeing the person who kerps young. Being cared for is'the secret Uf'keep'mg young and Saguine is the secret of curing er lhe hair. Sugt'ine cures dandruff, brings 'life and b -auLy it,an (:uai'se‘di‘y a-uél faded ban and makes the hair luxuriant. and mtructivei Sjggeime keeps .rpon 3141 women y'uung looking and why shulfld anyone allow thémselvrs tn hecn'me uld gmpwuixigwheq they can gvt Singeme in nd a guarantee: tu ï¬nd‘salisi‘artury xe~ suits. Sugeine is spldqglbï¬v. A. Saud- «rsun’s and if it don’t, do 'all Lh'ii'tf is «ilaimed for it-yum‘ money is refunded. .Be sure to go to \V. A. Sunderson’s fm‘ Sageine gm other states gang-(at, supglv you. Dim’t, ’nvgloct your huir Mint '9? dayr Szlgeine‘d‘s only 500.‘ a large bottle. :Hem‘y, an e‘x-Reeve" of York. ToTWnship.‘ It will be remembered thaé Mr. lPugsajleg'Lmade ani‘"b§;cellent run a fewiéiré ‘a'gb‘ih Céntre York,‘ being'defeatéd‘iiy'mbnly a few 'votes ‘by the-late Swumr Compbell. ' .A Wjaéétion will take mp1;ace'i'n East .Y-Qrk-qn the 'ch ‘of Séptember, the, presentjzmembér ’ch the *Lc‘cil Hdusé hagving beén appointed Sheriff for Yorkviiijnty’, “to sameegfthe†lube Sheriff Davina. - - > ,As "preéexigiit 19'ka as}; gig can. scrvative ï¬gggggtion wouvldabe tend- ered lto éiï¬ï¬Ã©t: Mr. W. H. Pugsley, Bée’Vé' ’51†Richmond Hill_,â€9r Mr. inclaiibmiiï¬xm Om». AUG. 14, 1913 MARKflAM TOWNSHIP COUNClL. AN OLD ACQUAINI. 1 Alï¬e-ti:- GLOVER DID NOT APPEAR Tbé undersignedjï¬shes to inform the public thnt they have cgmplete‘d their new mm. fully [with grinder: and oathr'dllem ’an‘ afre. pro: pal-Ed, tqï¬u‘ up-tozdglte' work for the farmers. 'Bri‘ng your, oats and have them rblled fol-your horses. .We have on hand a good supply of‘ I > ' 'THï¬ES‘HERS'VOOAL I. a ‘ †1:7;HARD COAL. BRAN, , _ v. . Sï¬QRTS 8t GLUTEN MEAL: Thanking the public for the past and soï¬Citipg their further" patronage, ‘ Yours truly,~ JARVIS & RUMBtE. Sixty-two and vile-half acre farm for male, purl; of’lot, 19; 'cun...‘6,‘ Markham. vanshipâ€"excelient snil. . nnd- uu_dl_»_ flue ‘state of cultivation. Gnod bank barn. neat-1v new, with stnbling for 11 cows 11nd Shut-sea, and two box stalls ilndei-neat'higggpud _ brick .B-I-tiomed dwelling With ki'tch en_ut.tuched; good cellar, .gistern and niï¬'ér-fuilmg well. Apply on the premises to , - WM. CASELEY, V ' 7-3‘ 19d. Phone 7510 Un'wm‘ille P.O. HURRAH 5563' . MAPLE~1M1LLS On de Van’s Femaie Pills A reliable Frénch regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly owerful ln regulating the generative portion of t e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van’s are sold at’ #5 a box. or three: for S10. Mailed to any address. rho Scobell Drug Cm. 8t. Catharina. Ont- Kay be largely iggxeasedf by knowing tho condition‘ at the ~ mum’s "ma;th and by? learning of the best method 'in farmv practice. This is precisely the sort 6f,in’£ormntlon the Farmen’ Weekly Sun gins in every issue. It has no equal la la ‘ Farmer: Business Paper. Good fameti rely on it. For price see wt clubbing 059:. -~ , “Twas troubled with Nervous Debillt-y tormany years. Ilay it to indiscretion , x and excesses in youth. I became ver » despondonh‘and dldn’t care whether worked or not. I imagined everybody « ' . who looked at me guessed my secret. - Imaginative dreams at night weakened Inka back 'ached, had. pains in the backo 111 head, hands and feet were cold, tired n the morning, 2‘ appetite, ï¬ngers were'*7shakyg cics- lurred. hair . loose. memory_ poor. etc. Numbnessin the ï¬ngers set m and the doctor told me he fearedrpn‘ralysis‘ I took all kinds of medicines ;and" tried many ï¬rst-class physicians; wore an electric belt, for three monghg, ban; receivcig gttlegeneflg. » wasm me o consu rs. enne y _ “FM.†"5""‘“ Kennedy. though I had lost all faith in "1‘" “"m‘" doctors. leeadrownlng man I commenced the NEW METHOD TREATMENT and it saved my life. 'The improvemeutwas like ma le-I could feelthovigorgoing through _ the nerves. Iwas cured mmllyand physica 1y. Ihave gent: them many patients A and continue to do so. GURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY f we treat and cm vmucOsn vzms. NERVOUS Damu'rvmm'on AND URlISARX gpMPLMNTs. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and allDiiemn Choice of degstinminn 11-ft tn the excursinnist. Half-nâ€"cont a mile fmm, “’innipeg to Regiï¬a, Saskammuï¬vmanan, Swim ‘Ri'vw. Edmonton, mm}2 to owner poigc up t._h_e 0nnu'd'iam‘Ngrthm'g Rgilwuyfl. » RMfuming’hnlf-n-centa milé frgm all hnints 3d C.N.R‘. to \Vinniï¬eé. $18.00 f1()11‘|‘-VVi1111ipeg to original starting puint iu UHLni‘iu. - CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE If unable to can write for a Question Home Tunnean ' I BREKENNEEW: Km: Fa For Sale“ AUG? 18 elfrom‘Kingston Shnrbnt Lake. Renfx'ew and East in Untm'in and Quebec. All ‘ stations on the Canadian Nbrthem Q'xebeé’aust of and including line St.†Jerome ~ . to Huberdeau. and all stations on the Quebec and Lake St. Juhn Railway AUG. 22<From Toronto and Bus ale on C.N.0., and from stations'in Snuthwestern Onâ€" tario on and south of mud Trunk main line, Talonto to Sainin. . ~ AUG. fl’-From:1‘prunto rind alL C.N.n..atutiqns east and south of Syvdrynw- Lake; all stations on Central Unmrio Railway and station on Bay ‘of Quince, ‘ncluding Kingston: aluo points on 01119? lines north of GEEK. Toronto~Saaniu line, and east of. and inclurlin Sharbot‘the and Reutrew. V i f " “ SEPT. 37â€"15mm Toronto, all C. .3). stations east; and south of Sparrow Lake' ell Central " '(mtario and Bay or Quinta amtimjs; also-stations on mher lint-s east of North Bay in Ontario and mleheeuinclgding all stations on the (1.qu Bust; of audit!- cludimz line St Jerrrma‘m Huberdeau, anilQ. dz L. St. J. Ry. stations I --' SEPT. 5â€"Frum Tn‘rnnmto Sparrow Lake on C.N.0 ; also points on other lines Toronto to North Bay, Sudbury and west thereof. . The richest country in the West is serv.d by- the Ca *adlan No them Railway. The demand [or ' ' ‘ Harvesting along its hues is very heavy and the wage! the highest. Write for HOX'JJGSBBVKGI'B‘ Guide, showing 35,000 free homesteads awaiting the settler. For full information apply 60 ' u I c E All letters fgom Canada must be addressed ' - ' to our Canadian Correspondence De‘part- / ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we ‘see and treat no pltients in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address' all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY &' KENNEDY. Windsor, Ont. ‘, . OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT Will cure on and make a man of yau. Uncle: its influence the brain becomes aptwe; the b cod puriï¬ed“ so, that all pimples, blotcheé'and ulce‘rfheal' up; the nerves become strong as steel; so that vnervousness.bashfulnbssand despondeucy. disappear the eyes become bright. the lace full and clear, energy returns to the body, and themorah ph sipal aï¬q mental gshems are invigorated: all drains ceasesâ€"no more vitab'waste rom- the‘hystém. ou tealygurselt aqua; and know mama egg:th be a, tailymh Don‘t let_ (1(1ch and ï¬ght; Iroblyou 91 you; hard egmed $10 rs. SEEK-FE MES: NERVOUS- Dunn-var 'rlte for our private address. Â¥ARM ’PROFI‘TS Cm. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Stt. Detroit, Mich. R“ L. FAIRBAIRNQGZ‘PM. Pas. Agl. Can..Nnr. Ry.. Tm'nntn. Ont. #8532) m“ "U‘s‘ï¬oï¬mouiï¬v - N cbxsgnf THREATENED. WITH PARALY-SIS Petgr E. Sumgegs/rglp‘hgg his expgripgge: T 0 w I NNI P EC": $1930 40,000 Harvesters wanted EXCURSIONS DATES OF SALE The undersigned is pre- pared to‘ supply customers with: Bottled Milk, delivered Eirer morning, Sunday i in- cluded. " " ' ‘ Orders also taken for cream. JAMES RUMBLE, :Richmond Hill Dairy. 12“. PHONE 37 Monuménts. Mni-kers and CUI‘DQI' . Posts. 51-3 v In Marble Ol'Gl'allite. Good wm~k. reasonable charges. Town or Country. Write, ‘ . . _ W. A.7JQNES, v Tombstone AEJaSJié? iï¬xï¬c'mï¬ï¬vééify? Haggai Bu. culation of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms tor ad rayon. postage wapald. Sold by Anyone sending I sketch and desert Ion may quick! ascertain our oanlon free w ether an Invent on in probably Patents†mummies- tlona strictly conï¬dent a]. HAHDB 0 on Patents sent. free. Oldest agency for 39 m Patent! ‘take t r9th Munnlg ream ' Patent: taken tliro 'h Mann 1 W‘Em’ym‘i Hull?“ L’ge' mt 9.. *sawrnewm ï¬ne. 6% B' St. Wanhlngton.:D. S'éiéï¬tifï¬Ã©jï¬mmcan, Rioaus 'l‘zibules assist digestion. Ripans Tabule's cui'exormd liver. Bottled Milk 22 Bubhain-in Sf", Lettering Turohtn The Weekly Suï¬ Thev-Dailyr,Wor1d Daily_Mail,'York Co. ‘ . 'U-UAU Daily Star, outside of F“ towns; and villages 2-00 Daily News Canadian Farm Farmer’s Adirooate : Subscriptions _for weekly and daily papers taken with ‘The Liberalâ€. at’the following .rates:--'- ~ ‘ . = .- . Family Herald“ angjweek: v , - . fat-am ~ 1'9 Weakf15y-~ ,Mva-ilfiandfExIlpir‘e f“; 80""DomixiionPoultry Guide ~ , i-io Daily Globe, York Co. _ *AGE-NCYe‘ J. H. .SANDERSON. v; s. VILLAGE .AND FARM PROPERTY ALW'AYS ON' HAND. REAL“ ESTATE Every farmer shcmiél know that tho priee- offered by the denier: for cattle, hogs, etc., is 3 fair one.‘ How can he know this if he (hes not take a. far business paperf. What doctor or law- yer or business man would be without his business paper? There in but one farmera’ business and market paper, that in The VVeekiy Sun.‘ _ Start 1910 right by mblctibinu.‘ Eve‘fyfllfamily .should'have both their" local paper and a. " ‘ . city paper. ‘ THERE Is BUT ONE RICHMOND HILL MANAGER {FINE TAILURINB A.‘ H‘U. E The Next Sitting nf Divgsgmw, Couxtlito N0. 3, County of York; Will beheld in the Court Room. RICHMOND. HILL; DIV‘iS’IflN ‘1 ’G‘EUB'TS.‘ Monday, October, ENNYROYAL VVAFERS'; RATES AN 0 NOTARYWPUBLIC Leases. Wills; Etc. RICHMOND HILL )nmmencim: at 9.80 n. m.‘ ' '1‘. F MCMAHON CLERK Special attentiun given 10; Pressing. ' > Cleaning Repaii'iï¬g ConveYan'Cin‘g, Aspacmc monthly menu ms tor ladies to restore and ream-Se cm: pawnâ€"y roduuln': tree, bunny and ï¬rming. lsuhnrgu. No aches at paint: on 29 proud: How used by over ammomm Ulscu used wuxusongsin. Invign m these organs. Buy of ynur drum only thaw with our sigushnru a"? .3 face of babel. Avum substitutes. Scab! putlculnm'mnil utlculnrs'mnimi 5:9 smmp.’ it“: ~ox. mug-ow. Fulwa 0H ‘MIC‘R COMPLEX. DITBOI‘I. mu: 2-40 1.90 3.50 3‘50 I9,13