Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1913, p. 6

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,‘to the French republic she sipped Lchampagne with the President. â€"” 'vWith Alfonso total abstinence mot a“ matteyof; policy.» or prineiple, ,jbut ‘jsimplyfl'one‘fof . Hefmall'ly finds all wines and spirits unpala- table, but the cellars in the Span- ish palace at Madrid are famous, and wine is served at every meal. l King Ferdinand of Bulgaria for- swore beer, wine, liquors, and stimulants of all kinds some years ago on the advice of his Clever mo- ther, who he always declares was his most sagacious political adviser. ,Thanks perhaps to this policy his lnerve-s are always under perfect control; he never loses his temper, lnever displays any sign of irrita- tion under the most trying circum- stances, and this gives him a. tre- mendous advantage in dealing with éthe hotheaded woes of the southâ€" east of Europe. isum IEHDTAL MflNARBHS ' King Alfonso of Spain does not drink either wine or spirits, nor ‘ oes his mother, Queen Christina. [Queen Victoria, of Spain sometimes E‘takes a glass of wine at dinner, and it was noticed that. dining her. visiig Queen Emma of Holland is a. rather fanatical blue ribboner, and she instilled her temperance 'dews into the mind of Queen Wil- elmina. Neither mother nor daughter touches any kind of liquor [on any occasion; Indeed Wine ne- wer used to be sewed at the palace until the young Queen married. ll‘hen her husband, Prince Henry, look a. firm stand on the question, Vund aft/er considerable discussion with his mother-inâ€"law, as- well as his wife, finally «succeeded in hav- ing wine served to him and to his guests. CROWNED HEADS OF EUROPE WHO ARE TEMPERATE. ‘VQueen Wilhelmina and King Eer- dinand Never Touch Liquorâ€"â€" Alfonso Dislikes It. | The Dowager Queen Sophia of ‘Sweden is really the influence back ,of this temperance of the royal fam- lily and no wine is served at her own table. She has for forty years (been the most powerful supporter of the total abstinence movement in Scandinavia, and has devoted much of her wealth as well as her ,time and influence to the cause. [Her favorite son, Oscar, who is the chief heir to her fortune, although ,he sacrificed his place in the line of succession to the throne to merry her maid of honor, has for several years been the president of the To- te] Abstinence Society of Sweden. ' Tha .two Queens of Sweden and [King Gustavus Adolphus are all abstainer’s, but the cellars/of the palace are all-ways well stocked with fine Wines, amd these are served to guests, though at family dinners water 11nd lime juice are the only beverages. Whe ., Bat Treatment [forltchin StalpsDam an Falling Hair . Abstemious Rulers. The Emperors of Austria, Russia, and Germany, and the King of mod I: often‘ I: 'ureoabla. but once on Moo 5 month In generally luth for thin mach! “fitment for women’s lulr. Cutl- zun. Soap and Ointment in cold throuéhout thehworld. A liberal ample of each, wlch 52-13830 booklaton the cm and treatment mug akin gag scaly. sgngpon-free. Adqrul To alhy Itching and Irritation of the scalp; mm: d'ry. thin sud mm»: but. remove mu. we: 1nd dnndrun', nun fireman tho may sud bunt; of the laughs ionowgqg peeid human: is most sii‘ectin. Whig md economical. 0n retiring, comb the bail mt straight all around. then begin It the aide md mks a parting. gently rubbing Cuticum rinth into the putting with I bit of so“ lumel heidpvgr the and of the finger. Anoint idditionsi mnMgi‘ubQut ha" .11 inoh'lpu'l until the whole cell}: has been traced. themat- mo being to get the Cutioun ointment on the min akin uther mm on the but. The «2:: morning. shampoo with Cuticum soap md_ ho't miter. :1an maybe lufléunfi! Deptâ€"MD. fiction. U. S. A. Italy are not teetotalers, but they have always been abstemious in the matter of stimulants. The Kaiser, indeed, has done everything in ‘his power to encourage ‘temperance, because, as he declares, “thenext war will demand healthy men; war calls for strong nerves, and victory will crown the colors of the nation which consumes the least alcohol.” The Crown Prince of Germany does not drink, and while a «student at Bonn he gave offence to the uniâ€" versity by protesting vigorously against the drinking of an exagger- ated quantity of beer as part and parcel of the procedure 0} the old- estvablished student societles. Informatlon differs 'widely in re-; gard to King George. It is some- times stated that he drinks only milk, and it is true that he has been seen partaking of this inno- cent thirst-quencher, but he does occasionally take ~Wine as well. Of course, at one time in his youth he was a, hard-drinker; in fact, it was not until he married Queen Mary that he mended his ways and seté tled down to milder beverages.» The Late King Edward. It was in King Edward’s day that the cellars at Buckingham Palace were worth considering. His Ia/te Majesty was as particularahout his wines as about everything else. He drank steadily, yet no one ever saw him the worse for liquor, and he ‘prided himself on being a, great judge of all food and drink. His favorite hostesses were those who gave him well-chosen meals with just the right wines“ He was not in any sense of the word a. gourmand, but he was. a, gourmet, and, his peoâ€" ple rather admired him for it, just as they secretly admire-d hind for having the best of everything all his life. Queen Alexandra is not a tee- _tot,a1er, and her favorite wine, which is served at lunch and dinâ€" ner, is a, rather heavy burgundy. Occasionally she has champagne; but'not as she did in King Ed- ward’s day, when a; very fine brand of champagne was always served. A very good-natured ' lady, who frequently assisted a, very extrava- gantrelative, having one summer lent her a, considerable sum of mon- ey, was surprised and annoyed a few months later to be asked to make a further advance in order that some pressing debts might be settled. “I am very sorry,’l"said the kindhelertâ€" ed'lady,‘ “but I can’t possibly help you again just now. In order to lend you that money some time.ag0 I was forced to go without a. motor- car this season.” “Dear me,” was the reply, “if I had only known that I should have been delighted to lend you mine I” A Lady Finds Help from Simple Food. Civilization brings blessings and also responsibilities. ‘ The laws of body nutrition should be carefully obeyed, and the finer, more highly developed brain and nervous system not hampered by a complicated, upyvholesome dietary. The more highly organized We become the more need there‘ is for regularity and natural simplicity in the food we eat. “I began to take a, pessimistic View of everything and see life through dark blue glass, so to speak. ‘My head became afieoted with a heavy creeping sensation and I feared paralysis. A-1ady of high nervous be‘nsidn says: “For fifteen years I was «a. suf- fere'r from‘ dyspepsia. I confess that an improperly regulated diet Wars the chief cause of my suffering. Finally, nothing that I ate seemed to agree with my stomach, and life, at times, did not seem worth living. “Palpitation of the heart caused me to fear that I might die sudden- ly. Two years‘ ago, hearing Gmpe- Nuts so highly spoken of by some estimable friends of mine, I deterâ€" mined to try it. ' “The change in my condition was little less than miraculous. In a short time the palpitation, bad feeling in head and body began to disappear ‘and the improvement hams continued until at the present time I find myself in better health than I have ever enjoyed. “My weight has increased 20 lbs. in the last year and life looks bright and sunny to me as it did when I was a child.” N ame given by 'the Canadian Postum 00., Windsorapnt. _ “There’s 5; Reasonf’ and it is explained in the little book, “The Road to Wellville," in pkg‘s. Evér read the abova letter! A new on! appears lrom tlma to tlme. They an genuine. trua. and lull at human Internal. If She Had Known. THE “BLUES.” British Labor Member Proud of His Careful Better Half. Will Crooks, the British Labor Member of; Parliament, is essenâ€" tially a home man. There is no place dearer to his rugged heart than his modes-t little house in Lon- don. He putterrs’in and around day in and day out, and in the “evening takes his ease at his hearthsbone beside his wife. When he left, for his tour to Can- ada, Australia, and South Africa with the British Parliamentary party he carried with him a heavy consignment of baggage. It was qbserved by one of the neW'Spaper men in the party that Crooks was able to tel-1 just in whwb part of his luggage to look for any given ob- ject. There appeared to be some trick about it, and at last Crook's explained. . I WANT to prove it to your satisfaction. If you have Rheumatism, acute or chronic -n matter what your oondition~write to- ay for my FREE BOOK on “RHEUMA- TISM~Its Cause and Cure." Thousands call it. "The most. wonderful book ever written.” Don't send a stampâ€"it’s AB- SOLETEIJY FREE. A. CASE. Dept. .u.’ '476. BrockiofiffigisJ 65.1.. :‘See this little card here,” he said, drawing out a. diagram from his pOert,‘ “well, that. is a list of everything I have, together with marks showing in just which bag and which part of which bag the thing is. Cough drops? Yellow portmanteau, pocket No. 2, lower side. Silipperxs,‘ba.g No. 5, bottom. Clean hankies, black satchel, and so on.” Then he pointed to one very heavy-looking grip. - ' .“Guess What’s in it?” he said? “Can’t-n ’ “Can’t ye? Well, it’s preserves â€"-’o-me made~â€"by my wife.” “Preserves 1” “Ayeâ€"â€"-real preserves, none of your factory-made jam.” And it was so. But when the bell boy came to remove the lugâ€" gage he did not afiy the pre- serve-s. Will Crooks Wit, and walked circumspectly, boo. If asked about his coma wquld 3M7 they didn’t bother .him because he always used Putnam's Corn Extractor. For fifty years “Putnam’s” has been the favorite bgcauee painless and sure. Try only “Putnam's.” 25o. aha-11 dealers. If 70 per cent. of the convicts on parole make good they put it; all over the men who never were in jail. A Summer Cottage. A summer cottage is a. place where the people act at the dining table the way they’d like to when they’re at home, but don’t dare. SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC OOAST. , Via. Chicago and North Wesyern Ry. Special low rate round trip tlckets on sale from all points 1n Canada to Log Augelea, San Franpisco. Portland. Seattle. Vancouver. Victorla, Edmonton, Calgary. Banfl‘, Yellowstone Park, em” during Aux- ust and September. Excellent tram ser- vice. For rates, illustrated folders, time tables and full particulars address. B. H. Bennett, General Agent. 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. Jonesâ€"Dear me! You say you often lay down the law to your wife. How do you go about it? Bones~ Why, all you need is firmness. I usually go into my study, lock the door, and tell her through the key hole. Mlnard's Linlment Cures Cargo! In Com. THE OLDEST MAN LIVING ' URIC ACID NEVER CAUSED RHEUMATISM Mln‘ard'a Llnlmont Guns Dlpnthorla. WILL CROOKS, M.P. Will Crook‘s, M.P. Great ! On the walls of his establishment may he seen hanging mottoes and designs, and higher up large bust portraits of worldâ€"famed men. You glance at them as you would glance at any picture on entering a home, but when you are told that these pietures were made up entirely of human hairs, Without a single line of paint, crayon or pencil, you are half inclined to doubt the veracity of the proprietor. When he pro- duces a, magnifying glass and you see hair, some of it chopped almost £0 powder, your doubt? are satis- fied. - There are pictures of Victor Hugo, Gambetta, the French statesman, arid Napoleon I. Thege is‘one pic- ture of a. group of cabinet minis; ters.. The remarkable thing about it is that each of the seven por- traits comprising the cabinet, is made up of a, single hair not longer than 30 inches. At first sign of illness during the hot weather give the little ones Baby’s OWn Tablets, or in a. few hours he may be beyond cure. These Tablets will prevenfisummer complaints if given occasionally to the well child and will promptly cure these troubles if they come on sudden-1y. Baby’s Own Tablets should alway‘slrbe kept in every home where there are young chil- dren. There is no other medicine as good, and the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that they are absolutely safe. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a. box from The Dr. Willliams’ Medicine 00., B-rockville, Ont. Most Remarkable Work of Its Kind in the World. Portraits made out of single hairs, each hair being some 30 inches long, can be seen now in the establish- ment of L. P. Federmeyer, in Gerâ€" many. His work is considered as really the 'most remarkable of its kind in the world, and he is becom- ing known as a genius in his pro- fession. SUMMER COMPLAINTS ._ ' ' KILL LITTLE ONES A. begger had been for a. long time besieging an old, gouty, testy, limpâ€" ing gentleman, who refused his mite with great irritability, upon which the mendicant said: “Ah, please younhonor’s honOr,. I wish Providence’l'had made your heart'hal‘f as tender as‘ your feet.” Live Wires, Barbers, Hotel Keep- ers, write for Booklet “Billiards as a. Business.” Cleame explaims met, easy terms, and how to start the bestâ€"paying business on earth. Every town over One Hundred pop- ulation should have it’s Billiard Room, Social or Church Club, and every home its Brunswick Table. Write Dept. A, Brunswick-Balkaâ€" Co-l-lander 00., 80 York Street, Toronto. Largest makers in the Wi’Vifeâ€"“Do you suppose I could collect half your insurance, dear 'l” world . While a young man may admire a kittenish girl, he should remember that kittens grow up. The surest way of losing one’s own health is to be always drinking the health of others, says a wise A Question; Hubâ€"“I’m half dead with this cold.” . wit. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eye: or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn’t Smart â€"Soothes E a Pain. Dru gists Sell Murine Eye emedy, Liqui , 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic TubeI. 25¢, Eye Books Free by Mail. 7 All lye Took Goo! In AIIAlyetunI ugly-n ‘ Fact and Fancy. Spinach, acting on the liver, frewhene the complexion. Better be tireless than tiresome. Mushroom brandy is a, new imf portation from Siberia. - The average man doesn’t get any fore-sight till he’s too old to have anything 109k forwaird ’90. In the average summefir hotel there IS no room even for argu- ment. burin‘é her first wk of widow- hood the Corsican widow is blindâ€" folded with a black bandage. “7|;I‘7870V77E7’87R000d7' Co" Chic-lo It’s mean to» make money out of people’s necessities, and besides, them is ever so much more to be made out of their luxuries. * Pianés in Berlin, Germany, must all shut up by 11 o’clock at night. ~Many stage dancers wear proof skirts. PORTRAITS MADE OF HAIR: Mlnard's Llnlmom Gum nlstompor. Not Tender All Over. BILLIARD S. fire.â€" EUIT, STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIB‘ Farms in all sections of Data-10a I‘ Farina Some maps. H. w. DAWSON, Nlnoty colborm Strut. Toronto. _, ' ACTORY SITES. WITH OR WITHOU'IS Railway trmkage. In Toronto! A LARGE 40 H.P. TOURING GAR. .0083? $4,000. Will sell for $800, or ‘w1ll is!- change for a. tew cows. horses. hay. or feed. This is a beautiful car and is in first~clarsa running order. Apply Box S.P-. 73 Adelaide St. W.. Tqronbo. Ont. 1“ ‘fiail'v'viy‘"fr323fi5§éf T6 ' Tomaso, Brnmntxm and other towns and cities. (I will pay highest. price for Black. Sil- ver, Cross Foxes. Mink. Marten. Fisher. at all times. Douzal. L. Graham. Strathroy. R.R. No. 1, Out. YOUNG MAN BE A BARBER. I TEA, ygu quickly. chespl , thoroughly an furnish tools free. I e rive you actual dbop expel-£91100. Write for free cata- loguep Molar College. 219 Quaon 8t. Ems. Toronto. ‘ MEN WANTED“ H. w. DAWSON. Colborno 82., Toronto. "WWiidt in the world makes yon think that 1” G_ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND I‘M“)- der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. anbago nnd kindred ullmentn poumvoly cured wlth the new German Reme‘d‘y. "Enrol," price 81.50. Another new tame y {or DiabeterMellltm.‘ and Into cure. to "Sanol'n “Ann-Diabeten.” Pflou 32.00 from druggistn or direct. The Sana! Manuflo Hutu: Company 0! Cnnnda. Minimal. Winnipeg. “an. “Where is he from Q” ' “I don’t know, but I think he was raised on is; desegtjslaqd." ‘ TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED mn- b Intent Foreign Sumpn. Catalocnu. Album. only Seven Cantu. link. Sun. Company. Toronto. _ CANCER. TUMORS. HUMP“. ETO‘ intern“ Ind extend, cured with out Min by cur home treatment. er ms before too Into. Dr; Bellman Mafia Cm. Limited. Colllnrwond. Ont. Minard‘s Linigenj. 00.. A'Pimi bed. v L4".I wu-..» v-.- . . “He says no woman ever made fool of hlm.” “Well, I ’need a new g0w§rso you’ll just have to wait.” : MEN WANTED 116 Did; ‘ -“I feel as if I were goitig- to have appgzldicitifl’ Money can never buy happiness, we are told. But think of the dis- comfort it can buy ofi. Honesty and Policy. “Pa, why is honesty i-eferred to as a pqliqx?”_ ' _ .n. "‘erfdbafily because'so high a pre- mium ig placed on it," replied the weary msurance solicitor. ED. 7. [IN‘ '1 RAEAM 3393..» Fpn_ agogngg. St. Antoine, Minard': Llnlmom Guru Golds. 2‘6. J Brampton and a dozen other "Hipâ€"O: ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES m Only Place to Escape. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. MALE HELP WANTED. STAMPS AND COINS. PAH". FOR BALI. MISCELLANEOUS. ISSUE 33â€"~â€"’18. Gin-1111;? Maker.

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