Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1913, p. 8

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Special list of fin“: and m'nnmental stuck-for Fullde‘iiyery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. TORONTO 1-3 m Start at, once and secure exclusive turritdry. We suppr hmldsome free. ouvfib and pay highest commissions. ' Wirifle fux‘lfull particulars; THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Exquisibély printed or. fine coated pghpel‘. Pictures of well-knnwn eople of current events. of things eanti- ful zuid curious About one thousand, gkiun'e inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Ganadinns as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to ma English people. Nun political. Ahsnlubely no axe to grind. Its aim suler to please and to inform. Must- be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. Onedollnr a year. The Pie- tmiul Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter St. Electric Restorer for Men Phosfihcrufi réstores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores “1m and Vilaiity. Premature decay and all sexual cakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make vou a new man. Price $3 1 box. or two for $5. Mailed to any address. The Scoben Drug (10.. 8t. Catharina. Ont, fn-IE STANDARD ,1: the National wgekly Néwwer' 01‘ the Dominion 02) Canada. #1: is national In all its an - ‘ ' “CANADIAN PICTORIAL” Montreal. UNN so 00.. of the SCIENTIFIC AM ,n 116 to act'ns Solicim“ for J’zttexns. ( vents -relm harks. Copyrights, for the United ‘ cos. Canaan Eugiand. at 0e. (:0 mmy. et 1 Book about Pajama so '00: ' ’ cxnerigpce. It uses the‘ most. expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from an over the world. Subscribe for THE ~ LIBERAL GOOD LOCAL AGENT at uuce to represent tfhe fits articles are carefully selected and its editorial ' policy ls thoroughly independent. LA Vsubsc‘rlption to The‘ Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada. or Gi‘eat Britain. Pa entso a ned thruth MUNR z» 0.".1‘31‘10 med In the SCIENTIFKC AMERICAN. the 1m gear best. and most widely circulated scientific papur. 33.2021 year Weekly. Spiundid engravings and interesting In- vnrmntlon. Specimen copy of the ficiemific Amer- [nun sennfregz Address MUNN 5; 10.. SCIENTIFIC MRICAN Omce. 2&1 Broadway, New York, 51.,LaWrence Gran. per cwt.. . . . “‘1 u. _ “ “luau-1.0 “- "7 Yellow 22_lhs.-...-. Good Sound Lemons, per’doz. '4 Orangojadq Syrup. 113.15.; bot. ‘ films 0.53 n: PLEASESMEIO PLEASE YOU 'flgntroat Standard Publishing Co}. Limited, Publishers. 'Qri’ire and Prices aré both right. free, full information about work which may csn do. Ind Mutt hmue.that will pay A than: from $5 to $23 per day. Some have nniud‘ an in a day Either sex. young or old, 'Capha] nm rm:in You are Max-ted free Those who mm at uric: In Amman: Inn of mu litu- format. All in now. . and: are sctrce. but than who write Sunaon A: CouPornand, Mline.will recelu OLD AND'BELIABLE Fanthiu Nurseries ‘ Tm; IT FOR 1913? '2,- is Up? Price ,Hanéhanzed FORE-“FRIDAY ONLY , GROCER Try" Uswm' Be Convinced Wanted STONE & WELLINGTON F. E. SIMS ETESIMS MONTREAL. ONTARIO Ohm-oh o! En Innaâ€"Bernice: It a pan. 1st 2nd and 4th Sun y. '1'th Sunday at n n..m Brent» box-inn Churchâ€"Services at n a. m.,o.nd 11); m.‘ ,undny School at 2.30. Prayer meeting hundavveveuin . v ' , * Romy; who] a Church-Sonics; on ulcer “19° .WEYE.“ 9 .3" '1’- “.d “‘3‘! PAm- ‘ 7"Métfioaist'chfiicfiLâ€"Séfiiéoé’ai'ultm Emu-ma p. m. Sands School II 2.50. General prayer meeting Thar 3y evanin . Richmond Lod e.A F and A M â€"Meeta Mon- day an‘ 91" heime gull mogn‘ 32 t-f Chums ‘. . . . ' . ’ . 1.5t Subscriptions taken’at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to Hy Lodge, A0 U Wâ€"-Moeta third Wednesday of each month . Hill mm Lodge. meets first Wednes- dav and third Friday of each month. Fire Brigadeâ€"Mane first Monday of our} mouth ’ Public lemry and Reading Room-Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets everv Monday. ' Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets everv Friday 8.178 p.m. in the Church. I 0 Fâ€"Meels third Thursduv 0! every month. R. H. Ratepayers Association meets last ngsdzy 0[ even: month. Vicidfii L: 6.- Lffiélhdeets 4th Wednesday of each month. Small Farm for Sale On 15!, Concessinn of Vaughan, lot 38. Thirty-four acres. govt} ruugh cast house. m-w stnm: foundation, barn, new hen hnuse. pig pen, ymmg (nu-hard just lwginning to bear. plenty nf water. Suitable for poultry farm ur Hun-k9! gardening. Picmresqne surroundings. Fifteen minutes walk to Metrnpnlitam_ car. ' a c'oixr'zmétizfiéhdfl '0' fâ€" Moots fourth m. y Gas-61’s Magazine, per annum . 8 1-”.- 8% The Story eller . ~ I , The Quiver - I v v t, c 1.“) Musical Home J carnal . . 1.5( The Girls’ Realm . . v . 1.3 Little Fall‘s . . , . . ' 1.50 Chums . . . . . " . 1.5‘ CASSELLS & COM PANV. 42 Adelaide St. W - Toronto - ’ It is not necessary 1:) send to foreign countriez; bx maga- zines. Read the following:â€" The: monthly magazines 0! the above company cqver every variety of interest, and tan now" be obtained in Can- ‘ada by yearly snbsaription at low rates. CASSELLS Canadian P u b - fishing: company our Canadian ‘ ‘ FIRST. Rig-ht away' nowâ€"~take a post card or a sheet of paper and write out the full names (Christian, names and surnames) and full ad dresses of TEN boy friends or chums whom you know wou‘d like to earn some pocket money. (Boys between 8 and 15 years of ageâ€"~ no two in the same family.) You can earn one too, easily. You only have to do three things. Sign your name and address at the bottom of the card or sheet so that we will know who sent the list. 7 Mail the list complete Wm) five cents In‘coin or Stamps :0 us right away, addressing your kits: to Sales Division. the ‘W‘iiueprsg ‘V’Vitness' Biouk, 310:7:er Your list of DH THO?! Just as soon as We gel your of names. we will send m. these beautiful Souvenir le you and you will like it lmme, 1y. Should your chums have had ex- perience In magazine or rte-.1 ‘pa‘nm sellingâ€"â€"so murl. the hexanâ€"ssnr‘ THEIR namea. We don’t tell you why we wart: the names A~£L‘k"l‘\AS\.‘ ;m-;:'J;.s _\«= don’t care; ifg'ml do. or ’f ya; yourself want to earn gem! p213. for work for usâ€"â€"\\'hy tell us '1’ letter and we exntxm ow r-Zav: to, f. “'ii': !: “and' I'eP'des 'Salesmnn ' i1)" C. MAPLE LEAF PéfiS THE WVITNEFQ' 'Witnn'ss’ E'ock, Montrwi Village D1rectory ANY of our boys and girls have just received one 0’ App1y_r_m premise-s or to FREE SECOND. THIRD. H. APPLETON, shrwld be Ca {-1- ville. 0:1 as [M In, S , V .. Wu, w“. w.qu “mm.” “er3 charge' 72 ecea in one ear In all. YOU a m cm: AL‘L o THESE BE mus FOR AL- EIOST NOTHING. ‘ ' The full yearly memberahip fee is One Dollar for which you get all above. and you may with- draw any time within three months it you want to do so and at your dollar buck. If you ‘don’tcare to spen $1.00. send 25 cents tor three ,months membership, Nobody can afford to use Hm: otter by. You will at your money has in ivalue man times over. ul particulars will he went free 0 charge. but it you are wise you will ‘aend in your request :01- membership with the arc-per fee at once. The 25 cts. three montns mean-J :. bet-ship offer will soon change. Write at: once a. -‘ idressing your letter and enclqaing $1.00 {or tun - ; eat-‘5 memhershiv or twenty-Hrs cents for three‘ izzlonflw to ' - r AI. LITERARY Mvsm 01:11}: ‘ nu ma N‘o. 150 Napnau 9t.,«N:_ Guy. ALL BRANL HES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. 7 , WW [ Chance ta Join a (‘lab That EV“! ' Make and Save Money for You. Everybody snoyld join the Mutual Literary Ku- nic Ciua of Amerlca. There is nothin else like it‘ anywhere. It costs almost nothing to cin and the} benefits it gives are wonderful. Inenabies you to‘ .urcnasa b0uk s and periodicals, music and musicali nstrumenis at special cut prices. It: secures re- duced rates at mgny hotel . It answers questions free otpharge. It offers scholarships and value-l ble casn prizes to members. It maintains club J rooms in many oi ties for its members. In addition. every member receives the omciul magazine enti-l vied “ Ev’ry Month" atvublication in a. class by itseli‘Jnciuding 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and in- strumental muslcmm sige) each mqnth__winhout nvfiâ€"n Alan"... M. -._,__ 4i‘tdf' F. l. ‘WflflflWAM Several small fan-ma chm: tu Yonge Strset. - r ' V VILLAGE mommy. Mean 16 LOAN At, Sherwoodâ€"One new, all kinds 0! fruit trees. with comfortable house in flat-class repair. nka 11' 30nd home for any person wishing to retire. .01: good roads system. Easy tel-um. H. A. NIGHOLLS : « tionary in. many years. Contains the 'pith and essence or an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl. edge. ‘An Encyclopedia in a single book. ' . The OnIy Dictionary with the- New Divided Page. _ ' 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single irolume. Write torsample pagesdun par: ‘ ticulars, etc. Name this paper and we will send free . a set of ibIC'I'IONiA’R? m. THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Th9 OniyiNew unabridged dic- Ripans Tabules cure billousness. PATRONAGE Soncx'mn AND SATISFACTION GvARAM'E INTERNATIONAL Two good farms near Mufim Aibert. SEOEING LAME AND WE HOME! A SPECIALTY F. J. WUDDWARD. HAS FOR SALE GENERAL '"BLA'CHI‘SSXITH, New .Gormley Real Estate Agent Richmond .3111 ’ j AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKALA AAAAA AAA AA AA AAAAAAAAA‘AAAAAAA Here is your chance for a profitable , investment." _ Choice lots close to Radial and O.N.O. Ry. Station I ‘ 50â€"Ft. lots at $6.00 per ft. on buiki- - ers terms. ‘ Fray Bentns corned beef. tin. . .. Libby‘s sliced dried beef, jm‘. . . . Crossed Fish. sardines, 2 tins. Horse Radish sauce, botllth . . ththey’s mince meat. pkzs . Pure Gold jélly powder, 3 pkgs 181: 250 . 100 . .100 .J5c Working-Men’s Hauses .: WANTED AT ONCE - IAAAAMAAAMAA vvvvvv (y’vvvvvvvvvvvnvvv vv vVvv1vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘ If you'keep the Flies out you wont need to Swat them. SEE. OUR LINES OF . . ’ Screen Doors and VVindowvs Doors from $1.10 to $2.25 each. fl ALLA AAAAAAA‘A LALAMAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAELALAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE YVVVVVVVVVVVVVYYWVVV'YV" VVYVV'VYVYVVVV'VVVVVVYVV!Y 9r €ANADA ammgszmfi% gen) OFHQE‘ ’ gnvaluable mm m u r A If we haven’t; what you are looking for in stock, we will get it; ful‘ youâ€"that’s what we’re in business forâ€"to supply 3‘( u with what; you want at reasonable prices. ' G. A. MCDONALD§5 SQN THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. BANâ€"K 93“? Perfection Blue Flame Oi! Stave 3 Burner Stoves $11.00. ‘ \ Ovens from $20010 $3.00 each. Minerva. Paint for all purposes. Lacqueyet and Chinamel Varnish Stain. RIGHMflND HILLIS BUDM’IN‘B PHONE 18 PHONE 16â€"R 2 RIGHMBND» HM. HfififiWfl'RE 8‘0. Igibera'l Discount for Cash. WP- ‘ - zmu ~ Mus-x“? Bantu-1...: ML mgwgum UnioxiviflelndMM Hm. Screen Wire all widths. 120. to 800. yd. Hammc ks... . . ..‘. . . $1.50 to $4.00 each. Lawn Mowers.. ..... $4.00 to $7.00 each. Garden Shears, Rakes and Hoes. ' Agents for Columbia Grafonolas and Records. APPLY OWNER ; W. J. LAWRENCE," - » Florist Richmond Hm. A GOOD TIME NOW TO BUY A/NEW 880833138 Windowé 25c” 30c. and 35c. each. O§§¢+§§§§¢§+§§§ E. business man .who 1 customers in vnnous al- castomers in various pang of Canada or elsewhere find‘the scrvicgs'gf , gnvaluable mm tn co NORMANéBATTY. MANAGER. Litstm-s a. minute puddings, pkg. 10c Lit-stars salad dressing, puwder- e-d fol m. pkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 10L: Li ndner& Banners fruit jam 1?an 35 Rube’rtsons jellies, jam 01- marâ€" nmlude, jm- . . .. . . . . . .. . . .; 200 ‘, lul‘

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