Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Aug 1913, p. 1

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W. HE‘WISON AT THE LIBERAL PRINTMG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL , our. HOUSE PAINTER; Ghfier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. '1‘. F. McMAHON. Is PUBLISHED EVERY 'DHURSDAY MORNING R’iSIE‘: ENCE. . RICHMOND HILL JJHN R. CAMPBELL. Calls {deemed Auctioneers for th a County of York. Salesmbseuded to on shortest notice and at; rea- IOD‘IbIB rates Patronaea soiieited Ph Inc No. 2‘1. Licensed Auctluneer for the Counties of York. Onuriu and 'Nhnh'l’uxouto. Sfieciul Mtgention giver; ha suics of every description. Fui‘miand- a'r‘ni 'HLOGK sales a, specialty. Farms bought mm s-1)>mmission. All Hahn attmiiled to on shortest nut-ice m1" 60nductéd by marine“ up 0 damn: hnd‘s: ‘ Propnres pupiis for the grndvd F‘X~ (lminutinns held at, 'l‘muntu'C/mwm' ':l- tlm'y (31' Music and Univmsity uf Ju- ronto. ‘ Sppcinl course in “River’s” Klndor- grwten Method, particularly hvlpful lo liéginlmm. “Glass recitals are given Lhrlmghmit Hie ve $1 per annum, in‘advancej DR. W. \R.“ PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL LASKAY P. 0.- 'L‘ Balzeon, r .‘J K M ' Map/o Wes Saigeo‘u & Meliwen, VOL. XXXVI. ‘6 D. H.‘ PINKERTDN,‘ V.S. rAddress: £39 Balfiol sc . Nm 15h Toronto. Firs; huuse north of Atkinson 8: ‘ Switzer’s store. MISS MILLIE TRENCH VETERINARY'SURGEON, BUSINESS. CARDS. F-' 'C. EG‘rAN NIaprle, ()nt. SATISFACTION, GUARqu We » @ibzml LICENSED AUCTION EER OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Fox-'t'he Cuunty’ 0f York. il l' ’l‘hornhill. Emma & Paornm'ro'n. phone nl‘ otherwise prompth l'espl‘nded Lu. RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J. H. Prefibice Phone No. 2402 e‘fl’ettriuaw Wediml. RESIDENCE ‘J K McEwen Wesson ONTARIO 42-h NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 132.. TORONTO, Canada Telephone! Main Cable Addfiess. “Dedo.” PIANO TUNING Organs Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed Av.G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar LEN-NOX- & MORGAN Mouov to loan on land anuchatteI nzortgageaat ' ' owest rates - . Aururuomco-Remm an no the old post oflm.‘ one door west 0! the entrance to the ,Outarw Bimk' - ' Newmarkel ofllceâ€"Thrfle doors, south at the m __ pastorfine ' Bgrristers , Solicitors. Names. kc. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide 8: Victnma. Sm; fur-onto: Tel. M. 363]. BARRISTER. SULICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tomntn Office. Ruom 328 Confedern tiun Life Bldg” No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofi‘ice (“Libel-{11’ Office), every Thursday forenoonn Maple, Thursdnyufternnon, VVnud hridug, Saturday forenoon. Monev to 1mm Richmo‘no. Hill NOTARY? PUBLic CCMLIISSIONER. CONVEY AN"ER’. ETC. Alarge stock of Funerul'Furnishing ken at, both places (Jude-“takers dc Fmbnimers, RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL Benton, Grover & Field »-HEh§1§I§1"LENNoX H. A. ,NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Lawrence &. Dunbar, _ Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST Cnmmissiuner, Conveyancer, e Insurance, and Real Estate Issum «A Marriage Licenses. EIiMOTT /MM/// 9 M “Aha-“mm n17,“ \ ‘ REAL ESTATE. THO RNH «Sh-ionnyrst-(Jluss in :11] depart- ments. Nore Better imthe Dominion. Enjoys vgcten-sive ~pzltx‘0nage and graduates mudin get good positions. Open onlh’v Veaz'.‘ Enter >nmv. Gz‘italugne free. ~ ' ‘ ‘ w. J.’ ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor Yougc and Alexand'el ‘Sts. " Barristers a nd Sollcluu's. VOICING Ann .. . . . ACTION REGULATING 505:: 3. Z’avt'dson ' THORNHILL FALL TERM Barristers, Solicturs. &c. WILLIAM COOK TQRG’NTO. ONT. EDWARD FRANCIS, RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21. 191.3 OPENS SEPIEMBER 2. WRIGHT BROS. “In Essmtialc, Unity; .in Non-Essentials,”Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Mum. A an“. at Five Per Cent (5%) G STV MORGAN Pnone Main $84 . ETC. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP PRIZE WINNERS IOR CROPS IN THE SCHOOL FAIR Results 'of'Schnnl Plot Competition of Rural School Fair in ~Vau‘ghan Town- ship. The crops in general gave an excellent showing and great credit is due to all children in the contest. The following is the'list of pupil prize-winners, the places come in rotation. ' ' 10. l l. 12; 13. 14. Members“ all' present. Ree‘fe Cam- eron in the chair. . Minutes of. last. meeting read.,dnd confirmed. V, The above Cunncil met at Vellore, 129!) of Angus}. at, one o’clgck p.m~. - v Messrs. Page & Dr. Gilmo‘ur, appear- ed before the council asking for the approval of plan for sub-division 'of the East Half of Lot No. 43 in the 1st qucessionLTmynship othaughan. Mchm-:Whitmuye--Thab this 001an CH accept the Plan as pI-esgnted bv Messrs. Page & Gilmuur, '0f the E48!) Half of Lot, No. 43, in the lst. (Jun- cession of the Township of Vaughan, if approved by Mr. W., H. G1-axxt,~ Township Solicitor.â€"â€" Curried. Messrs. Stephens & 00.. appeared. before the Council asking for the ap- pluvnl uf Plan fur Sub-division of‘ tlie East, Half of Lot No. 59 in ithe First. Ummessimi of the Tp. “I: Vaughan:- McNai1--â€"-Saigeonâ€"Thup this council. accept the Plan as presented by Messrs. Stephens & Go. of the East Half of Lot No. 59, in First Ooncvssio-n of the Township of Vaughan if appmv'ed by Mr. W. H. Grant. Township Solicitur. â€"L‘an-ied. ‘ The Tlensurer Was insuucted to pay the fulluwing road a.ccuunts:â€"â€" L. Innes 85 Sons. lumber . . . . . . ‘ $ 14 78 Hoyt. McLean, repairing bridge C(m.l..«.... . . . . . . . . . . . Milton Savage,-30 yds, grave-1.. I“. Uhntburn, shtu'peuingpicks etc. . . .. . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . ‘ Gen. Cooper, 38 yds. gravel . . . . . 0. Norman, repairing culvert etc R. Jones, repairing culvert; etc.. Neil McLean, 5 hrs. work an culvert,“ .. E. H. Taylor, 5 hrs. work on culvern........ ,. . .. . Bone & \rVoods. building cement; culvert, lget‘Ween lots 30 and 31, con. 5 . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker ' & "Pi-entice, building cement culverp .hgtween logs Biland 31, con. ..§.. George R. Crook, 375; yds.‘ of gravel for above culverts... . . Robert \Vilvs, 710 ft. plank at $25.00 per M . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. Bone & \Voods, building cement, cnlwrt between 101.5 35, 36. con.l . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. Benn Estate; sharpening picks . Albert Searle. 51 yds. of gravel Div. No. 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . , . . . I Root. \Vaitson, material fol" Ellis bridge“ . . . . . . . . . . , . . . John Train, filling in washout Con.7...... .. . . . . . . . . .. Daniel Dunerul, hauling stoma. con. 7 . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unnnda Ingot [1‘0nUo. Ltd.. for one.- Cllth‘l‘D 42 x 30 ft, . . . . . . . . one culvert, 36 x 22 fr. . l . . . . . . Frank Barbi-1'. 0.19., labor and mate rial for Pineh‘ri‘ove bridge. John A._ \Vntsm), Lo apply .on building cement, bridge lots 20 and 21.151)“. 4. . .. . . . . . . . ..l D. Mollilyifl, repairing bridge ,lots 30mm] 31,- con. 8 . . . . . . . . . . \Vin. \Volllu'd. 4.1; days in pit; ‘ $1.75 per duy.. ~ ‘Arlex. Locke. lighting lantern 10 nights . . . . . . .. . . . . . A .. .. John Dick, operating grader 1% days., .. . . .. Hairy Udét‘nhgr; hauling gravel I 8 days at, $4.00 p't-i‘dny, lob?) and (5, con. 7 . . . . . « . .7 . . . . . . '. .'.‘ James Huson, .4 dilyifi in gravel at $1.75,. . . . . . . . . . . . David 'l‘honmson, 2 ‘days work on Pine Grove bridge at’$l.75 [ml-day”... . . . . . . John J. Mmshnll, 50 yds. gravel Div. No. 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elworth Keffer Olive Train Lorne Miller Ross Stevenson Rheta. Train; . Roy Petermzm Hurry Wnods J essie Swallow Willie Grady M11 ble Ireland Eldon Onward ‘ Helen Rnb'ertsnn Viola Whitmm-e Nun-man Kelfer Garnet Keffcr HArry Ohm-19s Alfred Ireland Gordon Houver Ella Swallow ., May Loxewny Willie Charles Cecil VVéatsnn Andrew Jackson Robert Mitchell Frank Oliver PUPIL’S NAME VAUGHAN COUNCIL. 3’ WEme POTATOES SECTION N 0. T1 S WEET CORN FIELD CORN I’GUO' 00 133 00 121 00 110'00 879 20 14 50 3 76 18 46 89910 56 10 30 00 320 3200 469 300 7’85 625 300 360 1 00' 7 00 0v Jarvis & Rumble. 1§271t£plank r I at $27 per M.’.-.:.’.;."... .L . . . . . 43 52 Wm: Bates. hauling material and putting in culvert, lot 16, can. 6. . . . . , . . . -.‘ . . . . . . . . . . ~... 7 25 Percy Sniden huilding‘; abut.- ' ' - ments at. bridge,_.lot 7. “con. 9'. 200 '00 Mhple Statute Labor- Account Thns. Oliver. I4 loads of stone for sidelek at. $1.00 per load.$ 14 00 ' Snigennâ€"McNaib-That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to nay up- on presentation. all pay' sheets pre- Sented hy“"Mr.;Fx-nnk Barber (IE: to applv 'on huildin .. cmnent bridge at Pine Grove, but 8 all not excePd twu pay sheets in any one month, the same to be paid'tp Mr. Barber- i'n sum total.â€"i0arried. ‘ ' to Township Purposnfi. Roads‘ and Bridgk-s . . Current expenses etc. . . . The Clerk was instructed by By-law levy the folluwing amuuxits for ...‘....$11000 00 200000 By-laws_ were passed making the Statnturv‘ and Trustees Levy‘fm' the Public Schools for 1913 in‘accnrdance with. quuisitions of the several Boards of Trustees. Em- Guunty Purposes General Purpose Account. . . .$ 5773 51 Industrial Home Account. 1234 34 Cnurt House Deb. “ . . . . 460 55 Grand Roads Deb. . “ ‘ . . . Q51 76 Good Roads Mmutmm-nce Acc 1119 86 Cnuncfl adjourned to méet at Town- ship Hall, Vellum, on Tuesday,,Sept. 9 at 1 o’clock p.m. A NOTE TO INTENDING HOME- SEEKERS.I EXCURSION oven fiNA’DiAN NORTHERN - - LINES I ~ . Tuesdgiy Angus; 26m. " ' , U Through Touriét Cai- service, To- mnto t0 \Vinnipeg via, Chicagu and Duluth; Directcnnne‘cth'm at Winni- peg for Regina, .Ed mnntun, Saskawoh, nu ratheruauadizm Northern VVes't- el‘fl‘pointg, - ’ Choice of routes to all points west of Saskatoon. "I‘HrOthisleeping cars leave Toronto Union Station at 11.00 p.m. Tuesday, Aqgusfi 261 Make your" reservations through F. V. Higginhottmn. City Ticket, Agent, 52 King St. E”. Toronto. Ont. 01' any incai G.N.(). :1génb to whom all in- quiries for fuither partiéulzlrs should he addressed. PilSSEDgFI'S residing on Gland T1 nnk Railway lines can make their t‘r‘st’n‘vntions with Grand Trunk 'agunts but should insist on obtaining :1 ticket reading Canadian Northern Railway west of \Vinnipeg ' There I was a .wmn:1n,mand she Was wise, I . She worked according to her size; Although, hex house» was dust-in- ‘ fesféd, If‘ she \v'as‘vtired she simply rested: Hm' neighbor worked from morn ‘ night, ' x: Half szmtically, to have things " rightj~ ‘- . I I With hi'Qonr- and hose she’dflust and squirt, , L + ‘. But now she’s covered up with dirt. Lax-.235 5 TEACHER’S NAME Miss Beynon Miss McClure Miss McClure Miss Beynon Miss McClure Mr. McKenzie Miss H. Young Mr. Rowe Miss H. Young Miss McOlm-e ' Miss McClure -- MissMcolm-e Miss Beyncm‘ .Miss Beymm . Miss Beyn‘on POST OFFICE Edgeley. , Kleinburg’. Kleinbuxg. Edgeley. Kieinburg. Maple. Carrville. Maple. » Cam ville. Kleinburg. -Kleinburg. Kleinhurg. Edgetey. Edgeley. Edgeley. Miss Reeve . Miss McClure Miss Beynon Mr. Rowe , _ Miss Reeve Miss Reeve Mr. McKenzie Mr. Rowe Miss Beynon' Mr. Rowe INEVITABLE a woman,» and She w â€"Ch:u"les ‘11. M eiers. C Sweet to Eat I A (lady Bowel Lulu “Elgin Mills Kleinburg. Edgeley. Maple." Elgm Mills Elgin Mills Maple. M aple. Edgeley. Maple. $ 13000 00 $ 9440 02 [111 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Pure Paris Green, '2‘ Bug Death, " Arsénafe of Lead, -â€"ANDâ€"â€"V ' "Bordeaux Mixture All guaganfieed ,sfitjrictly , pfiéi ‘ _ Andi, prices ISSUER MAfiii'AGE LibENSEs AAAHAAAALAMAAAAMAAAAAA v’vv vvvv'Vv‘vyv‘vvavwvvvvvv'v A Car load of fresh Gluten at > the Elevator. ' Also one of good Bran and 7 7 ' Shérfs- 7 'A good Sfi‘pplly 10f PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always jqn‘ hand. Wheat, BuckWheat. Manitoba; [Cams 9 , for the Chickens ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement o 0 AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken-for Red Clay Pressed . », ~ Brick. ‘ We‘havé the-D.L.’& w. _ Scranton Hard an1. “None better” Order now. Just arrived 111211111 0'! Threshing Coal} ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES STWER. ,&fi ’ RAMEB +++$+$+4°¢+¢M+++++++++++ +4. Printing-H” Stationery A School Books ‘ '§'~§v~§-+++~§"§' Go to the Liberal Office for Bill Heads, V . Letter Heads, ' Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, School Books, Standard Novels, Â¥ Spuvenif Post Cards, V Post Card Albums, I : ' ‘,__Pa;pye,tries,- . -,Rub-ber Balls, 1 ‘ Etc., Etc. 4 '§+'§t'}++>§w§n&++%+§v+++%§¢~§v §‘+'§"i‘. W. A. Sanderson Puhii‘c Attention BUG TIME GOOD STOCK OF [Single copies, 3 cts. RICHMOND :HIL‘L DRUGGIST . Cracked Corn ..AND.. tog-ram mes, &c‘, &C. No. 8

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