W. HE‘WISON AT THE LIBERAL PRINTMG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL , our. HOUSE PAINTER; Ghï¬er, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. '1‘. F. McMAHON. Is PUBLISHED EVERY 'DHURSDAY MORNING R’iSIE‘: ENCE. . RICHMOND HILL JJHN R. CAMPBELL. Calls {deemed Auctioneers for th a County of York. Salesmbseuded to on shortest notice and at; rea- IOD‘IbIB rates Patronaea soiieited Ph Inc No. 2‘1. Licensed Auctluneer for the Counties of York. Onuriu and 'Nhnh'l’uxouto. Sï¬eciul Mtgention giver; ha suics of every description. Fui‘miand- a'r‘ni 'HLOGK sales a, specialty. Farms bought mm s-1)d.ong=>mmission. All Hahn attmiiled to on shortest nut-ice m1" 60nductéd by marine“ up 0 damn: hnd‘s: ‘ Propnres pupiis for the grndvd F‘X~ (lminutinns held at, 'l‘muntu'C/mwm' ':l- tlm'y (31' Music and Univmsity uf Ju- ronto. ‘ Sppcinl course in “River’s†Klndor- grwten Method, particularly hvlpful lo liéginlmm. “Glass recitals are given Lhrlmghmit Hie ve $1 per annum, in‘advancej DR. W. \R.“ PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL LASKAY P. 0.- 'L‘ Balzeon, r .‘J K M ' Map/o Wes Saigeo‘u & Meliwen, VOL. XXXVI. ‘6 D. H.‘ PINKERTDN,‘ V.S. rAddress: £39 Balfiol sc . Nm 15h Toronto. Firs; huuse north of Atkinson 8: ‘ Switzer’s store. MISS MILLIE TRENCH VETERINARY'SURGEON, BUSINESS. CARDS. F-' 'C. EG‘rAN NIaprle, ()nt. SATISFACTION, GUARqu We » @ibzml LICENSED AUCTION EER OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Fox-'t'he Cuunty’ 0f York. il l' ’l‘hornhill. Emma & Paornm'ro'n. phone nl‘ otherwise prompth l'espl‘nded Lu. RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J. H. Preï¬bice Phone No. 2402 e‘fl’ettriuaw Wediml. RESIDENCE ‘J K McEwen Wesson ONTARIO 42-h NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 132.. TORONTO, Canada Telephone! Main Cable Addï¬ess. “Dedo.†PIANO TUNING Organs Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed Av.G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar LEN-NOX- & MORGAN Mouov to loan on land anuchatteI nzortgageaat ' ' owest rates - . Aururuomco-Remm an no the old post oflm.‘ one door west 0! the entrance to the ,Outarw Bimk' - ' Newmarkel ofllceâ€"Thrfle doors, south at the m __ pastorï¬ne ' Bgrristers , Solicitors. Names. kc. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide 8: Victnma. Sm; fur-onto: Tel. M. 363]. BARRISTER. SULICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tomntn Office. Ruom 328 Confedern tiun Life Bldg†No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Oï¬â€˜ice (“Libel-{11’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoonn Maple, Thursdnyufternnon, VVnud hridug, Saturday forenoon. Monev to 1mm Richmo‘no. Hill NOTARY? PUBLic CCMLIISSIONER. CONVEY AN"ER’. ETC. Alarge stock of Funerul'Furnishing ken at, both places (Jude-“takers dc Fmbnimers, RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL Benton, Grover & Field »-HEh§1§I§1"LENNoX H. A. ,NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Lawrence &. Dunbar, _ Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST Cnmmissiuner, Conveyancer, e Insurance, and Real Estate Issum «A Marriage Licenses. EIiMOTT /MM/// 9 M “Aha-“mm n17,“ \ ‘ REAL ESTATE. THO RNH «Sh-ionnyrst-(Jluss in :11] depart- ments. Nore Better imthe Dominion. Enjoys vgcten-sive ~pzltx‘0nage and graduates mudin get good positions. Open onlh’v Veaz'.‘ Enter >nmv. Gz‘italugne free. ~ ' ‘ ‘ w. J.’ ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor Yougc and Alexand'el ‘Sts. " Barristers a nd Sollcluu's. VOICING Ann .. . . . ACTION REGULATING 505:: 3. Z’avt'dson ' THORNHILL FALL TERM Barristers, Solicturs. &c. WILLIAM COOK TQRG’NTO. ONT. EDWARD FRANCIS, RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21. 191.3 OPENS SEPIEMBER 2. WRIGHT BROS. “In Essmtialc, Unity; .in Non-Essentials,â€Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Mum. A an“. at Five Per Cent (5%) G STV MORGAN Pnone Main $84 . ETC. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP PRIZE WINNERS IOR CROPS IN THE SCHOOL FAIR Results 'of'Schnnl Plot Competition of Rural School Fair in ~Vau‘ghan Town- ship. The crops in general gave an excellent showing and great credit is due to all children in the contest. The following is the'list of pupil prize-winners, the places come in rotation. ' ' 10. l l. 12; 13. 14. Members“ all' present. Ree‘fe Cam- eron in the chair. . Minutes of. last. meeting read.,dnd confirmed. V, The above Cunncil met at Vellore, 129!) of Angus}. at, one o’clgck p.m~. - v Messrs. Page & Dr. Gilmo‘ur, appear- ed before the council asking for the approval of plan for sub-division 'of the East Half of Lot No. 43 in the 1st qucessionLTmynship othaughan. Mchm-:Whitmuye--Thab this 001an CH accept the Plan as pI-esgnted bv Messrs. Page & Gilmuur, '0f the E48!) Half of Lot, No. 43, in the lst. (Jun- cession of the Township of Vaughan, if approved by Mr. W., H. G1-axxt,~ Township Solicitor.â€"â€" Curried. Messrs. Stephens & 00.. appeared. before the Council asking for the ap- pluvnl uf Plan fur Sub-division of‘ tlie East, Half of Lot No. 59 in ithe First. Ummessimi of the Tp. “I: Vaughan:- McNai1--â€"-Saigeonâ€"Thup this council. accept the Plan as presented by Messrs. Stephens & Go. of the East Half of Lot No. 59, in First Ooncvssio-n of the Township of Vaughan if appmv'ed by Mr. W. H. Grant. Township Solicitur. â€"L‘an-ied. ‘ The Tlensurer Was insuucted to pay the fulluwing road a.ccuunts:â€"â€" L. Innes 85 Sons. lumber . . . . . . ‘ $ 14 78 Hoyt. McLean, repairing bridge C(m.l..«.... . . . . . . . . . . . Milton Savage,-30 yds, grave-1.. I“. Uhntburn, shtu'peuingpicks etc. . . .. . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . ‘ Gen. Cooper, 38 yds. gravel . . . . . 0. Norman, repairing culvert etc R. Jones, repairing culvert; etc.. Neil McLean, 5 hrs. work an culvert,“ .. E. H. Taylor, 5 hrs. work on culvern........ ,. . .. . Bone & \rVoods. building cement; culvert, lget‘Ween lots 30 and 31, con. 5 . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker ' & "Pi-entice, building cement culverp .hgtween logs Biland 31, con. ..§.. George R. Crook, 375; yds.‘ of gravel for above culverts... . . Robert \Vilvs, 710 ft. plank at $25.00 per M . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. Bone & \Voods, building cement, cnlwrt between 101.5 35, 36. con.l . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. Benn Estate; sharpening picks . Albert Searle. 51 yds. of gravel Div. No. 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . , . . . I Root. \Vaitson, material fol" Ellis bridge“ . . . . . . . . . . , . . . John Train, ï¬lling in washout Con.7...... .. . . . . . . . . .. Daniel Dunerul, hauling stoma. con. 7 . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unnnda Ingot [1‘0nUo. Ltd.. for one.- Cllth‘l‘D 42 x 30 ft, . . . . . . . . one culvert, 36 x 22 fr. . l . . . . . . Frank Barbi-1'. 0.19., labor and mate rial for Pineh‘ri‘ove bridge. John A._ \Vntsm), Lo apply .on building cement, bridge lots 20 and 21.151)“. 4. . .. . . . . . . . ..l D. Mollilyifl, repairing bridge ,lots 30mm] 31,- con. 8 . . . . . . . . . . \Vin. \Volllu'd. 4.1; days in pit; ‘ $1.75 per duy.. ~ ‘Arlex. Locke. lighting lantern 10 nights . . . . . . .. . . . . . A .. .. John Dick, operating grader 1% days., .. . . .. Hairy Udét‘nhgr; hauling gravel I 8 days at, $4.00 p't-i‘dny, lob?) and (5, con. 7 . . . . . « . .7 . . . . . . '. .'.‘ James Huson, .4 dilyiï¬ in gravel at $1.75,. . . . . . . . . . . . David 'l‘honmson, 2 ‘days work on Pine Grove bridge at’$l.75 [ml-dayâ€... . . . . . . John J. Mmshnll, 50 yds. gravel Div. No. 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elworth Keffer Olive Train Lorne Miller Ross Stevenson Rheta. Train; . Roy Petermzm Hurry Wnods J essie Swallow Willie Grady M11 ble Ireland Eldon Onward ‘ Helen Rnb'ertsnn Viola Whitmm-e Nun-man Kelfer Garnet Keffcr HArry Ohm-19s Alfred Ireland Gordon Houver Ella Swallow ., May Loxewny Willie Charles Cecil VVéatsnn Andrew Jackson Robert Mitchell Frank Oliver PUPIL’S NAME VAUGHAN COUNCIL. 3’ WEme POTATOES SECTION N 0. T1 S WEET CORN FIELD CORN I’GUO' 00 133 00 121 00 110'00 879 20 14 50 3 76 18 46 89910 56 10 30 00 320 3200 469 300 7’85 625 300 360 1 00' 7 00 0v Jarvis & Rumble. 1§271t£plank r I at $27 per M.’.-.:.’.;."... .L . . . . . 43 52 Wm: Bates. hauling material and putting in culvert, lot 16, can. 6. . . . . , . . . -.‘ . . . . . . . . . . ~... 7 25 Percy Sniden huilding‘; abut.- ' ' - ments at. bridge,_.lot 7. “con. 9'. 200 '00 Mhple Statute Labor- Account Thns. Oliver. I4 loads of stone for sidelek at. $1.00 per load.$ 14 00 ' Snigennâ€"McNaib-That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to nay up- on presentation. all pay' sheets pre- Sented hy“"Mr.;Fx-nnk Barber (IE: to applv 'on huildin .. cmnent bridge at Pine Grove, but 8 all not excePd twu pay sheets in any one month, the same to be paid'tp Mr. Barber- i'n sum total.â€"i0arried. ‘ ' to Township Purposnï¬. Roads‘ and Bridgk-s . . Current expenses etc. . . . The Clerk was instructed by By-law levy the folluwing amuuxits for ...‘....$11000 00 200000 By-laws_ were passed making the Statnturv‘ and Trustees Levy‘fm' the Public Schools for 1913 in‘accnrdance with. quuisitions of the several Boards of Trustees. Em- Guunty Purposes General Purpose Account. . . .$ 5773 51 Industrial Home Account. 1234 34 Cnurt House Deb. “ . . . . 460 55 Grand Roads Deb. . “ ‘ . . . Q51 76 Good Roads Mmutmm-nce Acc 1119 86 Cnuncfl adjourned to méet at Town- ship Hall, Vellum, on Tuesday,,Sept. 9 at 1 o’clock p.m. A NOTE TO INTENDING HOME- SEEKERS.I EXCURSION oven ï¬NA’DiAN NORTHERN - - LINES I ~ . Tuesdgiy Angus; 26m. " ' , U Through Touriét Cai- service, To- mnto t0 \Vinnipeg via, Chicagu and Duluth; Directcnnne‘cth'm at Winni- peg for Regina, .Ed mnntun, Saskawoh, nu ratheruauadizm Northern VVes't- el‘fl‘pointg, - ’ Choice of routes to all points west of Saskatoon. "I‘HrOthisleeping cars leave Toronto Union Station at 11.00 p.m. Tuesday, Aqgusï¬ 261 Make your" reservations through F. V. Higginhottmn. City Ticket, Agent, 52 King St. Eâ€. Toronto. Ont. 01' any incai G.N.(). :1génb to whom all in- quiries for fuither partiéulzlrs should he addressed. PilSSEDgFI'S residing on Gland T1 nnk Railway lines can make their t‘r‘st’n‘vntions with Grand Trunk 'agunts but should insist on obtaining :1 ticket reading Canadian Northern Railway west of \Vinnipeg ' There I was a .wmn:1n,mand she Was wise, I . She worked according to her size; Although, hex house» was dust-in- ‘ fesféd, If‘ she \v'as‘vtired she simply rested: Hm' neighbor worked from morn ‘ night, ' x: Half szmtically, to have things " rightj~ ‘- . I I With hi'Qonr- and hose she’dflust and squirt, , L + ‘. But now she’s covered up with dirt. Lax-.235 5 TEACHER’S NAME Miss Beynon Miss McClure Miss McClure Miss Beynon Miss McClure Mr. McKenzie Miss H. Young Mr. Rowe Miss H. Young Miss McOlm-e ' Miss McClure -- MissMcolm-e Miss Beyncm‘ .Miss Beymm . Miss Beyn‘on POST OFFICE Edgeley. , Kleinburg’. Kleinbuxg. Edgeley. Kieinburg. Maple. Carrville. Maple. » Cam ville. Kleinburg. -Kleinburg. Kleinhurg. Edgetey. Edgeley. Edgeley. Miss Reeve . Miss McClure Miss Beynon Mr. Rowe , _ Miss Reeve Miss Reeve Mr. McKenzie Mr. Rowe Miss Beynon' Mr. Rowe INEVITABLE a woman,» and She w â€"Ch:u"les ‘11. M eiers. C Sweet to Eat I A (lady Bowel Lulu “Elgin Mills Kleinburg. Edgeley. Maple." Elgm Mills Elgin Mills Maple. M aple. Edgeley. Maple. $ 13000 00 $ 9440 02 [111 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Pure Paris Green, '2‘ Bug Death, " Arsénafe of Lead, -â€"ANDâ€"â€"V ' "Bordeaux Mixture All guaganï¬eed ,sï¬tjrictly , pï¬Ã©i ‘ _ Andi, prices ISSUER MAï¬ii'AGE LibENSEs AAAHAAAALAMAAAAMAAAAAA v’vv vvvv'Vv‘vyv‘vvavwvvvvvv'v A Car load of fresh Gluten at > the Elevator. ' Also one of good Bran and 7 7 ' Shérfs- 7 'A good Sï¬â€˜pplly 10f PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always jqn‘ hand. Wheat, BuckWheat. Manitoba; [Cams 9 , for the Chickens ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement o 0 AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken-for Red Clay Pressed . », ~ Brick. ‘ We‘havé the-D.L.’& w. _ Scranton Hard an1. “None better†Order now. Just arrived 111211111 0'! Threshing Coal} ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES STWER. ,&ï¬ â€™ RAMEB +++$+$+4°¢+¢M+++++++++++ +4. Printing-H†Stationery A School Books ‘ '§'~§v~§-+++~§"§' Go to the Liberal Office for Bill Heads, V . Letter Heads, ' Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, School Books, Standard Novels, Â¥ Spuvenif Post Cards, V Post Card Albums, I : ' ‘,__Pa;pye,tries,- . -,Rub-ber Balls, 1 ‘ Etc., Etc. 4 '§+'§t'}++>§w§n&++%+§v+++%§¢~§v §‘+'§"i‘. W. A. Sanderson Puhii‘c Attention BUG TIME GOOD STOCK OF [Single copies, 3 cts. RICHMOND :HIL‘L DRUGGIST . Cracked Corn ..AND.. tog-ram mes, &c‘, &C. No. 8