Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Aug 1913, p. 3

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lThe Judges Have a Poor Idea of Administering It. The Corean judge dispenses jusâ€" ' '06 in the open, and by etiquette only the judge can sit; everyone . lse must stand, excepting the pri» lsoner and his friends, who are lfiorced to remain in. an humble lkne-eling position with bowed lheads, says the Wide World Maga- xzine. Until quite recently these ‘trials were always very one-sided and shockingly unjust. When a man was brought to a, judge, it was taken‘for granted he was guilty, ’and, if hefidid not confess he was tortured and made to do so‘ Wit- nesses, too, were openly bribed. In fact, giving evidence for or against an accused person meant a living to a. portion of the community, and these witnesses naturally favored th0se who paid best. Punishments varied. If the prisons were too full, and the condemned could not pay a, fine, they were. often given a chance to escape, or disappeared by some means. Though these are things of the past, Corean judges, like those of China, possess a, poor idea. of the sense of justice. Wmm.â€""Mym ’Mthwmbcuflnzoueouthotm '19 . mountmplumdwmundghfly. The» pen- mod 00 keep Mg and! my! Mum Thymmmvm; mmxmumymmmmfl Wining two or «as dumb lava MMMMWOWM-wfi.l‘ Bares, Spread lint}! Facgijas Gov- ered. Soylaché Couki'éNot Resist Switching. mad Entirer In fAbout Two- Weeks byfluttcum fSoap and Ointment. . . True prayervbrings ou: wants to heaven and leaves them there. Wilbur-«Do they always keep that big bell on the cow? Papaâ€"Yes, Wibbur. Wilburâ€"I suppose it is to keep her from falling asieep in this quiet place. km . calm «Guam ammo Outlaws 0113mm. I found that they cured mo. entirely of the novel In sham two weeklfiti (Bland) Fred E. Meyer, M. n. 1912. South West. 1*. n. {slantâ€"“My um. Iirl. and tour you-I. wu troubled with s Wuhonharlul. Itbesanlnn dry nth very hot gnu Relay and afar a. Mdtn fl Ioolud flhfltfle pimple. wan, whlnwponm. Burles- Burnodpnd‘ Wmmflnnduhxsqverymflm‘ udwuuhomandmmn. anaqu tomcohMm-koaomwhanlwunoq vacuum. Imumwhuatoddm= I um,» mm In: legs with warn; we Andy-Sula “My, thin but less and 'rub Outlaw-a; 01nth and she was cured in mweekq" (signed Mu. P.’J.-:Mulltuy; Allenl. 1912. ‘ (Badman-p und Cancun Ointment are sold by drunk“ tad dealer- everwa Fol-Illbex-al free sample denim, with 821). “.detwdwpotm Dms&0hun. 0039.. Dept. 51D. Baum. U. 8. A. Appetizing and whole- some 'these hot Summer days. ’ Serve with cream and sugarâ€"and sometimes fresh berries or fruit. kitchen. Ready to eat direct from the package â€"â€" fresh, crisp and dainty; Post Toasties are thin bits of Indian'Corn, toasted to'a golden brown. Sold by Grocers everywhere. Post Toastics lEGS BURNED AND lTCHED Post- Toasties for Lunch Cnnadinn Postum Cent! 00.. Windy». Ontario. Acceptable at any mealâ€"â€" COREAN JU STICE. Twinkle ! Twinkle 1 cooking â€"â€" no hot German Physician Advises Its Use ' to Whiten Skin. According to a German physician, salt taken with food has a: whiten- ing eflect on the skin. This is acâ€" counted for by the fact that it is a. compound containing the powerâ€" ful bleaching agent, chlorine. At any rate, it is undoubted that White people eat much more common salt than dark races. Besides Whitening the .skin it is probable that abundance of salt in the diet makes the face and the whole.body plump. When a, per- son eats salt freely the- result is that the blood, skin, muscles, etc., retain a great quantity of fluid. Hence the effect on the face would be to make it full and rounded. But it should be eaten with judg- ment and moderation. If a, young girl eats a large quantity of salt and makes her face plump then the skin ig stretched and, as she grows older and drier, wrinkles appear. But if she useg a. saltless diet while young, then when the wrinkles come she should be (able to disperse them by adding salt to her diet. V Fruit, on the other hand, dark- ens the skin, because it contains salts of manganese. SO fares observation goes salt has the virtue of preserving the health of the skin andprevventing eruptibns. But only"wh’én used in moderation is it of ‘real service, and people with weak hearts or kidneys, or who have a, tendency to dropsy, are better without any or with the smallest possible quantity. ‘ ~ , The middle class is'a large and important glass of the population, which is often over-looked, which has to bear a great many of the burdena of the State in almost un- due proportion, and Which does not in these days receive either the sym- pathy or the attention or the cre- dit which it deserves.â€"Lord Balâ€" four of Burleigh. To be fleeâ€"minded and cheerfully disposed at'hours of »meat, and sleep, and exercise is one of the best precepts of long lasting.â€" Bacon. Wealth is honorable, and may be used most blessedly when men re- gard themselves as being what in- deed they areâ€"stewards of it, and not the owners.â€"Farrqr. A man never rises so. high as when he knows notw Whither he is goingfâ€"Qliver Cromwell. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have \Red, Weak, Watery Eye: or Granulated E elids. Doesn’t Smart -â€"Soothes E e ain. Dru gists Sell Murine Eye emedy, Liqui , 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic .Tubes. 250, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. “MT-MenoodlormlmMNo-lcm Murine Ere Remedy 09.. Chic-lo Don’t be extreme in anything. Don’t spoil the gown for a, yard of stuff. Don’t wear red or purple veils. Don’t go in for the style of “sweet seventeen” at 40. Don’t wear a. new dress .with a, dowdy bonnet. Don’t wear too many rings. Don’t wear evening jewel- lery at breakfast. Don’t pinch your feet and hands by taking a, size to?) small in shoes or gloves; it tends to make the offending mnem- bers all the larger. Don’t wear a fur boa. with a, cotton dress. Don’t wear a, flowery hat with a, coat and skirt. Don’t adopt a color merely because it is fashionable. Don’t drink lemon juice to make you thin. Don’t forget that “a. stitch in time saves nine.” Don’t make a visit of condolence in gay-colored clothes. Don’t Wear gold or silver jewellery while in' mourning. Don’t wear bright jet in the first stage of deep mourning, only dull. . “Mother, do door-s talk 2” “No, dear. Why do you ask 2” “Well, I heard you'tell Mary to answer the door.” Mlnard's Llnlment cures Dlphmerla. SALT AND GOOD LGOKS. To Be Well Dressed. UNAN SWERABLE. Grains of Gold. SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO THE ' PACIFIC COAST. Via Chicago and North Weegern By. Special low ’rate.round trip tlckets on salerfrom all pomts in Canada. to L63 Angeles, San Francisco. Portland. Seattle. Vancouver. Victoria. Edmonton. Calgary. Banfl’, Yellowstone Park, etc., during Aug. ust and September. Excellent train ser- vice. For rates, illustrated folders. time tables and full particulars address. B. H. Bennett, General Agent. 46 Yonge Street. Toronto. Ontario. I WANT to prove it to your sati’lfaoflon. If you have Rheumatism. acute or chronic -â€"no matter what. your conditionâ€"write to-day for my FREE BOOK 0n "RHEUMA- TISMâ€"Itl Cause and Cure." Thousand- oall it. “The most wonderful book ever written.” Don’t send a stampâ€"41;" AB- SOLUTELY FREE. JESSE A. CA“. Dept. 4'16. Brockton. Mum. U.S.A. Ten Good; Things. There are ten things for which no one has ever yefi been sorry. These areâ€"For doing good to all; for speaking evil of none ;» for hearing before judging; for thinking before speaking; for holding an angry tongue; for beingkind to the dis- tressed; for asking pardon for all wrongs; for being patient towards everybody; for stopping the ears of a, taleâ€"bearer; for disbelieving most of the ill reports. Maybe. wae~Who was it that said:â€" “It is better to give than to re- ceive ” Sigev’eâ€"Some bachelor who was buylng wedding pi‘esents fipr a friend, I guess. ‘ An old but sturdy Irishman, who had made a reputation as a gang “boss,” got a job with a railroad constructiontvoom'pany. at Port â€",au Prince, iHaIm'fl? - K. One day when the sunflvms hot? ter than' usual, his gang of Haitians began to Shirk, land as the _chief engineer rodé‘upon his horse, ; he heard the Irishman shout: ' ‘ We learn from a'reliable source that the Auto-Strap Safety Razor Co., Ltd., of Toronto, who are well-known throughout the world as manufactur- ers of the Self-Strapping Auto-Strep Razor, have arranged a novel and at- tractive method of advertising which will be demonstrated at their booth in the Manufacturers’ Building, at the Canadian National Exhibition ' This demonstration will be con- ducted as follows: Each visitor to the Booth will be presented with a. num- bered badge, which will be issued in duplicate. By finding the person hear- ing the duplicate number and pre- senting same to the Auto-Strep Booth each holder will be given a. $5.00 Auto-Strop Safety Razor free of charge. It is safe to say that this Booth will prove one of the most attractive at the Exhibition. “A11ezlâ€"ydu sons of ,gunslâ€"al- lez 1” Then, turning to the engi-' neer, he said, “I' curse the day I iver lqarned their language.” Asking permission of a girl before you kiss her is colwhai'dly. It is putting the responsibility up to her. < An Irishman complained that his doctor kept stuffing him so with drugs that he was “sick for a, week after he was quite well.” Speculation is a word that some- times begins with the second letter. #Chatfield. , El). 7. Be not curious in unnecessary matters, for more things are known unto thee than men understandâ€"- Ecclesiastdcus. I think you will find it true that, before any vice can fasten on a man, body, mind, or moral nature must be debilitated. The mosses and fungi gathel; on sickly trees, not thriving ones.â€"O. W. Holmes. The virtue of proéperity is ten}- perance; the virtue of adversity ls fortitude.â€"â€"Ba,-con. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHI- ' BITION. Mlnard's Llnlmont ‘curea Golds. ' Etc. Mlnard's Llnlmen! cures Distemper. URIC ACID NEVER CAUSED RHEUMATISM Pearls of Truth. A Linguist. Cowardly. ISSUE 34â€"13. Som’amlegoggses find history fi'bgginseand coins begin to go too ,_when_ “1?utyam7a" iskgppliedfit fikes out roote.,bra.n¢h and stem. Nothing , so aggro» amt paiéless’ as Putnam’s. Gog-n and‘VWarthxtractor; try ‘fPutnam’sW‘ at‘al‘l dealers. “Oh, and what did he do 2” “He went to the cupboard and broke a plate and the top of the jam jar.” A light 'broke in on the bishop. “Oh, he was after the jaml, I suppose he ate some ‘1” “Yes.” said the boy, “he did!” The idea of devil-possession is not merely an elaborate form of ex- cuse; the native servant really be- lieves in it. "Yes, and in the night he cgme o‘utuof the cook and passed mto “He came in with the cook from the souk market yesterday even- ingqfi” ' “Really '1” commented the bishOp, puzzled. “Men are reaI'ly‘ too mean .for anything!” ‘fWhat’s the trouble now ‘2” f‘Why, I asked John for an automobile ’to‘day, and he said that I must be’conte‘nt ' with. the splendid cafiriage that Natuféfhas given me!” ‘ ‘ Minard’s Linviment 00., Limited. Gentlemenâ€"I have used ' MINARD’S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my fam- fly for years, and for the every day ills and imaideuts of life I oonsigier it; has no equa. . - . - Evorythin-g that goes wrong is at- tributed by the Ber-berines, a tribe of the Sudan, to the devil. Ethel S. Stevens, in “My Sudan Year,” quotes a story told her by Bishop Gwynne of his “boy’s” coming to him one day and announcing, “The devil is in the house.” “Oh,” said the bishop, “that is Varyin'tereatingl When did hemr- rive 2” ‘ 7‘1 Rank! not start on a. voyage without, it, if it cost a dollar a. bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. “All right,_ old man, and while you’re searching for the jewels if you run across my dress-shirt I wish you’d put them on the dresser. I haven’t been able to find them for a, month.” H V Using Him. “Lie still there and I won’t hurt you. All I want is your money and your ijrewglrs, and then I’ll git.”_ __ A Highlander fell into a river, and after desperate efforts manag- ed to reach the bank in safety. His wife, who had been a distressed on- lookerl, exclaimed, as soon as her anxiety was relievedâ€"“Ah, Donald, ye should be verra thankfu’ tae Providence for rsavin’ your life.” Donald was somewhat aggrieved at what he deemed an unequal appor- tionment of the credit. “Yess, yess,” he replied, “Providence wass very good, but I wass ferry clever too, whatefer.” ’ Mlnard’s Llnlmem Cures' Garaet "I COWS. Schr. "Storke." St. Andre, Kamouraska. ON THE MARRIAGE DAY. One Woman,; One Carriage. Leadlny to the BJ. Degree and to the 8.0. and D.D. Degrees THE excellent Staff of Trinity College and the whole resources of the University of Toronto, with many exceptional advan- tages, are open to Students of the University 01! Toronto who enrol in Trinity College. Students of Trinity College achieve notable suc- cesses in the examinations or the University of Toronto every year. UNIVERSITY OF' TORONTO TRINITY COLLEGE The Soul ofa. Plano lsfho Action. Insist on the A RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE OF 60 YEARS' GTANDINO IIOVl FEDERATED WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO "OTTO HIGEL” Berberine Belief. Plano Action forward to Very Good. For Calendar dud Illuttmted Booklet, address REV. DR. MA CKLEIII, TRINITY COLLEGE, TORONTO. Correapondencé invited from Students Iggdug Fall Courses in Arts and Divinity flaw, Medicine, Teaching or Holy Oriers “eruonsn mn- lerem Foreign “St-mm. Oat-10:0“. i 41mm. 0111; SevrenVCanu Huh snip; LARGE 40 3.39. TOURING GAR. "COST $4,000. W111 sell"for $800. or will .5!- change for a. few cows, horaesn hly. or feed, This is a. ’beautiful car and in in first-class runninvz order. Anply Box 3.1!. 73 Adelaide St. W.; Toronto, Ont, BUTT. STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIE! Farms in all sectionl of Dual-10.97 YOUNG MAN BE A BARBER. I TEAO you quickly. cheaply, thoroughly in furnish 1001: free. We give you actual I'hop experience. Write for fre'e cata- logue. Molar College, 219 Queen at. East, Toronto. ‘ MEN WANTED H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Golborno Strut. Toronto. ’ Home maps. ACTORY SITES. WITH OR. WITHOU’I Railway trackage. in Town”. Brnmntnn and nfhn towns and cities. 3.1. w.. DAWSON. Colborno 8L. Torongo. \TRAWBERRY PLANTS ~ CHOICE k thrifty young plants from Marden, Vines only, now ready. Price' $1:00 per « 100. by mail, post paid. Riverside Nurser- ies, Central West, River, N.S. figu'aghy'gmom- MEN WKNTE ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. anbago and kindred ailments posmve" cured with the new German Remedy. "Snuol." price $1.50. Another new remedv (or Diabetes-Menu“. and gum cure. I. "Hnnol'e Ann-Diabetes." Price szm PW; drugziats or direct. The Rana! Marl..- Qurin Company 0! Canada. Limlmd. Winn peg. Man. , . CANCER. TUMORS. ' LUMPS EEO, internal and external. cured Wm!- out nain bv our home treatment. WNW on bolero too InheA Dr. Benmnu “edict! (‘0‘ Limfled. Conlnrwnml. fly" FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting p Wood Split Pulleys, 12% x 48 inLl for 3‘15/16 in. shaft. ' 1 Wood Split Pulley, 12% x 48 5.11.. for 2 15/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood: Srplit Pulley, 12%}:- 28 in» L for 3 7/16 in. shaft. ’ . 1 Wood Split. Pulley, 10% x 36 in.) l for 3 7/16 in. shaft. Pulleys of smaller sizes and Shafting of vaaious lengths. and! lines to be sold at very low figures; Box 23, Wilson Publishing. 00., Toronto. Aer-ran ' wan Bus-.1- ESTABUSHED In”. , Beat UD-to-dato Courses. I.x»d|vldul1ln- _atructlur. Writs for Catalogue NOWg ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN Brampton and a dozen other iowmg Sultable for "Ills. Manufacturlng Plants, Printing Houses, Etc. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. MALE HELP WANTED. 533i; mififtmm FARMS FOR CALI. MISCELLANEOUS.

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