Mr. Alex. Mundie left: Suturdny‘with ' his son, Mm G. Maudie. tn spend a Week with relatives at, St. Mmy’s. RICHMOND HILL. «ONE. AUG. 21, 1913 ,‘flr'he new SIgn {ff-Intel. Richmond?’ § up well m gilt. letters,_ {Elm fgg’iherulfl ' Mr. ï¬nd Mrs._Johns0n (3f Dnvisville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs) G. Kerswill. E Miss Cora Benson spent, a month of he! holidays with relatives in Toronto. Mr. McRPynnldé of Tm'nntn spent Sunday with his brothel-in-‘lmv, Mr. P. G. Savage. ' ' Mr. Thnmas Hodgson left Tuesday for a. trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Scott and Buhy Scott and Mr. and Mrs. R. Stun k all uf Tmunto, spent Sunday with‘»’Mr..uud Mrs. I. Walden; ' ' Miss Helen Bensun 19ft Tuesday to spend a. cnuple- of Ww‘ks with. heâ€:- uncle and Aunt, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Bensuu, Tumnto. .. A, Mrs. Chnpe of Cleveland is making a visit. with her sister, Mrs. P. Gr. Savage. . Mis's Lavina Elliott has returned afle-r spending the past week visiting friends at Newmarkeb and elsewhere. Miss Evelyn Cnnmhs of Bradford is visiting with her cousin Miss Eva. Hopper. Mrs. 30m) Hamiltun. Elgin- Mills sit-Ht a week with Mrs; David Mc- I enzie, Richmond Hill. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rudditt mid little daughter of B nrrie who are holidaying in l'urnntu, culm- up and spent Mun- d:_Ly with me Misses Redditt. Row R. C. Gnu-i9 letm-nvd home on Tuesday nightzmd will be in his own pull its next. Sunday. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Thnums Murphy and Master Ruben, of Turuntn. visited lasL Week with Mr. and Mrs. Uhax-les Kerswill, Elgin Mills. ' :U'Leary lobster-306. tin; Crosswd Fish sqldiues 150. Lin; Black pl‘ppt‘l 300. 1b.; After dinnur mints Soft and Cl'Holllly 23c. lb. ALkmsun 8.: Switzer. Mrs. A. J. Heise of Hamlin, Kansas. and her sister Miss N. Cuber of Gui-m- ley. paid a visit to their uncle, Mr. George ()ubi-r' near Carrville on ‘Mou- day of this week. Mr. and Mrs. O. Gndu in of \Vnshing- (on, D. uf 0.. whn are visiting at, Riuhnmnd ViHu assisted the Methudist Ghnil-Suuday turning and sang a duet. Mr. Fred Thompson of the Union Bank staff. Manstick, who has been spending his holidays with his relatives at Gormley, called on friends in the viliage and vicinity this week. The Presbyterian Sabbath School purpnse holding an Ice Cream Social on the chm-ch lawn Satuldny evening of this week. The Bmd will be in ultendzmcv. Everybody welcome. Rev. N. \Vellwood of vaenhurst who is building a. house on Centre Street. is spending a few days here with his son George who is assisting in building. Miss VVellwuod also spent, over Sunday here. Mr. John '1‘. Anderson. plzmn tuner. 200 Beresfurd Ava. \Vust Tm'ontn. makes regular trips to Rivhmond Hill and vicmity. A post; card. or u phune message, th. 72. will bring him any ï¬zzle that; special work is required. 7. Mr. Geo. Henry of York Township, Whose muue will be submitted at the Conservative «nomination for East York on Saturday, and Mr. Wm. Smith of Unionville, were in the village calling on friends yesterday. Mrs. Max-v Kl ller, at, one time wife of the late Alex. Mackny. owner of Headfmd Mills who is visiting friends in Markham and Whitcbm-uh. spent Sunday afternoon at Rev. W. Elliutt’s. Her home fni‘.ina11v years has been near Hamlin, Krmsas. Mr. A. E. Glass reports the following local Real Estate Sales during the past week: M1“. Charles Hickson’s house and 1th on Centre St. 'East to Mr. James Ellis 0f Dnll:u-;. Also Mr. John ML- XVilliams property on Arnold St. to Mr. Charles Hickson. Ladies’ white silk [isle gloves 350.; Black all silk glqu 2 domes 50c.; Long white, gi-ayxnud black silk lisle gloves 500.; Long [luck silk gloves double ï¬nger tips 75c.; Gellulnid hair pins 250. (102.; One only, tan Middy, size 34, with belt $1.75; One only Middy, white. with navy collar, 12 yr. ‘siz‘e $1.35, Atkin- son & Switzer. Bipans Tabules cure constipation. Messrs. McDonald & Son have enecb ed a neat Sign in frunt, of their grucerv and flour and feed store. The sign is in Lhe shape at a globe in which is placed a. puwexful electric light, which illuumnums hath the windows and the sidewalk. The idea is a guod one; ‘ Miss Teefy visited fliends here this week, and has been a guest, of Mrs. A. J. Cumplwli. She will rrtmn to her sisters, st Mulczihy, Drillia. for a few days previous Lu Licking number trip to ()uliful'nia, in company with‘her brother Mr. Armand Teet‘y. ‘ . BARN RAISING.. The barn rnising‘ of Mr. Josoph Hmld, Gun. 2. Markham. which was to have taken place last; Saturday after- noon was brought; to an ab! upt termin- ation by the thunderstorm and rain. A large number of men haul assembled and after putting the frame work to- gebher it was funnd impussihle to pro- ceed further that day. The cuntluctnr. Mr. Wm. McKenzie. asked all to re- tum at. 8 o’clnc‘R Mnnday lnurning to ï¬nish the job. Promptly at the appointed time a large number gather- ed nnd while waiting for the rest. at, -'Mr. McKenzie’s suggestiun. they turned into u [7 acre ï¬eld of oats and in the shurt space of about 20 minutes had it, all in shock. The raising then proceeded. Mr. James McLean and Mr. Scott McNair were chosen us captains, the former winning by a good margin. After the raising a sumptuous repasb was served on the lawn. with the usual bevy of pretty countrv umidens acting as waiters. Goud Canadian cheese 180. lh.; Cox’s Gt-latine Z pkgs. for 250.; Bath bricks tic. em; Large bottle mixed pickles 250.; Hm-se radish sauce 100. bottle: 1 Lb. Lin Perfect, baking puwdermu-nwn tin 25c. H U Ammunia pnwder 3 pk. for 25¢; OMO Member We. pk. Atkinson & Switzer'. The Publisher ha's'been favored With a copy of the proceedings of the 13th annual convent-mu of the Fireman's Assouiation at the Province of Ontario held at St. M'my‘s a year ago. Mr. P. G. Suvage’s name appears as chairman of une of the Standing quumimes. Bruwns Nurseries are famous for their ï¬ne Peach. Apple, Plum, and Cherry Lrves. They have the best nurserv Suil in Canada and are largest growers of trees in the Dominion. All suiuus and budsLicks are ‘cut bv mu: man, and he has been in their empluv many years, So no mistakes are made by using wrung scinns urâ€" buds! Send. in listnf the stock yuu need. and get “1011‘ prices. Write fur agency as they have smut- unoccupied territory is this Onunty. “BROWN BRQS. COMPANY Brmvds‘Nursel-ies. \Vellnud;(}u., Ont. 8-3 m. » ~ ’ ' A serious accident occurred in the Dominion House. yards Saturday after- noon. Mr. F. L. Delong of Toronto, who was returning home With his wife and child. after a two weeks’ holiday at. Jackson’s Point. drove into the. yard to give his horse a. pail of water. He thoughtlesst removed the bridle, and the horse. frightened by Mrs. Delong’s parasol broke away, dashing through the front and buck stable doors. Mrs. Delong was thrown out of the buggy against, the brick wall. and His feared she Was fatally injured, Adoctorwns summoned and several stitches weie inserted in the her fore.- heari. Later in the. afternoon she was removed home in an automobile. The child was uninjured. The horse had patches of skin knocked oil. and the buggy was completely demolished. Mr. \V. J. Lawrence lost, a valuable mare u few days ago. The team had gum- tn Mr. Gen. Newhery’s hush for a load of poles. and in some mysterious way a stick or spike ran into the m'aw’s breast, although‘nu one knew hhw it, hnpaned. A vet'erinarv found that thP stake had pierced her breast tn Lhe depth of about, sixteen inches. The animal died a few days after the accident. Mr. Lawrence has been un- fm-tunnte, having lost, the matenf this horse about the time his greenhouse was demolished with the Windstorm on Guod Friday. The monthly meeting 9f the “’0- men‘s Institute was held at; the home of Mrs. W. A. Sanderson on Wednes- day of last; week. The President. Miss Tlench, gave an excellent paper an “Inn McClm-en,†and 3113. Batty gave a number of enjoyable selections on the gruflululo. The members wish to thank Mr. Sanderson for a number of copies nf “The Maple Leaf,†kindly presented tn them. The Hippodrome and Circus at the Canadian National Exhibition has a continental neputation. With more people than the big travellingcircuses. the sensations of the New York Hippndmme. wonderfully trained Elpphants, Lions. Hm-scs. 1,)ugs, Sheep and Swine, and the stars of the vaudeville \vnild, a bill has been pre- pared for 1913 that is thoroughly in keeping with Expansion yearâ€"bigger zmd better than anything in the past. PIERUED THE MARE’S BREAST. The East, York Liberal Association, and, the East York Consvrvative Associatnn will each meet, next, Satur- day at; 2.30 bu place a candidate in the ï¬eld to contest the riding at, the coming by-electirm on the 8th of Sept. The former will hold the Convention in the Town Hall. Markham; the latter in East Toronto. HIPPODHOME AND CIRCUS SATURDAY CONVENTIONS SERIOUS ACCIDENT. MONTHLY MEETING. ’ The next Ten Gent Ten, under the auspices of. {Iii-{ï¬laild‘il‘ï¬l Aid will be given in [he Schuul Room of the MethodistChmch, thgmm‘row. (Friday) ‘afï¬ei‘hnnn, by Mrs. 'Swiizer, ‘Ml's. Han-ism: nhd Mrs. J. P. Glass. Tea served from 5 tn '7. The Sewing Circle' will meet, from 3h) 5 p. m. Members are requeéitpd to bring their sewing. gverybody welcome to the Ten Cent ea. u i " r The Executive of the East; York Liberal Associatiun met on Suturduy and decided to hold a convvutinn next Saturday to place 21 candidate in the ï¬eld to contest-the riding for the sent; llmde vacant, by the resignation of the member. Mr. Alex. McOuwan, 'who has been uppninted Shel-Hf of York. The meeting will be held in the ann Hall, Mï¬rkbunl, cunnn_eqcing at_ 2.39 ' They cume on at three o’clock every afternoon at the Canadian National Exhibition. and they never fail to start a. cramng of necks all over the grounds. The youngeters go wild with delight, as they scramble for those tissue paper ï¬gures that float gently down from the ‘explm'lmg balls high above the banners and towns of the Exhibition City. p.m. Five delegates will be apguinted from each polling division In the Riding. and all Liberals are invited to attend. - The Victoria Square branch of the \Vnmen’s Institute will hold their mnnthly meeting at. the home of Mrs. S. L. 'Nelson on \Vednesday. August. 27, M 2.30 ()‘Man. Programme; Address, Miss Brandy Instrumental Duet. Misses Carineâ€; Vocal, Miss Trench; Peteniihds. Miss Moyle. que and bring youif‘fi'e‘inds. Camidian Nation 1], Toronto . . . . . ‘ . . , . . . .. .. . . ;. . .August 23 to September 8 Suttnn . . . . . . . . . . . .September 25â€"26 Scarhnro-ac Agiucourt. ..SepLemher 24 Bolton . ‘ . . . . . . ..Se tetnher 29â€"30 Beaverton ‘ . . . A ‘ Septem 81'29 to Oct. 1 Markham . . . . . . . . . . :' . . . . . October 1â€"3 Newmm-ket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 7â€"9 Wondhlfidge. . . . . . . . . . . .October 14â€"15 The Richmond Hill High School will re-npen The school made an excellent shuw- ing ths your. and prospects are bright. for the coming year. The fees are $4 for the ï¬rst term, and $3 for the second and third terms. J. DAVIDSON, M.A., LLB†Good board can be had at reasonable rates. Pupils are urged to be present. on the re-upening day. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED. Bull Phone at; house. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to Tuesday, August, 26, for the delivery in the village of a quantity of cement. Particulars made known at the Clerk’s Ofï¬ce} Richmond Hill, Aug. 20. 1913. 3- 'Therlm‘rvest or any tender not. neces- sarily accepted. v A. J. HUME. Clerk. Tuesday, September 2, 1918 Wlth last year's staff of three teachers JOHN ELLIS has resumed work after his recent illness. Tenders Wanted PAINTER, PAPERHANGER, ' AND DECORATOR RICHMOND HILL JAPANESE FIREWORKS EAST YORK LIBERALS Re=0pening High Sch00| \VOM EN ’8 INSTITUTE. In Shaw’s Schools, Toronto. young people are trained to eurn good salaries. “70 con- duct ï¬ve Business Schools in this city. We Would like‘ to seud'you our latest cum.- lngue. Fall Term from Sept. 2nd. TEN w_.0EN."1‘: TEA. NOTICE Princlpal. FALL FAIRS. W. H. SHAW, President. G MCDONALD, Secretary. -â€"----- - AAA-“A... m-..“- {EBHNHCRET-EEIOUSE 4 kl :§§§§§§Q§M+§+§+§+§§§§§ MOQQQOOOOQMNQOONOOO; Q §§§§§§§§+§§§§+§¢§§¢§§§O{HԤOf§§§§fߤf§+§§ ’96 6†«mo 'VVVVVW'VV > ‘ r ‘ i . Boys NaVy Serge Caps 25c. Grey tWeed Caps silk lined2 oi; MAAAAAAAA‘ v 9§§§§§§OMN§§O§§§§QQOOQ §â€+§§§Q§§§§H§§§§§§§§§ .AA‘ ; '90§§§§§§§§§+§§§§§+§§N§+§§ §§§§+O§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§g §Fire, Life 8: Accident 1 AAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAA “AAAAAA “AA tAAA w AAAAAAAALLALAAAI G. Savage &‘ Son : YVVVVVVVVYVVVYYVVYVVVVVYVV VVVVVYVVVYVVVVVVV‘ VVVVVYYVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVV; unnunnnunnhnnAunnnmnnmAnntg “9000999090099900000999 §§§6+‘§§§§§§â€Â§Â§Â§O§§§§O§§O ‘VWVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVYVVYVVV VVVVVVYVYVVVVVVVV‘i VVVVV‘VVVVVVVVWVVVWWVVV VVVVVV'VYVVVWVVWVVVVVV AAA“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA “AAAAAAAAAAAAA. m'YVWVVVYVWVVVVVVWVW VYVYVVWVVYVVVVW The Lorne Block Furnishing? ‘ damask border, ea; ..................................... Semi-bleached table linen, 56 in. wide, yd Cadet blue d_ucvk with white stripe, for Children’s suns, ya ........... ._, ................................................ 1-50 36-‘in. ï¬ne. English. Nainsook, Fine longcloth, yd. wide, rich ï¬nish, per yd ......... 15c Men’s white bib overall and ‘srnocks, ea .......... . ...... Italian MaCaroni, I lb. pkg": ......... Grifï¬n seedless raisins, 16 'oz. pkg Heihze'pickling Vinegar, per gal ............ Cider Vinegar, per gaL....; ...... ; ........... . uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hun- White cotton TOWels, 13 x I8 ea ............................. Unbleached Turkish Towels with red stripe, 22. :5 45, ea ..................................................... ..(..25c Fine whlte lmen Huckaback towels, hemstitched PHONE 8002. Your InsuranCe will be well looked after if 1er to Boys fancy white Negligee Shirts, soft collar, 75¢. We give special attention to the working man, and. always have in stock a good assortment of odd Pants, Smocks, Overalls, an d work- ing Shirts, Sox and Boots. Men's odd Pants from $2.00 up to $4.00. M‘en‘s working Boots $2.00 to $3.00. Overalls, ‘ . black and blue stripe 75c. to $1.25. NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Consult Us For Rates RICHMOND WE ARE AGENTS FOR Plate Glass lnsuranceE nu- QOO‘OOOOO 99999990 'FI'TT. nun-u- ,t3c ‘116 35c .30c 50C 300 .AAAAAAQ n?