, ..§ made 1} 1313mm Bockeu. Hun. «Mr. ul.‘ Currie and Others. 'Mg‘.‘fIiaWk§nszsvill be presented with a "house; ‘ HEW%K. Thaw, the slayer, of Stan- hite in 1906. esca ed from r ":MatteawanHospitelfor the riminally ‘ Insane early Sunday manning. Thaw: ' dashed thmuéhxim opeiaV ‘te into 'an - v antd‘sï¬tï¬diï¬ï¬â€˜Mtflï¬gnn goï¬ beyond the-bowel!" of New York state as quickly as possible. Authoritieeclaim that, he catfnqt be extradited, and is therefore immune from arrest any- ; where without the borders of the state ‘ of NewYork. .Thuw Was arrested in Quebec-Tuesday; ‘ ' , The Ladies Auxiliary juined with ï¬re "Mi‘ssionrz‘Bnndviin holding a picnic on tghe Lawn of Mr; Louis Nich‘uls lust- _$ktgu§i&yg . ,z-Theremns‘ n, splqndid pru- gmm’mfgï¬amesparaaes, etc., - provide by bh'e’Omn'mittee in charge. {8 goodly numb‘el‘ were present and eninyed the éveht to the 'full.. 'Thezgeï¬ is rumour that this ‘wil’llberiam {lhniï¬iié‘vguq “ 113111.811 ï¬reg‘rhbfl'efbeen raging in Thiéwkole dlstxicb around ‘ - 0393“) has been the scene of “E V ‘ ;har work, and campers aqd cmï¬t‘g‘ers have had to ï¬ght for their “Veé‘ ï¬nd their helnngipgs..t . Much- es .1 property has already been oyed. McKinhori Sam] Miss Florence McKinmm of Mirzhiganrm‘é vigiging f‘t‘iehdslnere, . > .7 , n‘v, ‘,,L Miss Clara Maynn‘ah of New York and Mr. E. Flew-y of Toronto' spent a few days last week at. Mr. R. S. Fujgby'g- .. ~. . A. ‘ n ,,,_,,J!, A. Private Hawkins. .29 years of age, winger of the- King’s Prim u't; Bislay, returned, to Toronto Saturday evening rmdfreceiVed a'we‘lcome wgi'thy of the yuupg mgutksman, Thousands, of ,citi- zengjomed in .155?" pat‘adeto théQueens Pan where; edgy] atuhgsupy. spegghes ,. Mn. LA}. Stdixtenblwgh is the happy bassesslm -0f 11“ ï¬ne Fund Motor CM' which be )‘m'chased from Mr. E. H; \Vilsgtan 1. grkhnm. . ' ‘ ' ._ .....i . MIS. L. G. Sbouten'burgh is spending thé week with relativesï¬b W exfo‘rd, ' Mr.‘ and Mrs; F. G. Meek axe visit- ing with 'Mrs.‘3Vm. Megs. --.. 4 a L , A. Wilâ€"th; Scntt, gm his nnse hruken lay 1119i falling'of u pike pale at. Mr. .T. Bowes’ rriising las_t Thug-sduy: ‘ A huge number of, men and teams mvc‘heen at Work for some weeks mush'ucting a. dam across, the Don. i-ur the Mineral Springs. It is pm- "591 in make an artiï¬cial lake with in men. of about fur-Ly acres, to be used "ur-lwutjng and other Mblt'tic sports, (a is rammed Quit, gel-win capitalists mufpnse 'nmkiipg a regular summer gram-t, of Thx‘u-nhiil. and . a ï¬ne“ new mate-[fur summer boarders is talked Mrs. D. James :mde-s. Shuter have returned frnm their European trip! (lmjin ' which they uttmldad the \Vm‘l ’s‘Sahbath Schnol ()mwentiun. Mr. James is now in Donmmk, and is Hut. eXpected home till the 1 end of September. ,_,J Electric Restorer for Men restores every nerve 1n the body PhoSPhOHOI to its proper tension; restores vi1n.s.n'd vitality. Premature decav and all sexual weakness V averted at once. Phosphono‘l will make .011 a new man“ Price $3 1. box. or two for £6: maued t‘n any addgsg. The Scokeu Drug V'I'HE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion Canada. It is nagioï¬al in all‘ita aims. m it. Cami-Lise}: 6:13; It uses the most expensive engrav- ihgs, procuring the photographs from all over the Wof‘ld. Its articles are ca'refully selected and its editorial policy is Y thdroughly "(Siennv ' h 41‘ t I ‘scpIption. to‘ - ,nge 1 Standard ce‘jsts' $2:0§"§ér yea}- ‘tbltémy qdflreSR in flanddafor Gréét Britaiï¬: ' ï¬mmm lwunuulwu w: “um-m... ..r..“,...,.... - 7. _ agent. has. O’Id a ency tor swans. :P‘nténts taken t touch Mann speculum“, without ohms. in g I’ :smntijic .flméricaug; . . __...__ - ._-A‘ -_....... Anyone-505111111 a sketchgnd descrl tlon mu mama ascertain om- oplnlon tree I other an nven on is probably?» to. l mummga. tlonsstflotgcgafldent u. H N B o onmm Jenni-es. m a ency torn nus. :Pgtigntsumkeqnt {9‘15}: Mann‘g_ reoexm ,_A._ 1.. v-Vâ€"v‘-â€"â€"v ___-__-,, Aggpdsqxgely m. caï¬mekly. Largest; {ar- A- - ‘_â€".- ndmil‘n ‘Aflmï¬â€˜ 'l‘n-m- (A! gummmï¬agm 36m" Trails; '13: an 31 $575. a you. postage prepaid. 8010. b! Tm na ns Tabu] esassisl; digestion. Ripans Tamales cure tor-ma giver. -, 36a}: "753'yéumoataie prepaid. Sold by [new elders. ‘ agésmm‘amï¬gw E Wgahihqtbn. D. i’ct'orié. "Square. (rob false foulast weék) TRYVIIFOR 191"“! a!73th?!daraixï¬ublishing‘ CW News Notes; Thornhfll. .imited, Publishers. MONTREAL. ‘ Casael’s Ma Mine, The Story cller The Quiver ' The Girls’ Realm . Little Folks ‘ ‘ Chums o z 0 Q 5 .Musical Home Journal per annum . $ ~ I o n 9 HrrrrHr 9332332 Church 0! En 1hnd48arvice§ at a pm. 1st Bug‘atgd 41); Eng. laya. Third $unday_q.t “11. a...m_ Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, > or may be sent to ' Tï¬eTaBSvéï¬aï¬zâ€"éï¬iï¬hIâ€"‘s'éiï¬ï¬‚a’;E (i h. m..§nd p. :11. Sunday 8011001 3702.30. Payermeecing l‘hursdav eveuiu ‘ ‘ n-__-_ n-u‘_.§‘ (IL-4....L c‘l-....:....- A- .1.-- 7 .Methqdish Churchâ€"Services, at 11.00 attunend I p. m. ‘ Sande. School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thurs ey evening; " - g ~ ~ ' : Richmond Lodge; A F and AM --M_aete Menu, day on or before lullmoon - a ~ :1 CounBiohmond. A 0 'F â€",Meets fourth Fri- ey. ; . - _ , . - ; Ivy Lodge. A0 17 Wâ€"-Meete third Wednesday of each month _ V ‘ _ - I . CampE-lgmï¬ O 3.;-.-Meets second and mum: Wednesday . . .‘ ; - Hill Greet bud e. 10.0.1“; meets ï¬rst Wedges: dav and third F17 day of each-Month. ’ “ “ “ FirehBrlgedea-Meeu ï¬rst Monday 01 evety‘ nuns .' Public Library and Beading Boom-Open Tuesday. and Seturdav evenings. j ..' j ' . Euworth Leagueâ€"Meets evotv Monday. H ; ‘Preebyherian Guildâ€"Meets every Friday at 87 p.m.1n the Church._ . f '_ ‘. ' I 0 Fâ€"Meetsthird Thursday of every mon’ih.= B. H. Ratepayers "Aseociemm meets lees ngsduv of every month; '_ » - » It is not necessary} r) send to foreign cvoudt'rie; l )r magaa zines. Read the following:-’-â€" "-iloman' éathalfé Chtimhâ€"Bervioes on slter mate Sundnvs M9 0.. m. and 10.30 ahm. The monthly magazines oi the > above ‘company cover ev'eryvariety of interest, and can now be ob’tained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. ' ‘ VCASSELL’SBz; QOMRANV. ‘ 373351153; '6? L7256§1Meets 4m Wednesday of each month. r . . . - h CASSELLS canadian Pub- lishing Company Small , Farm, for, Sale On lst Concession. of Vaughan, V Inc Thirty-fï¬u'r- neg-vs; ghl‘d'hillgh cast; house. nvw sl'une' {vandal-inn, burn, haw hen himsebpigpgn, vunng (II-ch" I'd just lwginning to hear. plentynf‘wntéli Suituhlv fur poultry farm uzr market gardening. :Picturesquesurroundings. Fifteen minutes walk 1.0 Metmpuiimy car. “ k , ‘ _A \Vindmiu‘ With 50 foot, uni'er; in, “running “rue-v. . - v. 32 t-f Gnufl'lixiH: t'lnd huuw. in ï¬ratarlnss «:«iyladitinn. nn (‘rentre street», West. Rich- umud Hill. .Also cm-n'er Inï¬'Nu; l, Rum-View Gardens. " ' . . . Apply v .---~r A n «l- L.f. 7-H 'Hzllf-a-dozpn Beef Ringers; on} lot, 28, Cim 3. Vaughan; ‘ ‘ - 4tf .' A va'_ with 6 pigs; un Int 28, Ci Vaughan. ' ' g s » . JOHN ’SLINEY, Eipang‘Tabuies'cu_qé 511221113133, moans Tab'ulgscune flatqlqgcg. (“pans Tabules cure headache. 42 Ad‘elaidefSï¬ 'W Toronto ~ Village Direpmry Ap‘pIy on prémise-s or- to - .4 H.:APPLETON, For Sale Fdr sale F91", Sale-f For Sale JOHN. mKENZIE, JOHN SLINEY. AJHSLOP. '. - Richmond Hill \Villowdale P. 0. Elgin Mius. mgi‘g‘miu Gait-ville; Jon. ALL BRANCHES OF THE-“TRADE STRICTLY'ATTENDEIi Ton VILLAGE PROPERTY. Moxic’Y To Low 41--th. At. Sherwoodâ€"One acre, all kings of fruit trees..with cumfortubleihouse in ï¬lst-clnss repair. make a good home for any pérfsnn wishing to retire. 2 '01: good rnads‘system. Elasy terms, Several si'h'al‘l farmsfulï¬Ã©â€˜jxy. ngge swam ' ‘ V -- a : V~ F.“ l". 'LWUDDWARD' A. NIGH’OLLS Z: THE ‘ LIBERAL “CANADIAN ‘PICTORIAL†THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Exqu‘sit’ely printed on flne'c’pated paper. Pictures 0f well’knnwn _e_ople of current events, of things aunti- ful and curious About one thousand. square inches of pictures in ekï¬jd‘i’ssn». Appeals to Canadians as- the: giant, il- lusbmred papers of London up ea! tn the English; penplley Nun pn itinul. Absolutely no Axe to grind. Its aim suler to please and tu inform. Must be seen to be appreCiabed. Ten cents a cnpy. ._One doll-zu- 3 yeah,“ The Pic- l_;(_)[ ial qulishiug Obi, 142 ShtPe‘rt-er St. Morm'eal. GOOD LOCAL AGENT Spec-in] liefnf fruit mu] m-nngnwntal stuck ful- Fall deliyery 1913 and Spring ,dvliwry 1914. ‘ ' ‘ v Wfantiel-Ed Start at once and, set-mm _e-xc)nsi\'s- territory. \Ve- suppr hnmknme fly» audit. and pay highest cnmmissinns. VWx-Zte fur full pm'tieuhi‘rs. ‘ . STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO ~ ~ ~‘ om 1-3.le / '1‘. WE§5T_ ' ’ __NEW' i" INTERNATIONAL s'niféi { v 5’ ‘ R’s Two gonafm'ms bear yMpgpyA‘lbeirt. HTROMGE 7891;1in ?‘ Anusgmsrm‘rrou .flARAN’rE Home mm mmmamme WW% 2%??? Funthm Nurseries . Richmond Hm " HAS‘ FORKS-ALE . Rina n'o Tntulest’ pleasant laxatxvé. GENERAL BLACKSMITH,’ Subscribe for OLD AND RELIABLE Real Estate Agent at Once to represent the ONTARIO THE Fray Bentos corned beef. tin. . [ï¬hbv’s sliced dried beef, jur. . .. ‘Urnssl‘d Fish, sun-(ï¬nes, 2 tins. Bin-s9. Radish sauce, bottle . \Vhï¬lhey’s mince meat. pkqs_ . . Pun; Gold jtgily powder. 3 pigs ..25q 250 . 109 .106 .25c. ' gevér desired'without delay. KIéHMOND' Him; BRANCH LAAAAAAAAA‘AAAI IIIUIIIIIVIVâ€" r v. ‘ vvvvvlvv-yvvvvvvvvvvï¬wwvvv vvvvvwvyvvvvvvyvvavq ; you keep ’the Flies oufyoufl'x'vont‘ heed t’OV‘SWafï¬iem: ‘ ’ SEE OUR LINES OF 'Scre'en D001ï¬s and ‘Vindows Doors from $1.10 _to $2.25 each. YVW‘ vhvï¬v‘wv g unpu‘ntnpunAunn AAAAAAAAALAALAAAAAAAAAAZAA 3 Burner Stoves $11.00. . I Ovens from $2.00 to $3C0eac‘h. " Milierva Paint for all purposes.- ' Lacqueret and Chinamel Varnish “Stain; Agents for Cbl’umbia ‘Grafonollas and Recm'ds: ‘, - “AAAAAAAAAAA A. Annuu‘unynn44M“; Ann AAAAKAA'AAM»AAAAAL,LA If we haven‘t what you are lookipg "for in stock,- we will‘ get it f‘u _ youâ€"thazb‘s‘what We’re in busihess forâ€"40 supply yuu with what. ~°yuu want; at reasonable prices. ‘ vvv'vmvvmvwmvmww "vv‘vvvvï¬vvwvzï¬vrvauu G.4 A. MCDONALD & SON Richrï¬ond Hill is going right 'a‘hie’a‘d; an thin: is need"- ‘ ed.a't_:tbhev,pfe‘sent is,ï¬ouses for people to live in. i TERMSâ€"$50 cash';1.balancel,three year mortgage with m. te3resta167é or! five years. to purchasers buiï¬dingrat. once. ' ‘ ' ' L » ‘ gran/m“: -THE§B1CHMUNDHILL 'HAR’B‘WARETUU; M’ide Streets’with' Concrete Walks. \ V Plenyy of good water. Ideél drainage; ~ ' Part of this property is restrictedHto homes to cost not less $2,500, No restrictibns whatever on. Rose- view or Pugsley Avenues. SéveAral Ioté have already changéd baodo at‘ Ea: good proï¬t. Now is your timo ‘for a Safe and sure in- V vestment.‘ " ‘ " ' ' PHONE )6â€"R 2 PHONE 18 XND, Brunch“ duo at Maple. Markham, Rhyming. U E; El :de , Magus“. LOTS FOR SALE ROSeview Gardens liberal ])iseonnt for Cash. STAND/flap Screen Wire'all Widths; 12c. to 300.3701. Hammocks. . .. . . . $1.50 Lg $4.00 each. Lawn Mowers†. . .‘...$400 so $7.0Q each. Garden Shears, flakes and Hoes, . Perfection Bivue Flame Oil. Stove w.~J.> LAWRENCE, ;, ., ' .. *' V : Florist, Richmond - Hm; 833888338 A GOOD TIME-Now TO BUY A NEW 06600609 O§§§O§§ inaoav; 250, 30c. and 35:. each. 'IA'WNGS deosited'in. this bank _ ~ draw the highest currént rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or khe whole mouth may be made ever desired'without delay. Litsters ‘3 minute pnddihgm pkg. 10k: Litstors Salad dfessing. pnwder- V ed form, pkg . . . . . K. . . . . . . . 10¢ Li nd n¢=r&annel-s fruit-jam 23a 1:565; Rnlwrtstms jellies, jutil (Ir mur- zimlade, jar . . .. . . .. . ... 20c Numme BATTY, M ANAGERE BTW " 13.1.5