Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1913, p. 1

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Sulgeon & McEwen, manned Auctiéueers torthe Go’nnty of York. aulasabteuded to on shortest; not-ice and at ten.- lonable mumsi Patronage solicited UB‘ERM. PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL . ONT. Glazier. Grainer and Paperâ€" Hanger. JOHN-R. CAMPBELL. kfigKAY P. o; '1‘. F. McMAHON. PL-Ppm-Ps pupils for the gmdpd PX- aminations held at Tmnntn hum-wu- tm~y of Music and Univelsity uf 1‘0- routn. ' Special course in'”,Myex"s” Kinda-- garten Method, pm‘Licularly helpful to beginners. Glass recitals are given thruughnnt the year 42-h RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HIL V. Calls phone or dtherwise prompt-1y z-e-spvuded tu. Licenaad Auctloneqr for the Counties of York. (Tatum am! Norm To‘ronm. S' ecial attention given to sales of every descript on. Farm and firm sfiock sales a. specialty. Farms bought and'aold on commie-stun. All sales expended to on shdrtest notice and conducted by the latest; “Wrists age “949.- Phone No. 28. ts PUBLISHEDEVEBY , EEURSDAY MORNING W; HEWISON ‘ HOUSE PAINTER, 1‘ Samson, Maple mama: 239 Bambi s: , Nam: Toronho. DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL D. H. PINKERTUN, V.S. $1 per annum, in advance.] MISS MILLIE TRENCH VOL. XXXVI. u First house nurth uf Atkinson 8: Switzex"s store. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill . SATISFACTqu GUARANTEEB. IVIaple, ()nt. BUSINESS CARDS . RICENSED AUCTION EER For thé 'Uuunty of York, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE m» yam: . RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano Enron a Panama-on. ‘. H. Prentice Phone No. 2&02. wemmmg RESIDENCE findinfl. AT THE J K MP-Ewafi Weabon gmwo Richmond; H3“,le J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC ocxmssmNER. coxvminmfi'mn. ETC. Barristers and Solicitors. Money to loan on 1 and anacnauel mortgages“ owest rates Auroraoflioeâ€"Removed to the old post oflloa one door west.” of the entrance to the , Ontario Bu-nk - Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the ' post office ‘ 1‘ HEnBEn'rLENNOX G Srv Manon: BARRIS'I‘ER. Summon, NOTARY, ETC. Tornntn Office, Room 328 Confedern tion Life Bldg., N0. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill > Ofl‘ice ("Liberal' Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday after-mood. Wood bridge, Saturday fox-enoon. LEN N 0X & MORGAN Monev to loan at, Five Per Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at‘both places Barristers, Solictors. 6w. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E., TORONTO, Canada Telvphnné, Mum Cable Address. “Dedo.” {rum “.2; Undertakers & Embalmers, RICHMOND HILLeL THORNHILL Tel. M. 3631. Organs Repaired mm Expert‘Wox-k Guaranteed. B:rr15téra,$ollcltors, Notaries, kc. Home" Life Building Cor. Adelaide ’ 35 Victoria. Ste" foronto; ‘ PIANO TUNING imoaoxrro. ONT. ‘ w. J. ELLIOTT. Prldclxihl. (or Yonge and Alexander 8th. ‘H. A. NICHOLLS Strictly Fu-st-Class in all depart- filelytg. Dione Bet‘tcr In tug Dominion. Enjdys Iéxtensive pati‘miage and gi‘fiidhatef‘; readily get, good positions. Open entire year. Enter now; Cuthltigtl‘é free. ‘ ‘ V Benton, Grover & Field Commissioner, Oonveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer- of Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNEILL Lawrence 2; Dunbar, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILYSH‘BHERDQ. ,18 KING FALL TERM NOTARY PUBLIC Eofifn ’ fl. Qam'dson THORNHILL Caméron MacNaughton OPENS SEPTEMBER 2. WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. VQICING Am: . . QCTION REGULATING RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAiAUGUST 28. 191.3 STREET ’WE‘Bi“ A um"; “In Essentials, Unity} in NanfE'ssentials, Liberty,- in all thing}, Charity." mm. G Srv M03041: 'P‘noue Main 9984 Cent (57.) "i had (‘0 kill my dog this morning.’ "Was he thud? __ : ."XVHJ. he: didn’t sec-m any 100 well pivased.”â€"â€"Cincinnuti Enqniier. Then we come to the Vaughan Road â€"VVhex-e facing on Yonge St. Mr. Jno. Boyle has had built. by Innes& Sons, a palatial dwelling house. The house itself is a credit, to the Owner’s and builder’s taste and good judgmmlt, while L119 location is perfect. “Do you take any pexindicals?” asked the clergyman on his filst round 9f Bag-ish gisitsi "Well. I dam,” re-plwd the woman, "but my husband takes ’em frequent. I do wish you’d try to get him to sign the pledge."â€"-J udgv. Gentle S9. Eastâ€"489‘ch to show the . greatest. uctivnty. Mr. Ira. Hume-r how uccupying his handsome brick, real-z _dence built by Wm. Graham.» The same busy builder is at Work on a] large dwelling fn'r Mr. Jns. Hall and, Mr. John Hicksou is also having a fine I dwelling built. by his son Contractor‘ Chas. Hickson. by the way this same ' cuntractor intends building for him- self on Roseview Ave. » l 0!) Church SLâ€"Mr. Dunlap has had Innes & Sons entirely remodel the the Hodgson house, then Mr. Wm. Cook’s handsome dwelling by Innes & Sons is ndecided acquisition to the street. Mr. T. Trench has added a. very fine brick dwelling opposite the rink and Mr. Crnwhurst u beautiful storey and a half bungalow opposite Ruseview Ave. 0n the latter Mr. Henry Bond is building a brick dwell- ing and. otlitrs'aJ-e congelnylngvd. H 6n the Markham Rnacll;M;; Geo. Baktjr is erecting a pair of concrete 1)]qu dwelling houses. 7 /- _ _â€"‘ -- r \Ve WI“ have to reserve Green House and other operations for a fuI-Lher issue as space W111 not permit, now. GLASSâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Mon- day, August, 25, 1913, Florence W'innifréd, Infant. da'ughfm'nf Mr. and Mrs. John P. Glass, aged 8 months, 10 days. Interment in Richmond Hill Cemetery Tuesday. 0n 'Richmond suâ€"st. Elder has completeda. very fine brick residence bhe‘Oonu-acmrs‘bei’ng L. Innes & Sons. and a. little farther east. Rev. Mr. Smith has begun a brick clad dwelling, while close by Mr. A. Campbell con~ templates building a. dwelling house fm‘ himself probably right, away as the plans are ready. On Centre Sb. Westâ€"The Rev. Well- wuod and Mr. P.’ M'. Kennedy are building substantial residences, while Guntmntm' Mr. Vim. Grahnm expects to build another near by for himself right away. While- Mr. M. Boyle and Mr. C. P. Wiley have made substantial improvements; Mrs. Clark has entirely remodelled her home giving it at 'very ulgracliw and him“: like appemgmqe: 1:12, ‘ .u Arnold St.â€"â€"VVell pretty soon you Wun’t know Arnold St. you see Mr. Harry Graham and Mr. Jno. Rumble have both had built for themselves by L. Innes & Sons very superior houses. they are sure classy. and just west of them Mr. L. Doner has the work starb- ed for another, by the way. Mr. DOner,Bx-ick and Plastering Contractor is a very busy mun these days having mi‘hnggi the_ by": quwnrk in his line. ..-._ ll\'Il-\d "fix; up CGIIIIIUC- “Talriilvi‘zabeth. SLâ€"Mr. W171. Gould has fltpishgd a_very fine, brick house. It does not-require a. very close ob- servation to'conclude that Richm‘onfl Hill is growing, growin fast, but just to what extent, takesal ttle more lbok-' ing into and a. careful census ofjthe new buildings'e'l'emd 02' completed this year to date as well as those either recently begun or etting ready for shnws a most. gmti ying addition to the Village make up and is a sure and certain indication that we are at last in the swim, and making rapid ad- vafncefio Municiggl imply-tang. .‘ Then Mr. John Palmer has greatly improved the Lorne Block by entirely remodelling the south end for the store occupied by Mr. Norman Glass, tlie balance of the block has been rephinted an}! is a credit to the owner. Mr. W. A. Sanderson has made a. most attractive change to his dwellings thn handsomely pillared porch. back veranda, pergola and sun room to eth- er with his handsome well kept; awn urgone of the V_illug§ attractions. ' .lluav Ill/\IIIRDDI‘lll’u has about. completed a bungalow of a neat but. unique design 011 ppgeLYguge. _ MEG. F. Greene’s new brick dwelling on Mill St. is a. welcome addition to what 'is bound to be a fine residential luglit3§_ _ Beginnin on Yonge‘Sb" His Honor the eeve as wonderfully im roved what was formerly the Palmer case. Mr. Pugsley has shown good taste and enterprise in remodelling and beautify- in bath building 'and grounds and the " otel Richmond” may now be classed as one of the most desirable of caravansariea. . LOCAL' BUILDlNG OPERATIONS- DEATHS On Tuesday Mr. Chamhei-la‘in’sca ndi- damn-e was unanimuusly endmsed in the following resolutiunzâ€"“Thnt after having inquired ouncerning the at- titude of both on ndidates in East York in relation to the question of temper- lance legislation, and having learned i that George S. Henry opposes the pro- Osal to ubulish the bar-moms, and ; avors the three~filhs local option reâ€" qqixzemgnfi; I Mr. Chamberlain takes a great deal of interest in the Canadian Brother- hnnd Movement and is on the Execu- tiveCommittee. He is Vice-President of the West End Temperance Snc‘iety, Vice-Pteaident of the West End Rate- payers’ Association. Vice-President of the Horticultural Society. and an Iude endent. Fnrestel. Orangeman, \Vnr man, and :1 Sons of England member. He is a. manufacturer’s ugeqt. m Vr.___V.V. -..,_,_~... I Mr. Chamberlain, the Liberal nom- inee. was forsevera'l years President I of the British Welcome League, and is ' one of the strongest advocates of tem- .perunce in the Province. He is' an advanced Liberal in politics, and a ! member of the Methodist Church. He was, born in Glastonbury, Somerset- shire, England, and has been in Can- t adg'a gnu-zeal; r‘nuugbpr of_yenrs. Each of the candidates made five minute speeches, and expressed a determination to stand by Sir James W‘hitney. Fund Motherâ€""Dont forget, to put your tnothbrush in your suitcase, Bobby.” Bobby (going to the country for & wqek):â€"“Oh, shucks! I thought this wasugningfto be a ple‘asure trip.”â€" Chicago News. GEO. S. HENRY THE CHOICE. Mr. Gen. S. Henry. of Ymk Town- ship, and ox-Wau-den of the County and chairman of the York. County Good Rnuds Commission; won the East; York Conservative nomination 0n Saturday after a hard fought contest, lasting over five hours during which time fuur haunts “1918 taken. TWelve names were submitted for nomination. including: Messrs. H. H. Ball, G. S..Henry, Dr. W. R. Vantex-s, J. Nelson, jr.. A. W. Milne, Robt. Miller, Alex. Baird. Frank IlCHVP. W. H. Pugslev, Dr. H. W. Burgess, T. H. Gibson and‘J. G. Cornell. Of these, five withdrew before the ballot. They were: “Jen-y" Nelson, Dr. Burgess. W. H. Pugsley, T. A. Gibson and’ J. G. Cornell. Wife (plendingly): “I'm afraid. Jack, you dc) not love me any moreâ€"any- way, not as le as vnu used to.” Husband: “Why?” Husband: “Why?” Wife: "Because you always let me geiup‘nnq light the fire now.” U Huébnnd: “Nonsensermy love! Your getting up to light the fire makes me love you all the more.”â€"â€"New York Calm “And that Albert Chamberlain, who is 4a well-known temperance worker. cordiallv endnrses the Alliance plat- form of bar-mum abolitiuu and the repeal of the unfair three-fifths require- ment: w V “This meeting ear-nunsth urges all friends uf the temperance cause to give Mr. Chamberlain hearty and unified suppprtt” , The x-es?»lutinn was sent to Mr. Chamberlain. together with an offer of help in this campaign, which the Libel-m candidate madly accepted. ‘The East York LiBerals in conven- ijjon at, Markham last, Saturday exhibit,- ed their old time enthusiasm when they nominated as their candidate for the coming by-eiectlion, Mr. Albert Chamberlain of- Toronto.- v The gentlemen nominated expressed the greatest confidence in Mr. Rowell as their leader. and were proud of the pre- sent policy of the Liberal party. one of whuse planks was the abolition of the bar. Mr. Chamberlain received a most enthusiastic reception when he rose to address the meeting. He declared himself in fuvorof the policy of Mr. Rowell with regard to the “bar” ques- tion. "I would rather be defeated On that platform than win on the open saloon,” he stated amid much applause. Workmen’s cnmpensation. tux nefm-m and the. other questions before the ublic at. the present time he was eartily in favor of. and he discussed them at length. The speaker came in for hearty commendation at the close of‘t'he greeting for: his spirited address. Messrs. W. D. Annisi; A. R. Ross, J. S_tuagt,_fl. G. my); 5. J. H. Eckmdt. scuart, u. H. Kim , A. J. H. Eckmdt. A. D1 Bruce and .Gould w'ere num- inqted, but all retired infané bfufixâ€"n Chamberlain. Ripans Tabulea cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. filter! Chalman their Candlllto EAST YORK CONSERVATIVES EAST YORK LIBERALS. HUMOROUS ALso HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement V. . AND . . Tilé for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 8c W. ' Scranton Hard Goal. “None better” . Order now. Just arrived a car of Threshing Coal. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES STIVER & HAMER Printihg ~ ~ _‘ Stationery ‘ School Books Manitoba Cats I F for the Chickens +++&++++§+++*+++++++++$+43 a *++¢-i~++++++++¢++%++; GOOD STOCK OF School Books. Standard Novels, So'uvenir Post Cardis, Post Card Albums. Papetries, t ‘ Rubber Balls, ‘ Etc., Etc. Wheat, Buck-Wheat} ‘P-ivé‘é'fiéfi"? Go to the Liberal OffiCe for Bi“ Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, ' &c., &C. A car load of fresh Glutenlat the Elevator. ’ Also one of good Bran‘and Shorts. A good supply of PURITY AND PAsm» FLOUR always on hand. V" VYYWVVVVVVVYVVVVVWVY‘ i'WJ. Sanderson A‘AAAAAAAAAMAMAIAAAAMMA Pure Par-is Green, Bug (Death, 1 :Arsenate of'Lead, Puhtic Attention _ . -â€"ANDâ€" Bordeaux Mixture All guéfa'nteed Strictly I pure 1 ' And prices right; ' 'ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES BUG TIME [Single copies, 3'cts.’ RICHMOND HILL DRUGGIS'I‘ Cracked Corn I u a L .- 95

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