HILL. 0mm AUG. 28, 1913 Has: York eleétora will be interest- ed to know that Albert Chamberlain’s randidncy for the Liberal party m this Riding is ex'cicibg keen interest t mmgh‘uuc thejl’lrovince. It is taken m a sure proof that the Liberal party i' a fighting organization, one that. is "1M. dammed by previous defeats or by large hustile majmities. Conem'vatives, as represented by the Government press, did not expect A contest in East- Yonk. They frank- lly' expressed their surprise. Evidel t- liv they did not believe that the Liberals were so wideâ€"awoke and so irntlihsia'stic. Fncouragement: is the keicnnte of the contest. The restiâ€" hinii'v that the Libemlsiot East York are with Mr; Bowel] in his fight for '1 ie abolition of the bar, uni the unâ€" qualiï¬ed temperance stand taken by the candidate are additional and in- disputable proofs 05 the sincerity of the Liberal Party on this issue. The (ilhel‘ policies of Ontario Liberalism are also being emphasized. such as Weirkmen’s Ci mpensation, Tax Re- form and advances in Agriculture. Under the heading “Baby Shows,†the following news item has appeared in scores of neWSpapers throughout Canadiazâ€"From all over Ontario they bring their pretty babies to the Baby Show, at the Canadian National Exâ€" hibition, on Labor Day. The gather- ing of b nuncing baby boys and girls is the ï¬nest to be found anywhere in the world. Look them over. They’re worth it.†We believe that the baby show is one of the “attractions†that the directors of the great exhibition might well dispense with. It is quite in order ful‘ farmers to place on ex- hibition their cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry, but fond mothers should not; be expected to take their little treasures for erost of people to “100k them over,†and possibly pass very idle remarks. “Abolish the Bar†will be a. prom. inent issue in the coming East York election. Mr. Chamberlain, the Liberal candidate, is pledged to sup port Mr. Rowell‘in this temperance reform, while Mr. Henry the Conâ€" servative nominee, stands behind Sir James Whitney. Mr. Henry believes in the present license law well en. forced and in local option eontests with the three-ï¬fths majority handiâ€" cap on the prohibitionists; Mr. Cham- berlain believes in local option withâ€" out the handicap and in the abolition of hotel and club licenses to sell liquor to be drunk on the premises where it is bought. The issue is clear. Those who stand for temperance reform are free to take their choice. Catholic Registerâ€"“How is your son or daughter planning to spend the vacation? Are you going to permit them to take long trips with question- able friends or even strangers? Are you going to allow them to roam the streets of a strange town or remain at the summer resorts until a late hour each evening? Summer is the devil’s harvest time, and the liberties allowed voung people at certain Bummer resorts are enough to under- mine the most upright and innocent souls. Parents be untiringly watch- ful of the company kept by your children.†A news item in several newspapers says: “Mayor Harrison of Chicago has ordered the women of that city to wear skirts when bathing.†Is it not a pity that women have to he re- buked for not properly clothing them- selves? Without going to Chicago we believe the good women of Can- ada will be Well employed if they start a crusade against the way that many females dress not only at bath- ing places. but in all places. If womankind does not set an example for modesty, what can we 'e'xpect from the coarser sex? EAST YORK CONTEST CONSERVATIVE AND INDEPENDENT Cm'nmsms OF THE WHITNEY GOVERNMENT Nut one of all the following attacks is taken from a Liberal source. \Vilhâ€" out; exception they come either from Conservatives m- Independentm TAX REFORM F mm the Toronto \Vorld. (Com).â€" “The Oppusition has wakened up. The members on the Government; begches banvg gone [(1 sleep.:’ From the Ottawa Journal, (Com).â€" "lf Sir James Whitney is going to maintain his present attitude against tax reform, we think that the province can affm-d toretire Sin-James \Vbitney from pnwem The Liberals in Ontario have u gnud man and a clean politician at their head. they are its much sup- porters of the Hydro-Electric policy as the Conservatives are. and we see no conclusive reason why Ontario need hesitate to put the Liberals in power again if a majority of the Conser- vatives wish to stand in the way of progress. A stolid stupidity on the question of tax reform.†Resolution passed unanimously by The Duminiun Grange (Farmers)‘â€"â€" “We note with pleasure the growth of public opinion in favor of local option in taxation, and we again protest against the Injustice 0t denying to municipalities the right, to exempt improvements from taxation if they so wish.†From the Farmers’ Magazine, (1nd.) .â€"“The movement for Assesuient Reform is growing strongerin Ontmio. Farmers for years have suffered f1 om their thrift in erecting new buildings and in improving the soil, to be taxed an a higher rate. Their shiftless neighbors have thus been bonused.†HANNAâ€"VVHITNEY SCANDAL From Toronto Telegram, (Com).â€" “Proudfoot enquiry was a travesty on justice and fair play.†“The Proudfoot enquiry developed into a legal comedy and a. moral magedy." The chief beneficiary of such tactics was the RUWell thposition.†From the T01 Onto News. (Com).â€" “There is strong sentiment, in favor of reducing taxation on improvemean and most people realize that ,the busi- ness tux is unfair and oppressive.†The following Consérvative papers also protested: Toronto VVnrld, Otta- wa Citizen, Montrval Gazzet.e, and others. From Kingston Standard (Cnnser- Vative)â€"The Thm-ne letter “leaves a buï¬rtasgeuin your youth.†__ The VVhitnoy Government. therefore. which not more than a. year ago was bunsting of its imprvgnable strength is now severely assailed bv its own friends. \Vliy snould East, York vote fur such a Government? \Vhy should it not take advantage in a bye-election of showing the Gm‘ei-nnmnt that its attimde (m sncli prngwssive measures as Tax Reform and \Vm-kmen’s Cum- peusation is not acceptable either to farmers or tg Uitv penple and by elect- ing the Liberal candidate who stands for a party working for Tax Rpfux'm and Workmvn’s Omnpensnti:m. Ade- quate Factory Laws and lwttet condi- tiuns of life on the farm, express their dlssabisfactinn in tangible form? Phosphonol restores every nervp in the body to its proper tcnsmn ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a new man. Price $3 a box. or two for $5. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug 00.. 8t. Catlmrines. Ont. Electric Restorer for Men Lax-ets 5 Special to Tm: LIBERAL: EOWHNG ms WELD OATS How many young men can look back on their early life aud'regret their misdeeds. “Sowing their wild oats’ ’ in various ways. Excesses, violation of na- -‘ ture’s laws, ' ‘wine, women ‘-‘ and song’ ’â€"all have their victim's. Yzou’ have re- formed but What about the seed you have sownâ€"what about the harvest? Don‘t trust to luck. If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life y degrees; if you are suf- fering from the results of past indiscretions; if your blood has been tainted from ....-r . any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past; if y u are suffering as the result of a misspeut life-eEDRS. K. 8:. K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your Case before them conï¬dentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. TORONTO LETTER REAPING A HARVEST 0F SORROW Toronm. Aug. 27. 19135 C Sweet to El! 1‘ ACandyBowclLulh 7-4 51-8 m. J. H. SAND RESON. V. S; In Marble or Granite. Good work. rmsnnable charges. Town ox Uo‘untry. Write, REAL ESTATE VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS 0N HAND. Tombstone Thu nndvrsigmâ€"vd wishes to inform the puhlic that tlwy have ('mnpletod their nmv mill. fully equipped with grinder and mu; rollers and are pr?- pnred to do up-toâ€"dnte work for the farmers. Bring your nuts and have them rnlled for your horses. \Ve have on hand a good suppr of THRESHERS COAL HARD COAL. BRAN. SHORTS &- GLUTEN M EAL Thanking the puhiio for the past and soliciting their further patronage, * Ynurs truly. JARVIS & RUMBLE. HURRAH F61? MAPLE WELLS Monuments, Markers and Corner Pasta. RICHMOND HILL â€"-â€"â€"-AGENCYâ€"â€"â€"- W. A. JONES, MANAGER 22 Buchanan 815., Lettering Thronto YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SULICITED FOR Noxniuation. Elonday, Sept. 1, 1913 Election, Dionday. Sept. 8, 1913 Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with “Elle Liberal†at the following rates:-'- ' * ' I Family Herald and W'e‘ek- 137 Star, 1 yea-r Weekly Globe 1- 75 Weekly, Mail and Empire 1 75 PA hnm1'1nin'v1 Dnnlhnv (I‘mme Weekly, Mail and Empire 86 Dominion Poultry Guide Farmer’s Advocate Canadian Farm Daily Mai-1, York Co, Daily Star; _0L1t_s§ide of fowns and villages Daily News Daily Globe, York Co. Albert, Chamberlain Every family should haveboth their local paper and a cit-y paper. Choice of destination left to the excursinnist. VVinnipog to Regina, Saskatoon. Brandon, I Battlefrud, Edmonton, and to other paints 0 Railway. Returning half~:x-cent :1 mile from all points on C. $18.00 from \Vinnipeg to original slat-ting point in 01 DATES OF SALE SEPT. 3vâ€"Frnm Toronto, all C.N.0‘ stations east and south of 1 ()n tario and Bay or Quinta stations; 8.150 stations on Bay in Ontario and Qwelxer. inch‘lng all stations on eluding line St; .1 'me to Hubefleuu, and Q. 66 13.83. a n \1 n - nae" nnénh 1 ,L TEE @E‘QTAEE 3 LEGESLATURE The richest country in the West is sery p by the l. v Harvesting mong its 1 116$ is very h I Wxiï¬e for Homeseekers’ Guide, showing 35.‘ For full informatioh apply to . ELECTORS OF EAST YORK THE LIBERAL CANDIDATE R. L. FAIRBAIRN. Gaul. Pas. Agt. cmuum “up uu "Va From Toronto to Spur (WV 131(60): ON North Bay, Sudbuty and wag-t thereof. West is sel'y ‘,'d by the Ca adlan No {hem Railway. The demand for dong its 1 116$ is very heavy and the wages the highest. 40,000Harveslers wanted T0 WENNIPEG $63.99 EXCURSIONS xcursinnist. Half-a-cent :1 mile frnm Brandon. Kinda-slew Plinw Albvrt, xer paints on the Canadian Northern ,000 free homesteads awaiting the sealer 1b and south of Sparrow Lahe' all (‘entml 1.150 stations on other lines east of North g all stMHms on the an“: of and in- , und'Q. & 13.83. J. Ry stabioxm 3.0.; also points on other knee Toronto to Can. Nur. Ry†Tux-outâ€. On: rm C.N.R. to V’Vinnipvg. in Onlurin. $3.40 1.90 3.50 3.50 2.50 2.50