' @5112. ï¬anme The N ext Sitting of Divxsion Court. to No. 3, County of York, will be held ’ in the Court; Room. (Minimum Fare 25 Cents) Good going August 30th to Sept. lst. Return Limit; Sept. 2nd. Guod going August 29th to Sept. 15b. Return Limit Sept. 3rd. 2 For Tickets and all information apply to Local Agent, 0. N. 0.. 'IHE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion 'of Canada. It is national in all its aims. ‘ WM. GASELEY. 7-3‘ Ind. Phone 7510 Unionville P.O. DiViSlflN - BDUBT. It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. Its articles are carefully selected and is editorial policy is thoroughly independent. ‘ A subscription to ' The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any adï¬xess in ,Canada or Great Britain. Sixty-two and one-half acre farm for sale. part of lot, 19, con. 6. Markham Townshipâ€"excellent; soil, and under ï¬ne state of cultivation. Good. bank barn, nearlv new, with stabling for 11 cows and 5 horses, and two box stalls underneath; good brick 6-1'oomed dw‘elling with kitchen attached; good cellar, cistern and never-failing well. Apply on the premises to " The undersigned is pre- pared to supply customers with Bottled Milk, delivered every morning, “Sunday in- cluded. _ Orders also taken for cream. 1-t.f. ‘Montraal Standard Publishing Co‘ 9-2 11")â€: A; Co.,nf the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. con» til m: newt u-I ï¬aniMra for PHIL-ms. Caveats. Trad“ 'Murkn. Cy yrigma. for we Uniwd States, Canada. '1’ Hand. ram-9. (nermnny.etc. Hand Book about "1 “It:an sent tree. Thinvmvynn ymu‘a’ experience Pl‘tl‘nfï¬ nhhxinod thrnlwh MUNN & C0. are noticed in: ae aux-“urine AMhRIUA V. the lurgesL. best. and m: 7' v-‘dely circulated scientiï¬c paper. $3.20a. year ‘Wv-eauj. , Splendid engravings and Vinterestiug in- f'zmtinn.‘ Specimen envy of the ï¬cio-ulilic Amer- ) 1 gentlrnu. Address MUNN k 30.. SCIENTIFIC ‘ HICAN Ofï¬ce. 261 Broadway. New York. A flock of Ducks, lot 46. Can. 1, Markham. Owner tgay have same by roving property an paying expenses. D J . BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill P. 0. He'd. IPB source. In“ tho" wno wflu . r Snusou .t Cm, Pornand, Mninemfll receive free. full infnmmï¬nn About work which 1. 3'1 xhev mu do. and live at hnmeJhM will [my hem from $5 to $25 pen day. Some bu" en. .mi 0\ :1 i: in a day Either 30X. young or old. Capital hm wu'viwd. Yon are sinned free Tlmse whn mm a! one. numlutm V turn of lung mu- fortune; A)‘ it new. Where Goods and Prices are both right. Monday, October Farm For Sale Try Us and. Be Convinced Fare and 'One Third Bottled Milk F. E.,SIM8 THE GROCER JAMES RUMBLE, Richmond Hill Dairy. PHONE 37 F. E. ’S I M S RICHMOND ‘HI-‘LL TRY IT FOR 1913‘ Hummencmz at 9.30 a. m. T. F McMAHON. CLERK SINGLE FARE Limited,~ Publisher-i. swayed MONTREAL. Labor Day EXBURSIUN I913 HNE TAILUR-ING Church of England-Services at 3 13.121. 13'; Rug mm m; Sugglay._ Tlgjrdisundpxp: 1} a..m ,A A-) Prasbgherian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. m..and p. m. unday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Thursdav evening. Roman Catholic churchâ€"Services on alter uqteuSupfiqygat 9 _a.. re. nnfi 10.30 a. m. ... .m- _. -_.: mm. mm...“ ...- _. .... _._e _..-- ,.. n. 7 Methodist- Ghurohâ€"Servieos at 11.00 e.m..end p. m. Suede School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thurs ey evening. Richmond Lodge. A 1" end A M -Meets Mon- day on or before full moon 1 Court Richmond. A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Fri- BY . Ivy Lodge.AO U Wâ€"-Meets third Wednesday of each month Camp mums 0 S â€"-Meets second end fourth Wednesday Hi1) Crest Lodge, I.0.0.F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes- day and third F dey of each-month. F113; Brigadeâ€"Meets am Monday 0! every non Public Library and needing Room-Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enworch Lemma-Meets evorv Monday. Presb terien Guildâ€"Meets every Friday e128 p.m. in he Church. I 0 Fâ€"Meeizs third Thursday of every month. R. H. Rubequ Association meats lest Tneed-w 017 every mon_th._ _ . m .,,A_:-_ .uvuuav v- unuy luv..- Victoria L. o. L. mimots 41.11 Wednesday of each month. ‘ Small Farm for Sale On lst Concession of Vaughan, lot, 38. Thirty-fuur acres. gnnd rough cast, house. new stnne foundatinn, barn, new hen huuse. pig pen, yuung orchard jus} h_e-gin_ning tobem‘. plenty of water. 8-2 32 b-f RICHMOND HELL Cu 1'. A \Vindmill with 50 foot tower, in running order. Two horses six and seven years old; also mw fresh milch cnw. ' firm ;11' market, gsu'dening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen minutes walk to Metropolitan 74f Gund blick clad house, in ï¬mt-clnss condition, on Centre street, west. Rich- mnud Hill. Also corner lot. Nu. ], Rusevimv Gar-Jens. V Apply V Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS &_ C_OM PANV Phune 1557 A.‘ J. HUME Cassel’s Ma azine, per annum «. The Story eller . . The Quiver . . . . ’ . Musical Home Journal . . The Girls’ Realm . . ‘ . . Little Folks . . , ‘ . Chums o o n , o a o It is no’t necessary I.) send to foreign countrieu tar maga- zines. Read the following:â€" The monthly magazines 01 the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly Subsnription at low rates. CASSELLS Canadian P u b - ï¬shing Company AND RICHARD MAONAUGHTON. NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, Etc. Special attention given to Village Dlrectory 42 Adelalde'St. W Toronto Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing, Apply_9n premises or to . “n:- vamr‘\? For Sale For Sale For Sale JOHN MCKENZIE, HIAPPLETON, A. HISLOP. \Villowdale P. O. Richmond Hill Cafrville. Maple. THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE TORONTO 1-3 m “CANADIAN PICTORIAL†Exquisitely printed on fine coated paper. Pictures of well-known ' ople of current events, (If things eauti- £111 and curious About one thousand. square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must. be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. One dollar a year. The Pie- tgxial Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter St. S ubsc‘ribe for _ THE - LIBERAL ALL BRANCHES UF’THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED To. SpH-iul list of fruit and ornamental stuck fur Fall deliyery-1913 and Spring dulivery 1914. Start. at, once and senurp exclusive Lm-yitm-y. \Ve snpplv bandmme free mum and pay highest. cnmmissions. Write fur full particulars. Montreal. GOOD LOCAL AGENT at oncga t6 represent the 414;. f. F. J. 1::WO0IJWARD VILLAGE PROPERTY. MONEY T0 LOAN AL Sherwoodâ€"One acre, all kinds of fruit trees. with comfortable house in ï¬rst-class repair, make a gn'od home for any person wishing to retire. 0n good roads system. Easy terms. Several small fax-ma close tu Yonge Strset. Iii A.N16HOLLS§ tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every ï¬eld of knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. Write forlample ‘ pages, 1111193:- tieulars. etc. Nime ibis ‘panor And DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dic- Fonthil! Nurseries PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTE WEB-ST .R's 12 ‘65 INTERNATIONAL Two good farms hear Mount «Albert. snozma LAME AND mmz‘rnme noasns A mommy F. J. WODDWARD. Rinanh ’I‘abules: p193sant1axaï¬vc. HAS FOR SALE GENERAL BLACKSMITH, OLD AND RELIABLE Wanted New. Gormley STONE & WELLINGTON Real Estate Agent Richmond Hm ' ONTARIO Fray Bpntos corned beef. tin. . . .250 Libby's sliced dried beef, jar. . . .180 Urnsse-d Fish, saxdines, 2 tins. ...25(: Hnrse Radish sauce, bottle‘ . .. 100 Whvlhey‘s mince meat. pkqs . . .100 Pure Gold jelly powder. 3 pkgs .250 LAMAAAAL Inuuluuuu [iiiâ€"5- Inms; we mu... In" vvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvwwflvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvï¬'vv vva A cam) TIME WW T9 PM? E E E I‘LIAAAAAAALA MAAAAAAAAAAA MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! 3. RIGHMGND HILL Hk%§%¥flï¬E‘-flfl. E'THB. vvvvvvvmvvv'vvvv'ï¬vï¬v'v’v ‘vï¬v‘ï¬vwvvivvivaWflvvgi“: WC man De pleased to par- ticulan. 65 RICHMOND HILL BRANCH . for Floors and “'ondWm-k. Ask For Calm Cards. AAALAA‘AAAAAAAAAA’AAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA If we haven’t what yOu are looking for in stock, we will get it fur youâ€"that’s what we’re in business forâ€"to supply you 'with what you want at reasonable prices. I PURE WHITE G. A. MCDONALD& SON THE RICHMONDHILL HARDWARE CU; E. HAND, V a u I ' Manager. ‘ " Wises“ a: Maple, Maggy. Stauï¬vme, Unionville and Locust Hm. ©F‘ @ANADA Richmond Hill is going right ahead, all that is need- ' gd at the present is houses for people to live in. TERMSâ€"$50 cash; balance three year mortgage with ma terest at 6% or five years to purchasers building at once. Wide Streets with Concrete Walks. Plenty of gOOd water. Ideal grainage. Part of this property is restricted to homes to cost not Jess $2,500. No restrictions whatever on Rose- view or Pugsley Avenues. Several lots have already changed: hands at a good proï¬t. Now is your time for a safe and sure in- vestment. . PHONE l6â€"R 2 PHONE 18 ; Pint Can . . . . . . . . . . 1Pint “ .L.;."..;... 1 Quart *f . . . . . . . . . . LACQUERET AND CHI-NAMEL MINERVA PAENT oseview Gardens Is Good Paint Priced As Foliows LOTS FOR SALE “B‘RESC()NIET’1‘ Igiberal Discount for Cash. The latest, thing fur Tinting “falls and Ceilings. also LIN SEED OIL 8c TURPENTINE‘. ‘- DRY COLORS, 660. FOR INSIDE DECORATION ASK US ABOUT W. J. LAWRENCE, Florist, Richmond Hill. an..........a............‘.......CO:;each ‘ .;.;."..;.......................35c.‘each ..............................65c.‘eacll In larger quantities at special prices also ‘- F GROCERIES TJQ‘. §¢§+¢§§§§¢§¢§OO 7 is an advantage someï¬me's ’10 ~ ‘ keep a bank accou’ntiu of twb persons, 50 Jhat- either one may make withdrgwals. Such an account is called a“"i6iht adc‘ount." We; shall be pleased to furnish pam- Litstex-s i minute puddings, pkg. 106 Litstm-s salad dressing, puwder~ ed form. pkg. ._ . . . . . ... . . . . . . . 1m: Lindner& Bonnet-s fruitjum 2jurs25 Rnbertsnns jellies; jun) 01‘ mar- 5 lllfll‘rldf‘, jar . . . . . . . . . .. ZUc NORMAN BATMANAGER.