Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Sep 1913, p. 1

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) W. HEWISON LA’SKAY P. o‘. " D. H. PINKERT-ON, VS. T‘sgizeon. J K-McEwen Maple Weston. Sumac»: a: McEwen, blon‘aed A :atirmeers forthe County of York 513:” “new la] 50 on shortest notice and at res»- not'mble rates Patronage solicited ami‘mitionq hz-l’d at. ’l‘montrannserva- tm-y of Music and Univélsityof 1‘0- !‘OII‘IH. I Spacinl course in “Myer’s” Kinder-- gartvn Mmhod, particularly helpful to hug-Mums. Glass recitals are given throughout the ‘vear 43-137 LinensedA11'2tloneer fnr the Counties of York Gawain and North Toronto. Spaciammntim giwn‘ tn saves 91’ every dqsgriptiqp. Farm and “L. 4‘“, .a-‘m aboax sales a specialty. Farms bought (mu sold nu commission. All sales attended to on shortest nntice and conducted by the latest. uv- mama methods. Aldfess; 239 Baguio! St , No.51: Toronto. I #é-EXQL. XXXVL Phnne No. 28. Gulls phnne or otherwise promptly ‘ respruded tq. .1 :3~_s--_§.\1 R, CAMPBELL. 333313 ENCE. RICHMOND HUI. AT THE UBERAL PRINTIHG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL.0NT. - 'es pupils‘fgr the» gypde MISS MILLIE TRENCH Flzzier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. 9 mm C 11th ” IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY L'HURSDAY MORNING SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL F. McMAHON. FIFSC the nurth of Atkinson 8: S xvitzpr’s stare. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill . LICENSED AUGTIONEER l‘Iaple, ()nt. $1 per annum, in advance,] For the County of York. HOUSE PAINTER, O. EGAN BUSINESS CARDS. OFFICE AND Rmsmmicx: RICHMOND HILZ Teacher of Piano J. H. Prentice Eamon & Pnoruuon. Phune No. 2402. Merriam: RESIDENCE gamma. ONTARIO COMMISSIONER. co‘NVEY «W‘E Under-takers & [-‘mbnlmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILI. Richmonq H111 ,1 large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at both places , BARR IBTER. Some‘bR, NOTARY, E'rc. Tux-unto Offlc e. Ramm 328 Confedera t'inu Life Bldgm No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill rQflice ("Liheml' Office), every Thursday forenoon. anlp, Thlll‘s‘du y afternoon: Wuudhridgv, Saturday fm-e-hoon. Munev to 1mm at, Five Per Cont. (5% W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Cor Yong: and Alexander Stx, - if its record. WS't-udél'lgs-‘Elatgitted at; any ’timo. It “’1” help you to degide. This school is conducted on the highest plane of efficiencv. We are proud- ..c a n. 1 . - - â€" .o~ ....‘_,l, Barristers and sollcllors. Monov to loan on I and anuchabbel mortgagent -- owest rates tarot-a ofliceâ€"Removeu no nhe- old post ofljoa one door west or who ennanui to the Outano Bank , .iuwmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of 5b:- pustotfice . P Hmmzxawbmxnox G s'rv Mono“ An important question. All has!- mass colleges are not alike-l Careful judgment ls absolutelylt ecessary. Write to-dzw fur the Catalogue of the: LE_NNOX & MORGAN Tel. M. 363]. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Telvphnne, Main Gable Add regs. "Dedo.” REAL rEsu-ATE. ETC. TI-IORNH ILL Burristorsfiolicitors. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building Cor. ' Adelaide & Victoma. Ste" foronbo. A. GE. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Organs Bapaired and Expert Work Guaranteed Commissioner, Conveyancer. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer n1 Marriage Licenses. PIANO TUNING Benton, Grover & Field .. Cameron MacNaughton WHICH SCHOOL SHALL I ATTEND? Barrister,7801icitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING \ STREET WEST Lawrence & Dunbar, TORONTO. 0N1“. NOTARY PUBLIC . A.‘"‘N ICHOLLS WRIGHT BROS EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULAT!NG Eofin 3. ‘Z’a'vz'dson THORNHILL WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND HILL. ONT Barristers, Solictors. &c. ELLIOTT Aurora at Five Per Cent. (5%) $111M. “In Essentials, Unity; in Phone Main 2984 stopped in, 20 minutes sure with Dr. b‘hoop's Group Remedy. One test will surely prove. No vomitin no» dis- tress. A sde and pleasing syrupâ€"500. %ruggists. A Hnrvpst Home Festival under the auspices of the Edgvley \Vnmen's Instilute’wlll he held on the lawn of Mr. Malcnln Watson. 5th Concession, Vaughan, on Wednesday, the 10th of September. A goodfiprvgmmme of the highest; order has been arranged, in. cluding the Downsview orchestra. Refreshments. including pnaches and cream, Will be served fm In six to eight o'clock. Football n'tatoh between Edgely and Woodfiridge. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. Every body welcome. " MISS Marguerite Brown, Mlss Nettie Brown, Mrs. Ed. Forester and Master Harold wele Exhibition) visitors last; week. Mr. Ed. Forester who has ar- rived from Milestone. Sask., accom- punied them on the humewm-d juupnoy. Rally Day-r will be held by the Sun- day Schoolon Sept. 28th. Programmes wirllflbe furnished [)0 all. The Epwurth League held their Pic- :nic at Lake Wilcox last, Satuldny after- noon. Thex-P was a. fair attendance and the aft?! noon was spent in boutmg and otheig sport_._s. _ Miss Lloyd 01 ’Tdibnto is with Miss Belle Read. A Harvest Home in aid of St. Luke’s Chm-ch, will he held in the Mammoth Skating Rink and Rt-creauon G: uunds. Thornhill, on Saturday, the 13m of September. This promises to he the event. of the season, and a good time is guaranteedâ€"min or shine. It is announced on posters that: a. contest for a guld headed cane will take place between Mesms. JrA. Cameron and J. Nigh, reeves of Vaughan and Markham res ectively.‘ There willalso hen Tug- nfâ€" ar between teams from Markham and Vaughan. Also a good pl'ngmm of sports including fool: races. suck races. cont, races &c. Dancing In the evening to Prof.» A. J. Collin’s orchestra. The world is fully roused, the trade must gn; Its votm'ies are trembling in their shoes: Its dm-m is sealed, and fearfully they \ knmv Some other mode of living they must choose. ' The Puwer Onnipoteut. the time will speed, When righteous men shall rule the men of greed. Richmond Hill. P. L. GRANT. August, 25, 1913. 0. e who wait for opportunity! r '13» benefit the world in this yourday Up now! with jealous impm'Lunity. 'Tbe Hydro-headed monster stive to have made! Perpetuuting it for selfish ain! Thou: man’s religion, lauld be stumped in “vain.” The gre‘atest evil in our land today, That mars her peace, and checks pros erity, _ And stu tifles her progress in its sway, Which boasts its power to deal inquitv, _ This despicable traffic in strong drink Is shielded by our laws, 0. sad to think! The likifi'or trnflic Worthy of his aid! To help its devious (mulling in the streams, 0ft vile pgllytion which its trails 77- ._...--V .. . nulnq uuAAlluUc u- them :7 True men, whose honor is theirdiadem. How can a Christian vote for him who __de(_e_ms, they “n. ev\lu‘ All w 0. surely, in 'our churches should be found, A host of willing workers to supply The ranks of those whose principles . are sound, Who work for right. and every wrongdecr'v: ' SuchLai-e our Nation’s hope, confides in 6 To you, 0. Christian people. we appeal; To well consider what on you depends; To use yfur franchise for our Country’s Weu- ; Electing those whose lighteousness commend. ‘ TherMI-e such men! though sad to know, so few, Who seek the public good. in what 4.1....â€" .1" slay!’ And he a. factor in the saving scheme. Mankind to bless. your brothers to redeem! Victoria Square. AN EARNEST APPEAL; Edgeley. Thornhill. ., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 191.3 Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity visiting The members and friends of Melville Presbyterian church held their annual picnic on the grounds of, Mr. 'S. 'P’. Lehman. There Was a. large crowd present and enjoyed the events of the afternoon. ‘ There was football between chosen teams which resulted in a tie, and the married and single men strove for victory which favored the. Bene- dicts by six to seven. There were also races and howling. Altogether a very enjoyable time was spent. The cheers. Mr. Chamberlain who closed the meeting- mnde a good impression on his audience. He referred to his past: work in welcoming immigrants from Britain. and appealed to the churches and tvm'pemnce forces to join with him in the present contest. ‘The meeting closed with the usual rv....,_. , ...v.u“..-5 nu; clause. Mr. Proudfom‘ explained the chargés against; Hon. W. J. Hanna, spoke of the growing expenditure, and that},th that; to win East, York would be at good thing for the Province. Mr. Muir took up several planks 0f the Rnwell platform. but, said that the predominenb feature of this contest wag thejlhulition of the bar. Dr. Mc’l‘uvish who spoke for the Dominion Alliance said than the Rowell policy was to cut; off the romainng 1474 bars in the Province. That, was why the Alliance was supporting MP. Chamberlain. HE‘ appealed to tamper- ance Conservatives to drop their politics for the sake of principle. Mr, Henry’s only promise was that, he Would s’up- porb the Govermuent’s temperance po‘li‘cyL‘inclqding the 3-5ths clause. The chairman,'M1-. T. H. Tgench, in. his opening remarks. stated that op- pusuinn was invited if Mr. Henry. the Conservative candidate. or his repre- sennmive was present. ‘ _ The first speaker was Mr. Inwpod. Secretary 0f the OntariaRefirm Aa- sociatmn. He referred to Mr. Gham~ berlaiu’s im'eproachuhle character and clear cut. pohcy. and hoped a. large country vote would be pulled as at presen‘b‘FQ out. of the 91 polling places .A ...L_‘ ~em A {train the c1ty_ Qf T3051; .. -. A public meeting in the interest of Mr. Albert, Chamberlain, Liberal Oun- didate for East Yvrk in the Local Election next Munday, was held in “the Masonic Hall Morlday evening. 'I‘L- -L,.L. ' I" v. .â€" Mr. Pruudfunb who spoke on behalf of Mr. Chamberlain doubted the wis- dom of taking up the Scott Actas that. was a Dominion measure, but" had to be enfurced by the Provincial author. ities. “We are pursuing the riszht course in the nbulitiun of the bar. because in insures the abolition of the traffic, including the treating system which Hun. James Whitney promised he Would introduce. » ' Both sides spuke briefly on the bilingual schuol question, and the meeting closed wil u the usual cheers. Hon. Mr. Lucas defended the general policy of the Government. and especi- ally the spending-[‘of money in North- ern Ontario. he Government is improving the conditions of the settlers in these new lands, and, said Mr. Lucas, “We have on the pay roll of New Ontario to-dav 33,000 men.” If the Dominion Alliance is sincere in its temperance policy it, can abolish every bar in Ontario by the Act known asfihe ficott Act. Mr. Henry was the first speaker. He claimed that Hon. James Duff had done good work as Minister of Agri- culture, and that the Whitney Govern- ment had greatly added to the efiicien- cy of the public schools. Referring 'to the temperance question he claimed that the Govern ment had carried use- ful amendments. and he was prepared to support the thflae fifths clause. The license laws were now better enforced ' than under any former administration. Mr. Chamberlain who followed touched on the different planks in his platform, but dealt principally with the evil effects of the liquor traffic. He expressed himself as pleased to support his leader, Mr. N. W. Rowell, in his elforts to close every barin hotels and clubs in Ontario, as most of the evils of excessive drinking are due to the practice of taking the social gloss in‘t'hose places: ...-... "nu nun uccu appointed Sheriff of t e County 0 York. At two o’clock, Mr. J. E. Francis, the returning officer. an- nounced that the candidates were George S. Hem-y, Conservative. and Albert. Chamberlain, Liberal. Each of the candidates addressed the electors Bresent, and Mr. Henry was supported y Hon. I, B. Lucas, Provincial Treasurer, and Mr. Chamberlain by Wm. Proudfuob. K.C., M.P.P. for Centre Huron. The Town Hall, Markham Village, Was well filled on Monday when nominations were taken to fill the position of the former Local member. Mr. .Alez‘: McCp'gvan! who has been POLITICAL MEETING EAST YORK NOMINATION Almira. iii-«Meow.++++++§M++++++E GOOD STOCK OF School Books. Standard Novels, " Souvenir Post ,Carcts, Post Card Albums., Papétries, _ v ‘ Rubber Ballsg,‘ EtC.',g3E‘t‘-C. fi~34~§~++++ . Go to the Liberal Office for - 81'“ Heads, Letter Heads, _ Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, ‘ ' Programmes, &c., 81c. Printing . Stationery _, ‘ ' School Books We have the BL. Scranton Hard 0031. “None better" Order now. Just arrived a car of Threshing C_oai. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES - S-TIVEH & RAMER ++++++¢+++++Â¥++++++++++*++ ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . .VAND. . ' Tile for Draining..- Orders taken for Red‘Clz’ka PresSed Manitoba Oats _, ,1 for the Chickens Wheat, Buckwheat, A car load of fresh Glutén at the Elevator. ‘ Also one of geod‘ Bran and > Shorts. ‘ A good supply ‘of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. vvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvwvv; AAAAAAMAAA MAMMAAAM‘ Pure Paris Green, Bug Death, Arsenate of Lead 1 “mm: x _ Bordeaux, 'Mi‘xfu'ré 1 All guaranteed strictly pure ' I} i ‘ And prices right; ; ‘ ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, I gnuuumutnnnnn‘ W. A. Sanderson Puhiic -~Anentiun BUG TIME RICHMOND DRUGGIST ..AND.. Cracked Corn No. :0:

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