“Pa, what’s cold comfort?†' “Being locked in an ice box on a - {not August day.†ED. 7. A hundred million dollars annually its the estimated revenue from the ; roposed tax on persons not contri- buting to the increase of population in 'ance. Statistician Bertillon declares there now are in France 1,350,000 celi- brates, 1,800,000 couples without child- en, 2,650,000 families of two children, 2,400,000 families with one child. All these will be required to pay, as it is proposed to tax every, citizen who reaches the age of 45 without three "children'liviug, or who reached the age of 21. The tax will be $6 per child \Ior each one under the minimum. . St. Isidore. P11. Aug. 18, 1904. I'Minard’e Liniment 00.. Limited. While history presents many mses of people who broke away from a, humble task to forceptihcir way to something higher, it is fuller bf insrbanceg in which a man or wo- Man, by doing with patient faithful- ness an insigniï¬cant task, has been (ca-di to gmnte; things. â€Bleoaus‘e of the nail the shoe was 110st; because of the shoe the horse was lost; because of the rider the battle was lost.†So it was the blacksmith, after all, who lost the :battle. If he had done his work ‘wgll the cause might have triumph- Gentlemenâ€"I have frequently used MINARD’B LINIMEN'I‘ and also prescribe it for my patients always with the most gzgtifying results, and I consider it the t all-round Liniment extant. \ Yours truly. Dissatisfaction Has Caused Many to Rise From Poverty to Wealth. It is perhaps true that some writ- ers and teachers have over-emphaâ€" sized the gospel of contentment with our lot. Advancement in every line has been made by people who were discontented with their pre- Bent opportunities and broke through to something higher. But even allowing this, it is undeniably true that there i. » a. vast amount of funholy and wasteful discontent. How'fo TREAT PIMPLES Mmâ€! Outlaws Bow and Ointment no mm mm thaworld. A m mph 01 mmwm: 82W bookletontha cure Ind treatment of the (“and lady. mt pom-tree. Andre†Pom Dru: 6 Chem. Col-9.. Dom. 26D. Boston. U. S. A. Minard’s' Llnlment Rellaves neuralgia. :And Cutlcura Ointment, at a trifling cost, is learned from the Special directions which accompany these pure,swee't and gentle ‘emollients. I CUIICURASOAP BIACKH EADS Successfully and Speedin With $100,000,000 Tax on Childless. TOO MUCH CONTENTMENT. One Kind. DR. JOS. AUG. SIROIS. ISSUE 36â€"’13. must have washed my shirt; Evifli the bacon.†Hard-Worked Fatherâ€"“I cannot see why you dislike work. To ‘me it’s real enjoyment.†Lazy Sonâ€" “That’s it. I don’t think it’s right for one to give one’s self up wholly to pleasure.†‘Murphy’s wife was ill, so -he thought he would make himself use- ful in the house. He bought a pound of bacon; also a pound of soap, and he set about preparing a. nice meal for. his wife. She, however, wondered what was the smell, and called to Murphy what was he do- ing. “Cooking bacon,†he replied. “Bacon! Why, that is soap.†“Then, bed&d,†said Murphy, “I “Then you won’t marry me?†“No; but I’ll be a sister to you.†“I can suggest a, better scheme than that. Let me call you mother.†Then he made a quick getaway. Ityou have Red, Weak Watery Eyes or Granulated EÂ¥elidm boesn’t Smart --Soothes Eye ain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liqui . 250, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. AnlvoTo-lofloodior All EyootMNIelcu-o Marin. Er. Remedy 00.. Chicano Fry Murgne Eye Remedy Miaard’s Llnlment for sale everywhere. Gabeâ€"“He claims he is a descen- dapt fromrfl great family.†Steveâ€"~“Yeg, and he is still des- cending.†' ‘ Large ta'milyl’iié'bomee 500., trial size 250. A11 dealers, or the Catarrhozone 00.. Butfalo. N.Y.. and Kingston. Canada. A man boasts of having an um- brella that has been in his posses- sion for more than twenty years. That’s long enough, he ought to reâ€" turn it. "A few weeks ago I ate some green vegetables and some fruit that was not quite ripe. It ï¬rst brought on a ï¬t of indigestion, but unfortunately it develop- ed into hiocoughs. accompanied by nau- sea. and cramps. I was dreadfully ill for two daysâ€"my head ached and thmbbed; I belched gas continually, and I was un- able to sleep at night. A neighbor hap- pened in to see me and urged me to try Nerviline. Well. I wouldn't have believed that any preparation could help so quick- ly. I took half a teaspoonful of Nerviâ€" line in hot sweetened water, and my stom- ach felt better at once. I used Nerviline several times, and was completely m stored.†The above is from a letter written by G. E. Braun, a. well-known stockman and farmer near Lethbridge, Alta. Mr Braun'l favorable opinion of the high merit of Nervlline is shared by thousands of Can- adians who have proved Nerviline is sim- ply a. marvel for cramps, diarrhoea, flat- ulence, nausea, and stomach disorders. Safe to use, guaranteed to cureâ€"you can make no mistake in keeping Nerviline for you family ‘gemedy. Pains in the Stomach That Yield to Nothing Else, Pass Away Quickly If Nerviline Is Used. Cured Stomach Gas, Stopped Hiccoughs A Frenchman), staying at a Lon- don hotel, when presented with his bill, paid it Without formal protest, but woe most indignant at its amount. “I vish to see zee pro- prietaire,†he said to the clerk. In a minute the proprietor appeared. The Frenchman was all smiles. “Ah I†he exclaimed. “I must em- brace you l†“But why should you Wish to’embralce me, sir ’l†asked the astonished hotelkeeper. ‘_‘I do not understand.†“Look at zees bill!†“Yes; your receipted bill. What of it 'I†“What of it? Simply sees, zvaire; it means zat I shall neâ€" vaire, no, nevaire, see you again I†They who know the value of a dollar usually want a. dollar and a half for it. . ‘ Munich banks have girl clerks. When the average man discharges an obligation, you can hear the re- port for miles around. Some men’s idea of religion is to loaf round the house all day Sunday in shirt sleeves and stocking feet. Over twenty per cent. 01'. {he Eng- lish nobility are childless. When a girl boils over with rage, she is apt to weep scalding tears. France will handle no 'cloth that mud stains. ~The best Woodei legs are made 0 aluminum. ' The’ average man would rather kiss a beautiful mouth than an intellectual brow. Camel’s hump, white like veal, is a new Parisian delicacy. Don’t forget that the pensive sweet- heart; may make an expensive wife. Bulging eyes are usually short- sighted. Love is blindâ€"but not so the gos- sips on the hotel piazzas. Mlnard's Llnimont Cures Dandruff. READ MR. BRAUN'S STATEMENT. Useful in the House. Fact and Fancy. His Revenge. Going Down. All Smiles. NERVE! Boyâ€""If you please, father’s sent the ladder back W01; ’6 borrered. He’s broke it, and will yOu please ’ave it repaired at once, ’cos ’6 wants to borr-er it agin next Friâ€" day.†There remains the sentimental difï¬culty in addition to others, but so strong and influenrbial is the backing of the present movement in support of the tunnel scheme that it must be considered as a distinct possibility. of the near future. Tthe suppbrter’s of the scheme de~ claim that ï¬nanciers are suflic're'nfly well disposed toward it to facilitate the ï¬nding of the capital required. The project for a, tunnel is'now seriously revived. The arguments opposing it are also revived. The ï¬rst one to-dey is the cost, which those who favor the plan‘ estimate at $80,000,000, while its opponents say it might be much more, and add that it would not appeal to the or- dinary investing public in France or England. Then comes the engi- neering question. Great authorities are divided on this‘ point as to its practicability. Thirdly, there is the stretegicquestion. This is admit- tedly not so important as it was thirty years ago, and to-day the British War Oflice and the Admir- alty are not believed to be hostile to the project. _ Mlnard's Liniment Cures Burn's, Etc. Meanwhile French approval of the [scheme became practically un- animous. The entente cordialle ways of course used as an argument in its favor. The main arguments, ,how- ever, were purely economical. l‘son; by the great London editor-s, by army men, such as the Duke of Cambridge and Field Marshal, Lord Wolseley, and by the heads of «the Admiralty, while men like the Late Goldwin Smith wrote articles of virulent denunciation of the propo- esal. 'The result was that Sir Ed- ward Watkin’s scheme was for the time buried, but it was not dead. It was brought forward again in 1906 and in 1907 and found some friends, but none of great impor- tance who would go wholeheartedly for it, and the London newspapers where they were not hostile were uncertain in tone. Scheme to Connect England and France By Tunnel. Are England and France to be connected by a Channel tunnel? This old question is again being seriously considered. As long as thirty years ago a violent campaign was waged against rthis scheme. At that time a protest against it was signed by leading peers and digniâ€" taries of all churches, in England, including the late Cardinal Man- ning, by members of Parliamth and other prominent men, such as Sir John Lubbock, Browning, Hux- ley, Spencer and Frederick Harriâ€" "When I was working around the farm last winter I had an attack of inflamma- tion,†writes Mr. E. P. Dawkina, of Port Richmond. “I was weak for-a. long time. but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or'physic all the time. My stomach k'ept, sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptOms ofwintestinal indi- zesrtion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting. like other pills, they acted very mildly. and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton’s Pill§,_and feel si) glad that 1- 1_,,, n w“--. r-v.v.. .w Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. 250- per box or ï¬ve for $1.00, at all druggista and storekeepers, or post paid from the Catam‘hozone 00.. Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston. Canada. , ,_V_~ ___.,, mm. .W. W 5...“ Wm I have found a mild yet. certain remedy. Today I ‘am wellâ€"no pain, no sour stom- ach, a good appetite, able to digest an?- thing. This is a. whole lot of good for one medicine to do; and I can my D?- Hamilton's Pills are the best pills. and mg getter, I am sure. proves it." If you have any stomach distress an. all You will certainly be interested “in the following experience which is told by Mr- Edward Da‘wkins: ‘ Had Stomach Rumblings Distress Before Meals Was Seldom Free From That Weary, 'Droopy, Half- Dead Feeling. CHANNEL TUBE PLAN AGAIN. Now Cured, and Gives Good Advch to omen Wlth Dyspeptlor Tendencles. Sultablp (or Mills, Mmufaoturlgg Plants. Printing Houses. [(0. a Wood ï¬pliï¬â€˜Polleys, 12% x '48 in. for 3‘15/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Splitfulley, 12314 x 48 in. forfl 15/16 in. slmft. v 1 Wood Split Pulley, 12% x 28 in. £0: 3 7/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split. Pulley, 10% x 36 in. for 3 7/16 in. shaft. ‘ Pulleys of smaller sizes and Shafting,of various lengths and aims to be sold at very 19w ï¬gures. The expense of holidayâ€"maker‘s, both foreign and provincial, in Paris, with 1,000,000 visitors; Lonâ€" don, wi’oh 600,000; Berlin with 500,- 000, and Vienna, with 350,000, amount to at least $45,000,000, not counting the purchasievsof souvenirs and. various minor article‘s. Finally, the European watering places and seaside resorts are esti- mated to gain $16,000,000 from the annual invasion of tourists. FOR SALE Pui‘leys '& Shaftlng Of the countries which reap the principal harvest ‘of the ibouriats’ money Switzerland is easily ï¬rst, with 3,000,000 visitOrs annually, re- prggentzing about $32,000,000. The Rviviere, Spain and Italy have fewer tourists, but not over $691000,000,a,mong them. Travgllers on Continent Spend at Rate of $30,000 Per Hour. 'A well~known Emmistdcian has just calculated that during the holiday season tourists in Europe spend $30,000 per hour; and that they «spend more than $160,000,000 per year. ' Box 23, Wilson Publishing 00., Toronto. MAX}! EEL’S Do you uu Maxwell's “Favorlzo"â€"¢hu chum dill mlku quIth hunch The ernnr Board extend. from tho Mu. out of thl my of the cover. This 1110‘" pmtiemy the whoie top of tha sub to open upâ€" mlku It my to put in and hike Out» clothes. No other washer ruu as large an opening? No other washer nan be worked with crank handle at eideaa mu as top laucr. $160,000,000 FOR TOURS. After the BABY’S OWN SOAP .skin is smdoth, comfortable, and exhale; ‘ the' "] aromof freshly cut flpwen. \ , 1 ix}! Freedom skin troubles, e‘gplains“ in eQmexpéapur‘e a“ the refreshing} which"“B&by'é 051‘ &§p?885?§ enjoy. Especialgy for nursery use msiat on ‘Rhyâ€; wu '. ALBERT SOAPB Limited. Mutants; - MONTREAL. Hale '._!'OUNG MAN BE A BARBER. I TEAC ‘ on quickly, cheaply, thoroughly an niah tools free. We give you actual ‘dhop ex rienoe. Write for lreo‘ camp lozue. 0151' College. 219 Queen St. East. Toronto. MEN WANTED U internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment: Write us befors too late. .Dr. Bellman Medical 00., Limited, Oollingwood, Ont. , v' - ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD~ der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments poéitively cured with the new German remedy. “Sanol,†price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mellitus, and sure cure. is “Sanol’s Anti-Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Same] Manufac- turing Company of Canada, Limited. Winnipeg, Man. - N ESTABLISHED MONTREAL IN- , vestment, Company selling dividend paying Securities, requires the services of able men. Exclusive territory to right. parties. Good proï¬ts can be made in whole or spare time. This is a solid pro- position backed by influential men who fem the directorate. Write P. 0. Box‘ 1445. Montreal, for particulars. Mention paper. w ‘ D ferent‘ Forengï¬VwSVbaï¬iprs. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Com pa'ny, Toronto. RUTII‘. STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIBi Farms in all sectionl of Ontario. MEN WANTED Fa'rine in an 'Qéitibnn‘éf (fuzzâ€"11ml: Home snaps. ‘ ACTORY SITES. WITH OR W'ITHOU'B Railway traokage. in Toronto. gamma" and «ï¬ver fnwvm and cities. Teacher of Hygieneâ€"Why must we always be careful to keep our homes clean and neat? Little Girl â€"Beca,use company may walk in at any moment. v. w. DAWSON, Ninety Cclborno smug Toronto. when buying your Piano insisv ol, havmg an n ‘ ANCERh TUMORS. LUMPSL Mfg, OTTO H IGEL" TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED DIF- W. DAWSON. Golborno SL. Toronto. EgInENTIAL PROPERTIEé ' m Brampton rand a- dozenvutiï¬; fawnâ€"S‘s; Piano Action MALE HELP WANTED. STAMPS AND COINS. AGENTS WANTED. HISCELLANEOUS. FARMS FOR SALI.