Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1913, p. 8

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5-Lf. 11-2 Good bxick clad bans", in fiI-qt-Chlss cimdition, on Centre- street West, Rich- mond Hill. A190 cumcr lot No. 1, Ruseview Gardens. A capable 'farm hand. one who understands the care 0f horses. Sal- vation Army man preferred, Apply to 7-tf Electors are called upon to examine the said. List, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. County of York Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections Eight and Nine of the Ontario “Voters’ List Act” the copies required by said sections to. be so transmitted or delivered of the List. umde pursuant to said Act and amend- ments thereto of all persons appeal-in hgy the last Revised Assessment Rofi n the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municigality at Elections for Members of t e Legis- lative Assembly, and at Municipal Elections; and that the said List was first posted 11 in my office at the Ville? of Map e on the SIXTH DAY OF S PTEMBER, 1913. and remains there for inspection; A Windmill with 50 foot lower, in running order. ' J. B. McLEAN. Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 6th day of September, 1918. 11-2 10-2 On the second of August between stop 52 and Richmond Hill, a. small puree. Finder will please communicate with,» G. RYAN. _ F. .,,.E. SIMS.» GROCER. 10-2 10- A good “Oxford Laurel” [nu-101‘ cook stove. Nearly new. Apply to MRS. GEO. SMITH. lO-t.f. Small house in Richmond H1“ or Vicinity. Moderate rent. ~ Apply to LIBERAL OFFICE. A S'Happy Thought." stove. No. 9, with high shelf. nearly new. Nickle plated. ~ » VOTERS’ LIST,” 1913 Where Goods and Prices are both right. Four Roomed House to rent. on [-ge lot. \ ' VAUGHAN 160 Acres to rent on Yonge St. Applv to Municipality of the Township of Try Us“ and Be Convinced F. E. SIMS To Rent For Sale To Rent For Sale For Sale For Sale Wanted Wanted JOHN MCKENZIE, Apply at; B. KLIMENHAGA. Apply Lost \V. MUNSHA‘V. MRS. F. GIBSON. LIBERAL OFFICE. A. HISLOP. Richmuud Street. VVillmvdule P. O. Thornhill Hotel. Richmond Hill. Richmond H ill. Richumnd Hill Elgifi Mills Oassel’s Magazine, per annum . $ . The Story Teller The Quiver . . Musical Home Journal The Girls’ Realm . Little Folks Chums Church of En landâ€"Services at a pm. In: 2nd and 4th Sun my. Third Sunday at 11 mm Pxesb ton-inn Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. m.,aud p. m. unday School M 2.30. Prayer meeting Thursdav evenin . Roman Oahhohe Church-Services on alter uq§o__SuQ5igy§_at 9 _a.. 113. a.n_d 10410 a. m. .. .m , __ A_, It is not necessary 1 > send to foreign countriez. 101' maga- zines. Read the following:â€" 7 Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 11.00 e.m..snd p. m. . Bands School at 2.30. General prayer meehng Thur ay evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M -â€"Meets Mon- dtv on or before full moon 3 CourtRichmond. A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Fri- 3y Ivy Lodge. A0 U W--Meets third Wednesdsy of each month Gsmp Elm, s 0 s â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday Hill Crest Lodge. I.0.0.F..meets first Wednes- dnv and third Fndsy of each month. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday 0! every month Publio Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. ‘mworth League â€"Meets evorv Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets everv Friday ats p.m. in the Church. I 0 Fâ€"Meets third Thursday of every month. R. H. Ratepayers Association meets last Togedzv oLevprv month. _ Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to ' Viéiér'ia'hf o.’ Liaiseâ€"Moots 4th Wednegmry" of each month. _ .7” The monthly magazines of the above company cover gvery variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Cam ada by yearly subs/,ription at low rates. CASSELLS & COM PAN‘! 42 Adelaide St. W Toronto O A S S E L L S’ Canadian P u b - fishing Company Both Phones. DICTIONARY . THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dio- tionary in many years. contains the pith and essence ‘ of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. 1 The Only Dictionary with the. New Divided Page. 1 400,000. Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearlf halt a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. Write for sample V9 'V pages, full par- ticulars, etc. Name this paper and we will INTERNATIONAL ENNY ROYAL W AFERS. Having taken the agency for the Ford Automobiles for Markham and Scarboro Townships including Yonge St., we will be pleased to demonstrategur cars at any time. Village D1rectory FORD CARS~ DAVISON & BROWN LEE â€"AGENTSâ€" - 66km“: A specmc monthly medicine for ladiei to restore and regulate the meme:- produclm; tree, healthy 0mg minleu diuchugu No aches or pains on up Ix'oacn How used by over 30,000 ladle: buce used will use again. lnvigorate. these organs. Buy or your drugglsl only those with our signature acrosI tweal‘lnbel. Avoideubsth-utea. Sealed Particulars mailed 20 ammmfiguxjje‘r . L.--“ nuvnrnv . nrblculnrs mailed 2c mm. $11.00 "per 0:. AngreDS, EUREKA CH M AI. “nun..- n__A, ,, UNIONVILLE, ONT. A reliable French regulator; never fails“ These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van’s are sold at F5 a box. or three for $10. Mailed to any address. the Booben Drug 00.. St. Catharine» Ont. Dr. de Van’s Femaie Pills At Sherwoodâ€"One acre, ail kinds of fruit trees. with comfortable house in met-class repair, make a good home for any person wishing to remix-e. 0n good roads system. Easy terms. Several small farms clnse tn Yonge Strset. ~ VILLAGE PROPERTY. MONEY T0 LOAN 41-t.f. F. J. WDUDWARD ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. H. A. N IGHOLLS THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRA"; Exqv‘sitely ' 137d on fine coated paper. Pic res of well-known ouple 0f qnvwm events. of things )euuti- ffifand curious About one Lhuusand. square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of Lnndun appvul tn the English people. Nun political. Absolutely no ax“ to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must. be seen Ln be appreciated. Te-n cents a copy. Ono dollar a year. The Pic- ggiinl Pnblishiug (30., 142 St. Peter St. Montreal. “CANADIAN PICTURI/AL’L THE - LIBERAL FOREST AIJD STREAM PUB. C0. 346 Broadway, New Yank» ' \Ne send I free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b c s 1: books on outdool‘life and recreation. Terms: $4 a- year, $2 for sxx months. new depart- ment has to do with the C 0 u n t r y Home and its suzoundings. Two good farms near Muufit Albert. ROG STREAM," {genâ€"d us twenty-five cents for four weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated weekly Journal of shooting, fishing, natural his- tory and yachting. A a periences of angler ers and campers, c Adven‘éure ° terested in com ask your news: - "FOREST 0 STREAM,” f fus tweiétytâ€"fixi or our wee 5 na an large illustrated PATRONAGE SOUCITED AND SATISFACTION GUARAM'K Sporfi HAS FOR SALE SEOEING LAME AND INTERFERINO HORSES A SPECIALTY F. J. WUUDWARD. GENERAL BLACKSM 1TH, New Gormley Subscribe for Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill terested in Count?! life, ask your newsdsa er for {FOREST AND If you like to read of the ex- , shoot.- yacht- ing; or if you are in-l AGAZINE : for Floors and W'oodwork. Ask For Color Cards. 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ALLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in 6000 TIME MW Ti) PAiNT i VVV‘VVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVYVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘ MAL AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA \ FROM; 13 NORMAN BAT’I‘Y, MANAGER. - ‘ h, VVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVV"WW VVVVVVVVYVVVVVYVVYYYVYYYYY ‘ g Y, LEBAND, fiEAD OFFICE 32:!) a large deposit to begin TORONTO l . '5' I RICHMOND . HILL BRANCH To insure Quad Pickles you must. have the Best, Vinegar and Pure Spices. Om- Vinvgm' and Spices, are guaranteed by the manufacturer. PURE WHITE BANK G. A. MCDONALD &-SON THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE, CU. TEAâ€"Our stock of bulk and package Teas are of the very finest. SUGARâ€"Market is strong and there is some talk of another adVance. (5' THE GOOD THINGS ARE THE CHEAPEST IN THE END 1'23 9F @NNADA Wide Streets with Concrete Walks. Plenty of good water. Ideal drainage. Part of this property is restricted to homes to cost not less $2,500. No restrictions whatever on Rose.- view or Pugsley Avenues. Several lots have already changed hands at a good profit. Now is your time for a safe and sure in. vestment. RIGHMBND HIU. HARWARE I30. Richmond Hill is going right ahead, all that is need- ed at the present is houses for .people to live in. TERMSâ€" $50_ gash; balance three year mortgage with .in- PHONE lflâ€"R 2 terést 2ft 6% or 'five years to 'purchaserus Building at ’ Once. 23' Pint Can. 1 Pint “ 1 Quart“ LACQUERET AND CHI-NA«MEL THE PIOKLING SEASON MINERVA PAENT R oseview Gardens FOR INSIDE DECORATION ASK US ABOUT . > “B‘RE S C()NIC 'E’I‘E.” is Good Paint LOTS FOR SALE \ND, . a a a Manager. Branche- also at Maple. Markham. Stouffvme, Unionvifle Ind Locust Hill. IJiberal Discount for Cash. The latest thing for Tinting Walls and Ceilings, also STWD LIN SEED OIL & TURPEi-ITINE ~ 'DRY COLORS, 860. W. J. LAWRENCE, Florist, Richmond Hill. y‘ In Inrger quantifies at, special prices, also LEAD 66§¢§§§§.§¢§§” â€":000:â€" I..’I'OIO EEPING a bank account for “household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It show: the balance on hand.the amount expended,provides receipts for every payment and does nqt_requile a large deposit to begin Priced As Follows .200. each each each

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