Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Sep 1913, p. 5

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The Goflrmiwfit‘ Grant this vem- far {thé'Richmnnd Hill Free Public Library " viuv be $71.99. , RICHMOND HILLC'ONTu-SEPT. is, 1913 : An'=5wi‘dex'-iI)-Cn|1no" has been nssed .‘fixing Monday, October 20. as 'l‘ unks~ :givi‘ug Day. | * ig’gihtml. "Mn'A. E. Glass has said Mr. _Ira aner’s hnuse nnd Int; nu Centre St.. East, to Mr. Joseph Monkman uf Vaughan Township. ‘ Mr. F. Parishu. Di rectal-Australasian Gultrmnee Onrpnmtinn Ltd. of Syd 1193*. Australia, was the guest of his cousin. Mrs. H. A. Nicluvlls, last, week. THE LLBERALWHI he sent tn nmv suh- sm-ibels from this date until Due. 31, fur 25 cents. or m Dom 3L 1914, for $1.00. Any address in Canada. The smoke stack at the Dunlap Neilhmlses near the C.N.O. track has wen (tnmplolfid. The ceumm mlumn which is 125 feet. in height can be seen many nnles mound. Mrs.-S. Shutet, Thomh‘ill. will have n \Millinary Opvning on \Vednes'dny. the 21th of Septmnber, and invites the ladies of the village and vicinity to in- spect. her display. ' ' Peanut butter- in glass tumth with eovpr. each 15(2; Davies Sweet, pickle relish, bottle 156. each: Heinz pre- pared mustard per bottle 1542.; 6 makes castile soup 10c. Atkinsml & S'wiizén Rev‘. W. B. Findlay. Superintendent of the Industrial Farm, has been chnson one of Toronto’s reprrseutntives tn attend the convention of the Can- adian Association of Chmitw‘s and Correction to beheld in \anipeg this month. Buys striped flnnm-lvt Pyjamas slightly soiled regular $1.00 for 50¢ . 527.95 8 tn 14 yrs: Lafiirw white lawn ten ems-runs, trimmed with frill, edgrd with hm"). enchflfic; Childwns Muck sateen Mr. E. \V. Moyle hds shnwn us an apple. the {urgesb we. have seen any- \\ hvre this season. It, is a, “Béautv of Kent,” measures 16.1;x15 inches, and Weighs a trifle over ounces on a, antrnnwm, tested scale. The apple is perfect in shape and color. muwms, ages 10 to 1-1 A: kmsou 6: Switzvr. Mr. A. E. Vingh‘. who is taking a. trip Lhruugh the \Vesb Writes from Vansmy. Sask.. saying that, crops axe gnud in that part, tm- wenther fl'ne.‘ and so far nn frost. 8mm» roses and, (IihPl' prairie flowers forwarded were cm mu-ival fresh and fragrant. ,The next Ten Cent Tt-a, under the auspices nf the Ladies Aid will be given in the sclmol- mum of the Methodist Church tu~umrrnw (Fridnyyafternoon, by Mrs..Musun, Mrs. Norman J. Glass and Mrs._ W. A. Sanderson. Tea served fer- 5 to 7.30. The sewing circle “ill meet fmm 3 to 5 p. m. Membexs are rvquested to bring their sewing. Everybody welcome to the Ten Cent Tea. Browns Nursm'iea are famous for their. fine Peach. Apple, Plum, and Cherry trees. They have the best nursery suil in Canada. and are Imgest growers of trees in the'Dominiun. All scinns and budsticks are cut by one man, and he has been in their emplov many years, so no mistgnkes are made by using wrong scions or buds. Send in list of the stock yuu need, and get them prices. Write for agech as they have 801119 unoccupied territory is this County. BROWN BROS. COMPANY Browns Nurseries. ‘Vellnud 00., Ont. 8-3 m. The Richmnnd Hill \Vnmen’s In; stitute met at; the home of Mrs. C. Topper on Wednesday of Just; week. There was a gund attendance... Mrs. J. Edward Francis of the Thornhill VVomen’s Institute read an excellent finger on the “Value of Good Cheer.” iss Stewart sang two Solos, and at the close of the meeting Mrs.,'Topper served refreshments and a social hour was spent. The Institute purposes opening a classvfm' the instruction of sewing about Oct,” 20th. the ccurse to consist, nf'ten lessons of 13!; hours or more each. Mrs. H. N. Altenburg who is a. practical teacher will have charge of this work. Those desirous of taking this course may leave their names with Miss McLean, Secy, before Sept 25th., The chxrge for the course is $2.00 in advance. ’ Bolton Fair will be held on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 29 and 30, and promises to he better than ever., In addition to the speeding contests it is expected that the liberal prizes offered will bring outa large show in stock and poultry., Grand concert at; night. Reduced rates on C. P; R. Write Seer-entry for prize list. FALL FAIRS. Scmboro at Agincuurb. ..September 24 Sutton . .. . . . \ . . . . . . . . September 25â€"»26 Bolton . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 29â€"30 Beaverton . . . . . . September 29 to Oct. 1 Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 1â€"3' Newmarket. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . October 7â€"9 Wondhridge .. . . . . . , . Octfiber 14â€"15 Schomberg.. . . . . . . . . . . October 16â€"17 18-24 L ()0 A 1.15 \VOMEN‘S INSTITUTE BOLTON FAIR ruch 40¢. Remember the meeting of the Young. Penpla’unild (nil Friday evening at. 8 n’clock; Lender Mrs. Mchm‘gby and the subiect of 'fThe,.£f‘uhliq Press-[Ls relation to Monday-"and RPligiun" will behtaken’up by Mia T.‘ F. Mchhnu. Rally Day {Br the_cnngre,gul,inn and Sunday Schpnl will he nhsel rod nu the 28m insLHnt a'nd the prom-mu urmuqu by the Aesembly’s S. S. Committee will be-used. The increase of attend- nfice. with 1h" anivul of September is nnled with pleasurmmou the 28th we expect, a full hnuse 21nd that, it nmy ha taken as an omen of what we may. look for. throughout the autumn and winter munths. The. minith Iflpnrt-s three funerals last. week. withi'n' the hnnnds' of. the Enrile 0n Mnudny that. of Mri Jnhu edgc-l-wond fm-mel-ly of thP cnngI-ve gation bl-It nnw hunk. from Alberta on :1, visit. mi Thursday that. Hi the infan sun of Mr. and Mrs. Thtr's. Burnett of Elgin Mills. and (m Saturday that of Mr. David Smelliv nf Cuncurd. Th9 sympathy of a large’circle of friends goes uut Q9 thu Iu-rmwed families. A Mr. H. 'l‘. (.‘Il'l’mslvy has he an conduct- ing Evangelistic services for the past, twu wee-ks. Wth increasing interest. This week the serviCe-s m'e heimz held in the Presbyterian Chm-ch and will clx‘vgé Q11 Friqu evening. ()hoix practice will b? held on Thurs- du‘V ewning at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. Newtun. ' Harvest Festival Services will be ;held in the St,.. Mary’s Church, on Sun. day. Outnher 5th. mmning and even- ing. Further nutices will appear next week. Mr. Currie will preach next. Sunday on twm themes of interest. On Sundnygnext Sept. 21st, divine sex-vice win be bold In St. Mary’s Church at, 3 p.m. insteud of 11 mm. Mr. F. R. Dymnnd will have clmrge of the service. . The Rev. S. A. Lawrence will preach at Special Harth Thanksgiving Ser- vices to he held at, Maple and King on Sunday morning and evening next. Special Services at Thanksgiving to Almighty Glad: for the blessings of a buuutiful Hut-vest will be held in Trinity Church, Thornhill. on Thurs- duy, Sept. 25th at 8 pm. also on Sun- day. 28th ,at 11a.m. and 7 p.m. The Ruv.‘ J.,S.;Broughrall. M.A.. Rector of GraceChm-ch.Tm-hntn. “ill preach on Thursday evening and Rev. F‘. H. Ons- gmve. B.A.. of Trinitv College. Tor- uuto. on Sunday evehi'ngk Special 'I‘hauk-oiferinzs Will be taken up at each If the mhove services, The City of Toronto having asked leave‘frnmJ’mlge \Vinehester to enter upon David Boyle’s farm, which is contiguous to the. Industrial Farm. in connection with Toronto Jail. Mr. Boyle’s lawyer, H. H. Dewari, K. 0., may go to the Supreme Court of On- taiin fur what he regards as proper relief. If he makes an application it. will be to quash the by law under which the city seeks to exproprinte, and to enjoin the city from taking possession. According to Mr. Boyle, the present acreage of the Industrial Farm is 500. and the. ultimate aim of the city may be 1.000 acres. HIS grounds will be that the firm is suffi- cientlv large, and that the city has ex- hnusted its authority under the origin- al hy-law. The city wishes to acquire 106 acres at LnngstaflB from Mr. Boyle. When its representative appeared he- fm’e Judge _Winchester today, Mr. Dewar-t appeared fur Mr. Boyle. The case went over for a weekâ€"Star September Rod and Gun contains a list of contents appropriate to the month and to the character-of this mag- azine of outdoor life. The American Scaup on the Pacific (Joust is Bonny-r castle Dale’s contribution. “Uunuck” gives some tactical advice to duck shooters an reminiscences .of duck hunting expeditions in days gone by. Shooting over a. Dog by “Senex” will he of interest. to those sportsmen who find big game hunting too strenuous but enjov the milder form of sport in- rolved in the pursuit of small winged aule. A Day Among the Ducks by a askatchewnn writer is a very arousing account of the duck hunting experi- ences of an amateur shot. Amongst the Manitoba Prairie Chickens, The Club Across the Midway, Huntingthe Loon. the Sport of the Red Men-L and other illustrated articles make up an entertaining number of this publication which is issued by W. J. Taylor, Limitem VVoodstuck. Ont”. ’ Prize Lists are out; atmmmci-hg the 6150 annual exhibition at, Markham Village (in the EL, 2min and 3rd of October. The directors claim they are ofliei-ing the largng prizes ever offered at any enmity fair in Canada. The live stack andpouitry will be on ex- hibition Thursday, on which din,7 all judging will take place. On Friday the priz \animais Will parade in from of the fixeam} Stand at 1 o’clock. There will he trotting races and pony runnin races lmthzdays. and a. good band Wifi furnish music on both days. Harvest Home Thanksgiving Ser- vices will he hpldat Ziun Methodist Church, East York. nn Sunday, Sept. 28. Rev. Richard H0th will preach special sermons at, 2.30 and 7 p.m. Music will be fumishocl by Newton Brook’ and \Vlllnwdule Chaim. 0n the following Tuesday evening a. lecture and concert Will be given. The lecturer is Rev. A. A. Wall, and a number of popular artists will take part in the entertainment. Admission 25 and Events. SUPREME COURT TO DECIDE P RESBYTERIAN C H U ROB CHURCH OF” ENGLAND MARKHAM FAIR; AT ZION CHURCH ROD AND GUN firsaé‘,Cide’i' Mill The Richmond Hill Cider Mill is ' and will grind apples every afternoon duripg - and all day- - Tuesday, Thurs. , ‘ " a and Saturday until the end of the season. 12-9 MRS. S. SHUTER‘ to iuspéct her display of 12-2 12-2 A gdod "Oxford Laurel” parlor cook stove. Nearly new. ‘ ABRle 10- Lf. A 0631 Parlor Heater in good repair, “Oxford Laurel." ' One Parlor Cook Stove and one heater, for sale cheag. _- 11-2 A: “Ha ‘py Thuugbt” stove, No. 9, with big ‘shelf, nearly new. Nickle plated. The stove cost;$53. Will sell A good Radiant Home Parlor Cook Stove and one heater. ’ 12- 3. 12-2 Good bxick clad house. in first-class condition, on Centre street west, Rich- mond Hill". Also corner lot No. 1, Roseview Gardens. . 5-tf. You are cordially Invited by A Gurney Parlor Heater, with oven. Also a. Queen woqd stpve. For 335. SEPTEMBER Good Parlor 000k Stove. NOW OPEN WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24 Autumn Millinery THORNHILL TELEGRAPHY and all duties of"a. Station Agent are easily learned at; home ‘by. means of mu: New Home Study Courses. VVe‘in- Vite you. to write for partic- ularsand "sample lessons. It will pay you well to learn these things. \Vrite Shaw’s Tele- graph and Railroad School, Yonge Street, Toronto. W. H. Shaw, Pres.. . j. DARLING, Manager. For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale MISS E. N. BROWN. For Sale For Sale p 1y to DEBS. GEO. SMITH, Richmond Street. B. .KLIMENHAGA. Richmond Hill. MISS L.’ WRIGHT. GEO. S. SIMS, Apply a...- M RS. ELDER, A. HISLOP.. VV._SHEBPARD. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Stop 52 Met. R. Richmond Hill ivvwwmvvwwvm‘vnvvv VVVVVYVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVWW : fFi’re, Life &* Accident 3P. GP. savage & Son 1 MAMAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAA “AnnAnnualnngnq < vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘vvvvvvuvflvvwvwm AAAAAAMMA‘AMAAMAAAAAAMAA tAAA-AAAAAAAAAMAIAM VVVVVVVVVVYVVVVV”.VVVVVVVVVYWVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVYVVVV The; Lorne; Block Furnishing more; PHONE; 8002. Your Insurance will be‘ well looked after if left to We give special attention to the working man, and always have in stock a. good assortment of odd. Pants, Smocks, Overalls, and work- ing Shirts, Sox and Boots. Men’s odd Pants from $2.00 up to $4.00. Men’s working Boos $2.00 to $3.00. Overalls. ‘ black and blue stripe 750. to $1.25. NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Consult RICHMOND WE ARE AGENTS FOR Plate Glass Insurance 990900600 Us For Rates 00969069! ,FITT.

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