DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL LASKAY P. 0'. mended lactioneers torthe County of York. Sahel-F.8d 131 no on tum-teat notice and at ren- Q0! able rates Patronage solicited Prepares pupils for the gmde 9x- aminations hold at, Tmonbu Conserva- tm-y of Music and Univexsity of 1‘0- mnto. Special course in “Myer’s†Kinder- ï¬argen Method, particularly helpful to egmners. , Class recitals are given throughout the year . 42â€"137 Terms Moderate. Special terms to churches. uLiconser! Anotmneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Nun-h 'I‘mouta. Special attention iven nu sales of every description. Farm and sum: stock sales a. apesialhf. Farms bought and sold on commission. A] sales attendedbo onshonaat notica and conducted by the latest up. o-date met-koala. . \ddrass: 239 Bahia] St , chh Toronto. Phone in House, North 2292. Call; by phone or otherwise promptly. I respendedto. AT THE tIBEIIIIL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE BicHMOND EILL,0NT. Phunv Nu. JOHNR. CAMPBELL. “union. ' M31116 T. F.‘ McMAHON. ls P‘UBLISHEDEVEB! DHURSDAY MORNING MISS MILLIE TRENCH MISS NORA McMAHBN RICHMOND HILL. B. H. ’PINKERTON, V.S. VOL. XXXVI. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Furst house north of Atkinson & S‘Witzer's store. ‘3 $1 per annum,‘ in advance.] V ET ERIN ARY SURGEON, ' Thornhil]. ER. 0, EGAN ’LiC-ENSED AUGTIQNEEI? For the Gaunty of York; R‘Iap 1e , () nt. MYRTLE PHILLIPS READER BUSINESS CARDS. Saigeon & McEwen‘. TEACHER 0F PIANO flame): AND RESIDENCE ~Studio, 39 Beatrice St. TORONTO. ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL Teacher-0f Piano @112 gm: J. H; Prentice Int-on a: Pnontuos. Phone No. 2402. RESIDENCE -0â€"-â€"â€"â€"- J K McEwen Weno‘a ONTARIO Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at both places Richmonq H111 J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC CGXMISSIONER. CONVEY (N"ER. ET! WRIGHT BROS. Undertaker-s «\- Embnlmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHlLL Buzmsmn. Somcx'ron, NOTARY, Ere Toronto Ofl'ic e, Ruom 328 Confedora tion Life Bldg.. NU. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Oflice ("Libel-31' Oflice). every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday afternoon. Woudln-idae, Saturday fol-enoon. 3101er to loan at. Five Per Cent (5%) Barristers and Solicitors. Money Go loan onland snuouatbel monument owest rates _ Anmrnomeoâ€"Bemowd to the old pout one. one door w.“ 0: the entrance to the Ontario Hank Newmsrket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the post oflice ' 'l‘ Elnasnrnnxuox G 5w Haunt Aurora. LENNOX & MORGAN Tel. 11. 3631. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canad- Telephone, Main 311 Gable Address. "Dado." mnpn‘m'mn (TIFF W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor Yonge and Alexander Sts. c Will‘he'lp'vou to decide. This 50 Q0! is conducted on the highest plane of efl'icivncv. We are proud of its record. Students admitted at anytime, An important questinn. All lmni. nnss colleges are not nlikv! Careful judgm m is absolutely necessary. Write today for the Catalogue of the Burristersï¬oucitors, Notaries, kc. Home Life Bu'ilding' Cor. Adelaide & Victoma Sta. foronto. 1 '90": 5. Wavidsol ~ THORNHILL 0mm Remixed and Expert Work Gunnmoed A. GJ‘. lAvn-enoo I". J. Dunbar PIANO TUNING- REAL ES'JJA'I'E, ETC.- THORNH ILL Oommissinner, Onnveyancer. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer nl' Marriage Licenses. Danton, Grover & Field . Gameron MacNaughton Mister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. l8 KING STREET WEST Lawrence 8:. Dunbar, WHICH SCHOOL SHALL I ATTEND? NOTARY PUBLIC TORONTO. ONT. . A. NICHOLLS WILLIAM COOK Barristers, Solictors. &c. voucmc AND ; . . .. ACTION azcuumuo RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBERmf 191.3 ff!» Essentials, Unity; 5" Phone Hun Del 'ER. ETC. V _.;_._,., anâ€, .... interesting missionary address in the Methodist Church on. last; Sunday evening. giving a lucid sketch of social conditions in the west and pointing um- grant Canadian problem of evangii- gation, Thanksgiving serviceS'wilI be held in the Presbyterian Chm-ch néxb Sun- day afternoon wuh appropriate ser- mon and music. The Rev. W. B. Findlay will assist the ministm' at this service and a full attendance of our pengle is expected. . T e Rev. \7_V.'_B. Findln‘y gave an The \V. F. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church had its Thank-Offering meet- ing on last Friday evening. when an uddress full of interest and instruction: Was given by Rev. Gillies Eadie- of Hoamn. China. An informal musical x-ngmm was also givvn by Mrs. E‘ensdale and Mrs. Currie, and Miss Marguerite anle contribute-d2». read. ing. The missinnnry society of this church had had a very commendable record, but this the ï¬fth year has been one of the best. The collection on Fri- day evening was $68.70 and inadditiun to' this a Life Membership Certiï¬cate (825.00 value) was presented to Mrs. A. R. Hall. The evening closed with a Begin] hour and refreshments. Dean-vs VVatsonâ€"Damaze to past- ure. him: ing cows &c. $49.75. owing to .‘defebtive line ferret-n His Hunor de- cided' that. the Plaintiï¬ should have called the fencwviewers, to settle the dispute as to the line fence. and gave judgment for the defendant without costs. The next sitting of the court will be on Monday. the 24th of November. Stpphénsnn vs Averyâ€"Plaintiff sued for 83.30, the price uf a can of milk. Defendant disputed as a milk can had not. been. returned to him. Evidence went. to show that the empty can had been put on MPtmpolimn car, address- ed t6: Mr. Aver y. Judgment for Plain- .5- Farr v0 Charity and Henryâ€"Claim $31. bill; of purchase price of a. horse. Primary Debtor entered Dispute, but did not defend. Judgment against. Prjmm-y Dehtor and gmrnishee for $31. 'thmugh théréaciies-Egâ€"iiié- lie-I}: a shall await: the result of the proud. - ’ Only threa canes came up for hearing bafore Bis Honor. Judge Morng here on Monday. several “that: having get-n uttled out. of court. The following Urge djspnsed nf:â€"7- , tifl. The Above réport. of the match is unfair. The winners- W01] on their units. Nearly every point wns scored by on. of the Richmond Hill girls throwing the bull through the basket when no other player Was near her. It is idle to talk of “rough play." The Morn. Miss Middleton of Tnmnm. i- tn expert in the game. and would have no .reuon to be unfair to either side. It in true. "about. 200 people from this dilltibt cheered the girls on to victory." The Em mi? louk upon thin; as a. crime. but we relieve the directors will not. obje‘ct. to .the_ large number j.th Tho Ne'Wmarket Era of' last week was not too complimentary to the Richmond Hill girls. in giving a report at the baket hall umtch played on the «(and day of the Newmnrket, Fair. “L!†1-â€:- "The Basket Ball Match between Richmond Hillhnd Newmarket High School {iris was quite exciting. but the Hi! iris were too heavy for our side Ind y rough play they won out. by n more of 9 to l. About. 200 people from the Hill cheered the git-l- on to vision. . Thengtch wilj b_e protested." s ect Stallions owned by such men. his made the inspection very the- rough but. besides causing additional expense, it in some cases, caused con- Iidernble delay in having the Enrol- ment Certificates issued. To overcome the necessity of a. second inspection for the season of 1914 it was decided at n meetin of the Stallion Enrolment, Bond he d in the Secretary’s Ofï¬ce. Parliament Buildings. Toronto. on Monday. Sept; 22nd, that there would only be one Inspection of Stallions“ dun-Ina the year ending July 3lst, 1914, which Inspection will commence about February 17th. 1914. The Inspector- will vilit each Stallion Owner at. his stable. provided that he makes appli- cation-for inapeetmn to the Secretary, R. W. Wade, on or before. February 1st, 191‘. After the Ins ection of Stallions had been complete last fall it we found that Lherewere quite a. number: of Stellion owners who, through not up- preciatin the value of the Act, or through ack of information did not have their Stallions presented for in- Igection when the Inspector. were on t eir routs in the fall. A supplement- nry in: ection ‘was held in April to in- -nn‘t LL-II:-..- ..._..Az LÂ¥ U STALLION INSPECTION UNDER THE ONTARIO STALLION ACT FOR THE SEASON OF 1914 UNPAIR TO THE VISITORS DIVISION COURT Thornhill. -Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." The Report of the Fifteenth Conven- tion of the Canadian Fnrestry Assnéia- tion. held in Winnipeg On July 7, 8. 9. 1913, is just. being issued. The meeting, which was attended by man of note from all parts of the cuunLg‘y, was of peculiar interest, to the central West on account of the attention which was given by the speakers at the meeting, to matters of great, import, to the citi- zens of the Pmirie Provinces. Mr. James Morris, Cuusewative, was on Saturday elected m ChmIl-onuguav, Quebec, bye-election by a mnjm'ity of 144, over Hon. Sydney Fisher. Liberal. MP. Morris is the ï¬rst, Conservative elected in that county since Confedera- tion. ' Ml. Sam Charters has hue-n appoint- ed Registrar for Pee-l County. A Provincial bye-election. to fill'the posi- tion of M. P. P. will be held on the 3rd of November. . Mr. Harrv Forster is recovering from the effects of a. fall which he sustained while painting Mr. F. Nichols’ barn. Lin-."and Mrs.- F. G. Meek of Toronto were Victoria Square visitors 3n Sun- (33:)? Mr.’ and Mrs. Ross Klinck attended the Disciples Convention which was held in Turunw. Mix and Mrs. Albert. Frishy of York spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. F r_i_sby. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dennis of Toronto and Mrs. Arthur Dennis Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dennis Sunday. Mrs. A. Dennis will remain for a. longer visiig ‘ ' - ycuwu. nuunsswn une snlum L Mr. J. \Vatson, the Misses €Vatsun and Mrs. Nicol of York motored to thfï¬quare Sunday._ The Linnea Auxiliary will hold an entertainment; in the Church on Fri- day evening. 17th. The programme will be in charge of the Auxiliary from Stoufl‘ville. A good time is ex- pepged. Admission nne shilling; Miséionury Sunday in the S. S. was well attended! one hundred and ï¬fteen being present. The S. 8. Visitor Mr. J. Barker of Headford gave a short. address and Miss L. \Vataon of Ym-k ‘sang a solo very sweetly, accompaning her sung with the guitar. The offer- ing wuts_$l.87. - Walter Gmig read an address entitled "A Glimpse of the I). m khohor \Vomen’g Lives"; Miss Sadie Gee gve at apex- ou "The Indiansin the ’ouh-V estâ€;- aud Miss Olive Farr a. recitatiun "The Going to Beesâ€. There were twenty- thrge present._ The. Victoria Square Missinn Band had it Vervinteresting meeting for this month. Misses May Meek and Alice Read sang A duet, accumpmned by Miss‘ Kathlegn Dennis; Master in Q. Richmond Hill. Oct. 11, 1913:. We tliank Thee Lox-H for every bless- n , I That fir-om Thy loving hand descends; Though oft Thy gxfts have lacked con- fessin'g; Thy loving kindness still extends! We thank Thee Lox-d! We thank Thee that Then freely giv- est, ‘ - Out of Thv storehouse. day by day; But, more. than all that Thou still Victoria Square. THANKSGIVING SONG. Nevis Notes. â€"..'.5. We ask it Lord! MRS. P. L; GRANT. E4%§3ggjgg&++++&§%+é@++++++ *éé'i-é'é'é‘é' Go _to the Liberal Office for Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., &C. GOOD STOCK OF School Books, Standard Novels, ' Souvenir Poét Cards, Post Card Albums. Papetries, ' Rubber Balls, Eta, Etc. STWER & HAMER ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement ' ' “mm†Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed _ Brick. " r r We have the BL. 8c W. . ' Scranton Hard an1. “None better" ' Order now Just arrived a car of Threshing 'Coal- ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Printing Stationery ‘ _ School Books ++++gg++++++++++¥¥i++++++3 Manitoba. oats Wheat, Buckwheat, A car load of fresh Gluten at \the Elevator. L Also one of good Bran and W Shorts. A good supply of PURITY AND PAs'fRy FLOUR always on hand. V" YVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVV; i W.’ A. Sanderson AMALAAAAAAMAMAAAAAA‘“ Pure Paris Green, Bug Death, Arsenate of Lead -â€"-ANDâ€"â€" Bordeaux Mixture All guaranteed strictly ‘ pure ‘ And prices right. " assum MARRIAGE LICENSES .A mvvvmvvvvvvwmvvvvv‘ gunnnnnnnnnnu Pubtic Attention BUG TIME RICHMOND HILL [Single copies, 3 cts. for. the Chickens DRUGGIS‘I‘ Cracked Corn . . AND . . N6. 16