Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Oct 1913, p. 4

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thiiVIEBND HILL. 0NT.. OCT. 16, 1913 Thanksgiving Day next Mondz‘ [flames of business closed. E3112 :égi’gibeml. . Mr. T. Milne of Toronto is spending a few dayswith his sister Mrs. Turp. A‘ Free-Will offering will be taken in the Methodist. Church next Sunday; 1A car load of Bum and Shorts, Brewers Grains, Gluten, also Cement at, the Elevator. The new Winter Time Table for the Metropolitan Railway will take effect on the 2150 inst. Reeve Pugsley has returned from the \Vest. He reports an unusually good wheat. crop. counts in good time. 'Get your billheads printed at THE LIBERAL officf'. 55nd send out, your ac- Mr. Houston. H. S. Inspector. aid an official visit to the High Sc 001. Thursday and Friday. Rem F. S. Doner 'nf-New Gnrmley has removed to Buffalo to resume his duties at, the Hawley St. Mission. He left last Friday morning. THE LIBERAL wxll be sent to new sub- wcrihers from this date until Dec. 31. for 25 cents. or to Dec. 31. 19:4, for $1.00. Any address in Canada. Dy, Conner of Ottawa, Dvputy Post- master General, wt“) was on a business 'trip in Tor-m1tu,u:mm up and spent a flaw hours with his sisters. Mrs. A. J. Umnphell and Miss Goulter. The “’eekly Mail and Empire tn any address {mm nmv until Januaxy l for l5umts‘. m- u) Jan. 1. 1915 fm'75c. The luttor nffer includes either the Borden pul'tl'flit, ur- the picture “Rnsvmaid.” The Dnin edition. one yvm'. for $2.50. With prvmuim picture. Order at this ( ffiut’. The Marinnic Hull Was we]! fiiiod last evening Wth LhP “Fun and Mystcry Ounce”, Company” gave their (Anter- mjnment. The best that could he said about, it was that it. was clean. The slvigllt of hand Wm-k was very gtmd, also the ventlilnquism, but the singing was scarcely up to the standard. The Aurora High School Basket Ball twun will plnv a match on the Rich- mond Hill High School Grounds on VVednesdny. Oct. 22, at 3 o’clock. No admission vill he charm-d. A football match will also he played in the park between the Amara boys and the local team beginning at 4 o’clock. Elder Miller of the “German Baptist Church” whose home is in New York ‘ City conducted a week's rne-PLings in i the Brethren (Tunker) Church. 3rd Cum. Vaughan, closing last Sunday night. A. number were baptised and. muted with the Church. The German Baptists are a strong denomination in the but, have nu organized church ol‘bongrogutinll in Ontario. ‘ Rev. F. Ellinu; and wife returned last week from a two weeks’ visit. tn thelntter’s relatives near Hagex-svillv. Ont, also a few days attending special Sl‘l'ViCPS iiL \Vainflwt m-ar Dunnville. Mr; Elliott I'Ppm-ts plenty of rain ini all 'ilmt sectiun, also imnwnse crnps of apples. Spraying is the general rule up there. and the results are everyâ€" where in evidence. Browns Nut-Series are famous for their fine Peach. Applo, Plum, and Cherry trees. » Thvv have the best nursery Snil in Canada and are largest growers of trees in the Dmniniun. All scinns and hudsticks are cut by one man, and he has been in their emplnv many years, so no mistake-s are made by using wrung scinns or buds. Send inlisb of the stock you need. and get their prices. Write for agency as they have some unnccunied territory is this Cuunty. BROWN BROS. COMPANY Browns Nurseries, We]!qu 00., Ont). Opening ‘Snpmno 8-3 m. SPECIAL PROGRAM ME.. The choir of the Preshvterinn Church will render the following programme of music next Sunday: Anthem Sula } I ‘ Anthem Anthem Sopl‘gmo E1010 Anthem TEACHERS INSTITUTE The Public Schouls in North York inspectomtc will be closed tn-da'y and tn-mm-x'ow tu‘ allow the. teachers to at- tend the North York Teachers Insti- tube in the County 0 )uncil Chambers, 57' Adelaide St. [1]., Toronto. The ad- dress of the President, ‘Mr. ‘A. E. u. xu~i u- Lehman, will be given immediately after the opening exercises on the first: day. The pl'inu'd programmes Show nmnv inLeE-esting papers. m Psalm 23 Campbell I will sing of Thy{ from St..Paul greut glory Mendelssohn rm Great is the Lord Dm-nton EVENING. sentence Twilight Sherwin solo Onlv waiting \Villiams I will magnify ‘ } _ Thee {Max chant i More love to I ghnmlm More love no A Thee { Sheldon raise the Lord Sim per MORNING. uy, all A Canadian League. for the support of the loyalists of Ireland in fighting Home Rule, was mgnnized at a mass meeting uf Turnnto Ox-angemen, and Ulstermen in Victm-ia. Hull a. few nigth ago. . . .. .- a; The Ornnge’ Assnciatiun of St. Thomas adopted a strung resolufiou condemning the action of the Minister of Education in his instructions to the ghiqt: In's_pt'cpur glaumy Erepch in the fiiiijlâ€"iCâ€"EEEIVIIJS If Ontario to he taught; beyond the first, form. ' on Thursday when 136 passengers on the Volturno were deIned in stormy seas while tryan to escape 1mm the burning ship. The test. 521 passengers and crew were saved bv ten steamships that. answemd the. wireless. The: Volturnu which was nwned' by the Canadian Northern Railway Company Turnnm, sailed from Rotterdam on October 2, for Halifax and New Yprk. “jfl‘lvg‘ki‘gl-lt-t-‘VSE' ffiéxr-Vi'fie disaster since thejinkilgg of phe q.‘_i_lnnmc tookmplnce Up (0 Lher present time campai us looking tnwaird voting on January U) have been launched in forty-eight municipalities. Of these places one is a. city. thirteen are towns. fourteen am incorporated “villages and the remain- der :u-e townships. There are eleven of the forty-eight, which have not. befme voted upon the question of Local Option; there are ten in which majm-i- ties were pulled against Local Option in former contests; there are twenty- six in which Decal Option by-lzuvs were defeated by *the three-fifths rev quinement; n/nd the-re is one in which a Local Option hy~law was carried and subsequently quashed upon , a technicality. ’ The monthly meeting nf the V’Vomen’s Institute was held on Wed- nesday of last. Weekfit the home of Miss L Snider. A paper on the sub'ect “Should the Franchise be minute to Canadian Women was read by Big-s. W. '1‘. Cook. and a. aper on “The Day's Work." by Mrs. \Vood. The programme was interspersed with musical selections and refreshments Were served. " The social held in ane Church on Friday evening was quit? successful. A large crowd was present, and up- wards of $50 was realized. Rev. S.\V. Dam of the Fred Victor Mission gave a lecture on his work. illustrated by lantern slides. Dr. Rnutley and Rev. 'Mr. Cochx-mw cunnihuted vocal and mstrumenml music. Mr. Elliot, of Toronto also sang a (:nuple of 3910‘s.. Anniversary services were held at Carrv-ille on Sunday when sermons \vg1_-e preached by Rw. H. S. Lovoring. 4... J m,, . . Mr. Charles Nurnmn E‘t‘LlH'nPd Tues- day evening from Orchard Beach where he had spent, a day or two fish- ing with Rev. Peter Addison. at the latter’s summer home. Mr. Norman brought, with him several branches uf large, ripe, red raspberries from Mr. Addison's garden. some! hing unusual at this season of y 11-. ' Thanksgiving Services will be held next Sunday, with appropriate music and addresses. A full representaLinn of the (:(mgregatinn is ex )ecwd to give thanks to Almighty nd for the mercies of (he Year. _ lulcu \u nux 1‘“... Rev. E. C. Currie 51 tendvd the Meet» ing of the Synod of Tmuntu and King- ston in Toronto. on \Vedntfsduy‘ The Annual Thank Offering meeting of the \V.F.M.S. is annuuncvd for Nov. 12th. when Mrs~ Dr. \Vm. MoClme of Hanan. China, will give an :Ltjdn‘ess. Don‘t, fmgtat, the Illustrated Lecture 130 he gix‘en in the basement of the church lay Mr. P. C. Laval-ton Harris. B. A... (In Friday evening on the Work of the Tul'untn Humane smzioty. no ad- mission; but the usule collection Lulu-n byAthc Guild. . u. : ‘ I‘I 9“ ‘1 ""Chnn-“fiéfétice will be held in the church m] m-xt Saluxduy evening M. eight o’clock Shul'p. We notice by the repurts that R. S. Frishy & Sim made it very creditable showing at. both Maikhnm and New- man-ken FairsK At Markham for seeds Timothy and Alsikeâ€"twn firsts; for apples fuur firsts and tin-9e seconds; for bugs, Yorkshire~five firsts, three seconds and one third. At New- market for swine twdb firsts one second and the sweepstakes for best. boar of any age or bl-eed. while in seeds. Timothy, Red and Aisike Cloverâ€"- three firsts were secured. «This makes a total of sixteen firsts, seven seconds, one third and one special. i The meeting next Monday evening will be under the Missionary depart- ment. Miss Susie C(nnueli will give i the annual report of the \Vhitby Con- iference; we hope that evm-v one will attend and hear the lennu'ks that the Cuuference made.- POLICE COURT Mr. T. Dino. an Italian fruit, dealer, was up before Magistrate Sander-sun. charge-d with ‘ubsttucting the sidewflk by driving his horse and wagon on it. He was let, uf’f on suspended senterme after paying casts of magistrate and consmhle. ‘ _ ... T \4\vl ~mu-u... I: Cm fis was charged with exceeding the speed limit In the village with his motor cycle. He was fined $2 and costs. . .- u n ‘k ullwuo- Both charges were laid by County Cunstable Thompson. 1 Schomberg.. . Bradford... .. PRESBYTE‘RIAN CHURCH. DID WELL AT THE FAIRS News Notes EPVV‘ORTH LEAGUE Maple. FALL FAIRS. C Sweet to El! A Candy lewd um October 16â€"17 October 21 â€"22 The following is the Schoul Report for September’â€" Class IVâ€"Ihrothy Gordon, Ailtm Oster, Ida Fisher, May Fisher, Melvin Wittty. Ernest Clarke, Marjorie 000p- erqurt Witty. _ ___ .._ ._ -- . " ‘1 vuv.â€"’ Sonim- IIIâ€"Mildred Heise. Harold Got-dun. Hazel Morton. Charlie Cooper. Junior Illâ€"Newton Bone, Stewart BrjlliqgerL pman Bowen}; i “almke. Flossie Bury-r. Austin Bowes. Pear-lie Burger, Idg. vim-t5; â€" . m. . w L_ -._.._ ...--l. Juniar IIâ€"Raymnnd Stuart. John McMahon. Nelson Bowes, Cyril Bril- linger: - .. .. --. Q .. '1 "-Snevlh'flr Lâ€"Oecil Heise, Betta Heise. Mabel Brillingm-, Vex-mm Bowes, Jack “Bengt-an} gooner. Frgg Buyers: 770433201 Gm-‘dufi, Hazel Bowes. Haggry‘Bnkpr, Belt Lane,_Lome'9§ter.-' â€"-fi:Avi)l;}rlrhfl'thfi VBE‘IWQES, 'Amos Baker, Marion Smellie. Vem Heise. Kathleen McMuhun. 'Beatrlce Bone. Gordon Bag-get. qussie gays. ' .-. . n u Another barn was rais_ed on the farm of Mr. Forbps Elliott on Monday. The master carpenter. Mr. Jake \Villiams. had everything in good shape, and the timbers wvnt together like clock work. Aher the raising supper was served on the lawn. ' Anâ€"fiehricrew Pix-Est, Wesley Baker. Harry Taylor. ‘ A 131an Saw. strayed from 10681. can. 1. Markham. A. STOUT, TORONTO & YORK RADIAL RY. 16-2 Late car will leave Newmurket for Toronto and intermediate points at 11.30 p.m. Lute car will leave Toronto for New- market; and intermediate pomts at) 11.45 p.11). A Large Orchard of \Vinter Apples for sale. 1&2 THANKSGIVING DAY FARE AND ONE THIRD Good going October ’17 to 20 Return limit. October 22.1913 For further information, tickets. and parlor czu' reservations apply to V J. N. LUCAS, Station Agent. From the promises of the under- signed. on m- abéu-t, Sept. 14 young: white sow due to fax-row. Any person returning same will be rewarded. LORNE PERKINS, 15â€"3 Victoria. Square. 1 Coal Heater, Oxford Laurel in per- fect. condition. 13-h f. Report; of S. S. No. '7. Vaughan. Apples For Sale fluid. In some. but those wm writ. Scinaon a Co..Porfland, Nahum“! race!” free. full Information about work which lhoy can do. and live a: homernt will my mam from $6 to 825 per day. some hive ennui over $50 in I dly, Either'se young mold. Clpihl not required. You are Muted free. one who flu: at one. a. dualqu Inn a! um: um. forums. Auk not. SINGLE FARE Good going October 20, 1913 Rotnrn limitâ€"Same day October 20, 1913 TELEGRAPHY and all duties of a. Station Agent. are easily learned at, home by means of our New Hume Study Courses. We in- vite you to write fur partic- ulars and sample lessons. It will pay ynu well to iearn these things. VVl-ite Shaw’s Tele- mph and Railroad School, ‘onge Street, Toronto. W. H. Shaw. Pres. Jefferson For Sale Strayed lhost Thanksgiving Day Excursions nuâ€" Apply M. M ‘ LOMAS, Jefferson Th'ornhill. J. HALL. 4‘ AAAMAAAAAMAAMAAAAAAAAA‘ “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM! VVVVVYYVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVYMVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV" ; iFire, Life & Accident . Gr. Savage & [San “AMAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAA MAAAAMA AAAAMAAAAAAAAAAA AAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAA ALLA AAAAA~AAAAAAAAAAALLAAI A : [VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVYVVYV"VVVVVVVVVVVVVYVYVYW 'VYVVVVWVVVVVVV V'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV The Lorne Block Furnishing Store PHONE 8002. Men’s Sweater Coats in slate,-grey, brown, and a variety of combination colorsin prices from $1.50 up to $5.00. The best by a long way we have ever had for the money, __ _' . - - r very heavy_ and n wear, per garment -V- ...v ---'-.v Men’s ‘Winter Undefwear ranging in price from 50c. to $2 00 per garment. Our Special i_n plai‘n scotch wool, unshrinkable, Your Insurance will be well looked after if lez'tt to‘ NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR 'Consult RICHMOND HII WE ARE AGENTS FOR Plate Glass Insurance nice‘ soft finish, the kind anyone can 000900909 Us For Rates QQOOOOQfi

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