“162 [Good brick clad house, in ï¬rst-class (condition. on Centre street west, Richv Vmond Hill. Also corner lot No. 1,; Roseview Gardens. 1 5-H. THURSDAY, Oct. leiâ€"Extensive Auc- tion sale of farm stock. implements etc. the property of the late L. W. Huchinson at lot '76 (Jon. 1, King, one mile south of Aurora. Sale at; 12.30 sharp. Twelve months credit. Saigeon & McEwen, Aucts. SATURDAY, Oct. 18â€"Extensive Auc- tion sale of farm stock, implements, 850., on Lots 54 and 55, Don. I. Mark- ham. Elgin Mills. Sto 52, Yonge, Street, the property of ames Ryan. Sale at 1 o’clock sharp. Terms 12 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. TUESDAY, Oct. 21â€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements etc. at lot39 Con l, Vaughan, property of J. A. Monkman. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms twelve months. Saigeon 6; McEweu, Aucts. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 29â€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements &c. lot 21. (Jon. 3, West York, the property of Francis T. Johnson. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. J. H. Prentice, Aucts, WEDNESDAY, Nov. Bâ€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements 850. on lot 21. Con. 2. Markham, the property of B. Olimenhaga. Terms 12 Months. Sale at 1 oclock. J. H. Prentice. AUCB Clerk of Vaughan Township. Dated at Maple. this 25th day 13 5 of September, A.D.. 1913. Therefore, Notice is hereby given to all Whom it may concern. that the said Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intend at the regular meeting of the said Council to be held in the Township Hall. Vel- lore, on Tuesday, the 11th day of November, 1913, commencing at Ten O’clock in the forenoon. to take into consideration and if deemed advisable, pass a By-Luw for the purpose of open- ing up for public travel, certain Streets in the said Village of Maple. situate, lying and being on the Westerly half of Lot Number 21, in the Third Con- cession of the Township of Vaughan, and designated Railway Street, Simcoe Street, and Ontario Street, on a Plan of Survey of the said Village of Maple in the Township of Vaughan: All ersons Idterested'are hereby re- quire to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. By Order of the Council. J. B. McLEAN. And \Vhereasvthe Municipal Council of the said Corporation deem it expedi- ent; in the interest of the said rate- payers, to pass a By-Law opening up sa_i_<_:l Stargets f9}- p_ubl_ic pravgl. ‘Whereas a. petition has been present- ed to the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Townshi of Vaughan by 70 ratepayers of aple and yicinity. requesting said Council to open up for public travel. certain streets in the Village of Maple, desig- nated as Railway Street, Simcoe Street; and On bat-i0 Street, on a Plan of Survey of the said Village of Maple. Carporation of the Township of Vaughan FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York, '1 Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months. ' We send ’7 free» on re- quest our catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recreation. new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home audits surroundings. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. ing; or Adventure if you are inâ€" ‘th terestcd in country life, W1 ask your newsdealer for “FOREST AND 0 STREAM,†or send f fus tweï¬ty-ï¬qc cents‘ or our wee stria trip. A an large illustrated Weekly} journal of shooting, ‘ ï¬shing, natural his-l . tory and yachting. Ai ‘ â€" en'ences ofan ler Ers and campergs, c Adventure A large barn, to be moved at once. Apply M. M. LOMAS. Public Notice Auction Sales For Sale For Sale _ If yéu ’ like to read of the ex- periences of anglers, shootâ€" ers and campers, or yachtw Apply.y A. HISLO P. Richmond Hill J efferson . 12-9 until the, end of the season. J. DARLING, Manager. Tuesday, Thurs., and Saturday of “01371717170313: Ivy Lodge, A0 U Wâ€"Meeta third Wednesdny of each month Camp Elam. S O S -â€"Meeta second and fourth Wednesday Bill Great Lndga, I.0.0.‘F'.. meets ï¬rstWednoI- duv and third Friday of each mom-h. Fire Brigade~ueeus ï¬rst Monday of every month Public Lzbrary and Reading Boom-Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. ‘mworth League~â€"Meets evorv Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets everv Friday MS [3.111. in the Church. I 0 FwMeets third Thursday 01 every man“: R. H. Ratepayers Association meets In Tgpsdlv u! everv month. aider ' Mill The Richmond Hill Cider Mill is gï¬Ã©tiï¬iï¬'éfl ï¬fcï¬;§é;ï¬Ã©oi‘é3-l1:60;}11..and p. m Sunday School at 2.50. General praybr muting Tpgrgsday eygnipg. _ 'Préib}tkfiaui’Chui-bh4Serv'iééKk6 ï¬'aTEnï¬inâ€"d 73.11:. Sunday Bohoolat 2.30. Prayer mooï¬n; '1‘ ursdav eveni g. “M‘-.. nflu. :- nL..-_I. u..-_x__- -_ _u_- Bichmbï¬d Lbdéb. A F and A M ~Meeia Kon- day on grrbrerore full 113091 d fourtRichmond. A 0 Frâ€" Meets fourth Iti- 13y Church of Englandâ€"Services‘ at 3 11.11). In 2119 mgd ï¬t]; Suggmy.‘ (Byrd $uuds.y_q.t ll n..m_ Roman. Catholi'é Churchâ€"Services on snot- nqge gummy}; at. 9 _a.. 1:3. 5an 10.307937111. HOUSES. Ellzabeth St.â€"~New brick house, six large rooms. immediate possession. If you wish a cosy liLtle home [at me have your offer. $1,600-Richmond St. near Yonge, frame cottage, seven large mcelv dec- orated rooms; verandah. electric light, good lawn. $5,850~«Vicinity of Victoria. Square. seventy-ï¬ve acres of very productive rich soil. On the property Is a. never- failing stream, and good well watér. The buildings consist, of a substantial frame house of the usual farm type. good bank barn. hog pens, driving shed, etc. This farm at the price is an exceptinmfl gpod buy. A V $6:000~Vi7:inity of Gnrmley. ninety acres of high level land. fairly good buildings. Elizabeth St.-â€"-Lob 42 x 153 with abundance of fruit trees, and n guod bald water_well and pqup. A snaflp. Let me shqw Vyou' “Rfmeview Gar- dens.†MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD. and will grind apples all day Opposite Dr. Langstaï¬â€™S‘ 13m. ' p. I ~b.f. always on hand. Any person can put them together. No chance to lose your temper. Good supply of A11 Polished Crimped Pipe .Yircfï¬ufieirbidf LizéééZ'Moets “11 Wednesday NOTICE STOVEPIPE TIME ENNY’ROYAL WAFERS. Elbows, Half Lengths NOW OPEN Taper Pipes. All kinds of A. E . G L A S S , Real Estate Agent RICHMOND HILL JACOB EYER PROPERTIES FOR SALE Tinsmithing Village Dlrectory BUILDING LOTS. urticulars mulled 2c stamp. .39 ox. Address, EUREKA cagmï¬ COMPLN Y. Dillon. m A speciï¬c monthly mediums for menu to restore and regulate the am producing free, healthy and pmhieu dischargu. No aches or pains on up preach Now used by over 30,000 19.5%: Once uaad winuseagain. Invigorm these organs. Buy or your d-ruwisl .only those with our signature mm! taceorlubel. Avoid substitutes. Sealed Particulars mulled 2c stump4Ҥ:â€.go_r -'-AND-- FARMS. MONEY 'ro LOAN Hone. EDGELEY, Sept. 10, 1913. 114 . Lax-6&5 5 Cider & Jelly Mill Exqwsibply printed on ï¬ne to“ paper. Pictures of well-known ml. nf~curreut events, of thing- Uo ful and curious About 0m: thou-I, square inches 0f ictures in can In... Appvnls tn 0mm inns M -thu at.“ .- lustrated papers of Londnn mpg-.100 the English people. Non ya “all. Absolutely no axe to grind. I" ll- solely to please and to inform. I!“ be seen to be appreciated.- TII «It. acnpy. Onedallar a year. The H.- tmial Publishing (30., 142 St. Pom IL Montreal. THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED H1“. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday a! each week until and including Nov. 13, 19l3. “CANADIAN PICTORIAL" 414d. THE - LIBERAL What is known as Creamery propel- tv on Arnold street. Will 5911 u a whole or divide the land to suit pur- chaser. Three guod lots. beautiful outlook. VILLAGE PROPERTY. Mom" 10 Lou A ï¬rsbclass building lot on Elinbflh street, a. number of Cherry and all)†trees on same. F. J. WflflDWARD ALL BRANCHES OF THE 78Aâ€! STRICTLY ATTENDED IIO. ' ' Oassel’s Magazine, per annum . O The Story Teller The Quiver . Musical Home Journal The Girls’ Realm . Little Folks Chums ¢ v n a n o Ghams. .u. Subscriptions taken at Tm: LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to H. A. N IGHOLLS CASSELLS & COM PANY 42 Adelaide St. W Toronto It is not necessary I I and to foreign countrie t )1 maga- zines. Read the following-- Canadian J? u b - ï¬shing Company The monthly magazine! 01 the .above company can: every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subsuriptio: at low rates. \Vill also Grind Grain 8; R01] 0“! on Friday and Saturday of each > week. Cider Jelly and Apple Bum CASSELLS’ 7,000 BAG-S CIDER APPLES mm Several 200d fat-mas Panorama Somcrmn AND SATISFACTION GUAIAI- SHOEING LAKE AND 1mm. HORSES A SPECIALTY HAS FOR SALE F. J. WUUDWARD. GENERAL BLACKSMITB, New Gormley S ubscribe fer EDGELEY Real Estate Agent fur the manufacture o! Richmond Hill 6 Wm a l : PHONE 18 NORMAN BATI‘Y, Manager. ‘4 5’. Cam“ mg: mp. wwwvvvvwvvwvvvwmvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv? A. WINGIR, new»; FOR THE FALL HOUSE CLEANING Notice is hereby given that adivideud at the rate of THIRTEEN 28R CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has him declared for the‘qnaxter ending Blst of October, 1918, and that a. name will be payable at the Head Ofl‘ioe in this city and it's Bunches on and after Saturday, the ï¬rst day of November, 1913. D shareholders of reooxd of 28rd of October, 1913. By order of the Board. MALAAALAAMA AAAAAALLAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMA See us about this Cooking and Heating; Proposition SATISFACTION GUARANTEED " ‘ W§§§â€Â§NM¢N§¢§§¢N§ ¢¢§§¢¢¢§§+¢¢+O+¢§§§+§§§ BANK DON'T FORGETâ€"OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS FRESH~QUALITY COUNTS O§§§§§+§§§§¢§§§ G. A. MCDONALD& SON THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. Bucks - HAPPY TIlOUG‘rH'l‘ McClarys - - PAND()RA Gurneys -_ - Ilnperial Oxford We will be pleased to show you the good points in any of these well known Ranges “ALSOâ€"â€" Heating Stoves of All Kinds INCLUDING THE lAAA .AA‘AAAAAAAAAAAM BROOMS~Guaranteed by the maker. BON AMI-â€"For all kllldï¬ of Cleaning and Polishing. DUST-BANEâ€"Sauitary sweeping compound. a dust ahsm ber& germ killer; Also the best AMMONIA, Our prices are as low as they can be bought for anywhere~or if you are going to install a Furnace in your home we will be pleas- ed to quote you prices. When buying a Stove or Range get one that has a reputation and is guaranteed by a reliable maker. You run no risk in purchasing any one of the following Rangesâ€"~â€" PHONE lï¬â€"R 2 Aflays Get The Best Wide Streets .with Concrete Walks. Plenty of good water. Ideal drainage. Part of this property is restricted to homes to cost not less $2,500. No restrictions whatever on Roses View or Pugsley Avenues. Several lots have already changed hands at a good proï¬t. Now is your time for a safe and sure in- vestment. Richmond Hill is going right ahead, all that is need» ed at the present is houses for people to live in. TERMSâ€"$50 cash; balance three year mortgage with in: terest at 6% or five years to purchasers building at once. Toronto, 16th September, 1913. Boseview Gardens LOTS FOR SALE Igiberal Discount for Cash. _ ‘OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 92 “NEW PERFECTION†OIL HEATER OLD DUTCH CLEANSER and SOAP, W. J. LAWRENCE, Florist, Richmond Hill. WE HAVE GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, LYES and SOAP POWDER.- General Mauagesi;