Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Oct 1913, p. 5

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ham Hm. 0m. 001‘. 23, 1913 Mr. J. T. Startup of Toronto spent over Sunday with his son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. Innes. The proceeds of the Ladies Aid Tea giwn an Oct. 10th by Mrs. Stirling. Mrs. Hagerman and Mrs. Aahford “’cig ht netted $15.55. Mrs. Olh‘er Henderson returnvd yesterday to her home at Perry Statinn Mer few days‘ visit, with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMahon and family. Out of respvct for Mrs. Trench and familv \vhn suffewd tho luss vi a daughter and sister vestm-dny. band practice was withdrawn last evé-ning. The entertainment at thv Methodist Uhmch which WA: to 1m held on the 29th inst, when the mun, anea were In lw npmwd, has been nnstpunud until in: ther xmticu. The mnmbers of Vaughan Masonic LI)ng will attend Divine Service in tho Presbyterian Chm-ch, Maple, next Sunday evening: 26th inst. at. 7 o’clock. The sm-mnn will be preached by the pastor Rev. F. R. Rubinson. Neighbor- ing lodges are invited. ’ The members of the Band are re- quested to be prompt at. I. practice mfxt Monday evening at 8 o‘clock. Mr. Gun. S. Sims loft Tuesday tn nltvnd a cunvuntinn of the Ontario Sabbath Schnul Assncia firm in Ottawa. as a delegate from the Pxeshytoriau Sabbath Schnnl. Mr. Sims will rvmm un Saturday. 011 Tuvsdny the (hurt of Appeal deé {:idvd that the hotel keepers of Aux-(ml shall get. their licenses. fMlowing the recqmmendatiun cf the North York License Oummissimwrs. It is still clniun-d that, the Pm‘n‘inciill Secretary can new the licunsvs. Uri. N. D. Benson and link: Ion Arnold at Toronto spent Tuesday with Mu. \V. F. Benson. The Free-Will Thanksgiving nfler- ingl in the Methodist Church hut Sunday unmounted to $135. Mr. J. E. Skeele of Cayuga and his friend Mr. Roy Anguish of Paris spent Erynday and the holiday at the former's' umv. Hr. find Mrs. Waiter Love hf Tor- !mtu a LSImdnyvnnd Manda, with Mr. I Mrs. Chas. Turp. Mr. and Mrs. Ale-x Sims of Weston spent. Sunday and Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. G. 8. Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Dillnmn VVidemsu npent over ThMIksgiving in Murkdule. Out». and other Western towns. Mr.» A. E. Glass ropm'ts the sale uf 150 feet, (If land on Elizabeth Sb. to Mrs. Endeun of Toronto. also lot. No. 106 “Roswit-w Gardens” tn Mr. E. P. Quanlz. Mr. Qunmz intends to erect. a. house in the neat future. Flower pots 8. 10 and 209.; Hanging flower pm; 186.; ShinesLuve mmmol 100. tin; Sherwin \Villianm pipe varnish 10 and 150. Lin; Tip top swap chips. 6 pk. for 2.30.; Edwm-dshm-g corn syrup 2 lb. tin 12;». Lin. 5 lb. pail 300.; Hm-schvster sauce 10c. bottle. Atkinson & Switzer. The \Veekly Mail and Empire to nny address frum now until Januwa 1 fur 15 cents. or to Jan. 1, 1915 for-750. The latter offer includes either the Burden put-trait or the picture “Ruseumid.” The Daily edition, one ymr; for $3.50, wiLh prcmuim picture. Order at this (vflice. The Epwm-th League next, Monday evening, Oct. 27. will be in charge of the Citizenship Depmtment. An ad'â€" dress on “The Origin and Development of the Social order” will be given by. Mr. FL T. Graham. A profitable even- ing is expected. Mr. O. McDonald will occupy the chair. Ladies’ nab yokes white and corn mlhu- edged with lace. 300. each: wide frillng 30c. yd.; Hair Buruetts 15, 20, 25s.: Children’s wool overalls White and cardinal. 600.: wool jackets 600.; Ladies patent, leather belts black and cardinal 251,2; ()hildrens patent; leather bolts tan. black, white 200. Atkinson & Switzer. Eh: “gili’cml. The League Basket Ball match be- tween the Aurora H. S. girls and the Richmomi Hill H. S. girls which was to be played yesterday was postponed till this (Thursday) afternoon. The match will start in the school grounds _at 4 o’clock. The football match be~ tween the boys of each of the above schools will take place in the Park. The return basket ball match be- tween the Newmarket H- 8. girls and our H. S. ghls will take place in the High‘Schuol grounds here next Wed- nesday, commencing at. 3.15. The re- turn football match bebw een thn New- nmrkeb H. S. bnys and our H. S. hnvs will {Ollow in the Park. When the latter teams played in Newmnr‘ket’the result was a Lie. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Sacramuuhl "nice- we" he” Ii: 31.. Andrew: Church «in Suitably, On Friday nflummn And "min: prep”:- tnry flt’rViCPl w": ho-ld..whrn act-non. Were preached hv R-v. A. la Geg'gieqf Toronto. Rut. H. S. Lnn‘fing preach e-d it} the name church 1m That-Ida, (gm-mug. ' The pulpit of the Hethoéifl Church mus men iod on Sundnymroniug by Rev. P. nmpbell. In the phstor in. punching anathema-y let-mom M. Bnlum. Floor oil cloth. flora! and black de- sign in 1 yd. I; yd 1nd 2 yd width 30c. square yd.. Linoleum 45 I “are yd.: Union Carpet 86 in. wit 9. scroll pattern green 50c. yd; Tspistry cur- pet27 in wide. crimson, 75c. 7d; Tnth oilcloth 45 and 54 inches wide. white: and colored: Heavy leather tucking 32 inches wide. 27c. yd; Lighter Weight. 33 inches wide 20c. yd. Atkinson 8: Switzer. The “'omen’a Institute hold a very successful luePting M: the home of Mrs. F. Lynett on Wednesday of last week. Putriotic papers read by Miss Pent- lnnd, Mrs ijdsnn and Mrsd}. Sentt. on “Caymanâ€"lbs History, lts Resource- and “3 Future," were well received. and contained an unusual amount of interesting information. A recitation: by Miss Pauli"? Batty. and u Piann Selectinn Iw Muster Erneqb Allen brought a prufllable afternoon L0 a close. TEACHERS’ CONVENTION The Nmth York Tssuchers’ Institute held a. very successful convention in the Guunty Council Chambers, Tm-untn on Thursday and Friday of last, week. About one hundred teachers were pres- entf._ The chair was occupied by the president. Mr. A. E. Lehman, of Rich- mond Hill. Interesting papers were given introducing the subjects on The Teaching of Geography, the value and use of the History and Gmngrnphy Readers. and Supplemvutm y Raiding. Seat Work for pmnaryclasses, follow- ed hy géneral discussions. Miss Ewing of Tux-onto Normal School. gave two very nhle uddx-easos an Hunsehold Science. showing the scope and place of Househula Scivnce with the. other subjects uf the schuol curriculum, and how the subject, might, be taught in the classroom. Officers for the ensuing year: President. Mr. O. W. Mnlluy. Aurora. Vice-President, Miss M. E. Kennedy, vannn'ket. . _/ The {.hbh’c ’séhbkiimv‘u’vkhmé’hléé' nn Thursday and Friday to allow the teachm-I tn attend me meeting of tho Nurth Yurk 'l‘enchera' Association held in annntu. Bruwns Nurseries are famous for their fine Peach. Apple, Plum, and Cherry [rt-rs. Thrv have the beat nursery sivil in Gullmla nnd are largest, growers 0f [rm-s in (1w Dominion. All scions and hudaLil'ks nre cut, by one man, and he has been in their employ many years, 5-» m: mistakes are made by using wrung unions or buds. Send in fish of [he stuck yuu need. and get their prices. Write for agency as they have some unoccupied territory is this County. BROWN BROS. COMPANY Browns Nurseries. \Vellzmd 00., Ont. 8-3 m. ' The. mom,th meet-Inga! RI“. annn'l Auxiliary mu held at the home of Mn. Thus Cumin: on Thursday M but Week. The ladies decided to aeud s bux of clothing and other mun-fat to the needy in I'm-note. Tea w» nears}! at. the algae of} by: greeting. Tm: 1.1mm“. mil beam: to new sub. scrim-x3 from this date until Dec. 31. 1914, for $1M). Any address in Gauguin. Quite a nmhbér of visitors *2}! In tbg‘viaflhm' M0 r{'htulksgivina Dal. , u I" The Rpm-uh League hnd a main! eveniug at the Parsonage 0n Monday. Svc’y-LI-eus.r. Mr. J. G. McDonald, A u mm . ' Aha moi-ting of the Village Council held on the. 7th inst, two sign] bnaxds were ordered fmm the Ontario Motor League tn he placed at the Village boundaries, to ShUW the speed limit. Mr. George Thompson was appnimed Medical Health Inspector. A grant was made to the King and Vaughan Plowmen's Association, and accounts were ordered to be paid amounting to $1389.45. The Thanksgiving Services of last. Sunday were well attended and much enjoyed. The service of song in the evening brought a numberfrom Thorn- hill. Maple, and other points aruund Richmond Hill; as well as from the other local churches. Mr. Newton and his choir are to be congratulated upon the selection and rendering of the pro- gramme. A recent edition of the Toronto Globe ’containcd the announcement that Rev. E. 0. Carrie had recieved the unanimous can of the congregation to John St. Presbyterian church. Belle- ville. This is suit} to be one of the most reputable congregations in Ontario. Following the above the. congregation of the Richmond Hill church will be cited to appear at the next meeting of the Toronto Presbytery on the 4th of November. SWEEP "0.," . __... Brass. A'safe and'pleasingvâ€"éErliflâ€"wc. DruEzists. Rip-ans Tabules cure biliousness. Rinana ’l‘abules: pleasant laxative. Rlpans Tabules cure liver troubles. "CALLED" TO BELLEVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. VI LLAGE UOUNCI L. Maple. stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Sheep‘s Croup Remedy. 011!) test will surely prova. No vumjyingl no glis- From th‘éy premises of the under. clgned. on; or about, Sept.‘ 14 vuumz mm. sow due to furrow. Anyferson ntumiu finme will he rewarde . “a ORNE PERKINS, 153 r - Victoria Square. 174 Hamid Luefle. used nine, In. taken lath. 30-pin! for Sick Children Stun-b thy uemng in 5 action: condition. with hot-h feat, hwdiy mu led. the unit of injuries sustained y being run unl- by n Metropolitan car at. Aaron on Saturdcy afternoon. The young lad was coasting on a mill! “no! qaggm. wine}; he ran Into ch. A Large Orchard 0! Winter Apples fur “1e. A good lot on Richmond Street, 40 {out frontage. Grunolithic sidewalk. electric light. on good road. Apply on premises 173 Eat Riddle-é: 5}“ on Taeuday anti": by Mr. #81". Gings'ozgrnl: __v'q. v sum t‘ o. t Minion “vitamin 10-3 Many Hall was crowded Sand-y “tel-noun when 1. meeting of the cltium was held protecting against. the “Ritual, Murder“ charges Igninlt, Kendal Bcillss in Russia. It; will be renumbered that Beiliu, a Jew. mu teen-rd of murdering a Basalt“: boy uncut two yrnrs ago. an the supposition elm. the Jews worn desirous of abusin- inx hli blnod for rim-ll pm'pmes. II. it claimed lhere in no substantial evidence to supp)". such a charge. «i. At thé'hu'a mg'ae’fifn'éem teammate hot legs. V 'A Black Sow. strayed from lot 31. con. 1. Markham. ' At 162 16-3 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVID SMELLIE. LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. YEOMAN, DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897. Chapter 129, Section 38 and amendments thereto, that all person having claims against the estate of the said David Smellie, who died on or about the 11th day of Sept... 19l3. at the said Township of Vaughan. are required to send by post, prepaid. or to deliver to the undersigned solicit ore for the Executor of the said estate on or before the 20th day oi November, A. D, 1913, their names and addresses. and a statement of their respective claims and the nature of the security. if any, held by them. _ > And further take notice that after the said 20th day of November. A. D. 1013. the said Executor will p10ceed*to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have received notice. and the said Executor will not be responsnble for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not then have. been received by him. 12 Richmnhd Street East, Toronto; Solrs. for Executor. Dated at Toronto this 18th day of Bleacher, A. D. 19k3. Notice to creditors PROUDFOOT, ppNOAg‘ & GRANT, saw and ten young pigs. Apply to A large barn, to be moved at once. Apply M. M. LOMAS. Apples For Sale keepers or Stenographers. and for Uivil Service and Commercial Specialists’ examinations. These schools include the Central Busi- ness College of Toronto, with four city Branch Schools; Students may enter any time for these courses. No vacations. Write for catalogue! W. H. Shaw, Presi- dent, 393-395 Yonge Street, To- ronto. ' r Give courses in all Busines sub- jects leading to pnsxtipns as Book- SHAW_’S SCHOOLS For Sale For Sale For Sale JAMES CARNEGIE, News Notes $trayed Lost HENRY ROBINSON. M. M. LOMAS. Richmbnd Hill. Thbrnhill. Jefferson. Jefferson. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvwfi : iFire, Life & Accident MAMAALAAAMALAA AAAAAAAAA AA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAALAA Gr. Savage & Son j VVYYVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVYVVVV'YYVVYYYVYWYVYVYVYV'7‘; MAMAMMAAAA “AAAALA “AA AAAAA~ LAMAAALKAlAAAAl V'YYVVVWVYVVV" VVVVVVVVYVVVVYVYV‘YVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVV Men’s Winter Underwear ranging in price from 50c. to $2 00 per garment. Our Special in plain scotch WOO], unshrinkable, very heavy and nice soft finish, the kind anyone can wear, per garment $1. The Lame Block Furnishing Store Men’s Sweater Coats in slate, grey, brown, and a variety of combination colors in prices from $1.50 up to $5.00. The best by a long way we have ever had for the money. PHONE 8002. Your Insurance will be Well looked after if lett to NORMAN J. GLASS“ PROPRIETOR Consult RICHMOND HILL WE ARE AGENTS FOR Plate Glass InsuranceE §§§§¢O§§O Us For >Rates 0 960.96%

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