Wsnauam WITH Hummus [1N mm; [Body Covered With Runnin Sores: , Could Not Sleep ï¬'om Itc in and ,Pain. Cross and Fretful. gried ' Fiï¬y Remedies Without Result. ,Cured In Nine Days by Cuticura ? Soap and Ointment. f 80 Champagne St; Mdntreai. Gimme.â€" ‘P'I have a. ï¬ve-yoarâ€"old boy who'wu Butler- lug from what the doctor said was "In gratelle.†His body wan all covered with running mm. The trouble started with pimples and opened up into sores. Of course scratching made it worse. The erup- tions appeared on his face and disï¬gured him awfully. The boy could not sleep at . and I did not know what to do with It made him cross and mum. If I have tried one. I have tried ï¬fty remedies without remit. .At last; I got samples of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. and after using them two day: I noticed a change. I then bought; a tulldzed cake of Cuticura. flow and one box of Cubicura. Ointment and I used to give the boy a hot bath daily using Outicura soap freely. and then applied ï¬le Outicura Cinemaâ€. He had muffled I The following story is told by Mr. lPet't Ridge concerning a, man who always wrangled with his wife- a‘bout the mone he brought home an pay night. hen his wife was especially troublesome about the smallness of the sum he handed ever for her housekeeping he al- " ays threatened he would go and mg himself. His wife grew tired vi the mere threat, so one day when he arrived home with an unusually smell sum and there was the usual row she told him to go and hang himself. She even offer- .od him a rope to do it “with, and Hooking very determined he took lthe rope and departed. Some time later she found him in an out- ‘houee. He had tied one end of the rope toe rafter, and ‘with the other thus mamhs VIM] the horrible disease bo- torolnmodtouaeuhoOuumn-a Boapand 0mm». and nine day- ntter the boy was outed and has not been Wubled 311106.25 38131306) E. Chatter. D00. 12. 1911. lug myself,†he bold her sternly. Iâ€Oh,†she commented as though lonl mildly interested, “but you oug t to tie it round our neck and mot mound your wais .†With as ,much dignity as possible under the circumstances, he replied, “Well, I :tried that way, but I couldn’t “breathe. ’ ’ E821. féuï¬d his v'vvaistt he was revodv- ,ing gently in midâ€"air. “What are {you doing?†s-h-e asked 1†“Hang- #111! L- L-1.J .L-.. -L-..~.‘l.. Do You Feel Moody, , Irritable, Depressed ? (e Went Out and Hanged Himself. When That Languid, Laggy, Easily- Tired Feeling Comes, Your Liver is Slow. “Even when I was young I was not robust and healthy like other girls. I entered from headaches, and had sort of blue feelings that deprived me of the Joyful spirits and pleasures other girls seemed to get. After I {married I found I could not throw iworries 011 like other women, and ï¬hose full feelings of despondency and wearinese made me very unhap- py. There was no cause to feel so, ;and my doctor said my liver was sluggish, and this accounted for my poor color, my tiredness, langour and despair. The pills the doctor gave me Mere too purgatlve, made me week- ‘er because they were too active for my constitution. Dozens of my friends recommended Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, and they were so mild and help- ful. Well, I never used a pill’ that noted so quietly as Dr. Hamilton's. l’l‘hey were so comfortable to use, I was afraid they might not help. But in a week I knew they had been ac- tively engaged in cleaning up my sys- tem. They did the work of a tonic and blood medicine combined. 1 im- roved to a marvelous degree with r. Hamilton's Pills, and I now main- tain the most perfect kind of health by using them just once or twice a week." Cancun. Bump and Outlaw-n ombmenbm ald by dragging and. dealer! everywhere. . single not I: often madam Liberal Imple a! each mulled free, with 324,. 5km look. Address post: card. Potter Dru: & them. 000.. Dem. 401). Boston. '0'. 8. A. It is Mrs. E. V. Erlanger, well known at Gloucester, who relates the above experience. She proved what you and all others. men and women, can proveâ€"that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are best for restoring health and best tor keeping the system in perfect running order. Don’t be misled into using anything but Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c. a box, ï¬ve for $1.00, at all 'druggists and storekeepers, or post- paid by the Cntarrhozone 00.. But- gtalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. Slow forgiveness is little better than no forgiveness. Tells How to Cure Quickly. Eminent English scientist who _has dared to direct scientiï¬c investggar tion towards the :subject of contiguâ€" ity of existence and the immorpahfay of the spirit, declaring his behef 19 survival of personality after 131135†031 death. “Yesterday I received an un* épeakable insult. †“When: was it‘Z†“A deaf and dumb man spelled on his ï¬ngers to me that I was a. liar.†Try Murine Eye Remejly I! you have Red, Weak Watery Eyes or Granulated E lids. oosn’t Smart -â€"Soothos E e ain.’ Dru gilt: Sell Murine E e cmedy, Liqui , 25c,‘500. Murine ye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c, 50c. Eye Books Frge by Mail. ummhmmummmcan Ilium. In nomad: c... Chic-u Willieâ€"“Pa, what is a, philan- thropist '3†Paâ€""A philanflhropisut, my son; is merely a. man who has more money than he can possibly use himself.†Minard's Llnlmont for sun everywhere. OLD LONDON HOTELS GOING. Famous Hostelries Disappearing in Face of Progress. London, England, is being trans- formed in no sphere of its busy life more markedly than in its hotels. Within the last few months a num- ber of well known hostelries have disappeared, and several ambitious schemes have been proposed to reâ€" ‘place them. Amonl hotels that have recently closed ir doors are the Gaiety Hotel and Restaurant, the Inns of Court Hotel, the Capitol, in Lower Regent Street (formerly called the Chatham, and further back still the Continental), while the Old Ship at Greenwich, the Star and Garter at Richmond, the Tollard in Eagle Street, the Albion in A1- demgate Street, and the Bedford Hotel, Covent Garden, have also been closed within the past year or two. The Salisbury Hotel, off Fleet Street, is to joe changedjn‘to an International Roman Catholic Club, but; it will still give hotel ac- commodation to its members, to- gether with an oratory as part of its equipment. _ But the closing of old hotels is interesting no less for the sequelâ€"â€" the opening of new. Arbitecthral splendors and modern luxuries are nowadays aimed at everywhere. The development of the hotel has gone hand in hand with the devel- opment of travelling facilities. Dur- ing the past ten years, it‘has been compu’oed, a, sum of no less than $50,000,000 has been expended on hotel building ip London. The biggest; hotel in the world will be erected at a. cost of $8,000,- 000 on the site of St. George’s Hos- pital, Hyde Park Corner, which he: been purchased for the purpose by Mallaby Deeley, M.P. The engagement was retty stiff; in fact it, looked hope es-s ‘to the captain. However, he said cheer- ily to his man: "My brave fellows, ï¬ght like heroes till your ammuni- tion’s gone, then run for your live-s. I’ve got a wore foot, so I’ll start now. Au tevoir, my heartiee.†Mlnard‘s‘ Llnlmont euro: Dandrufl. Sir Oliver Lodge, Literally So. “Three years ago I discovered that a man subject to lumbago might just as well be dead as alive.†These words open the sincere, straightforward lat- ter of H. P. Bushy, a. well-known man in the plumbing and tinsmithlng busi- ness. Thousands Still Suffering That Can Be Quickly Cured By “Nerviline.†- “One attack came after another, and lumbago got to be a chronic thing with me. I could scarcely get in a day’s work.before that knlflng, cruel pain would attack my back. I used a gal- lon of liniments; not one of them seemed penetrating enough to get at the core of the pain. I read in the Montreal Witness about Nervlllne, and got ï¬ve bottles. It is a wonderful medicine-4 could feel its soothing, pain-relieving action every time It was applied. When I got the disease un- der control with Nervlllne, I built up ‘my strength and fortiï¬ed my blood by taking Fen-ozone at meals. This treat- ment cured me permanently, and I urge everyone to give up the thick, white, oily liniments they are using, and try an upâ€"to-dete, penetrating, paln~destroyer like Nervillne. Lumbago '1 Cured ’ Every Ache Gone “Please ï¬ublish my letter the world over. I want all to hear of Nervi- line.†Don’t be cajoled into receiving any- thing from your dealer but f‘NervIâ€" line." Large family size bottles 50c., trial size 25c., all dealers, or The Ca- tarrhozone 00., Buflalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. Method of Avoiding Possibility of ‘ Premature Burial. 'A remerhble new method of test- ing absolutely whether an apparent dead person is really dead, and thus avoiding the possibility of a premature burial, just announced by Dr. Icard of Marseilles, France, has been received with great interâ€" est by his colleagues in Paris. Dr. Icard’s eystem depends on the question of Whether the blood is still in circulation or not, and con- sists of a, sub-cutaneous injection of a small quantity of fluoresoiné, which is quite harmless, but one of the most violent coloring matters known. If there is the slightest ac- tion of the blood, the fluid carried around the body stains it a. Vivid golden yellow, while the eyes he- come a. deep emerald green. If, on {the other hand, there is no move~ iment of the blood, the' coloring lmetter is not dispersed, and proâ€" duces no effect. Half an hour is stated to be enough to make this test. The laity, while duly impressed by this new method, are asking whether persons who are alive and undergo the dyeing procass, 33nd who later recover, will lose the golden yellow tint send the green eyes of which Dr. Icard says, ‘ ‘They are transformed into superb emer- alds, set like jewels in their sock- ets.†TESTS FOR LIFE 0R DEATH. It may be added, however, that fluorescine is one of the most tran- sitory dyes known. I1‘11e winning of it; can't ease the pain of the corn, but. "Putnam’s" will ease, cure and prevent earns and warts. Guar- antee goes with every bottle (it! 5“Put:- Jn new 6. Use no other. 250. at all dealers. The modem young man, says a. female critic, has onLy one good quality-he is punctual to his meals. ~ We often hear young men say that if their circumstances were different they might succeed, but as it is, there are too many’ obstacles against them. What did Napolon say about circum- stancs? He asked one of his marshals about a movement he had in contem- plation, and the answer was, if cir- cumstances were favorable it might be accomplished. Napoleon replied, “Circumstances! I care nothing about circumstances; I make circumstances.†"What, is your: name 7†“Minnie, mum.†“A11 ï¬ght, but we expect a. maximum of work, mind.†The Case of Harold P. Bushy. Dr. Marco’s Indian Root Pills $5,000 LIMERICK PRIZE. Glenn-0' tho lalnard's Llnlmont cures-Burn's, Etc. Mlnard’s Llnlmont Bellows Neuralsla. are made according to n formula in geese-vb wme t9: mmmm gm Circumstances. mamas, but by numbers only. My number is twenty-ï¬ve.†In due course the father called at the school-house, and knocked at the door, which was, after a. few mo- ments, opened by the headmaster. “Good morning, 'szir,†said Mr. Smith. “I am tho father of twenty- ï¬ve.†“Indeed I†replied the schoolmaster with surprise. “Come inside, my friend. I can feel for you, tor I am the father of twelve 8M0“ . mean 1" Formula May Prom: Valuable in V Tuquulosis Fight,‘ . V IAl speciï¬c Which may become 8- valuvable ally to the medical/proï¬ts- sion in the campaign against. tuber- culosis and other diseases has been introdupefl by 9 andpn_ pu_blisher2 David Doig, head of the ï¬rm oi William Doig and 00., pwblishers to the King, has interested himself for several years in the potentiali- ties of a formula which, he says, has remarkable .eï¬ects in improv- ing the quality of the blood and the consequent resistance ofthe body t9 disease. ‘ At; his instance tests have been carried out in one of the London hospitals which have demonstrated the value of the formula in a very remarkable way, and Mr. Doig is now anxious to secure further and more extended tests with the ps- sistance of school clinics and pub- lic health authorities. ‘ Some thirty years ago the for- mula, made out by an eminent scientiï¬c chemist, came int/o the possession of Mr. Doig’s family and was frequently resorted to when occasion arose with beneï¬cial re- suits. It is a. combination of natural salts, certain of which are in a con- centrated form, which produce a powerful stimulating action on the white oorpuscles of the blood and so enable the system to rid itself of lurking disease germs.‘ It His stated to be harmless to take and SPECIFIC Foï¬m BLodn‘i I WBHEERFUL BISGWERY quite inexpensive. An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that ihe most won- derful discovery of recent_ years was the discovery of Zam-Bï¬k. Just think] As soon as a. single thin layer of Zaquuk is applied to a. wound or a sore, such injury is insured against blood poison! Not one species of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill !» v Then again. .As soon a: Zamâ€"Buk 13 applied to a core, or a ‘cut, or to skin disease. it stops the smartins. That Is why children are such friends or Zam-Buk. They care nothing for the science of the thing. All they know is that Zam~Buk stops their pain. Mothers should never forget Again. As soon as Zam~Buk is ap- plied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's sur- face are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk’s secret of healing. The tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and literally casts of! the diseased tissue above it. This is why VZamâ€"Buk cures. are perpangnt. ibis. Only the other day Mr. Marsh. of 101 Delorimier Ave, Montreal, called upon the Zam-eBuk Co. and told them that for over twentycflve years he had been a. martyr to eczema. His hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zm-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. Todayâ€"over three years after his cure of a disease he had to:- twenty-ï¬ve yearsâ€"he is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczema! .All druggists sell lam-Bull: at 50c. box. or we will send free trial box it you send this advertisement and a 13. stamp (to pay return postage). Ad- dress ZamBuk 00., Toronto. Mrs. Shougâ€"“Don’t you think woman’s hand has played an im- portant part in the great work of civilization ’1’ ’ Philosopher-â€"' ‘Un- doubtedly; but I don’t think her hand has been quite so effective as her slipper l†A Well-known Man. Minard’s Liniment. 00.. Limited. Zi'ééï¬zi}. Yeshiva. "567M Sitarâ€"I can recomqu your MIN- ARD‘S LINIMEN’I‘ for Rheumatism and Spraignn.‘ 3:5 I hBNB used it {or both with . "an- "I shall call round and see your teacher,†said his fond parent, “and thank him for the kind in- terest he is taking in you.†“If you do, father,†said young Bobbie, “I want to telllyou that all the boys in our class am? not known by 1"â€" Bobbie, Smith, aged nine, was the shinéng light of the family, and his father was_very proyd of him. Saw Bobbie’s Teacher. Yours truly. ’1‘. B. LAYERS! S. John. {ELEGTRIQ YNAMD 3“ K.W., 110 NUS, 0.0., 675 R. P. M. At a Very Reasonable Figure to: Immediate Sale. 8. mm mm»: & sofas, ELLIO’I‘T’B BUSINESS COLLEGE. m mum. Canada’s Popular Commer- cial School. Magniï¬cent Cntalogge free; nun-nu inn-‘11.“.v inmate“ 9;"! other tough-7.1:“! 6M". H. w. mwsoï¬; Nlnoly camorm Strut. Toronto. RUIT. s'rocx. GRAIN AND nun. Farms in all actions 0! 01mm. F Farina Some snaps. w COUNTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER €011 Sale in good Ontario town. Exce] an opening for man of energy. Write Wflson Publkshinz Company. Toronto. b Iggntvsz-I‘QEBVEEEï¬Z iéntalozue. Album, only Seven Cents. Marki.‘ Stamp Company. Ton-cg . uur u ullvi' Strange Phenomena 3'...,, ., 119 pages. 10c. Joseph carols, Pauldlng. OhIos H, w. DAWSON. Golborno 81.. Toronto. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETO.. internal .and external. cured with- out_pgin by ogr_ hang treatment. » Write A v._n_.__ \l..Ah..I uub pauu u: vuu uvmu wuw-..-..-. . . . r . . us before too late. Dr. Benman Medics] 00.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. ALL STONES. KIDNEY AND BLAD- 1 der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel. anbago Imd kindred aflments positively cured with the new German remedy. "Banal," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diwbetea-Mellitus. and gure cure. ll “Sanol'u Anti-Diabetes." Price $2.00 from dragging or direct. The Banal Mann! tut-mg Coqxpany of Canada.' Dhaka: Vi nnipez ‘ FOR SALE Pulleys & Shaftan a Wood a whims, 12% x ain't; for 3‘1 ‘ 81in. shalt. ' 1 W004 810% Bailey, 12% x 484111.. im- 9 Its/min. shit. 1 Wood Svpï¬t Bailey, 12% x 28 in» for 8 7716 "In. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 10% x 88 in. for 8 7/16 in. . Pulhye pt speller_ Opium worth $60,000 was burned: in front of the Nankai Middle, School, in the netive city; Tien- Tsin, China, recently. Nine great pots Were ï¬lled with the drug. The students of the echool and at least three thoqeand other spectators cheered when the big cauldron were set aï¬re shortly after noon. Among the onlookers were more than one hundred foreign soldiers and their ofï¬cers, to whom the en- thusiasm o! the Chinese an the drug went up in smoke was a revelation. siuï¬' of"me ’T'im' ’ lengths dunno be sold at very low Emu-em ' Box 23, Wflm Publishing 00., Toronto. ED. 7. u Mel-Ho 8!: We“. TORONTO.» TAM? COLLE‘OTorisâ€"miwnnzn' pm 11, A_‘__.- ACTORI sums. WITH on inflow Runwayr tgackage. In - Tot-onto. ESIDENTIAL WPROPERTIES m Brampton und 3 dozen 0th" mvpl. Suitable (or ï¬lm, "Manchu-log ‘ Manta. fruiting Houses. Etc; NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. FOR SALE Chinese Burned Opiim. STAMPS AND COINS. DR GENERATOR FARMS FOR IILI. Man. MI‘CILLANEOUS. EDUGATION. of our: atmoa: ISSUE 43â€"413,