‘ uthch and burn andflnally . -_ ‘ the null: would loosen 3nd \\ some 011'. I I:me many * sleepless nlzhu. I did no. darntopxwmyhandalnnmaceptm ï¬nd: them. 1 “I kept. using ofntments.‘ ; Ointment. but; was not cured. Sometime: thermally- would help a littlewa munch flee from to altogothar. I was that way for nine year: trying everything. I heard of ’ Outlcura Soap and Ointment. and sent for alien: and before I had used mom half a dozen times I noticed an improvement. By wasth mm the Cutlcun Soap and apJ Willis the Outlaw-a. Ointment frequently I y“ curedlnthroemonthal! (Signed) Mm Florence E. Sanderson, May 20. 1913. | ‘Maen Fingers. S ~9th Lbs. Wbuid Swell Up, lch and m. Did Not Dar'o Put Hands )nf Water. Cuticura Soapmd OutI-' curaOhtment Cured. Cum-an; .Mnnibobsâ€"“A braids; out {between my?!»ng was the am trouble. It. mmlmmdsmtomyfluorflpm , ‘ ' meeting the nails. It ï¬rst appeared 1n watery History and they were so humanly Itchy I matched than: and lab the Vim out making m. They would swell. ‘MATEHY' BLISTERS v INTENSELY ITBHY XAn Exciting Time in a Singapore Hotel. As late as 1869, an authority 'on sport in the Malay Archipelago Wrote that in Singapore there were always 3, few tigers roaming about, and that, I The peninsula in its wilder parts, indeed, is a. veritable paradise for big game. Inits vast, wide-spreading for- ests range many noble species that are worthy of the skill of the keenest of hunters. The annual report of the railway department for 1906 contained a photographic reproduction of a scene that quite amusingly illustrated the iperils that await the railway pioneer fwhen he intrudes into the domain of [Mid nature. The picture reveals a wrecked railway-train, a locomotive completely off the rails, its tender re- duced to scrap-iron, and its wheels off to one side, buried deeply in the dirt. ,The cause of all this mischief is shown in another picture. It was a wild elephant, a. tusker of imposing size. “Look here, Pat,†said an old gentleman to his Irish servant, "“to-morrow evening if you bring {my tea. without spilling a, drop in Ashe saucer I will give you a shilling 'to yourself.†“Right, sir,†said Pat, and the following evening he won the shilling by bringing the cup in one hand and the saucer in the other. -_v-_~ _ on an average, they killed a China- man every dayâ€"generally one of the men who worked in the gambier plan- tations, which are made in newly cleared jungle. Although there is no danger to-day that tigers will spring upon unwary travelers about Singa- ore, write Messrs. Arnold Wright and . H. Reid in “The Malay Peninsula,†there is a certain excitement about {lvlng in a place where the following ncident occurred, and where its repe- tition is not impossible. It is now several years since a. tiger Was shot within the precincts of the town. The honor of this particular kill belong to Mr.‘C. M. Phillips, the head master of Raffles Institution. The tiger had not swum the straits from Johore, but had escaped from a cage in which it was awaiting shipment from Singapore. It caused consterna- tion by walking into the compound of Raffles Hotel, and seeking refuge un- der the billiard-room in a detached building. he could see shining in the darkness of its hiding-place, and was lucky to kill it. The billiard~p1ayers at once made a hurried exit. Mr. Phillips having been summoned, took post a few yards (mm the uninvited guest, whose eyes ‘Blood troubles yield to LIQUID SULPHUR For more than a. generation Cudcurn Soap ind Ointment have aflorded the most eco- nomlod treatment: for anecdotal o! the skin end ocdp flat torture. Itch. burn. scale and destroy deep. A single set is often mfllclenv. Cuueura, Soap Ind Ouucura Ointment are cold by Mats and dealers everywhere. For a Mural free sample of each. with 82-9. book. and postrclrd to Potter Drug & Chem. 0m». Dept. 1). Boston. U. S. A. ED. 7. MALAY TIGERS. Pat Won It. ISSUE 44â€"’l3. Book agents have become such a nuisance that most business men give orders that they are not to be admitted to their private ofï¬ces. One persistent man, however, by one pretext or another, gained in- terviews with the various influenâ€" tial citizens. He reached the head ofï¬ce of the Bank of Toronto, and when the clerk was engaged, he walked into the ofï¬ce of the presiâ€" dent, Mr. Duncan Coulson. Mr. Coulson was earnestly engaged in conversation with a. business friend, b'ut stopped and asked the man his business. He was agent for a, series of religious books, and when Mr. Coulson told him his library was already well ï¬lled, the agent persisted in exploiting the merits of his wares and, thinking he might at some fulaure time make door.†a. sale: asked, if he might leave some tracts. “Yes,†replied Mr. Coul- son. “with the toes towards the Cramps at Night Require Prompt Remedy Agonizing Pain Prevented by Keep- ing Nerviline Handy 0n the Shelf. Deadly crampsâ€"the symptoms are not to be mistaken. Suddenly and without warning the patient experien- ces such agony in the stomach as to contort the countenance and cause him to cry aloud for X1911). “Lï¬zasivsï¬mmex: I was stricken with a. frightful attack of cramps. I feared the pain in my istognach woglq kill qua. “My cries attracteu a neighbor, who came to my assistance, and in a mo- ment or two handed me half a tea- spoonful of Nerviline in some sweet- ened water. "Tiï¬uenflit is that thé wonderful power of Nerviline can make itself feltâ€"it cures so quickly. ' 'V‘lï¬i’weyes b'ulged out and the veins in my forehead stood out like whip- cords. “It seemed as if an angel had charm- ed away the pain. In ten seconds I was well. Nerviline has a wonderful name in this locality, and is consid- ered best for cramps, diarrhoea, flatu- lence, stomach and bowel disorders. I urge all my friends to use Nerviline. “MANLEY M. LEGARDE, “Williamsburg.†No home is safe or can afford to miss the manifold advantages of hav- ing Nervili-ne on hand in case of acciâ€" dent or emergent sickness. Large family size bottles of Nervillne, 50c.; trial size, 250., all dealers, or The Ca- tarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. “Ah-I you have guessed, then, that I wanted to tell you that I love youl†"There is one essential difference between the activities of a ï¬re- man and of a policeman. “What is it?†“While the ï¬remgn runs oï¬t, the policeman ‘runs in.’ †Both Waiting For It. “At last,†he sighed, “we’re alone. I’ve been hoping for this chance. ‘ “Yes;_ and I want to say ‘No,’ and get it over with.†Try Murine Eye Remedy It you have Red, Weak. Watery Eye. or Granulated E elids. Doesn’t Smart â€"â€"Soothes E a 9.121. Dru giats Sell Murine E e emedy, Liqui , 25c, 50c. Murine ye Salve In Aseptic Tuba. 25c, 500. Eye Books Free by Mail. Anlye‘tmlaMM-Aulyumnueo-n Murine Eye Remedy 60.. Cheese “So have 1,†she said, very frankly. “I will confess to you,†shé said, “that I am older than I look. I will be thirï¬y-qae .my news? birthday-"i. 7 “Realvly?†he' reblied. “H'ardly anyone would guess that you were more than about twenty-nine.†“That’s the last timé,†she said when he had departed, “that I’ll ever try to be nice to a. brute.†“TRACTS†TOWARD S DOOR. A Case In Point Illustrated. Mr. Duncan Coulson. The Tactless One. The Difference. Story of a Merchant Who Almost Lost His Business and His Health Through Neglectlng Early Symp- toms of Disease. “My life for years has been of se- dentary character,†writes T. B. Titchfleld, head of a well known ï¬rm in Buckingham. “Nine hours every day I spent at ofï¬ce work and took exercise only on Sunday. I disre- garded the symptoms of ill-health, which were all too apparent 'to my family. I grew thin, then pale, and before long I was jaundicedâ€"eyes and skin were yellow, my strength and nerve energy were lowered, and I was quite unfltted for business. In the morning a lightness in the head, particularly when I bent over, made me very worried about my health. Most of the laxative. medicines I found weakening, and knowing that I had to 'be at business every day I neglected myself rather than risk fur- ther weakness. or course I grew worse, but by a happy chance I began to use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. I~= was forcibly struck by the fact that they neither caused griping nor nausea, and it seemed incredible that pills could tone, cleanse and regulate the system without causing any unpleas- ant after effects. Dr. Hamilton's Pills acted with me just as gentle as nature~they gave new life to my liver, strengthened my stomach, and won me back to perfect good health. My skin is clear, dizziness has disap- peared, and my appetite, strength, spirits are perfect." ' i- . .7 Weary Tiredness ‘ Changed to Vigor That Played-Out‘ Feeling Was Quickly Remedied and Health Restored. .1,___-~ , Refuse anything offered you in- stead of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, which are sure to cure. Sold in 250. boxes, ï¬ve for $1.00, at all druggists and storekeepers, or postpaid Irom the Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N.Y.. and Kingston, Canada. Doctorâ€"Remember, Mrs. Ma- lone, I told you that your husband is failing rapidly and we must keep him up as long as we can... Mrvsrf‘Malon‘éâ€"‘Sure, Oi’m doing it, sor. Oi haven’t let him have a wink av slape now for three days. We beï¬eve MINA‘BD'S LINIMENT is the beat: Mathias Foley. 011 City. Ont. Joseph Snow. Norway. Me. Charles Whooten. Mulxmve. NS. Rev. B. 0. Armstrong, Mulzrave, N.B. Pierre Lumiere, sonn, Pokemouoho. N.B. Thomas Waawn. Shefï¬eld. NB. Before I married my wife I could listen to hé’r voice for hours and hours.†“And now ‘1†, “Now I have to.†Education. Fatherâ€"Well, what did you learn in school to-day? ï¬Jéhnny-Notliin’, but I‘guerss the teacher learned sumpin’.‘ The Chief Causes of Death, Says Dr. Jacques Bertillon. Dr. Jacques Bertillon, the well-. known statistician for the Depart- ment of the Seine, Paris, has pre- pared tables relative to the rate of mortality and causes of death in different occupations. The principal causes of death no~ ted are intemperance, disease of the chest, heart, liver and nerves, diabetes, su_icid_e_and accidents. M. Bertillon claims that engine drivers, men employed in wood cut- ting and in melting, school teach- ers, lawyers and clergyman live the longest. The mortality amongst doctors, employees of the post of- ï¬ce, commercial travellers, grocers, fruiterers, hatbers and some other trades, such as watchmaking and tanning, is low. Domestic servants and comhmen employed in private families also repressnt a. low death rate. _ It is better for a girl to be given In marrlage than it is for a man to be sold. Minard’a Linlment Cures Cargo! In Cows. The most healthy occupations are naturally those followed in the open air, but there must be movement, otherwise the constant exposure is bad for health. Thus gamekeepers and park and forest keepers live long, While drivers, who are exposâ€" ed to the air without movement, are not long lived._ The mortality sprpassea the aver- age among functlonaries, tramway Mlnard'a Llniment Cures Dlstompor. LIQUID SULPHUR cures EGZEMA. SUICIDES AND DIABETES. Keeping Up. Worse. Suicide and diabetes are two principal causes of death. General- ly, it is only persons of a, certain social position who are affected by this malady, such as functionaries, teachers, doctors, lawyers, wine merchants, farmers and the clergy. The clergy are particularly subject. Suicide has also its high and its low rates of occurrence, though it appears in all professions. It is rare among the clergy and func- tionaries and just those classes which follow the healthiest occupa- tion. It is more often found among grocers, hardware dealers, drapers, coopers, polishers, to- bacconisbs, lawyers’ clerks and architects. But it; is frequent amongst “camelots,†shop assist- ants, cutlers, coiffeurs, domestic servants, costers, lawyers, doctors and chemists. Finally, day laborers are bad lives, so are doctors, miners, stone cutters, shop assistants, drivers, grooms and jockeys, newspaper venders and pavement merchants, printers, blacksmiths, messengers, chimney sweeps, barbers and musi- cians. Bub suicides are by far the most often met with among the drink selâ€" lers and persons in their employ, chimney sweeperg, butchers, fruit- erers and musicians. and gas «workers, itinerant ï¬sh and .poultry ellers, drapers, saddlera, bakers, millers, butchers, boat- men, Garters, sailors, cycle dealers, ’ “Does your Wife talk in her sleep, major '1†Very busy with the good work, but no more efï¬cient, than the old reliable Pub nam'e Corn Extractor, which cures come and warts in one day. Fifty years use proves the merit of Putnam’s. Use no other, 25c. at. all dealers. Bibber’s Beak. “Mtu judge from Bibber’s red nose that he’s a, hpavy drinker, but he’s not. His m se is like a. 333 meter.†“How mi" “It registers more than is con- sumed.†‘ZNO, I talk in her sleep. It’s the only chance I get.†' Skln (“8033M ylold to LIQUID SULPHUR. The law of the harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a, habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap-a. destiny. "We’re not going tobave much of a wedding; Jack and I want to have everything as simple as pos- sible.†,“Well, you will have it all right. You’ll have each other, won’t you 'I†A Vancouver man awoke from his slumbers and heard a. man trying ’00 get in his front door. He turned loos-e at the man with a shotgun, and a policeman chased the stran- ger who took to flight. _He was caught and spent the night in a, cell. In the morning it was found that the supposed house-breaker was a. neighbor, who had mistaken the other man’s door for his own while in a, bibulous condition. Lord’s Day Alliance Active. Mlnard's Llnlmont Cures Colds, to. LIQUID SULPHUR cleanses the blood. MRS. A. SAICH, of Cannington Manor, Sask., Writes :-“My brother suf- fered severely from eczema. The sores were very exten- sive, and burned like coals into his flesh. Zam-Buk took out all the ï¬re, and quickly gave him ease. Within three weeks of commencing with Zam-Buk treatment, every sore had been cured.†His Only Opportunity. 1 ELEGTRIG DYNAMO 30 K.W., HI] VBHS, 0.0., 875 R. P. M. s. FRANK Vinson. & sous, At a Very Reasonable Figure for Immediate Sale. ‘ Women locally. Sula and 00m- misswn. Make Five to Ten llama da , (ignite time aocegted. Samples free. J. . ichols 00., Pu linkers. Toronto, Canada. Somé men temptationlcan exile, You can’t get them to flinch; But most of us preach by the mile, And practice by the inch. It’s a. great thing to be a. pretty woman. It really means that you canal-go anything you like. LLIOTT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. T0- ronto. Canada’s Popular Commer- cial School. Magniï¬cent Catalogue grab: ANTEDâ€"PERMANENT MEN Wogep lo_qally_. galarx ï¬nd F 1311‘. BTOGKCGRAIN AND DAIBI. Farm: in all section. 0! Ontario. H. w. DAWSON, ulncty colborno Stroll. Toronto. I‘ Some In npl. F AOTORY SITES. WITH (33 WITHOU'B Railway trackage. in Toronto. Bramnfnn and, Mb" tnwnn and 0mm. -COUNTRY WEEKLY’ NEWSPAPER won Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent gpqqing for man of energy. Write Wilson. - -- a m-___L- 0R SALEâ€"SILVER PATCHED FOXES, also dark reds. Wlsh to buy 100 pair of Mink for breeding purposes. Graham Broe.. R. R. No; 1, Strathroy, Ont. ‘i’lï¬â€˜ï¬ii‘flï¬in-E- Eéï¬-rï¬iyâ€" Taionto. b ferentUuF-‘B-gi‘SgBV-ï¬anâ€"iflsl iCatalogno. Album, only Seven Gents. Marks Stamp Company. Toronto. ANGER, TUMORS. LUMPS, ETO.. internal and external. cured with. out 'pain by our home breatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medicnl 00.. Limited. Oollimz'wood. Ont. \Auu DLUuuu. 1“â€;‘14- . - .w__. I (let Stones. Kidney troub 9. Grave]. Lumbago and kindred aflments positively cured with the new German remedy. "8341101," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Menu“. and sure cure. it "Sanol's Anti-plabetesé; Price $2.00 from - (1......1 1!...“ Pan. H. w. DAWSON. comm. St.. Toronto. "annoys AHUA'Uvavvw- -....~ Vm" V, ,, druzglsts or direct. The Sana! Msnufac- turing Company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Man: MIG)? .‘EE. $.hï¬ft'93- Suitable for Mills, Manufacturln Plants, Printing Houses, Etc. 2 Wood Split Pulleys, 121,5 x 48 in. for 3 15/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 12% x 48Ain. for 2 15/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 12% x 28 in. for 3 7/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 10% x 36 In. for 3 7/16 in. shaft. Pulleys of smaller sizes and Shatt- ing of various lengths and sizes to be sold, at very low ï¬gures, ' Box 28, "GEEK? Mlnard'a Llnlmont Cures Diphtheria. We are the oldest RAW FUR HOUSE a: no" as the largest collectors of CANADIAN RAW runs in canada. That means larger ox orloncaflarxor markets and a LARGE PRICE to you. Ship dquct t_9ga._fl_otylfns mgda same ""' 'E'a'y‘ Effa'r‘é'ï¬aéuiia." shlpments hold separate on rcquayt. Fall price list now ready. erto for It. HIRAM JOHNSON LlMITED, 494 St. Paul St. Mail Dept. “C†73 Adelaide St. Wash TORONTO. TAMP COLLEVC’I‘OQSâ€"ï¬UNDRED VDIF- A,AA1A_._- Wilson Publishing '00., -Toronto. .___K_IDNE_YV AND BLAD- ‘JA 11--....1 Esmmï¬un mommms m Why we pay mos-p for your The Heart ofa. Piano Is the Action. Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL†ï¬AW FUR'é Brampton and a donen other iowns. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. FOR SALE STAMPS AND COINS. AGENTS WANTED. 0R GENERATOR 'ARMS FOR IALI. Plano Action MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE EDUGATION. Fact. Mammal.