UBHIM. PRINTMB & PUBLISHING HOUSE J. l‘. aauaon M593 JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Gulls by phone m- ntherwiso promptly respvuded t-u. pioemed \‘zstionegra for the County of York. Balm momma-1m on shortest notice and at ten- I01 able rates Patronage solicited Plume N0. 33‘. Licensed Auutmuear for me Counties of York. Ontario and Norm Toronto. Special ahueutiou given to males of awry description. F:er and rum ato'm sales a. specialty. Farms bought; and sold. on commission. All anim- utceuded m on suurnesn uutiw and conducbmi by we latest up-.uâ€"dme “lemma. Address: 2.59 Umin‘nl Sb, Nodah Toronto. Pungo in Hausa, Norm 2:925. EHURSDAY MORNING LASKAY P. 0. . I th1‘rrlxs Moder-ape. Specm} peyugg, t9" ,churches.« 3. F. MGMAHON. DR. W.. R. PENTLAND 31 per-annum, in advance. VOL. XXXVI. (I First house. north of Atkinson & Switzer’s stow. VETERINARY SURGEON, ;F. C. E GAN MISS NORA MCMAHUN . H. PI[\IKERTOZ‘IJ v.8. SATISFACTION G UARAN’I‘KED. bUSINESS CARDS. LICENSED AUCTIONEER MYRTLE PHILLIPS VBEADAER Saigcon é: NECEWen, For the County of Ym-k. C E AND RESIDENCE @112 @ib‘eml RICHMOND KILL . ONT . IS PUBLISHED EVERY TEACHER 0F PIANO ’i‘hornhil‘l . TORONTO, ONTARIO: RICHMOND HILL E anon. a Pnonxaron. Studio, 39 Beatrice St: 21,3910, ()flt. J. E. Prentice RICHMOND HILL. Phone N 0. 2402. lmsmExcm AT THE J K McEwen Wes con ONTARIO Barristers n In! solicitors. Monov to loan on land anacnahhol mortgages“ owast rates Aurornofliceâ€"Remo‘ved to the old post amen one door west 01 the onunnce to the Outurw Bank wazuarkel omceï¬'l‘hrne doors south of the p .3: orlice ~ 1‘ HmmmncrLamwx G STV Mom“! Aurora. Telephone, Main 311 Cable Address. “Dedo.†PIANO TUNING Organs Repaired and Export Work Guaranteed Barristers, Solicturs. &c. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 1a.. TORONTO. Glands Tel. M. 3631. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tax-unto Ofï¬ce. Room 32SCm1federa Liam Life Bldg.. NU. 12 Richmond St. E .Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Libel-31’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenonn. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vuudhx-idue, Saturday furvnnou. LENNOX S; MORGAN A. G.F. [mwrence F. J. Dunbar Mnnev to loan at Fivg Per Cent (5%) Barristersï¬oncitors. Notaries, am. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide 8: Victnrla. Sts.. fomnto. Richmonq Iâ€"Iill NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEY AN"ER. ETC‘ REAL E STATE. ETC. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing " kep at both places RICHMOND HILL& THORNHIL]. END Other Commercial School Danton, Grover & Field H. A. NTCHOI Underlakers & Embalmors. Cameron MacNaughton Lawrence & Dunbar, Barrister, Solicitqr, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST Cor Yonge and Mg} Oommissiunex, Cnnveyancer. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issue-1 01 Marriage Licenses. THORNIâ€"l J EDWARD FRANCIS, g-yt-r had truer friean anmng its g‘raqui‘gteg “33.11 Lï¬e E'quiltu‘: Meritorious work for the student has been an active agent, in the up- buiiding of this College. This school offers the best advantages. Students um enter at, any time. May we isen you our handsome ' Oalzulogne ? ‘ w. a. ELLIOTT. Principal. VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING 505:: 5. @avz'dson THORNHILL [. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBERB. I913 WRIGHT BROS. TORONTO, ONT. ELLIOTT “In Essentials, Um'ty; in Nah-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. Phone Main 2984 The Annual Plowing Match of King and Vaughan Pluwmen’s Association held on the farm of 511' Henry Pellatt. near Eversley, King Township, on Tuesday was a. great success. There were 32 contestants, and much of the work done was of ll superior quality. Mr. Cameron Walkingtou of King cm lied oi? the honors in the ï¬rst class. winning the four piece Silver Tea Set, presented by Mr. A. J. H. Eckardt. and $25 in gold. There was an attend- nnce of upwards of 1000 people on the grounds during the afternoon. many grominent men being present from oronto. and representative farmers and business men from all parts of the County; also a large number of ladies. The directors and n number of guests had luncheon ina farm house formerly called "AMmlsfurd," the home of the late ‘anter Scott, and after the match hundreds of people including ofï¬cers. judges, plowmen and guests par-took of refreshments at Sir Henry Pellatt’s new buildings, a. mile farther west. After lunchen votEI of thanks Were tendered to Sir Henry Pnllatt for his hospitality; also to Mr. Eckm'dt who donated two sets of silverware. The following me the succesful prize Winners us read by the secretary, Mr. J. T. Snigeon. First Class (snd)~1 Cameron VValk- ingtnn; 2, Charles Clubine; 3. Stank-y Tyndall; 4. G. B. Little. Brown‘s Corners; 5, Ed. Lialloy. Vaughan; 6, Tom McLean. Toronto. Best Grownâ€"Cum. Vankington. Best Finishâ€"Chas. Glubine. Best plmvrd land (in sod)â€"Cum. ‘Valkingtun. 2nd Class (sud)~â€"1. \Villimu Orr, Vuughan:2. Elmer Orr. Vaughan: 3, Stuart. Baird, \Vuhurn; 4, Albert. Mal- loy. Vaughan; 5, R. Puule. ng. Best Crownâ€"\Villiam ()rr. Best Finishâ€"\V’illinm 0n. 3rd Cluss (sod)â€"1, Clarke Young, Hagm'umn; 2. H. J. Piggott, Sunny. brook an'm, Eglinton; 3, T. F. Llovd. King. Best Cruwnâ€" Clarke Yuung. Best, Finishâ€"H. J. Piggntt. 4th Class (Sud)â€"â€"l, \Vilfx id \Vindzlss. Vaughan: 2. Roy W'ilson. Vaughan; 3. Ohms. Hunt. Bvst menâ€"“Hlfrid \Vindnss. Best Finishâ€"\Vilh-id \Vinduss; Best. Work dome by Cockshutb Plow (in sod)â€"E1mer Orr. Best: going team (in sumâ€"Stanley Tyndall. 51h Cluss(stuhhie)â€"â€"l. \Vaiter Brown, King; 2. Scott Bovzur, King: 3, Stephen McNurt‘ney, King; 4, \Viilium Bishop, Vaughan; 5. W Timbers. Ringwond. (5. Bruca Cairns. King; 7, J. McCullum, King: __8. A. Um'ksey. King; 9. *H. \Vright, King. Best, Grownâ€"Whiter Brown. Best Finish-“7. Timbers. 6th Class (st.uhbie)â€"l, Jesse Rii-hnrds. King; 2. Harper \Vl‘l13, King. Best Crownâ€"Harper \Vells. Bvst Finishâ€"J Psse Richards. Best Ins and Outsâ€"Jesse Richnrdm 7th Class (sLul)bie)â€"1, Mai-van \Vii- sun, Vaughan; 2, Keith Thomas. Vaughan; 3, Alex. \Vulkingtou, King; 4, Jimmie \Vells. King. BcsL Crownâ€"~Murvin W’ilson. Best Finishâ€"Keith Thomas. Best going team (in stubbie)â€"Mau'- ven \Vilson. . Judges ill classes 5, 6 ‘nnd 7â€"J. R. Campbell, SLonffvillo; John McLean, Riclnnond Hill; A. L. McNeil, Velloxe. Best: groomed and equipped team (in sod)â€"1. H. J. Piggott: 2, Clarke Bes‘tl groomed and equipped .team (in stnhhl(>)â€"â€"1. Harper \Vells; 2. Alex. Walkington. - Judng in classes 1. 2. 3 and 4, \V. G. Rennie. -Agincum-t; Wm. Hallstmser, \Vnud Hill; Gen. Forestvr. Newmarkpt. B. Redditb was up before magistrate Sanderson charged with riding his bicycle on the sidewalk. Fmed $1 and costs. Ynung: R. Ash charged with being disorder- ly on a Métmpulitan car while in am intoxicated condition uppPared before County Magistrate Brunton. The con- ductor 0n the cm' gave evidence against him. IL was shown that, two lights were broken in the czu, and when nsk~ Pd his name defendant would nub give it. Mr. Ash did not deny the charge and was ï¬ned $20 and costs, or two months in jail. The ï¬ne was paid. ‘VEBSTERâ€""0u Monday. Nov. 3. at the residence of hér brother, John Sbep~ hensun. Newtonln-ank. Ont.. Sarah 0.. wife of Wm, \Vesbster. in her 49Lh year. ’ Funeral Thursday, Nov, 6, at 2 p.m., to English Church Cemetery, Thorn- hill. MILLER--At Unionville, November 4, 1913, Elizabeth Miller. in her 86th year, widow of the’ late Simon Miller. V Funeral Thursday morning to Knox Church Cemetel y, Agincourt. KING AND VAUGHAN MATCH FIRED IN COURT ï¬hmmflg DEATHS. Council met at Town Hall, Nobl‘eton, on Saturday. October 25. Members all present exzept Councillox Watson who was absent through illness. Minutes of last, meeting read and conï¬rmed the Council in committee of the whole ordered a number of bills to be paid. RESOLUTIONI That this Resolution be a, notice to Road Overseers to make the best use within their means of the Road Drags. during the Full season, thereby ï¬lling ruts and putting the roads in better conditionfogspnng. _ A That the Reeve, Clerk and each Asâ€" sessor, be each paid the sum opposite their respective names I'eselecting J urorszâ€"A. MncMurchyâ€"$4.00. Wm. That the Clerk be and is hnreby {n- stmcbed to mark “Approved†to the Deed of the land secured from J, W. Hutchinson hv the G.T.R.- 00. for deviation of side-road, thrnugh Lots 76, 0911. 1. a_ftex;being dulyildvised; That the Reeve T(Ind Concillor Wat~ son be appointed to View side-road be- tween Lots 15 and 16, Gun. 6. respect- ing remnval of brush or making a sale of the Timber thereon as they deem advisable. That the Reevefamdj Deputy Reeve. with Fred Case, be and are hereby ap- pointed Commissioners to supervise the building of the new deviation mud through the Hutchinson farm leading to Yonge St). as ordered by the Rail- wn_y Board; Hoover-$4.00. H. (J. VVebbÂ¥$4-.OO, J. L. Jenkinsâ€"$8.00. That the Treasurer is heleby author- ized to accept from Bernard McOube the sum of $8.75, said sum being far 7 cement tile, 18 inch,’$l.25 per tile. That the following sheep claim he paid being two third value of same:â€" T. K. Fgrgusonâ€"_$3L3{. That LIR. Ginham be paid $20.00 for care and attending on Edward Argyle while in a candipion ofjnsqgï¬ty. On motion Council adjourned to meet at T. H. Bx-iggs’ Hotel, King Station. on Saturday November 15th at 10. 30 a. m. The funeral (If the late Mr. Thomas Newton took place from the result-nee Thumday afternoon. Munv old friends were present from u dlstunce tu Shl)\V the last mark nf respect to the memory of thedeceasvd who was high- ly (‘sLeeemt-d by all who ever had the pleasure of his “('qudiMauce. 4 The Mnsunic Ludgv, uml the AncientOrde)‘ of Fun-esters. to lmill of which the de- ceased brother lwlunged, met in their respeclive lmlgv- mums. and nfterweu-ds walked in a body in the funeral curt- ego. Many nld Masonic fr'u-uds were present. from Toronto. Thornhill, Maple. Aurora. and other places; Rev. E. C. Currie. his pastor; held an ap- propriate service. and this was fallow- ed by the Masonic funeral service at the house and at the grave. Thnse taking part; in the latter crrmunnv were R. Wor. Bro. H. A. Nicholls, \Vm‘. Bro. J. H. Legge. and the Chap- lain, Rev. E. O. Ctyrie. The late Mr. Newton was made a member nf the Masonic Qxde-r in Sent- ]:Ind in 1871, and came to this country shortly afterwards. aï¬'lliuting with Richmond Lodge. He \vusvu consistent, mason and a true friend. and will he rently missed in the Presbyterian hut-ch where he had been secretmy for the past 30 Vefll'S, in the lodge room. and in other circles; For a number of years in partnership with Mr. James Reynolds, he had a general store in the_nld Falconbridge stand, but, was most of his life here connected with the Newtrn tunnery. The widow, two sons and a daughter have the heartfelt sympathy of man 3' friends and acquaintances in their great be- reavement. ' Referring to the football match played here on \Vednesday of last week The Express-Herald sayszâ€"‘Tne football match between teams from Newrnm-ket and Richmond Hill High Schools was given to Newmm-keb by default. The score was 4-1 in favor of the Richmond Hill team, when two players got, into a mixup, and were ruled off by the referee. The Rich- mond Hill player refused t0 go off. and .the referee awarded the game to New- market.†ViTrhe dispute over the result of the above l'haLch has been setbled. The game will not; be coiinted by either team, and both teams are tn plly off in Richmond Hill \Vednesduy after- noon, Nuv. 12. Each team wxll play the same men as before, or Newmarket will drop Clark, and Richmond Hill will play without, Rnwley. This will be the last, game of the season on the home grounds, and there is no doubt it will be an interesting one to spectators.‘ The teachers are anxiuus to keep these games clean, and hope that: when the season closes the best of feeling will exist among the three High Schools m "the League. That ‘will be much better than Winning a. trophy. THOMAS N EWTON’S FUNERAL. FOOTBALL DISPUTE KING COUNCIL 5 Wikwwww-wawwgï¬ AAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VV‘ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVYV A car load of fresh Gluten at the Elevator. Also one of good Bran and Shorts. iDANGER! ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement; HAND}. Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. VVe have the D.L. (Sc “71 ' - Scranton Hard anlr “None better†Order now Just arrived a car Voi Threshing Coal. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Wheat, Buckwheat. Manitoba Oats d: SANDERSON’B WHITE PINE 85 TAB A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR’ “ always on hand. SEWER &~€‘RAMER +++$+++++~F++++++~i~++++++$+Â°ï¬ Printing Stationerjr School Books Schdol Books. Standard Novels, M , -. Souvenir PostCard'é‘, 3? Post Card Album‘ Pa petries, 1 Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. 'P‘9-ï¬~-§«§“§'M Go to the Liberal Office for Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitat i ns, Envelopes, Prgfanlmes,, ~ W. A. Sanderson Puhtic Attention SANDERSGN'S TASTELESS WINE OF GOD LIVER 01L Prepare for sudden changes in weathem Now is the time for coughs and colds. WILLIAMS’ EMULSION OF GOD LIVER OIL GOOD STOCK 0F: ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES [Single copies, 3 ctl. RICHMOND HILL DRUG GIST â€"â€"â€"USE-â€" for the Chickens‘ - Cracked Corn ..AND.. .xg