RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. Nov. 6, 1913 'Mr'. E. Glass rvpnrts the sale of {he Cremnprv pr-nperby (m Arnuld St. [h Mr; \Villizlm Espey. Mr. and Mrs. T). Stonge :mnmmf‘e the engagenwnb (If lhvir yuungm‘ daughter to Mr. J. Alfred Ga-venv. 'NVodding to take place latter part of NW1" be 1'. y'j‘he mpeving of the Epwm-th League Next. Moudnv evening. November 10111.1 wil! be in chug-genf the Literary De- pm-tuwnt. and various readings will be given from Pauline Johnson’s works. 1W 'gflilimtl Mr“. J. Brnckin nf Clmtbam and Mrs. B. Jacks and lihle daughter Mabel of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. “W. Brackin, Elgin Mills. and spvnt Fridle nftex-nmm and evening with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMuhhn. Mr. James McLean has acted as judge at. the ' following Plowing matches this fully-at ‘ the North Simone match. north of Barrie; South Simone, held at Strum]; and Gavan and South Monuhuu, held at; Milhmmk. Th9 anan‘s Institute will meet at, the home nf Mrs. Hill on Wednesday. Nov. 12th. at3n'clor:k when “An Aftere nmm with Longfellow†will be given by Mrs. G. F. Allen." Snlu by Mrs. Grainger. Roll call, Ql.1(lti{_l,il)ll§ f‘nnm megfellow. ’ Special 01 (lg-r dvmrtmenbâ€"Dnn’t fur- Pc our spr-ciul mrder deuI‘tnu-‘nt in guns and Oven-cunts the very latest styles and pzlttm'ns and guaranty? a ï¬t. You can alsa‘uhunso from nnth-n and we can get. a rvndy-tu-Wemu N. J. Glass. agent for Randall 36 Juhnsmn. The league- hnsket ball match ph‘ved yvstt'l-dny at Aux-um lletwvrn the High School gi~~ls of Amom and Richmond H“! was won by the formal-h y a xcm'e of ‘11â€"6. The. thtee teams are Imw even. Two mare nmtchvs will he p1..=yed to dew-id? the wmnms. Am-m-n :Ilsn \Vnn thv fuutbull frmu our H. S. buys by 1â€"4). Brmvns~ Nurse-rips are fummis fut- their ï¬ne Peach. Apple, Plum, and Cherry tree’s. Thvv have the best NIH'SPI‘V Sui! in Canada and :n-0 lmgest grnws-rs nf trons in the Dnminiun. All Minus and imdsticks are cut hv one man. and he has been in thvir emplu'v many years, so no mistakes are ude by using wrong scinns m- lmds. Send in“ list of the stock ynu need. and get their prices. VVribP rm- agency as they have 80d]? (mm-mde tel-rilm'y is this ‘Jnunty. BROWN 1 R05. COMPANY Browns Nurseries. V‘Vellund Om, Out. 8-3 m. The hnmn of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rumble, 34 Boswell Ave, Tux-unto, was the énene of a. very plenémg event on Tuesday ut’ last week, it, bemg the celebration of the ï¬fteenth :mnivm sarv of their wpddmg. Thail~\snn Mr. '1‘ Walter Rumble and his hl'id“ rmuivnd with them. About one hundred and twenty-ï¬ve frirlnds called bu cnngratu- late the hridu :md gmmn (if ï¬fty Venn-s, :Ilsn thP npwly-murried couple. The' hmme was lawmiifu‘llv decorated with aims. ferns, I'USC‘S :md crys-Intlwmunw. {I} the dining-mom Mrs. Richardsun a nd Mrs: Bfllnl'osr, pnm-s-d txia'und coffee, Miss Knnx‘ Mi<s Keï¬'er. the Misses Der-ks. Miss W'ude. Miss Jennie Rumble and Miss Mary Rumble served dainty leffeshmvn’s. Mr. and Mrs. Rumble Were the recipients (If m'my beautiful presents. Thrâ€"ir friends wish them many years .uf happiness. A Plowing Match under the auspices of The Ontario levmen’s Association â€"thc ï¬rst Provincial Match in 30 years â€"â€"â€"Will be held at Sunnyhrnuk Farm, Fglinton, next Tuesday. the 11th of November. All prize winners in Branch Assnciations eligible. Thor-e are se'ven classes, besides a Sweepstakes Trophy valued at $75. A number of convey- ances \\ ill meet Metropolitan cars at Blythewood Ave. on the morning of the match between 9 and 10 o'clock. Mr. Kilgour. the proprietor of Sunny- brook Farm, has kindly offered to entertain the plownwn and guests of the Association at luncheon. Entries to be made with the Secretary, J. ankie \V'ilson. Esq., PM‘liament Buildings. V Inspector Houston’s ofï¬cial report based on his recent two days’ inspec- tion of the Richmond Hill High School has been received by the Board. It is Similar in almost all respects to his previous one in March last. _ The School has been inspected twice this year. In this report as in the last the discipline, organization. and the character of the teaching are of the highest grade. Among his general re- marks are the following:â€"-“I must again congratulate all concerned upon the satisfactory condition of this school and I am more than pleased to ï¬nd the same staff still in charge.†"The Board should seriously consider. and at once, the'edvisability of extending the boys’ playground to the west while there is a. possibility of securing un- occupied land. In‘xtnother year or so it may be too late.†v Emails Tabules cure headacha.. ‘, ï¬lpans Tabules cure liver troubles, H. S. INSPECTOR’S REPORT. IJ()C A1195 PROVINCIAL MATCH GOLDEN \VEDDING The Epk‘vm-lh hungiie‘uf the ‘Unium ville Mthudist. Ohm-ch hl'ld n musqlwrs Ade party an Hullnwv'vn ut tho. hum? of Mr. and Mrs. Umnwll. Butmnville. Thane were about sixty pvnph- prvsent. Hullnwe‘én games \Vl-‘l‘té played. Those in costumes Created a great dml ‘uf mvrrimvnt. the - VVltch deserving Npt‘t‘iql mmLiun. Light refreshments were served. Two snapshots were I.ul_<_n_n nf I130 pun-1V3 \Vln-n'drii‘ing‘ fmanuttnnviHe t0 thr‘ station Sunday evening with his sister, James Pulan 0f this [white was seriously injuu-d When the bursa bull;- (‘d sending Hie ucullpzmts nf theimï¬gy crushing through a- fence. .Bl-nthm- and sis‘tr-r'lay at, therside (if the road fur sumo, rune until Miss Penny w’us able to crawl tn a. nearby bnuse for Aid. Physicians were summoned and Mr. Penny was removed to ,Lhe Geneml Hospital'where, it is ‘feuL-d. he is suffering from internal injur es; ank Cuunty Utmsbubles are asking it but they be paid 11' straight salary .fnl’ their Sf'l‘viCPS, instead (if heng mid [by fees. They‘clgnim‘thnt the tarii of fees is too low. ‘Fnllnwing is the tax-riff cmupluinod ofzâ€"Arrests, $1.5U-fm- each pen-sun; auendunce at; (:nilrt._l$l.50. re- strictiml to one cnui‘t u'duy rinl’y: serv- ihg†Subpoenas, 25 (:6an in each case. with an allowance of 13 cents er mile one way for territory cm-ex-o ; acting as constable in Sessions m: Assizes. $2.00 pé'i- day: attendance at; Coroner’s inquests. $1.50: escorting pris'nners to jail. exclusive of dislmrsements neces- sarily expended in his cmweynnca, [0 cents peg mile; thuming. n _lde under .‘L Grimm’s Warrant; $4.00; reburying SRIUE‘. $2.00; serving distress warrants mud wtuming the same, $1.50; adver- 'tising under distrpss warrant. $1.00; travelling Ln make distress m- to munch fm- gouds‘tn'muke distress when nn gnnds are found. 13 cents per mile; e-xecuting a search Win-rant, $1.50. I Rmnw‘uï¬m-'_Lhe Thank Offering Meet» ing ()f th‘e \V’.F.M.S. to be'held 0n \Vcdrwsday évening, Nov. 12ch. when Mrs. Dr. McOlul-e one. of the Pioneer glissiuuprig-s of Homm will give an ad- ress. Rev. E. C. Currie has a’bceptéd the invitation of John Street Church. Bellville, and will terminate his pastur- me here (in Nnv. 23rd. Rev. H. F. Thomas of Newmarkvb who has hoen :Ippninted m not as Interim Model-amt will declare ihu pulpit vacant on Sun- dnv. Nuv, 30th. Mr. Currie wxll huh] a prayer mPet~ ing at. Elgin Mills on Thursday evening at 7.30. at. the hmne nf Mr. .109. Bur- nett. It is hude that many in the noighlmrhuod_will hf: pyvsent. A Choir pracï¬ce wiu‘he hold at the home of Mr. J. E. Newton on} Thurs: day evening at 7.45. ‘ Rod and Gun in Canada for Nuvnmâ€" hm- (Puhlishvr, W. J. Taylm'. L:(l.. VVoudalnL-k, Ont.) sustains its repqu tion as the landing Canadian magazine devoted to the inlerests of spnrtsmen. Big game hunting in Bl itish Columbia is described in sovm-al well written and illustrath articles; “A Labrador Room" is descriptive nf a Labrador ï¬shing village; “My Viait to an Alberta. Trapper,†details a successful day on the trap line; "Huw to Keep Game fmm Spoiling†contains some valuable information for the hunternf big and small game); “When Riley’l‘ied Han- lun†is hy‘wny 0f vzn-i‘etv and is‘ remin- iscent, nf the famous Barrie Regatla wlwn all the world‘s big scullers had a try-nut for the Championship. The regular departments are wvll main- taincd. Last Friday Mr. M. J. T. Glynn. gluziqr at Dunlop’s Green House.‘ suffered apainful accident. While wot-k- ing on the ground. a workman about lten feet above accidentally let fall a block of concrele eight lbs. in weight, striking-him-nn the head. and making a nasty wound. H3 lay on the ground .dazed about: ten minutes. but, soon i rallied, and fortunately after a couple . of days' rest is very much alive again. In meeting another- rig nr unwiâ€" mobile. always turn to the right. This rule is Well understood. But many drivers do not, understand that they must, also turn out to the tight to let u rig 0r automobile pass them from be- hind. Bear in mind that; the rig in fuint turns n'ut 120‘ the right and the‘ rig behind-t0 lhe left. If you do otherwise and an accident. occurs the driver of the rip: at; fault is liable for drunages. Also remember that, you must- give the other vehicle half the road.- ‘ Subscribers to The Family Herald and VVeeklv Star. of Montreal, are re- newing earlier than ever this season. The'subscripbion recei ts for October were ave-r80 per cent a ead of October 1912. The Family Herald grows in popularity year after year. It, is the big dollar’s “701th beyond doubt; and deserves its immense circulaticn. Any home till-L1; dues nnb receive. The Family Herald should give it a trial for 1913, It all dept-ads rm where you get them. Txees from lhe Bowman Nur- series huve heavy ï¬bruus mobs; they are grown in the right kind of soil; they are handled and packed with ex- treme care; they come to you in the piqk of copdititm. mudâ€"the): g_rmv. diéEEictL"’THO§; "w. BOWMAN so Mglgï¬gJII‘Eidgévillp, Opt. An active ztgént wantea "in your PREsr-ï¬â€™TERIAN G‘HURCH. \VILL YOUR TREES GROWN ENORMQUS INCREASE. RULES OF THE'ROAD \VANT INCREASE A SEVERE BLOW Buttonviue ROD AND GUN LOOK" FOR THIS'GIR‘L! NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to 0., 1897. Chapter 129, Section 38 and amendments theretu, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said David SmellieL-who died on or about, the 11th day of Sept... 1913, at, the said Township of Vaughan. are required to send by push, prepaid. or to deliver tn‘the undersigned solicit ms for the Exacutnr of the said estate on or 'hefnre the 20th day oi November, A. D'. 1913, their names and addresses and a statement of their respective claims and the nature of the security, “if any, held by them. VAnd further take notice that after the said 20th day of November. A. D. 1913. the said Executor will proceed in distribute, the assets of the estate , amung the par-Lies entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of Lwhich he shall then have recuived ‘ notice, and the said Executor will nut be responsthle for the said assets or any part; therenf to any person or- persons of whose claim notice shall not _ then have been received by him, 182 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVID SMELLIE. LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. YEOMAN, DECEASED. Notice to creditors PROUDFOOT, DUNCAN“ & GRANT, ' 12 Richmond Street East, Toronto, Son-s. for Executor. ‘ Dated at; anuntn this 18th dayvof (écgober, A. D. 1913. ' 1 - H ' restores every‘ nerve in the body PhosPhOHOI to its proper tension : restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual- weakness averted at once. Phonphonol will makedou a new man. Price 33: box. or two for $5. ailed to any address. The 80013011 PM as“ M. thhlrh09. Ont. ‘ ' Electric Restorer for Men A numbu‘;uf Shropshire Ra m Lambs -- IR. \VIDEM‘AN,' Give courses in all Bysines sub- ii‘ects leading to posxtions as Bank- eepers or Steuographers, and for Civxl Service and Commprcial Specialists’ examinations. These schools include the Central Busi- ness College of Torontn, with four city Brzmch'Schnnls. Students may enter any time. for these chm-see. No vacutiuns. “him for cutnlugue. \V. H. Shaw, Presi: dent, 393-395 Yonge Street, To- romp. , SHAW’S SCHOOLS For Sale Elg‘in Mills, P. O. ‘ WWWWWWW vvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvtvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvivvwwv" I ;., 86-8011 Mm‘MAAMAALAA AAMAAAAA AA A‘AAAAAA‘KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3m Lorne Block Furnisning Store AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAMAALAAL AAAAA~AAA§AAAAMAAAAAA ‘V VVVYV" VVVVVVV VVVVVVYVVV'V"VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Fire, Life &"ACCident ___ < N ’ / Plate Glass InsuvranCe wmwvv' v’yv,vvviwvvvmxvuumywwwvï¬vvvvvmvvvvvvvvu‘ ‘ PHOJSE Yoï¬r iï¬srï¬ix‘ancejw'iil be Well looked after if 1er to! Men’s,.0vercoats in brown and grey worsteds, an extra nice ï¬tting coat and very latest pattern from $I.u.oo,to $£5.oo. ‘ Men's Fall and Winter Hats in different shades, in browns and grays, prices from......‘.n$1.50 to $2.50 Men’s Working Hats. ................. ........................ 50c? Don’t lOrget our Underwear ranging iï¬ prices from 590, to $2popeg ggrment. NORMAN .1. GLASS; PROPRIETOR COIii-z’ult Us Forï¬Rates RICHMOND WE ARE AGENTS FOR QOOO§§§ #9 09095900' Tâ€"TTT.