Broke Up a Heavy Cold, Relieved Pain in the Side, Stopped an Irritating Cough. ' Sorc Chest Cured "Anyone that goes through all that I suffered last winter will appreciate the value of a remedy that cures like Nerviline cured me.†These are the opening words of the solemn declar- ation of E. P. Von Hayden, the well- known violinist. “My work kept me out late at night, and playing in cold, drafty places brought on a severe cold that settled on my chest. I had a harsh, racking cough and severe pains darted through my sides and settled in my shoulders. I used diflerent liniâ€" ments, but none broke up my cold CH till I used Nervi- line. I rubbed it COLDS on my neck, chest, and shoulders, morning and night, and all the pain disappeared. Realizing that such a heavy cold had run down my system, I took Ferrozone at meals, and was completely built up and strengthened. Since using Nerviline I have no more colds or pleurisy, and enjoy perfect health.†It’s because Nerviline contains the purest and most healing medicinal principles, because it has the power of sinking through the pores to the kernel of the painâ€"these are the rea- sons why it breaks up colds, cures lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia, sciatica, and rheumatism. Refuse any substi- tute your dealer may suggestâ€"insist on Nerviline only. Large family size bottles, 60o; trial size, 250.; all deal- ers, or The Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. Whatever the reason may be, it is generally known that many of the scions of the aristocracy in Eng- land are at the present time the principal backers of various busi~ messes. Lady Sackvillo, the heroine; of a. recent famous lawsuit, is one of «the several leaders in the world of TITLED WOMEN OWN SHOPS. Lady Sacliville’s Venture in Lamp Shade Business. the “upper ten†in London who have taken to running stores. Lady Gaokville is interested in Lamp shade business. The general opinion here is that no harm would be done if these amateur storekeepers would obâ€" aerve tbs strict rule of the retail game, but they do not. Q__,'ljhey rush their goods upon peo- L “j; hether they want them or not, king the question of patronage Lima}. :3, SWTun by 'real ladies’ to ï¬nd rueseLf taken in bend not by an und-erstudy in the shape of an as- sistant, but by the grande dame who owns the establishment, and to be told what is the proper thing b0 'buy, without any reggrd to inâ€" dividual tastes or idiosyncrasies. One lady makes it a, practice to adâ€" 'vance upon the timid male pur- chaser, like a ship in full sail, with the perfectly superfluous informa- “bion: ‘1 am Lady :Soâ€"amd-So.’ He ‘at once feels himself cornered, pays â€" ï¬e adas that society leader's YLondon (some with handles a large gum in order to get clear of ¢he whole thing, and makes a dash tfor freedom. “There are even more questionâ€" able twtics employed. Thus:â€" Ladiers have taken, either just be- !01‘6 Christmas, or on hearing of 3. Coming marriage, to write round to the friends of some popular man or woman suggesting that at the es- tabli-shment from which the letter is penned can be purchased exactly the gift that is suitable. In the case of an engaged couple some trouble is taken to ascertain their :tastes; these are mentioned in the touting letter, which is usually writ- ten in a, free and easy conversa- ltiovnal style.†1‘1 writ-e “touching†letters. £1186 their titles as influences. MM >,wellâ€"known in London’s Bmalfi‘s'f set complains:â€"-â€"“Ib is a particmr bgl‘e when ope‘goes t9 1 1 1 ED. 7. in One Night NERVILINE CURES CHEST COLDS ISSUE 47â€"418. Woman sentenced to be hanged at Weathersï¬eld, 001111., with James Plew, for the murder of her husband. No woman has been hanged in that State «since 1876. bheir names) are ready to supply, among other phings :â€" Wines, garden seat-s, cigarettes, sun dials, dinner-table needs, housa furniture, millinary, lamp shades, paper for servant’s attics, Whiteâ€" wash for the basement. ls Havlng Wonderful Success, and Is Making Most Remarkable Cures. For bronchitis a. different form of treatment is now advocated. It con- sists of a scientiï¬cally devised vapor that penetrates to the uttermoet re- cesses of ihe_lungs and bronchial tubes. Every spot that is sore, every surface that is irritated is at once bathed with soothing balsams and healing essences that make chronic bronchitis an impossibility. “Once upon a time,†he says, “an em‘l’s son kept a cash butâ€" cher store.†New Treatment New Adveeeted For Bronchitis This treatment nm‘ 30 universally employed in bronchitis, throat trou- bles, colds, etc.,‘ia called CATARRH- OZONE. It acts just as air of the pine woods acts, as a healing antisep- tlo, remedy for all diseases of the breathlng organsl Just think of‘vitâ€"a remedy that can be carried win the very air you breathe to the seat of bronchial or ca- tarrhal inflammation. A remedy pow- erful enough to kill germ life and yet so healing that disease flees before it. Catarrhozone is truly a wonderful re- medy. In many lands it has won its way, and is affording grand results to sufferers from colds, catarrh, throat weakness, asthma and bronchitis. There is no sufferer from a. grippy cold or any winter ill, that won't ï¬nd a cure in Catarrhozone, which is em- ployed by physicians, ministers, law- yers and public men throughout many ‘foreign lands. Large size lasts two lmonths and costs $1.00 and is guaranâ€" teed; small size 50o, sample size 25c., all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. A “LIG IITNING CALCULATOR.†Patient in Asylum Cannot Read or Writeâ€"Solves Mental Problems. A doctor in an asylum at Nantes has discovered among his patients a "lightning calculator,†who: al- though he can scarcely read and cannot write, solves mental writh- metic problems involving large numbers. Asked “How many seconds are there in 39 years, 3 months, and 12 hours ‘Z†he gave the correct answer Asked “How many seconds are there in 39 years, 3 months, and 12 hours ‘Z†he gave the correct answer in 32 seconds. Explaining how he calculated the number of seconds in 30 years, he said: “I know by heart that there are 31,536,000 seconds in a. year. I mul- tiply 30,000,000 by 30. That gives me 900,000,000. Then I' multiply 1,- 500,000 by 30 and get 45,000,000; 30,- 000 by 30, which gives 900,000; and Better half a. loaf than a broken down constitution due to overwork. 6,000 by 30, giving 180,000. I add all these products and get 946,080,- 000 seconds in 30 years.†This an- swer was given in 14 seconds. ‘ Robert was about to have another birthday. In the past bhe fun-mak- ing had always been so hard and prolonged that it left him fatigued at night. So this year, before he want to bed the night before, when he had said his prayers, he began over again. His mother, surprised, wsked him: “Why are you saying your prayers twice, Robert?†“Oh,†replied Robert, "to-morrow night I shall be too tired to say them at. 3111†Mrs. Bessie ,NVakefleld. and be free of pain all winter. Mr. Robert Wilson, of Hardfleld, N.B., says: “It affords me great pleasure to convey, not only to you but also to all sufferers from Backache and Rheumatism, the great relief I have obtained from the use of GIN PILLS. I feel thankful to you. I recommend GIN PILLS to anyone suffering as I did." Don’t Have Rheumatism “Did you ever really love any girl before you met me ’2†asked the beautiful one. N 71116," awed the titled foreign- er, “you’re the ï¬rst girl I have evw known who had money in her DWI] 500. a. box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free it you writeNational Drug and Chem- ical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. Cuucum Soup and Ointment do so much for poor complexion; i'ed. rough hands. nnd dry. thin and {sinus hair, and, cost '0 “Min. that; it. 1- almost criminal not; to me them. A single sec 18 often aumdent. Sold every- where. For liberal free sample of each. vith ESE-p. book. send polo-card to Pom:- Drug J: Chem. Com. Dept. D. Bmhon. U. S A right.†"I triedâ€"which made it worse manho- foro. I tried several things afoot that but they were no good. After nine mommy like thin I had hardly any hair 10m when one day I happened to see the Mme0 of Cuucura. Soap and Ointment in the paper, I straightway non: for a umpie. After ï¬rst washing with the Cudcum Soap I applied some Cuucura Ointment. and I could feel a great relief. After ï¬nishing the mph I went and got a calm of Outlaws Soap and a. box of Cuticum Ointment. In (shree weeks they had cured my head." (Signed) B. Born. May 16. 1913. Mrs. Exeâ€"“AJJ, What a change one little woman can make in a man’s life 1†Mr. Wyeâ€"“Y‘esr; and 15 Hanna St... Toronto. Ontâ€""About two years ago the dandruff began. My head got worse and scuba formed on it which madoib bald in places. In was very lbchy any! gave me a. tendency to a‘éramh it. which mule it worse. I always had to wear my hat whether in the house at work or out. When- ever I brushed my hair it sent the dandx'u! all over. The hair came out in grew bunches until I was nearly bald and when it was at m worst it came out roots and all. by George, what a heap She require-s while doing Vary Itch . When Brushed, Dan- druï¬â€œ A l Over. Hair Came Out in Great Bunches. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment Cured Head in Three Weeks. Tcacherâ€"“If you had eight pen»- nies and Billy had four, and you took his and put Jaheaer to yours, what would that make?†“Trou- ble.†HEAD GUT BALD IN PLACES J0mesâ€"4‘Can you afford my daughter the luxuries to which she has been aaccu‘s’oomed?†Suitorâ€" “Not much longer. That’s why I Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red. Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated E ends. Doesn’t Smart ~Soothes E e aln. Dru gists Sell Murine Eye emody. Liqui , 25c,‘50¢. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tu ea. 25c. 500. Eye Books Free .by Mail. All Ir. 'I’OIIO and for All Iron a»: Need eu- fluran Eye Kennedy 00.. Chlouo want to get Let the small boy make the noise of the neighborhood and he cares not who does the work. Minard's Linlment Cures Garza: In Cows. A man’s got horse sense when he can say “may.†Fact and Fancy. If we’d look up more we’d see more sunshlne. The rich Filipino’s cigar is a. foot long. Marl; Twain smoked 3,500 cigars a year.†Awfully simple girls are simply awful. The face, to prevent wrinkles, should be wiped upâ€"never down. The Italiah government has a. monopoly of playing cards, whence a revenue of $5,000,000. A woman can will a man’s love without trying, but she can’t keep it that way. MBmzi‘l Has a tame house snake, the giborja, that kills rats. Speculation leads to peculation. Mlnarg's Llniment Cures Golds, in. A man’s best friend is a. woman .110 can keep him from making a. fool of himself. Mlnard‘s Llnlmem Cures Diphtheria. Get GIN PILLS Now The First. married 1†of change it !’ ’ There is a saying in China, that to make a, perfect cup of tea, you must take leaves from Ming Sham, and water from the Yangtze. No one supposed the actual turbid river-water to he meant, but no one could explain the proverb until De Rosthern, who wrote an inter- esting treatise on Chinese tea, solv- ed the problem, or thought (he did. Only a Few Rounds and Always Sent to China’s Royal Family. The best tea in all China, and therefore in all the world, grows on top of a. small mountain in western Szec‘huan, celled Ming Shan, and is cultivated by the priests of the Buddhist temple on its summit. Tra- dition says that a, Chinese pilgrim brought the seeds from India, cen- turies ago. There are only a, few pounds in ewh crop, and these have always gone as tribute to Peking for the use of the imperial house- hold. Who will get the precious tea now? Will it be reserved for the family of the president of the republic, or will it be scattered among those who are willing to pay a big price for such a luxury? De Rosthern was once crossing the Yangtze near its mouth, at Chen‘Kiang, when he saw some men in a, boat dipping water into buckâ€" ets. He inquired why they did that, and was told that. at the both of the bay there was a. spring, remem' bered since the time when the preâ€" sent river-bed was dry land, and that this spring-water was highly esteemed in cookery. Here, then, he concluded, he had found that special water of the Yangtze which, with Ming Shan leaves, made the bash cup of tea, in the world. THE BEST TEA IN THE WORLD. It often happens~your sore corn 16 step- ped on. Why’ not use “Putnam's Corn Extractor.†It. cures in one day. Abso- lutely no pain with "Putnam's." Use no other, 250. at all dealers. An aged colored man was passing a ï¬sh store when he stopped to examine a. huge turtle chained in the doorway as an advertisement. He had never men a turtle be- fore and he prodded the strange creature. Suddenly he popped his ï¬nger into its mouth with a. howl of pain. Aft-er the ï¬nger had stopped bleeding he gazed at it ruefully, then eyed the turtle apprehen- sively. _;Ii<7hat’s the matter, ’Rastus '1†asked the ï¬sh dealer. with {a grin. Gentlemen,â€"In July 1905 I' was thrown from a road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was obliged to use a. crutch for 14 months. 111 Sept. 1906 Mr. Wm. Outridge of Lachum urged me to try MINARD'B LINIMENT. which I did with the most satisfactory results and ’w-day I am as well as ever in my life. Yours sincerely, his M“Nuï¬in’, saih, nufl‘in’. All rwas jest wondering whether Ah had been hit or stung.†Minard's Liniment Limited Between Girls. “He says he has never loved any girl but me.†“Do you believe him 2†“I am inclined to. His kisses are rather amateurish.†, lady; I loved a girl. She wouldn’t ‘hev me, and I became a wanderer. w Woman;1’o~or chap! If she had married you all would have been well. ";I;;'}341np»0h, I dunno. Me friahd in de road date, is de £e1’1er wot got her! Mlnard’s Llnimem Cures Distemper. A SAD TRAGEDY. Either Bitten or Stung. His Sad Story. MATTHEW x mums. mark Owensâ€"You are to be oongrabu- lated, an, in securing a, permnent pos1tmn. is rapidly overcoming the old time pro- judice of the doctors and professiona‘ nurses as a handy home remedy. LIQUID SULPHUR is being used extensively in many of the hoa‘pimls as a. disinfectant. Callerâ€"Snip & Co. have employ- ed me to collect the bill you owe them. LIQUID SULPHUR is also a perfect anti-septic, and is used for cleansing cum and bruises, and as an aid for healing. LIQUID SULPHUR taken according to directions is an absolute cure for EC- ZEMA, BHEUMATISM and kindred troub- les. Price 50 Cents per bottle. For sale all druggista. or remit. direct to LIQUID SULPHUR, 158 Bay Street, Toronto. Availability in Prospect. "I fear I am nob worthy of you." “Never mind about that. Between mother and myself I imagine wa can effect the necessary improve- ment.†We imagine that a- dmmtb barber would be even more satisfactory than a dumb waiter. ef-vr. mat-90's . Indian Root Pills 4 LLIO'I‘T‘S BUSINESS COLLEGE. TO- J ronto. Canada’a Popular Commer- cial School. Magniï¬cent Catalogue free: 'F YOU WANT TO BUY 0R SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain. 01- Dairy Farm, write H. W. Dawmm. Brampton. oz- 90 Colborne Sn, Toronto. If w. DAWSON, Ninety comm-n. 5m». Toronto. 1] ACRES, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, soil mixed loam. 1 acre timber, 2 acres orchard. well watered, wire fences, 2 story brick house, out-buildings. we}; situated. mm? to London Market. miles to EIechic Railway. Easy terms. Apply Th9 Western Real Esta-Le Exchange, Minion, 01m 7H. w. qusou, Colborna sn. Tamma- ‘/ Wm, __._.- opening for man of e Publishim! Company OTTNT BY J _Sale_ in “teen the: Childm We“ \Auu BIUL‘UD, Angina- Mu- -7“- I (let Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ui‘mmtn positive" cured with the new German remedy. "Sandi." price $1.50. Another new revue-fly for Diabetes-Momma. and aura outwit "SanoY'l Anti-D‘abewe." Price $2.00 from drugzists or direct. The Rand Manufw turimz Comnany of Canada. Limiud. Winnipeg. Man. qTAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED DIF- L fer-em, Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album. any Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company. mom/o. ___.__.â€"_â€"â€";â€"_§ ANGER. TUMOKS. LUMPS. ETO._ ' internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Wrim us before too late. Dr. B‘mman Medical (’0. YlimHnd (‘Iflvawn/‘fl 0"? (NAM, STONESJWKIDNEY AND 13mm. der Stops}: Kid‘rxey tron‘bla. Gravel. "AA‘ _ __..ul..-1- CHER? alyays ï¬eeping a box of Dr.’ Meme"! Tidiai W‘s-4m ' 11mg. Liquid Sulphur are ’ust the right medicine for the chii ten. When they are constipated â€"wh¢n their kidneys are out of order â€"whe~n OVCï¬-indulgcnce in some favorite food gives them indi cation â€"â€"Dr. Morse'a Indian Root P119 will uickly and aural put them ri ht. ï¬urgly vegegablght c_y nqither do. on. Woa kén orugripe, like Harsh» atives; Gumd'yourj chiléren's £33m by HIGHEST PRICES FOR ORILLIA, Ul‘: [ml VVnDuLA; nun . ... Sale in good Ontario WWï¬:â€"Eié911eï¬Â§ ing for man of enemy. Write Wilson inhinq Company. annnto. Silver Patched and Dirk Beds for Sale. Also One Hundred pair Mink wanted for breeding. Graham Bros. 5:; snathroyï¬nt. â€" Write for List _ Raw Furs NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. W‘ C. GOFFATT FAHMI FOR SALE STAMPS AND COINS A Life Job. HISCELLANEOUl WEEIELY NEWSPAP‘ER Eon ._-- .._‘. EDUCATUON. ONTARIO