HILL. ONT" Nov._20, 1913 - homing. ire-Ref: F R. .. ; ‘ ' Hill‘thccinl attention given - r 2m {magma hillside; , no e. an eon. m: m ’ r , cut-ave)“ e 15".“. , » V' _’_ j I "'5 ' 'k ,7 -;_ ‘, .' r i A. still; evening}; Telegram re- new NOW, OPEN - ; V . . cleaning. porlsrgï¬o Sam Hlig‘hes, as“ flgwgï¬gondmut m-aa‘lgalnactï¬ J ‘ , - use at special out pr! ' saying? in an" ‘ address; before the " Emilia I Club that“ “Ninety-eight. per cent ï¬fths people and the clergy are at the back of the movement for 7 ‘milltary' training,†and that “the drill halls of Toronto have done more " for “the city than any other institu- i l mu. trumantol mule (full use) extra on n' 12 ones In on 1. gm onggplhaoflrm 33ml"? .ll'on which 1011’“! All above. and drew nny “- vnnt to d ’V I ...,:Repairing and will grind apples all day Tuesdey,v'Ig'-hurs., and Saturday . In addition mom a: sine can! 1'." In ti" o lbliut! Indian: 0 p300“ o’huh “violating; month without YOU LL- "It. lirnltation of cost , «the attain- mm , of! anorexia“ only mombenhlpfooilol'l-ononeï¬pr l a - wltnn are: :nlk’l 3 you t yOIldOllu but. It you , ~ V , , don'tul-otolnnruoo and ascent: to:- three , . ' I 7 . ' 7 ‘ _ l _, ‘lc’n‘ Elm, “#3 1293mm" “WWW ~°f nugnngewweï¬wiggygr 3'; until the end of the season. ; , , . g theâ€"eburcbea.†- . mam oihafliaï¬thflwflflt ' NOTARY P13ma The wonder isthat the Col. would '23:.9,.'.°:g.:.mg::: ' gamma: _ ' j -~ . , ‘- ’I ' 7 V "i admit the possibility of the church: hï¬rrrn'lsngmnfrnmsn 12,, 1' DARL‘NG' Manage‘.’ †_{ - , 7 _ doing as much as the drill hall, ,No gigs-t?» £5,231? 33,221? = Conveyamingr j" r doubt the-Minister of’Militla thinks . *1“N"""‘-"'--‘ a... m. a, m ‘ it good policy to; endeavor ‘to show that the church and the clergy are behind- him in his war schemes. I! War, is a‘good thing for this country, ’ the 'people'shonld be talking about ' war,', but if it'ls-a‘s clergymen gener- ‘glly‘tell, us, a horrible and cruel . thing, then it is dangerous to be conâ€" , _» tinually bringin‘g‘it to the attention of the rising generation; 7 Where: there is war there is pov- 4 erty. _ Is it any wonder that there is much poverty in European countries? I Britain-spends every year. $400,000, 000 to keep herself on" a safe, war footing, and Germany spends almost, 7 “as much. Does that mean that the ,. King of England, and Germany's ' Kaiser ’are'an‘xious to go to war. “ *th at all. The parties who are. keeping up the agitation are the trusts 9 and syndicates who _are "interested in selling their instruments ' 'of‘War. , . .- And it cannot be denied that in, our own Canada, politics “ enters. largely into the v.subject,:-o£:‘war_lgl}nd. \‘peaceu Q Only affew days ago Prof. ,WAAMAAMAAAAMAAAM - Hornihgoï¬Vlctoria University gent. to Peterborojand delivered: a, lecture: = : imrmnoeeoï¬â€˜lnterl‘unmr ,A keys†w» J “Mdâ€"dudjg'UOQTWlHbetween Britiin~ p _ , ireiiudï¬erï¬ihnyi disavow next ally " ' the .Petel‘boro Reviews made ‘ communeâ€"“Prof: Hernia}: ot ~Vic- toria College, Toronto, in his .lectlire laSt night defended the Germans and showed how they. were misunder- . _, stood. It looks as ifghe was brought ._ hereby ‘the Grit party to bolster. 1 their pro-German and anti-British. policy.†I ‘W I ‘ - The trouble is that with some . men andlfsomelnewsp‘apers a good word for another country is construed to Ingan disloyalty to your own land. . 3311; this should hotbe. lT-he Laurier plan for building a ’ would give Canada anavy, of! ghgnowlmjust as she has militia or her i .own‘, under the,.free‘. control of 'her. own ‘Parliament, and: ready I to be placed ‘by:w_t_hat Parliament atone , ' :‘diSposalT of: the: British government ~ whenever Canada may consider: such asstep necessary. It, is especially provided in the Militia Act that Can-. adians cannot be: sent abroad, to foreign ' war’s. , This was recognized as proper by the British government and . the Conservative Canadian government which formed the Militia V hot? It' doesnot hinder Canadisn... “ soldier's‘iron’l ig‘olng ltohflght, the Em- ' piles battles with volunteer _regi-' manta Thelsz which is good for theiflanadian‘ landlmilitia must be '- «equally good; for Canadian Naval 'Militia.; It would preserve freedom of ï¬ction. It would never interfere is now ready and will be mailed pre- » Elli for only 35 Cents. Professor 'cks’ ï¬ne Magazine. Word and Works, .fononeyear, and a. copy of ' thisAJmanac for only one dollar. The plain lessons on astronomy, and the correct forecasts of storms, drouths, blizzards and tornadoes, make these with Canada’s.\loyalty and desire to, mm, N w, h h mated '- it} 1-, ,r- ,3, a, I," ‘ ' ' ~ ' ‘ . ‘ g, I ‘ _ . 7 I share inltlle trials ofthe Empire. - Wthefl'TierldaosnMonitoggufll'lrnsgmggnéggsétzlibï¬gggfï¬'ï¬ , ~ Dally Stafr’ - 7 †7': , a K guns-non usrroRHOMBTREATMEnr SENT onmuusr _ » .,; : _town:s wllages- I r ,d 1-. ._ a {was Rev:{finmiills'mdlmlilo. V ‘ ‘ .‘-_ < ~ ‘ I * ‘ ’ i: ' l ‘ " ’ The Rev.,Irl R. Hicks 1914 Almanac Rs. 7 , . ' " * V l ubl'ications a. necessit in ever hone _ . > r V 5 " ' -‘ . . “ ,Pn An,,_,,.,c,,_ Send ,5; WORI’S AND DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY,WW.OM. _ , .ThelDally W, erd, . WORKS PUBLISHING COMPANY, W for ogrpvweaddmll. _ I l ' ' 3401 Franklin Avenue, St. Ll‘luis, Mn. ' “‘35 ».?5‘22Ws», ' V x . ‘ - . -v .‘ . ‘ Ripans Tabule's cure torpld liver. 5 Rinans Tabules: pleasant laxstlvg JAALAAAAAIMA Both Phones. ~ once the bra ’ disc pear, the nerves become strong as Eon encg vanish, the e 9 becomes bright the face full and clear, ene returns taste ody an _ the moral. p 1yslcul and-nexus. system: are invigorated- all us win - more vital waste from t 6 system. Don’tje quack: and ï¬eld“ 150‘!) I : wCor. MichigeuAve'. and GriswoldSla-f DetroitMiclg ‘ see ‘18 {cism m -‘ Leases. Wills, Eton, , ._ 8MM'CII. memories. - ~ ’ , . neurons lika ,‘ RXCHMOND . H1131? m Nextsltnng of DiVlsion Courtto j_ ,NO} 3, County of _r I ' in the Court Room, - : sRICHMOND Hui;- -ON “AWMWAAAAAMA usuunnssnnn‘sum Why not Eat More Fish 2 T 2 Why not make Fish in some form a. part of your dolly hill-lif-f'aral’ It is nourishing, appetizing, and easily digested, and is sufï¬ciently ‘ > economical as regards cost to be well worthyour while. - s I ' , WE HAVE IN s'rooxâ€" ' ....ACADIA BONELESS CO ....SHREDDED COD ....STEAK COD 1 1 ..FINNAN HADDIE ‘ OTHERS WILL BE ADDED. upplying the best to be had, and keeping prices . reasonable. A. M PHONE 16â€"R 2 nmllll Nurseries, 1 Stone & Wellington TAKEN F0“ Monday, Noiém berz4, r91 v - Commencing at 9.30 a. m._ "r. s 'MoMAHO'N. awn; Hyacinth‘s We believe in s Narcissus ‘ “ewï¬wowew oDoNALoo 's‘oN‘ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvmvvvv mvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvmw REAL ESTATE, ,- â€"'-â€"AélilNCY~â€"â€"‘~“ Tulips I, ZBICHMOND' 131mg . 7 guand other bulbs. (ll-“Alanna. AND FRUIT Turing? Boensnsnus, VINES. Aim . SHRUBS on ALL Kim * *“w a I - ‘ 4“:- ' J. H: sanosnsor, v. F RD ‘ ‘ ' R i ... w. w . _ e . a _ ' v ‘5" 7. a 5 a . ‘ 1 l , V ‘ Agent ' 'V ivlLLAoE-WAND FARM Pnor‘nn'rvj- = ~ , Rica-noun mi. 11% ALWAYS 0N mini). fl' ’aning taken the agency for the FordflAutlornobiles ’ V ‘ r ‘ V ' . ‘ " {or Markham pang, Sgarbolio Townships,';includigg.. .' " 3;; ‘ ’33» ‘13 17, w‘w we: I I - ._ I s r : 2â€". ‘ we»); :29» ï¬lm. ; l Eyery family should have. both their looalpeper and a city paper. ~ Kongo Street, we will be pleased .to demonstrate DAVISON "o VBROWNLEE’ 5 nine ‘ V Subscriptions» ‘ for A weekly. . papers taken-with ’f'l’he Liberal? at thezfollOWing rates;-- ' ‘~ _, ff _ on Family HQaldandWeek- ~AGENTSâ€" . V NVILLE, ONT. "'3- K? 66 K. TAKE Al. RISKS 157 ,Star, 1 year lWeekly Globe ~_ ~ ,_ 'IWeekly iMail and Empire «. ., & Dominion Poultry, Guide _ , ‘ w. ’z‘k‘ l ' , - Â¥ " ‘ , I - I , . Cured l)! the éiv Method Tye-1m r V‘ y i 4 ‘ 2 ‘ 7 w. J no NAMES on PHOTOS USED-WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT J; Farmer’s AdVQcalte , ' . " . NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousandâ€: Gun and middle-a edmen are annually awe to a premature {run through, Early In ', egtiou, Exceuug‘nnd' Blood Dismal, It 1$011 have any 0! the M 1 lowing†prams consult an befel-o it it too late. Are You nervous a.an any. dent an gloomy, mocks before the eyes, with dark circles under th ,‘ we'ik kidners irritable, p pltation or theheart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in ails... ~ imp so on the taco e as sunken, hollow heck carewo‘rn expression, r mama Bteless, ,diltruStful, c energy and tire tir inqrnln greatness nigh s, chan moods, weak manhood, premature decay. bone} poms, air loose. sore three the» MN “$319!! WILL; 3‘! 6A Im’VllRlingl! .. o e o .rulnuntcancure ouan ma emano n. nor 5 ‘7 y .sothat auplmpledwblotche‘oe’u . ‘ t nervousness, bashfulness and, , * V_ 1190 T f 3.5;" Ganaldian Form segments York Co". Â¥ I Daily. Mail, York Go." V n becomes active, thei'bloolt, arm so 9 no of. Your hind earneddollsrs. .Wewincm unornopay. \ y . c svmrrmuc PRIVATE Ann comma. ,. a All lettersfrom Canada mu'stbe addressed , > . to our Canadian Correspondence Depnrt-' -_n_v silent in .Windsor, Out. If you desire to rsonally call at our Medical Instith’te in Detroit as we See and treat no pun-u in our. Windsor ofï¬ceswhicl: lire for Correspondence and hborctoryjor Canadian business-only. Address all letters as renews: l l Weekly son ; 3